
Raffles & Giveaways

Share your raffles and giveaways with the Flight Rising community.
TOPIC | Le Cirque des Misérables - Open
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@SharkOutofWater, correct ! If you want to claim a 2nd number that would be 2 gems.
@SharkOutofWater, correct ! If you want to claim a 2nd number that would be 2 gems.

A soft chime dances through the air, drawing your attention back to the lottery booth. Samuel, the lovely imperial from earlier still pulling on the cord of a small golden bell- smiles deviously sweetly as your eyes meet. Your feet move on their own, forcing you back to his booth. You hold tightly to your ticket, a feeling of excitement welling up in your chest. You notice a small crowd gathering around you- other players, you assume.. and for the first time, you worry over your chances of winning.

With a delicate hand, Samuel takes the peculiar 30-sided die and tosses it down on the counter between you. It rolls over the edge and falls at your feet. You look down to see the result, your heart drops- the realisation slowly setting in and dragging disappointment along with it.

23.... You look up to the board behind this game’s proprietor.. The House

You feel.. Cheated..

Before the despair of your loss can fully settle in- Samuel leans over the counter and picks the die back up. “Oops,” he says, a charming lilt to his words. ”bad roll…we wouldn’t want you all to go home empty handed… let’s try that again” and with a wink he rolls the dice again.

Once more the die rolls across the counter top, stopping just at the edge in front of you. For a moment, you think the die is taunting you. 7.. another house bet. You’d heard that these games always favoured the house, but in your foolishness you believed that Samuel, and his sweet words, could be trusted.

You realise you’ve wasted your gems on a farce as humiliation fans flames in your heart and head- an uncomfortable heat on your nape and in your ears. The disappointed chatter of the crowd around you melts into a disheartening ringing- nowhere near as beautiful and sweet as the bell that had called you here.

As the crowd grows louder and discontent rises, Samuel seems to take pause. Something unfamiliar flashes in his eyes and he falters. He drops the die he had been holding onto, and pulls another from his coat. “Well…” He starts in a much softer tone now, “Why don’t we give this one a try before we make any…rash decisions now.”

With a thunk he rolls the new die down the counter. It stops once more directly in front of you.. 15. Your heart skips a beat, and a light airy feeling wells up in your chest as you rub at your eyes. You look down to your ticket, and then again to the die before you…

You’ve won.. your hands are shaky, barely concealing your fatigue and your joy.

You bound up to the counter and proudly show Samuel your winning ticket. He smiles at you, but you can see the disappointment.. and perhaps guilt in those eyes. You realise he didn’t want anyone to win- and you wonder why that may be.. Regardless of his reasoning he hands your prize over to you with grace. “Congratulations.. Hope you’ll come back again for the next game.”
Congrats to @aelfsalia !

@smokyduck @skylarki @shadesmagic @hawketh @hellhoundspack @hawkmartian @faunagoldbubble @okiastar @mikhael @aelfsalia @sharkoutofwater

A soft chime dances through the air, drawing your attention back to the lottery booth. Samuel, the lovely imperial from earlier still pulling on the cord of a small golden bell- smiles deviously sweetly as your eyes meet. Your feet move on their own, forcing you back to his booth. You hold tightly to your ticket, a feeling of excitement welling up in your chest. You notice a small crowd gathering around you- other players, you assume.. and for the first time, you worry over your chances of winning.

With a delicate hand, Samuel takes the peculiar 30-sided die and tosses it down on the counter between you. It rolls over the edge and falls at your feet. You look down to see the result, your heart drops- the realisation slowly setting in and dragging disappointment along with it.

23.... You look up to the board behind this game’s proprietor.. The House

You feel.. Cheated..

Before the despair of your loss can fully settle in- Samuel leans over the counter and picks the die back up. “Oops,” he says, a charming lilt to his words. ”bad roll…we wouldn’t want you all to go home empty handed… let’s try that again” and with a wink he rolls the dice again.

Once more the die rolls across the counter top, stopping just at the edge in front of you. For a moment, you think the die is taunting you. 7.. another house bet. You’d heard that these games always favoured the house, but in your foolishness you believed that Samuel, and his sweet words, could be trusted.

