I'm going to be denying all the incorrectly priced dragons, those are the bonuses from yesterday, not the ones from today!
I'm going to be denying all the incorrectly priced dragons, those are the bonuses from yesterday, not the ones from today!
FlareFighters Oops, my bad, sorry about that! I'll resend them for the correct price ASAP.
FlareFighters Oops, my bad, sorry about that! I'll resend them for the correct price ASAP.
FlareFighters Sending 27 lvl 7s, 17 have either the breed or colour bonus
FlareFighters Sending 27 lvl 7s, 17 have either the breed or colour bonus
flarefighters sending you 12 lvl 6s! no bonuses
FlareFighters same as before, except one auraboa!
You mispriced the aberration! They're listed for a level 7 when they're level 8!
You mispriced the aberration! They're listed for a level 7 when they're level 8!
Your Undertide is mispriced for a level 8, That is why I am declining the PA
Your Undertide is mispriced for a level 8, That is why I am declining the PA
FlareFighters I'm sorry, I just want to double-check -- she has a color bonus, Auburn secondary. Wouldn't that be an additional 2,500t?
FlareFighters I'm sorry, I just want to double-check -- she has a color bonus, Auburn secondary. Wouldn't that be an additional 2,500t?
Oh, that is my bad, I didn't notice the secondary color, Yes that is how it works
Oh, that is my bad, I didn't notice the secondary color, Yes that is how it works
FlareFighters I'll PA you 20 lvl 7s, one of them has a gene bonus
FlareFighters I'll PA you 20 lvl 7s, one of them has a gene bonus