
Raffles & Giveaways

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TOPIC | [ENDED] Colony’s 20-Member Raffle
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I’ve heard of those mushrooms before, I think! Very cool!

You have 3 tickets!


SwampThing is wonderful! Fester appreciates her loyalty!

You have 3 tickets!


A very nice scry!

You have 3 tickets!

I’ve heard of those mushrooms before, I think! Very cool!

You have 3 tickets!


SwampThing is wonderful! Fester appreciates her loyalty!

You have 3 tickets!


A very nice scry!

You have 3 tickets!
Timezone ;; FRT +8
[center][emoji=blue mushroom size=1] [center][b]Bump![/b]

Timezone ;; FRT +8
Here comes an entry spore blast! Came over after offering my wonderfully spooky shroomy pair! My plan originally for them was to have fungi names for their babies but it was a bit difficult so I try when I remember to.

Sporemother has received a star!

Well I have my loamy recruits but I think I have two more that I can sacrifice offer up!

I have a scry for the boi!
Swampy Shroom
Here comes an entry spore blast! Came over after offering my wonderfully spooky shroomy pair! My plan originally for them was to have fungi names for their babies but it was a bit difficult so I try when I remember to.

Sporemother has received a star!

Well I have my loamy recruits but I think I have two more that I can sacrifice offer up!

I have a scry for the boi!
Swampy Shroom

The scry you did is absolutely marvellous! The Sporemother also appreciates the star!

You have 4 tickets!

The scry you did is absolutely marvellous! The Sporemother also appreciates the star!

You have 4 tickets!
Timezone ;; FRT +8
[center][emoji=blue mushroom size=1] [center][b]Bump! This will be ending in just under 24 hours![/b]

Bump! This will be ending in just under 24 hours!
Timezone ;; FRT +8
[center]My apologies for the delay in drawing the winner! Things were going on, but I am here now! Using a random generator, the drawn number is.. [center][img][/img] [center][b]#19![/b] (@WolfSmudge) [center]Please comment or message me when you see this, so I can send the lovely fungal fellow over! [center]Thank you all for joining in this little celebration! I hope to host another one soon.
My apologies for the delay in drawing the winner! Things were going on, but I am here now! Using a random generator, the drawn number is..
#19! (@WolfSmudge)
Please comment or message me when you see this, so I can send the lovely fungal fellow over!
Thank you all for joining in this little celebration! I hope to host another one soon.
Timezone ;; FRT +8
OMG new spore friend AND new ancient in the same day??? Thank you, I love him!!!!
OMG new spore friend AND new ancient in the same day??? Thank you, I love him!!!!
Sunny’s Colony Portraits
Costello’s Brewery- Add to the menu!
Brewery Icon pending…
ebvHLqD.png qbj5aU6.gif
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