
Raffles & Giveaways

Share your raffles and giveaways with the Flight Rising community.
TOPIC | [CLOSED] F2E Halloween/1-yr Raffle
[img][/img] [center][font=Chiller][size=6][b]Welcome[/b] [emoji=cauldron size=1] [url=]Rules[/url] [emoji=skull size=1] [url=]Prizes[/url] [emoji=cauldron size=1] [url=]Tickets [/url] [emoji=skull size=1][url=] Media[/url] [center][columns][img][/img][nextcol][center][size=7][size=4][color=4B0082][font=Old English Text MT][b]Amordel's 1 year Anniversary & Halloween Celebration Raffle![/b][/font][/color][/size][/center][nextcol][img][/img][/columns][/center] [center][img][/img][/center] [size=7][size=4][color=4B0082][font=Old English Text MT][b]Come one, come all![/b][/font][/color][/size][/size] [size=7][color=4B0082][font=Chiller][b]Sanguine and Carmine have gathered to celebrate Halloween and the 1-year anniversary of their clan! They've invited Cobweb, Rufus, and Embershadow to join the festivities, starting October 27th and lasting 'til November 15th.[/b][/font][/color][/size] [url=][img][/img][/url][url=][img][/img][/url][url=][img][/img][/url][url=][img][/img][/url][url=][img][/img][/url] [center][img][/img][/center] [columns][url=][img][/img][/url][nextcol][center][size=6][color=4B0082][font=Chiller][b][i]The bloodred Mirror clears his throat and grins toothily.[/i][/size] [size=7][color=4B0082][font=Chiller][b]"Welcome, Welcome!" He crows. "I'm your [i]gracious[/i] host, Sanguine, leader of the Bloodrot Clan. Do enjoy the frights and festivities!"[/center][/columns] [columns][center][size=6][color=4B0082][font=Chiller][b][i]A fae flaps over to rest beside Sanguine, looking you over before speaking.[/i][/size] [size=7][color=4B0082][font=Chiller][b]"I am Carmine, Second in Command." She sniffs. "We have grown well over the past year, and now we'll share our prosperity with you."[/center][nextcol][url=][img][/img][/url][/columns] [size=7][color=4B0082][font=Chiller][b]Amordel here! Thank you so much for checking out my third raffle. I'm excited to celebrate the spooky season, and especially my first anniversary on Flight Rising! It's wild how fast the time went by--it feels like I just joined yesterday. Anyways, onto the festivities! Happy Halloween![/b][/font][/color][/size] [center][url=][img][/img][/url][/center] [pinglist=21051][pinglist=21052][pinglist=21050] [center][img][/img][/center]
Welcome Rules Prizes Tickets Media
Amordel's 1 year Anniversary & Halloween Celebration Raffle!

Come one, come all!
Sanguine and Carmine have gathered to celebrate Halloween and the 1-year anniversary of their clan! They've invited Cobweb, Rufus, and Embershadow to join the festivities, starting October 27th and lasting 'til November 15th.

The bloodred Mirror clears his throat and grins toothily.

"Welcome, Welcome!" He crows. "I'm your gracious host, Sanguine, leader of the Bloodrot Clan. Do enjoy the frights and festivities!"
A fae flaps over to rest beside Sanguine, looking you over before speaking.

"I am Carmine, Second in Command." She sniffs. "We have grown well over the past year, and now we'll share our prosperity with you."

Amordel here! Thank you so much for checking out my third raffle. I'm excited to celebrate the spooky season, and especially my first anniversary on Flight Rising! It's wild how fast the time went by--it feels like I just joined yesterday.
Anyways, onto the festivities! Happy Halloween!