You realise you’ve wasted your gems on a farce as humiliation fans flames in your heart and head- an uncomfortable heat on your nape and in your ears. The disappointed chatter of the crowd around you melts into a disheartening ringing- nowhere near as beautiful and sweet as the bell that had called you here.

As the crowd grows louder and discontent rises, Samuel seems to take pause. Something unfamiliar flashes in his eyes and he falters. He drops the die he had been holding onto, and pulls another from his coat. “Well…” He starts in a much softer tone now, “Why don’t we give this one a try before we make any…rash decisions now.”

With a thunk he rolls the new die down the counter. It stops once more directly in front of you.. 15. Your heart skips a beat, and a light airy feeling wells up in your chest as you rub at your eyes. You look down to your ticket, and then again to the die before you…

You’ve won.. your hands are shaky, barely concealing your fatigue and your joy.

You bound up to the counter and proudly show Samuel your winning ticket. He smiles at you, but you can see the disappointment.. and perhaps guilt in those eyes. You realise he didn’t want anyone to win- and you wonder why that may be.. Regardless of his reasoning he hands your prize over to you with grace. “Congratulations.. Hope you’ll come back again for the next game.”
Congrats to @aelfsalia !

@smokyduck @skylarki @shadesmagic @hawketh @hellhoundspack @hawkmartian @faunagoldbubble @okiastar @mikhael @aelfsalia @sharkoutofwater
Cupid’s Arrow

You find yourself alone in a crowded street- tarnished pink banners are strung along rotting wooden posts, some torn and swallowed by the damp soil below, others swaying in the breeze and glimmering in the moonlight. You notice now, that you’re surrounded by couples. There’s love in the air, but with it you can sense something almost ominous. The breeze caresses you, urging you to continue on the path- it leads you to a rundown tent- once lovely and painted in pastels now stained hideously and half submerged in bog water. It’s grown over by a twisted and sickly yellow plant, once pink blooms now browning at the edges and withering.

Something in your mind tells you to run, yet you feel compelled to continue.

With trepidation you enter.

Within is a sweet and gentle looking coatl draped in fine silks- the world around him looks foggy and you feel as though you’ve entered a dream. Hearts dot the corners of your vision as you meet his eyes, and you find yourself feeling as though you’ve fallen in love for the first time…

“Here for a reading?” He speaks softly, his sweet gaze narrowing at the gentle tilt of his head. You find yourself nodding along before you can think otherwise. He smiles, and flicks his tongue. “Foolish of me to ask,” he says, his voice like honey, “we all yearn for love.., take a seat- tell me what you desire.”

How to Play
  • Regolio's service can be more expensive than our typical games, he'd like 5 or more gems per request, but he'll also accept treasure, apparel, familiars, and even other dragons- though your free play tickets are still valid here !
  • Send a link to the dragon you’d like to find a mate for
  • Give as much or as little information about what you’re looking for as you’d like about your preferred mate (you can even request dragons from my lair by name or ID #, though you may not always get what you want)
  • If Regolio is unable to find a suitable breeding partner for your dragon, you may receive a familiar, apparel item, or dud prize.
  • This game will not end, and will continue through future games.

Shot through the Heart
Dracula & Helsing
Borealis & Evelyn
Cupid’s Arrow

You find yourself alone in a crowded street- tarnished pink banners are strung along rotting wooden posts, some torn and swallowed by the damp soil below, others swaying in the breeze and glimmering in the moonlight. You notice now, that you’re surrounded by couples. There’s love in the air, but with it you can sense something almost ominous. The breeze caresses you, urging you to continue on the path- it leads you to a rundown tent- once lovely and painted in pastels now stained hideously and half submerged in bog water. It’s grown over by a twisted and sickly yellow plant, once pink blooms now browning at the edges and withering.

Something in your mind tells you to run, yet you feel compelled to continue.

With trepidation you enter.