[img][/img] [center][font=Chiller][size=6][url=]Welcome[/url] [emoji=cauldron size=1] [b]Rules[/b] [emoji=skull size=1] [url=]Prizes[/url] [emoji=cauldron size=1] [url=]Tickets [/url] [emoji=skull size=1][url=] Media[/url] [center][img][/img][font=Old English Text MT][size=7][size=6][color=B22222][b]Info & Rules[/b][/color][/size][/size][/font] [img][/img][/center] [center][img][/img][/center] [font=Old English Text MT][color=B22222][size=7][size=4][b]Raffle Rules: [/b][/size][/color][/font] [left][font=Chiller][color=800000][size=6][b]• The raffle starts October 27th and will end on November 15th. No extensions are planned; if an extension is granted it will be last-minute and based on my schedule. • One prize per winner • There is [u]no[/u] ticket limit! Send in for as many as you like! • Prizes are subject to change at any time. • Winners will have 48 hours after being pinged to respond & claim their prize, and an additional 48 hours after that to accept their items. Unclaimed prizes will be re-entered into the ticket pool, and all non-winners will be spun again to determine the next winner. • Winners will choose their prize in order of drawing - first place will comment one selection, second place two choices, and so on. • No refunds on currency/treasure chest/gene submissions - exception is duplicate genes (if I get the 2 copies of a gene I need and someone sends in a 3rd, I will refund the 3rd extra copy unless I'm asked to keep the gene & tickets). • Refunds of items & other ticket payments will not be available the last two days of the raffle. • Winners will be chosen randomly by[/b] [/size][/color][/font][/left] [center][img][/img][/center] [font=Old English Text MT][color=B22222][size=7][size=4][b]Ways to Earn Tickets: [/b][/size][/color][/font] [left][font=Old English Text MT][color=B22222][size=6][u][b]Paid/Item Methods:[/b][/u] [/size][/color][/font][/left] [left][font=Chiller][color=800000][size=6][b]All methods have been reduced in cost or are now worth more tickets as part of the Anniversary special! If a ticket can be earned in multiple ways (e.g. you send in a gene on both my wishlist & project list), I will award the HIGHER ticket value, for fairness. • [emoji=treasure size=1][emoji=gem size=1] 1g/kt = 1 ticket • Buy a hatchling from my [url=]hatchery [/url]= dragon price +5 • A stack of food = 80 tickets for a 2pt stack, +20 tickets for each pt. value up • Any familiar not in my Bestiary = LAH worth +5 • Any fest/event currency = 2 tickets/each, 200 tickets/stack of 99 • Any flight festival/holiday item = LAH worth + 20 • Items off of my [url=]wishlist[/url] = LAH worth +20 (trinkets/materials are +5) • Items off of my [url=]project list[/url] = LAH worth +150 • NEW! Send in a stack (99) of ANY items to convert to tickets (aka scrapping) = LAH rounded to nearest 0 (e.g. clay = 1g LAH, stack of clay = 100 tickets) [/size] [columns][item=Rusted Treasure Chest][nextcol][font=Chiller][size=6][color=800000] [b]= 15 tickets[/b][/color][/size][/font][/columns] [columns][item=Iron Treasure Chest][nextcol][font=Chiller][size=6][color=800000][b] = 35 tickets[/b][/color][/size][/font][/columns] [columns][item=Gilded Decorative Chest][nextcol][font=Chiller][size=6][color=800000] [b]= 80 tickets[/b][/color][/size][/font][/columns] [columns][item=Prismatic Token][nextcol][font=Chiller][size=6][color=800000][b] = 90 tickets[/b][/color][/size][/font][/columns] [columns][item=Vial of Elemental Sight][nextcol][font=Chiller][size=6][color=800000] [b]= 500 tickets[/b][/color][/size][/font][/columns] [columns][item=Unhatched Plague Egg][nextcol][font=Chiller][size=6][color=800000] [b]= (ANY egg, not just Plague) 400 tickets[/b][/color][/size][/font][/columns] [/size][/color][/font][/left] [left][font=Old English Text MT][color=B22222][size=7][u][b]Free Methods:[/b][/u] [/size][/color][/font][/left] [left][font=Chiller][color=800000][size=6][b]• Bump the thread (once an hour, and number your bumps) = 1 ticket/bump • Give a like to one of the [u]five[/u] featured dragons = 5 tickets/each • Give my other dragons a like! = 1 ticket/like ([u]nobody's[/u] off limits! Let me know who you give likes to--if it's a bunch of dragons, you can just mention that you liked everyone in a tab, for example. If you've already liked some of my dragons, just let me know who and I'll add the tickets!) [quote]Note: the number of dragons I have fluctuates often as I hatch nests, sell dragons, and bring more in. Also, for my regulars: I've done a massive lair/hibden rehaul since the last raffle, so many of my dragons have been rearranged, have new appearances, and some may have new names.[/quote] [left][font=Chiller][color=800000][size=6][b] • Pick a dragon from someone here (can be me, can be any participant) and share it here with a compliment! One comment per hour (you can include up to 3 dragons in one comment, though!) = 10 tickets/each • Make art of any of my dragons except my sales (i will admit bias towards Rufus) = ~125-500+ tickets, depends on art type - a headshot sketch will not get the same as a rendered scene would • Send a prize donation to add to the prize pool (minimum 20g value) = 250 tickets • Make another button/signature badge for this raffle = 300 tickets • Add a badge to your signature = 55 tickets[/b] [url=][img][/img][/url] [code][url=][img][/img][/url][/code] [/size][/color][/font][/left] [center][img][/img][/center]
Welcome Rules Prizes Tickets Media

88140375_W4pl4fH7LQ1c9wL.gifInfo & Rules 88140375_W4pl4fH7LQ1c9wL.gif
Raffle Rules:
• The raffle starts October 27th and will end on November 15th. No extensions are planned; if an extension is granted it will be last-minute and based on my schedule.

• One prize per winner

• There is no ticket limit! Send in for as many as you like!

• Prizes are subject to change at any time.

• Winners will have 48 hours after being pinged to respond & claim their prize, and an additional 48 hours after that to accept their items.
Unclaimed prizes will be re-entered into the ticket pool, and all non-winners will be spun again to determine the next winner.

• Winners will choose their prize in order of drawing - first place will comment one selection, second place two choices, and so on.

• No refunds on currency/treasure chest/gene submissions - exception is duplicate genes (if I get the 2 copies of a gene I need and someone sends in a 3rd, I will refund the 3rd extra copy unless I'm asked to keep the gene & tickets).

• Refunds of items & other ticket payments will not be available the last two days of the raffle.

• Winners will be chosen randomly by

Ways to Earn Tickets:
Paid/Item Methods:
All methods have been reduced in cost or are now worth more tickets as part of the Anniversary special!

If a ticket can be earned in multiple ways (e.g. you send in a gene on both my wishlist & project list), I will award the HIGHER ticket value, for fairness.

1g/kt = 1 ticket
• Buy a hatchling from my hatchery = dragon price +5
• A stack of food = 80 tickets for a 2pt stack, +20 tickets for each pt. value up
• Any familiar not in my Bestiary = LAH worth +5
• Any fest/event currency = 2 tickets/each, 200 tickets/stack of 99
• Any flight festival/holiday item = LAH worth + 20
• Items off of my wishlist = LAH worth +20 (trinkets/materials are +5)
• Items off of my project list = LAH worth +150
• NEW! Send in a stack (99) of ANY items to convert to tickets (aka scrapping) = LAH rounded to nearest 0 (e.g. clay = 1g LAH, stack of clay = 100 tickets)

Rusted Treasure Chest = 15 tickets
Iron Treasure Chest = 35 tickets
Gilded Decorative Chest = 80 tickets
Prismatic Token = 90 tickets
Vial of Elemental Sight = 500 tickets
Unhatched Plague Egg = (ANY egg, not just Plague) 400 tickets

Free Methods:
• Bump the thread (once an hour, and number your bumps) = 1 ticket/bump

• Give a like to one of the five featured dragons = 5 tickets/each

• Give my other dragons a like! = 1 ticket/like (nobody's off limits! Let me know who you give likes to--if it's a bunch of dragons, you can just mention that you liked everyone in a tab, for example. If you've already liked some of my dragons, just let me know who and I'll add the tickets!)
Note: the number of dragons I have fluctuates often as I hatch nests, sell dragons, and bring more in. Also, for my regulars: I've done a massive lair/hibden rehaul since the last raffle, so many of my dragons have been rearranged, have new appearances, and some may have new names.

• Pick a dragon from someone here (can be me, can be any participant) and share it here with a compliment! One comment per hour (you can include up to 3 dragons in one comment, though!) = 10 tickets/each

• Make art of any of my dragons except my sales (i will admit bias towards Rufus) = ~125-500+ tickets, depends on art type - a headshot sketch will not get the same as a rendered scene would

• Send a prize donation to add to the prize pool (minimum 20g value) = 250 tickets