Within is a sweet and gentle looking coatl draped in fine silks- the world around him looks foggy and you feel as though you’ve entered a dream. Hearts dot the corners of your vision as you meet his eyes, and you find yourself feeling as though you’ve fallen in love for the first time…

“Here for a reading?” He speaks softly, his sweet gaze narrowing at the gentle tilt of his head. You find yourself nodding along before you can think otherwise. He smiles, and flicks his tongue. “Foolish of me to ask,” he says, his voice like honey, “we all yearn for love.., take a seat- tell me what you desire.”

How to Play
  • Regolio's service can be more expensive than our typical games, he'd like 5 or more gems per request, but he'll also accept treasure, apparel, familiars, and even other dragons- though your free play tickets are still valid here !
  • Send a link to the dragon you’d like to find a mate for
  • Give as much or as little information about what you’re looking for as you’d like about your preferred mate (you can even request dragons from my lair by name or ID #, though you may not always get what you want)
  • If Regolio is unable to find a suitable breeding partner for your dragon, you may receive a familiar, apparel item, or dud prize.
  • This game will not end, and will continue through future games.

Shot through the Heart
Dracula & Helsing
Borealis & Evelyn
Dracula tentatively stepped forward, handing Regolio a clawful of gems "Uh.. Hello? You seem very friendly." [url=][img][/img][/url] "I'd be interested in a mate, if it's not too much to ask." Taking a moment, she read the sign that was near him, before continuing. "If it's a possibility, I think a pearlcatcher or skydancer with colors similar to me, or black range/red range/red range." She smiled, awaiting to see what could possibly be in store for her
Dracula tentatively stepped forward, handing Regolio a clawful of gems

"Uh.. Hello? You seem very friendly."


"I'd be interested in a mate, if it's not too much to ask." Taking a moment, she read the sign that was near him, before continuing. "If it's a possibility, I think a pearlcatcher or skydancer with colors similar to me, or black range/red range/red range." She smiled, awaiting to see what could possibly be in store for her
Hound | He/They/It | +2FR
485.png | 486.png
[center][size=7][font=comic sans][color=8B0000]Cupid’s Arrow[/color][/size][/center] ------ [center] @hellhoundspack [url=]Regolio[/url] gives the mirror a warm smile- “You request so little of me,” he speaks softly as he takes her hands. Visions claw their way into her head- something painful in the vaguest sense, it almost feels real as [i]rivers[/i] of blood flash behind her eyes. A sweet laughter and [i]lovely[/i] yellow eyes full of love and…. anguish…? The owner is [url=]a dashing young skydancer[/url], a passionate soul with endless ambition.. [url=][img][/img][/url] Regolio removes his hands from hers. “This is where your heart will lead you” he says, and bids Dracula farewell.
Cupid’s Arrow

Regolio gives the mirror a warm smile- “You request so little of me,” he speaks softly as he takes her hands. Visions claw their way into her head- something painful in the vaguest sense, it almost feels real as rivers of blood flash behind her eyes. A sweet laughter and lovely yellow eyes full of love and…. anguish…? The owner is a dashing young skydancer, a passionate soul with endless ambition..


Regolio removes his hands from hers. “This is where your heart will lead you” he says, and bids Dracula farewell.
From Beginning to End

A chill lingers in the still air, in the distance a soft melody plays- the tune familiar and comforting. The dim fire lights of the street lanterns above flicker and blow out, in the distance sits a cabin- through dense brush and across a babbling brook. You feel it calling to you, a detached familiarity pulling at the strings of your heart and your soul. You can’t recall how you know this place.. you can’t seem to remember anything about yourself…

You find yourself mindlessly following an overgrown path, through the brush and past the brook.. You knock once on the door, twice, and once more for a reason you can’t quite understand- and the door opens on its own. You stumble inside and find that in front of you sits an intelligent and passionate young snapper, in front of her is a wooden desk, a sentient quill, and several loose papers.

Her eyes meet yours and she smiles broadly. “Here to learn about yourself?” she asks in a booming and lovely voice, a poisonous glee in her eyes.

You find yourself nodding, you don’t know who you are, you’d like to find out.