• Make another button/signature badge for this raffle = 300 tickets

• Add a badge to your signature = 55 tickets

[img][/img] [center][font=Chiller][size=6][url=]Welcome[/url] [emoji=cauldron size=1] [url=]Rules[/url] [emoji=skull size=1] [b]Prizes[/b] [emoji=cauldron size=1] [url=]Tickets [/url] [emoji=skull size=1][url=] Media[/url] [center][img][/img][font=Old English Text MT][size=7][size=6][color=4B0082][b]Prizes[/b][/color][/size][/size][/font] [img][/img][/center] [url=][img][/img][/url] [center][font=Old English Text MT][color=4B0082][size=6][b]All prizes subject to change at any time [/b][/size][/color][/font][/center] [quote name="CLAIMED - Trick-or-Treats Auraboa 1"] [center] [size=5][b]CLAIMED[/b][/size] [url=][img][/img][/url] [item=harvest floracat] [/center][/quote] [quote name="CLAIMED - Trick-or-Treats Auraboa 2"] [center] [size=5][b]CLAIMED[/b][/size] [url=][img][/img][/url] [item=harvest floracat] [/center][/quote] [quote name="CLAIMED - Butcher's Counter Dusthide"] [center] [size=5][b]CLAIMED[/b][/size] [url=][img][/img][/url] [item=harvest floracat] [/center][/quote] [quote name="CLAIMED - G1 Pair"] [center] [size=5][b]CLAIMED[/b][/size] [columns][color=transparent].......[/color][nextcol][center][i][b]UNNAMED[/b][/i] ----- [img][/img] [img][/img] G1 Nocturne One-off XXY Scries in bio Uncommon Eyes [img][/img][img][/img][img][/img] Grape-Basic Royal-Basic Soil-Basic[/center][nextcol][color=transparent].........[/color][nextcol][url=][img][/img][/url][/columns] [columns][color=transparent].......[/color][nextcol][url=][img][/img][/url][nextcol][color=transparent].........[/color][nextcol][center][i][b]UNNAMED[/b][/i] ----- [img][/img] [img][/img] G1 Nocturne Two-off XXY Scries in bio Uncommon Eyes [img][/img][img][/img][img][/img] Grape-Basic Nightshade-Basic Olive-Basic[/center][/columns] [/center][/quote] [quote name="CLAIMED - Metacarpal"] [center] [size=5][b]CLAIMED[/b][/size] [columns][color=transparent].......[/color][nextcol][center][i][b]METACARPAL[/b][/i] ----- [img][/img] [img][/img] Level 5 Comes with bio code XXY Uncommon Eyes [img][/img][img][/img][img][/img] Berry-Marble Berry-Tear Cream-Skeletal[/center][nextcol][color=transparent].........[/color][nextcol][url=][img][/img][/url][/columns] [item=Styracavus][item=Plaguebringer Bone Scrimshaw][item=Styrantrum] [/center][/quote] [quote name="CLAIMED - Decay"] [center] [size=5][b]CLAIMED[/b][/size] [columns][color=transparent].......[/color][nextcol][center][i][b]DECAY[/b][/i] ----- [img][/img] [img][/img] Level 8 Comes with bio code One-off XYX Scries in bio Common Eyes [img][/img][img][/img][img][/img] Maroon-Fade Tomato-Blend Blood-Contour[/center][nextcol][color=transparent].........[/color][nextcol][url=][img][/img][/url][/columns] [item=primary gene: python][item=Plaguebringer Bone Scrimshaw][item=secondary gene: morph] [/center][/quote] [quote name="CLAIMED - Amordel's Art Shop"] [center] [size=5][b]CLAIMED[/b][/size] [img][/img][img][/img] One adopt from my [url=]Art Shop[/url]! Will include all existing gene, skin, & eye options Does not include sponsoring of new options [/center][/quote] [quote name="CLAIMED - Battle Pack"] [center] [size=5][b]CLAIMED[/b][/size] [item=berserker][item=scholar][item=discipline][item=shred][item=anticipate][item=sap][item=scratch][item=contuse][item=might fragment][item=acuity fragment] [/center][/quote] [quote name="CLAIMED - Plague Battle Pack"] [center] [size=5][b]CLAIMED[/b][/size] [item=eliminate][item=vile bolt][item=pestilent slash][item=contaminate][item=sap][item=diseased might fragment] x2 [item=diseased acuity fragment] x2 [/center][/quote] [quote name="CLAIMED - Riot of Rot 2024"] [center] [size=5][b]CLAIMED[/b][/size] [item=plague gryphon][item=fungal ruffles][item=plague sword][item=ancient gene parchment: riot][skin=60001] [/center][/quote] [quote name="CLAIMED - Frankenstein's Laboratory"] [center] [size=5][b]CLAIMED[/b][/size] [item=Breed Change: Nocturne][item=Vial of Hypnotic Sight][item=Primary Gene: stitched][item=Secondary Gene: patchwork][item=Tertiary Gene: Smirch] [/center][/quote] [quote name="CLAIMED - Electric Eel"] [center] [size=5][b]CLAIMED[/b][/size] [item=Breed Change: Undertide][item=Primary Gene: tide][item=Secondary Undertide Gene: eel][item=Ancient Gene Parchment: Thundercrack] [/center][/quote] [quote name="Halloween Decor"] [center] [item=vista: stagcrest][item=vista: jester][item=vista: spidered seat][item=scene: strange chests][item=scene: witch's kitchen] [/center][/quote] [quote name="CLAIMED - Rotten Work"] [center] [size=5][b]CLAIMED[/b][/size] [skin=14121][item=Marigold of Rot][item=playful mushroom cap] [outfit=2693753] [/center][/quote] [quote name="CLAIMED - Horrid Blight"] [center] [size=5][b]CLAIMED[/b][/size] [skin=36385][item=Blight Nymph][item=playful mushroom frill] [outfit=2693750] [/center][/quote] [quote name="CLAIMED - SNAKES!"] [center] [size=5][b]CLAIMED[/b][/size] [item=violet of trickmurk][item=daffodil of mistral][item=snowdrop of crystalline] [/center][/quote] [quote name="CLAIMED - Boss Battle"] [center] [size=5][b]CLAIMED[/b][/size] [item=oilslick cockatrice][item=mossy pohip][item=tarpit cockatrice] [/center][/quote] [quote name="CLAIMED - Entomologist"] [center] [size=5][b]CLAIMED[/b][/size] [skin=56925][item=Assassin Bug][item=colony killer][item=Goliath Mountain Beetle][item=pale molecricket] x99 [/center][/quote] [quote name="CLAIMED - Harvest Haul"] [center] [size=5][b]CLAIMED[/b][/size] [item=Hazel Harvest Celebration][item=harvest hardshell][item=plantation pincher] [/center][/quote] [quote name="CLAIMED - Dangerous Waters"] [center] [size=5][b]CLAIMED[/b][/size] [item=dreadtooth ravager][item=sweet pea of wavecrest][item=striped noggle] [/center][/quote] [quote name="CLAIMED - In Case You Missed It"] [center] [size=5][b]CLAIMED[/b][/size] [item=swarm sovereign][item=swarming devourer][item=harvest waxwing][item=waxwing cultivator][item=vista: drakeharvest] [/center][/quote] [quote name="CLAIMED - Equinox Deity"] [center] [size=5][b]CLAIMED[/b][/size] [item=golden harvest tail twist][item=autumn harvest robe][skin=30580] donated by @loreshark! [outfit=2693737] [/center][/quote] [quote name="CLAIMED - Burning Bright"] [center] [size=5][b]CLAIMED[/b][/size] [item=ancient gene parchment: flameforger][item=scene: flamecaller's domain][item=firebelly weaver][item=orange jar] donated by @October31! [/center][/quote] [quote name="CLAIMED - Batty Baby #1"] [center] [size=5][b]CLAIMED[/b][/size] [item=unhatched nocturne egg] donated by @VividCanine! [/center][/quote] [quote name="CLAIMED - Batty Baby #2"] [center] [size=5][b]CLAIMED[/b][/size] [item=unhatched nocturne egg] donated by @VividCanine! [/center][/quote] [quote name="CLAIMED - Batty Baby #3"] [center] [size=5][b]CLAIMED[/b][/size] [item=unhatched nocturne egg] donated by @VividCanine! [/center][/quote] [quote name="CLAIMED - Going Batty"] [center] [size=5][b]CLAIMED[/b][/size] [item=bloodfang watcher][item=Ostreatus Bat][item=cursed bat][item=runic bat][item=Djamor Bat][item=bloodfang hunter] [/center][/quote] [quote name="CLAIMED - Cursed Dolls"] [center] [size=5][b]CLAIMED[/b][/size] [item=pinpush mirror doll][item=Four-Eyed Phylactery][item=vial of button sight][item=primary gene: fern][item=secondary gene: paisley] [/center][/quote] [quote name="Ghosts and Ghouls"] [center] [item=poultrygeist][item=somber spirit][item=otherworldly aura][item=infestation hound][item=wraith hound][item=lux spectre][item=aer phantom] [/center][/quote] [quote name="CLAIMED - Demonology"] [center] [size=5][b]CLAIMED[/b][/size] [item=sanguine multimist][item=mindless flight][item=foolish prince][item=barhide menace][item=aberrant chacma][item=nightfall imp][item=ignited imp] [/center][/quote] [quote name="CLAIMED - Halloween Candy"] [center] [size=5][b]CLAIMED[/b][/size] [item=Ancient Gene Parchment: Candy][item=Ancient Gene Parchment: Icing][item=Ancient Gene Parchment: Candycane][item=Ancient Gene Parchment: Sugarplum][item=merry mushroom basket] [/center][/quote] [quote name="CLAIMED - Pirate Costume"] [center] [size=5][b]CLAIMED[/b][/size] [item=Dour Sailor's Undershirt][item=Dour Sailor's pants][item=Dour Sailor's vest][item=Dour Sailor's belt][item=Dour Sailor's socks][item=Dour Sailor's bandana][item=salvaged shoulder cannon][item=blue and yellow macaw] [item=dwarf hainu macaw][item=Seafaring Rodaque] [outfit=2693746] [/center][/quote] [quote name="CLAIMED - Cosplayer"] [center] [size=5][b]CLAIMED[/b][/size] [item=luminax plushie][item=luminax mascot][item=luminaxcon lanyard][item=loamy garden apron][item=loamy garden trousers] [outfit=2692153] [/center][/quote] [quote name="Skin Supply (x4)"] [center] [font=Chiller][color=4B0082][size=6][b]Choice of two (2) of the following - will be distributed four times[/font] [skin=25318][skin=24424][skin=11119][skin=15099][skin=4665][skin=25536] [size=5][b]CLAIMED:[/b][/size] [skin=25533][skin=4659] [/b][/size][/color][/font] [/center][/quote] [quote name="CLAIMED - Boneyard Bestiary"] [center] [size=5][b]CLAIMED[/b][/size] [item=shattered serpent][item=infestation hound][item=nochnyr][item=carcass custodian][item=boneyard patroller][item=tarpit cockatrice][item=infected scavenger][item=ossein scavenger][item=bloodfang hunter][item=steelscale isopuppy] [/center][/quote] [quote name="CLAIMED - Night of the Nocturne"] [center] [size=5][b]CLAIMED[/b][/size] [item=cursed die][item=die of bargaining][item=rogue apparel][item=whimsical ensemble][item=dismayed devilwood][item=wallowing willow][item=crystal curiosity][item=ponder orb][item=poltergeist piano][item=killer keyboard][item=bewildered broom][item=steadfast sweeper][item=axe mimic][item=crooked hatchet][item=tricky telescope][item=Mischievous Magnifier][item=glowing globe][item=living luminance][item=vista: spectral shroud][item=vista: spidered seat] [/center][/quote] [quote name="CLAIMED - Waterway Winnings"] [center] [size=5][b]CLAIMED[/b][/size] [item=vista: waterway II][item=grey river flight][item=brown river flight][item=crested river flight][item=goldfin river flight][item=cumulus seal][item=dappled seal][item=noggle][item=sunset lasher][item=everglade lasher][item=greater sandstrike][item=silky fanrat][item=fanrat][item=scaleside noggle][item=sludge sifter][item=maren currentfinder][item=shale thresher] [/center][/quote] [quote name="CLAIMED - Wasteland Warrior"] [center] [size=5][b]CLAIMED[/b][/size] [item=crimson eye cloak][item=crown of bones][item=veteran's leg scars][item=maroon wing wraps][item=cleaver] [outfit=2693747] [/center][/quote] [quote name="CLAIMED - Witch's Belongings"] [center] [size=5][b]CLAIMED[/b][/size] [item=conjurer's hat][item=Conjurer's