How to play:
  • Agatha requires only a small donation for her work, 5g/kt and she’ll tell you all about your forgotten past- though some may be her own artistic embellishments- she accepts tips and other gifts.
  • If currency is a problem Agatha is more than happy to deliver a story for one in return.
  • This game will have no end & anyone can join
  • Send a link to the dragon you’d like lore for
  • Agatha is happy to make these stories on her own, but she’ll accept prompts and direction as well.
  • If Agatha is unable to find her muse in your dragon she will gift you a familiar, apparel item, or a dud prize as an apology.

From Beginning to End

A chill lingers in the still air, in the distance a soft melody plays- the tune familiar and comforting. The dim fire lights of the street lanterns above flicker and blow out, in the distance sits a cabin- through dense brush and across a babbling brook. You feel it calling to you, a detached familiarity pulling at the strings of your heart and your soul. You can’t recall how you know this place.. you can’t seem to remember anything about yourself…

You find yourself mindlessly following an overgrown path, through the brush and past the brook.. You knock once on the door, twice, and once more for a reason you can’t quite understand- and the door opens on its own. You stumble inside and find that in front of you sits an intelligent and passionate young snapper, in front of her is a wooden desk, a sentient quill, and several loose papers.

Her eyes meet yours and she smiles broadly. “Here to learn about yourself?” she asks in a booming and lovely voice, a poisonous glee in her eyes.

You find yourself nodding, you don’t know who you are, you’d like to find out.

How to play:
  • Agatha requires only a small donation for her work, 5g/kt and she’ll tell you all about your forgotten past- though some may be her own artistic embellishments- she accepts tips and other gifts.
  • If currency is a problem Agatha is more than happy to deliver a story for one in return.
  • This game will have no end & anyone can join
  • Send a link to the dragon you’d like lore for
  • Agatha is happy to make these stories on her own, but she’ll accept prompts and direction as well.
  • If Agatha is unable to find her muse in your dragon she will gift you a familiar, apparel item, or a dud prize as an apology.

The Ugly Duckling

You’re already shivering when the first drop of rain plaps against your forehead, it’s barely above freezing outside and you find yourself rushing to find cover before the impending downpour. It’s then that you hear a jingling nearby. You find yourself running in its direction as the bad weather picks up.

A small, unusually well maintained tent sits before you- a checkered pattern of black and red, each corner adorned with a small bell. A delicately carved sign sits on the ground just by the beaded or rather.. belled.. curtain door. “Bienvenue”, it says.

With a jangle you pull the curtains apart, and find yourself standing in front of a mischievous looking young fae draped in the garb of a fool- in front of her is a rectangular table, set on top is a clear tank filled with water, inside are 15 rubber ducklings each with its own charms.

“Would you like to play?” She asks with a playful giggle and a jingle of her tail.

Her excitement is infectious and you find yourself wanting to go along with her. “What are we playing?”

She slinks toward you- her eyes like gems glinting in the light. “Ugly Duckling-” she chirps, “One of these cuties isn’t a duckling at all ! If you can find out which one it is, I’ll give you a prize!”

How to Play
  • 2g entry fee
  • Choose a duck by number
  • You can only choose one
  • Game ends when the correct “duckling” has been chosen.

  1. Has a teal head and brown feathers
  2. Is wearing a tophat
  3. Is pink with a heart shaped birthmark
  4. A small scruffy & brown chick @mikhael
  5. A purple chick with gleaming feathers @shadesmagic
  6. A pure white chick
  7. This one is holding a blue rose @raon22
  8. This one seems to be made out of metal @hellhoundspack
  9. This one has button eyes
  10. This one is covered in exposed wiring
  11. This one seems to be watching you intently
  12. A blue chick, it seems to be missing a leg
  13. A much smaller black bird @sharkoutofwater
  14. This one meows
  15. This one wants to bite you
The Ugly Duckling

You’re already shivering when the first drop of rain plaps against your forehead, it’s barely above freezing outside and you find yourself rushing to find cover before the impending downpour. It’s then that you hear a jingling nearby. You find yourself running in its direction as the bad weather picks up.