Herb Pouch][item=Conjurer's Staff][item=Helpful Healer's Reference][item=Onyx Seraph Tail Bangle][item=Fanciful Casting][item=Sprightly Mushroom Basket][item=Mith Spellstealer] [outfit=2693748] [/center][/quote] [quote name="CLAIMED - Corvid Chaos"] [center] [size=5][b]CLAIMED[/b][/size] [item=Enchanted Raven Necklace][item=death seeker][item=storm seeker][item=crystal collector][item=boneyard omen][item=tengu caller][item=greybeak reaper][item=plague gryphon] [/center][/quote] [quote name="CLAIMED - Haunted Delicacies"] [center] [size=5][b]CLAIMED[/b][/size] [font=Chiller][color=4B0082][size=7][b]All full stacks (x99) [/b][/size][/color][/font] [item=glass minnows][item=bleeding heart crow][item=dodgy mushroom][item=harlequin ladybug] [/center][/quote] [quote name="CLAIMED - Holiday Feast"] [center] [size=5][b]CLAIMED[/b][/size] [font=Chiller][color=4B0082][size=7][b]All full stacks (x99) [/b][/size][/color][/font] [item=turkey dinner][item=flying butter][item=pumpkin][item=crawdad] [/center][/quote] [center][img][/img][/center]
Welcome Rules Prizes Tickets Media
88152706_F5dLGUYogIx73tA.gifPrizes 88152712_b76E4ivB77cEjMO.gif
All prizes subject to change at any time
CLAIMED - Trick-or-Treats Auraboa 1 wrote:
Harvest Floracat
CLAIMED - Trick-or-Treats Auraboa 2 wrote:
Harvest Floracat
CLAIMED - Butcher's Counter Dusthide wrote:
Harvest Floracat
CLAIMED - G1 Pair wrote:
small_male.png fire_rune.png
G1 Nocturne
One-off XXY
Scries in bio
Uncommon Eyes
......... 92261447_350.png
....... 91631482_350.png .........
small_female.png light_rune.png
G1 Nocturne
Two-off XXY
Scries in bio
Uncommon Eyes
CLAIMED - Metacarpal wrote:
small_male.png plague_rune.png
Level 5
Comes with bio code
Uncommon Eyes
......... 93784588_350.png
Styracavus Plaguebringer Bone Scrimshaw Styrantrum
CLAIMED - Decay wrote:
small_female.png plague_rune.png
Level 8
Comes with bio code
One-off XYX
Scries in bio
Common Eyes
......... 95647750_350.png
Primary Gene: Python Plaguebringer Bone Scrimshaw Secondary Gene: Morph
CLAIMED - Amordel's Art Shop wrote:
One adopt from my Art Shop!
Will include all existing gene, skin, & eye options
Does not include sponsoring of new options
CLAIMED - Battle Pack wrote:
Berserker Scholar Discipline Shred Anticipate Sap Scratch Contuse Might Fragment Acuity Fragment
CLAIMED - Plague Battle Pack wrote:
Eliminate Vile Bolt Pestilent Slash Contaminate Sap Diseased Might Fragment x2 Diseased Acuity Fragment x2
CLAIMED - Riot of Rot 2024 wrote:
Plague Gryphon Fungal Ruffles Plague Sword Ancient Gene Parchment: Riot
CLAIMED - Frankenstein's Laboratory wrote:
Breed Change: Nocturne Vial of Hypnotic Sight Primary Gene: Stitched Secondary Gene: Patchwork Tertiary Gene: Smirch
CLAIMED - Electric Eel wrote:
Breed Change: Undertide Primary Gene: Tide Secondary Undertide Gene: Eel Ancient Gene Parchment: Thundercrack
Halloween Decor wrote:
Vista: Stagcrest Vista: Jester Vista: Spidered Seat Scene: Strange Chests Scene: Witch's Kitchen
CLAIMED - Rotten Work wrote:
Marigold of Rot Playful Mushroom Cap
Not Found
CLAIMED - Horrid Blight wrote:
Blight Nymph Playful Mushroom Frill
Not Found
Violet of Trickmurk Daffodil of Mistral Snowdrop of Crystalline
CLAIMED - Boss Battle wrote:
Oilslick Cockatrice Mossy Pohip Tarpit Cockatrice
CLAIMED - Entomologist wrote:
Assassin Bug Colony Killer Goliath Mountain Beetle Pale Molecricket x99
CLAIMED - Harvest Haul wrote:
Hazel Harvest Celebration Harvest Hardshell Plantation Pincher
CLAIMED - Dangerous Waters wrote:
Dreadtooth Ravager Sweet Pea of Wavecrest Striped Noggle
CLAIMED - In Case You Missed It wrote:
Swarm Sovereign Swarming Devourer Harvest Waxwing Waxwing Cultivator Vista: Drakeharvest
CLAIMED - Equinox Deity wrote:
Golden Harvest Tail Twist Autumn Harvest Robe
donated by @loreshark!
Not Found
CLAIMED - Burning Bright wrote:
Ancient Gene Parchment: Flameforger Scene: Flamecaller's Domain Firebelly Weaver Orange Jar
donated by @October31!
CLAIMED - Batty Baby #1 wrote:
Unhatched Nocturne Egg
donated by @VividCanine!
CLAIMED - Batty Baby #2 wrote:
Unhatched Nocturne Egg
donated by @VividCanine!
CLAIMED - Batty Baby #3 wrote:
Unhatched Nocturne Egg
donated by @VividCanine!
CLAIMED - Going Batty wrote:
Bloodfang Watcher Ostreatus Bat Cursed Bat Runic Bat Djamor Bat Bloodfang Hunter
CLAIMED - Cursed Dolls wrote:
Pinpush Mirror Doll Four-Eyed Phylactery Vial of Button Sight Primary Gene: Fern Secondary Gene: Paisley
Ghosts and Ghouls wrote:
Poultrygeist Somber Spirit Otherworldly Aura Infestation Hound Wraith Hound Lux Spectre Aer Phantom
CLAIMED - Demonology wrote:
Sanguine Multimist Mindless Flight Foolish Prince Barhide Menace Aberrant Chacma Nightfall Imp Ignited Imp
CLAIMED - Halloween Candy wrote:
Ancient Gene Parchment: Candy Ancient Gene Parchment: Icing Ancient Gene Parchment: Candycane Ancient Gene Parchment: Sugarplum Merry Mushroom Basket
CLAIMED - Pirate Costume wrote:
Dour Sailor's Undershirt Dour Sailor's Pants Dour Sailor's Vest Dour Sailor's Belt Dour Sailor's Socks Dour Sailor's Bandana Salvaged Shoulder Cannon Blue and Yellow Macaw
Dwarf Hainu Macaw Seafaring Rodaque
Not Found
CLAIMED - Cosplayer wrote:
Luminax Plushie Luminax Mascot LuminaxCon Lanyard Loamy Garden Apron Loamy Garden Trousers
Not Found
Skin Supply (x4) wrote:
Choice of two (2) of the following - will be distributed four times


CLAIMED - Boneyard Bestiary wrote:
Shattered Serpent Infestation Hound Nochnyr Carcass Custodian Boneyard Patroller Tarpit Cockatrice Infected Scavenger Ossein Scavenger Bloodfang Hunter Steelscale Isopuppy
CLAIMED - Night of the Nocturne wrote:
Cursed Die Die of Bargaining Rogue Apparel Whimsical Ensemble Dismayed Devilwood Wallowing Willow Crystal Curiosity Ponder Orb Poltergeist Piano Killer Keyboard Bewildered Broom Steadfast Sweeper Axe Mimic Crooked Hatchet Tricky Telescope Mischievous Magnifier Glowing Globe Living Luminance Vista: Spectral Shroud Vista: Spidered Seat
CLAIMED - Waterway Winnings wrote:
Vista: Waterway II Grey River Flight Brown River Flight Crested River Flight Goldfin River Flight Cumulus Seal Dappled Seal Noggle Sunset Lasher Everglade Lasher Greater Sandstrike Silky Fanrat Fanrat Scaleside Noggle Sludge Sifter Maren Currentfinder Shale Thresher
CLAIMED - Wasteland Warrior wrote:
Crimson Eye Cloak Crown of Bones Veteran's Leg Scars Maroon Wing Wraps Cleaver
Not Found
CLAIMED - Witch's Belongings wrote:
Conjurer's Hat Conjurer's Herb Pouch Conjurer's Staff Helpful Healer's Reference Onyx Seraph Tail Bangle Fanciful Casting Sprightly Mushroom Basket Mith Spellstealer
Not Found
CLAIMED - Corvid Chaos wrote:
Enchanted Raven Necklace Death Seeker Storm Seeker Crystal Collector Boneyard Omen Tengu Caller Greybeak Reaper Plague Gryphon
CLAIMED - Haunted Delicacies wrote:
All full stacks (x99)

Glass Minnows Bleeding Heart Crow Dodgy Mushroom Harlequin Ladybug
CLAIMED - Holiday Feast wrote:
All full stacks (x99)

Turkey Dinner Flying Butter Pumpkin Crawdad
[img][/img] [center][font=Chiller][size=6][url=]Welcome[/url] [emoji=cauldron size=1] [url=]Rules[/url] [emoji=skull size=1] [url=]Prizes[/url] [emoji=cauldron size=1] [b]Tickets [/b] [emoji=skull size=1][url=] Media[/url] [center][url=][img][/img] [/url][font=Old English Text MT][size=7][size=5][color=B22222][b]Ticket Tracker[/b][/color][/size][/size][/font] [url=][img][/img][/url][/center] [font=Chiller][color=800000][size=7][size=5][b][url=]Spreadsheet[/url] [center][img][/img][/center] [left][font=Chiller][color=800000][size=6][b]* @loreshark - prize dono - 250 tickets * @October31 - prize dono - 250 tickets * @VividCanine - prize dono x3, 18 likes - 768 tickets * @Azzarienthe - fest currency x300, badge - 655 tickets * @Crimsha - badge, 5 featured, 2pt food x6, scrapping x10, 23 likes - 1,883 tickets * @LushSnow - badge, 5 featured, 284 likes, 3pt food x2, 4pt food x46, StL x17, bump x13 - 6,246 tickets * @Fynite - project x2, fams x4, rusted chest x99 - 2,419 tickets * @SeaGodling - 5 featured, 4pt food x3, 5pt food x1, 6pt food x1, StL x2, 12 likes - 717 tickets * @Fallenleaves716 - 5 featured, art x2, 186 likes, StL x1 - 971 tickets *@transgarfield - 3 featured, StL x3, 90 likes - 135 tickets * @JumpinJoltik - badge, rusted chest x10, 2pt food x2, 3pt food x2, 4pt food x1, 5pt food x1, scrapping x2, 5 featured, 283 likes, art x1 - 2,333 tickets * @ShadowLessHC98 - 3 featured, 177 likes, project x1, bump x7 - 491 tickets * @decadedance - paid 20, 5 featured, wishlist x1, 289 likes, StL x3, bump x1 - 420 tickets * @LittleVale - fest currency x792, 2pt food x2 - 1,760 tickets * @Warbreaker - 1 like - 1 ticket * @Auras - bump x1 - 1 ticket * @justjasper - 5 featured - 25 tickets * @Moonlanticoi - bump x2 - 2 tickets * @DismasYves - 5 featured, 4pt food x1, wishlist x8, StL x2 - 720 tickets * @NorthSong - mixed food - 80 tickets * @Etherealis - 4pt food x8, fest currency x297 - 1,585 tickets * @pghbekka - fams x 11 - 107 tickets * @eggplantwizard - fest currency x594 - 1,200 tickets * @greenvy - badge, rusted chest x3 - 100 tickets * @heraldborne - art x1 - 600 tickets * @Mielikki2002 - 5 featured, 296 likes - 321 tickets * @emkily - bump x3 - 3 tickets * @AgentKaticorn - 5 featured, bump x1 - 26 tickets * @BunnyBrina - fest currency x99 - 200 tickets * @FrigidWings - 3 featured - 15 tickets * @R11uka - badge, 5 featured, 103 likes, StL x10, bump x30 - 313 tickets * @ewerb - 5 featured, fest currency x99, gilded x1, 9 likes - 314 tickets * @DKFlamey - 5 featured, fest currency x99 - 225 tickets * @Anreon - bump x4 - 4 tickets * @romeow - 5 featured, StL x3, 35 likes, bump x2 - 92 tickets * @Techmox2302 - paid 15 - 15 tickets * @OhItsCyrus - rusted x10, iron x1, 304 likes, 5 featured, StL x3- 544 tickets * @OurFlame - bump x1 - 1 ticket * @VisforVii - paid 5, 2pt food x2 - 165 tickets * @Starly - 5 featured, 205 likes, bump x1 - 231 tickets [/b][/size][/color][/font][/left] [center][img][/img][/center]
Welcome Rules Prizes Tickets Media
tRNevRC.gif Ticket Tracker tRNevRC.gif
* @loreshark - prize dono - 250 tickets
* @October31 - prize dono - 250 tickets
* @VividCanine - prize dono x3, 18 likes - 768 tickets
* @Azzarienthe - fest currency x300, badge - 655 tickets
* @Crimsha - badge, 5 featured, 2pt food x6, scrapping x10, 23 likes - 1,883 tickets
* @LushSnow - badge, 5 featured, 284 likes, 3pt food x2, 4pt food x46, StL x17, bump x13 - 6,246 tickets
* @Fynite - project x2, fams x4, rusted chest x99 - 2,419 tickets
* @SeaGodling - 5 featured, 4pt food x3, 5pt food x1, 6pt food x1, StL x2, 12 likes - 717 tickets
* @Fallenleaves716 - 5 featured, art x2, 186 likes, StL x1 - 971 tickets
*@transgarfield - 3 featured, StL x3, 90 likes - 135 tickets
* @JumpinJoltik - badge, rusted chest x10, 2pt food x2, 3pt food x2, 4pt food x1, 5pt food x1, scrapping x2, 5 featured, 283 likes, art x1 - 2,333 tickets
* @ShadowLessHC98 - 3 featured, 177 likes, project x1, bump x7 - 491 tickets
* @decadedance - paid 20, 5 featured, wishlist x1, 289 likes, StL x3, bump x1 - 420 tickets
* @LittleVale - fest currency x792, 2pt food x2 - 1,760 tickets
* @Warbreaker - 1 like - 1 ticket
* @Auras - bump x1 - 1 ticket
* @justjasper - 5 featured - 25 tickets
* @Moonlanticoi - bump x2 - 2 tickets
* @DismasYves - 5 featured, 4pt food x1, wishlist x8, StL x2 - 720 tickets
* @NorthSong - mixed food - 80 tickets
* @Etherealis - 4pt food x8, fest currency x297 - 1,585 tickets
* @pghbekka - fams x 11 - 107 tickets
* @eggplantwizard - fest currency x594 - 1,200 tickets
* @greenvy - badge, rusted chest x3 - 100 tickets
* @heraldborne - art x1 - 600 tickets
* @Mielikki2002 - 5 featured, 296 likes - 321 tickets
* @emkily - bump x3 - 3 tickets
* @AgentKaticorn - 5 featured, bump x1 - 26 tickets
* @BunnyBrina - fest currency x99 - 200 tickets
* @FrigidWings - 3 featured - 15 tickets
* @R11uka - badge, 5 featured, 103 likes, StL x10, bump x30 - 313 tickets
* @ewerb - 5 featured, fest currency x99, gilded x1, 9 likes - 314 tickets
* @DKFlamey - 5 featured, fest currency x99 - 225 tickets
* @Anreon - bump x4 - 4 tickets
* @romeow - 5 featured, StL x3, 35 likes, bump x2 - 92 tickets
* @Techmox2302 - paid 15 - 15 tickets
* @OhItsCyrus - rusted x10, iron x1, 304 likes, 5 featured, StL x3- 544 tickets
* @OurFlame - bump x1 - 1 ticket
* @VisforVii - paid 5, 2pt food x2 - 165 tickets
* @Starly - 5 featured, 205 likes, bump x1 - 231 tickets
[img][/img] [center][font=Chiller][size=6][url=]Welcome[/url] [emoji=cauldron size=1] [url=]Rules[/url] [emoji=skull size=1] [url=]Prizes[/url] [emoji=cauldron size=1] [url=]Tickets [/url] [emoji=skull size=1][b] Media[/b] [center][url=][img][/img][/url][font=Old English Text MT][size=7][size=6][color=4B0082][b]Media Used[/b][/color][/size][/size][/font][url=][img][/img][/url][/center][center][url=][img][/img][/url][/center] [center][font=Constantia][color=4B0082][size=5][url=][b]Mibella's free Post Vistas[/b][/url] [url=][b][free] pixel apparel ♥[/b][/url] [url=][b]vista pixels[/b][/url] [url=][b]Free To Use Pixel Sprites[/b][/url] [url=][b]♦ Mozz's Thread & Resources Hoard[/b][/url] [url=][b]Drytil's Art Resource (Free to use)[/b][/url] [url=][b]Free To USE ♦ BD ART Resources ♦ [/b][/url] [url=][b]fr bio resources[/b][/url] [url=][b][Free to use] - Fake gene color emojis[/b][/url] [url=][b]~~ Flight Pumpkins & More ~~ [/b][/url] [url=][b]WIP| Free Resources[/b][/url] [url=][b]Free Bio Art[/b][/url] [/center] [center][url=][img][/img][/url][/center] [center][url=][img][/img][/url][/center] [center][img][/img][/center]
[center][img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [/center]
[center]@pinglist-21051 @pinglist-21050 [font=Old English Text MT][size=7][size=4][color=8B0000][b]As the new day dawns, the door changes. The skull's eyes begin to glow, and a mysterious smoke is emitted as the door slowly creaks open...[/b][/color][/size][/size][/font][/center] [center][img][/img][img][/img][img][/img] [/center] [center][font=Old English Text MT][size=7][size=4][color=8B0000][b]Let the festivities begin![/b][/color][/size][/size][/font] [font=Chiller][color=800000][size=6][b]The raffle is now OPEN![/b][/size][/color][/font] [/center]
@Amordel's Spring Raffle - Updates @Amordel's Raffles - All
As the new day dawns, the door changes. The skull's eyes begin to glow, and a mysterious smoke is emitted as the door slowly creaks open...
Let the festivities begin!

The raffle is now OPEN!
Added the badge to my signature and sending some fest currency your way! ^-^
Added the badge to my signature and sending some fest currency your way! ^-^