A small, unusually well maintained tent sits before you- a checkered pattern of black and red, each corner adorned with a small bell. A delicately carved sign sits on the ground just by the beaded or rather.. belled.. curtain door. “Bienvenue”, it says.

With a jangle you pull the curtains apart, and find yourself standing in front of a mischievous looking young fae draped in the garb of a fool- in front of her is a rectangular table, set on top is a clear tank filled with water, inside are 15 rubber ducklings each with its own charms.

“Would you like to play?” She asks with a playful giggle and a jingle of her tail.

Her excitement is infectious and you find yourself wanting to go along with her. “What are we playing?”

She slinks toward you- her eyes like gems glinting in the light. “Ugly Duckling-” she chirps, “One of these cuties isn’t a duckling at all ! If you can find out which one it is, I’ll give you a prize!”

How to Play
  • 2g entry fee
  • Choose a duck by number
  • You can only choose one
  • Game ends when the correct “duckling” has been chosen.

  1. Has a teal head and brown feathers
  2. Is wearing a tophat
  3. Is pink with a heart shaped birthmark
  4. A small scruffy & brown chick @mikhael
  5. A purple chick with gleaming feathers @shadesmagic
  6. A pure white chick
  7. This one is holding a blue rose @raon22
  8. This one seems to be made out of metal @hellhoundspack
  9. This one has button eyes
  10. This one is covered in exposed wiring
  11. This one seems to be watching you intently
  12. A blue chick, it seems to be missing a leg
  13. A much smaller black bird @sharkoutofwater
  14. This one meows
  15. This one wants to bite you
(For From Beginning to End) [center]Sporadin looks around the room in wonder, then at the snapper. He's trying not to set anything on fire by accident. "You could...tell me who I am?" He looks to his familiar, who drops two gems on the snapper's desk. [url=][img][/img][/url][/center]
(For From Beginning to End)
Sporadin looks around the room in wonder, then at the snapper. He's trying not to set anything on fire by accident. "You could...tell me who I am?" He looks to his familiar, who drops two gems on the snapper's desk.
I’d love if you stopped by!
Art Shop
[quote name="wistfulclown" date="2023-12-13 09:08:04" ] The Ugly Duckling You’re already shivering when the first drop of rain plaps against your forehead, it’s barely above freezing outside and you find yourself rushing to find cover before the impending downpour. It’s then that you hear a jingling nearby. You find yourself running in its direction as the bad weather picks up. A small, unusually well maintained tent sits before you- a checkered pattern of black and red, each corner adorned with a small bell. A delicately carved sign sits on the ground just by the beaded or rather.. belled.. curtain door. “Bienvenue”, it says. With a jangle you pull the curtains apart, and find yourself standing in front of a mischievous looking young fae draped in the garb of a fool- in front of her is a rectangular table, set on top is a clear tank filled with water, inside are 15 rubber ducklings each with its own charms. “Would you like to play?” She asks with a playful giggle and a jingle of her tail. Her excitement is infectious and you find yourself wanting to go along with her. “What are we playing?” She slinks toward you- her eyes like gems glinting in the light. “Ugly Duckling-” she chirps, “One of these cuties isn’t a duckling at all ! If you can find out which one it is, I’ll give you a prize!” How to Play 2g entry fee Choose a duck by number You can only choose one Game ends when the correct “duckling” has been chosen. Has a teal head and brown feathers Is wearing a tophat Is pink with a heart shaped birthmark A small scruffy & brown chick A purple chick with gleaming feathers A pure white chick This one is holding a blue rose This one seems to be made out of metal This one has button eyes This one is covered in exposed wiring This one seems to be watching you intently A blue chick, it seems to be missing a leg A much smaller black bird This one meows This one wants to bite you [/quote] oo I'd like to go with 8 :D
wistfulclown wrote on 2023-12-13 09:08:04:
The Ugly Duckling

You’re already shivering when the first drop of rain plaps against your forehead, it’s barely above freezing outside and you find yourself rushing to find cover before the impending downpour. It’s then that you hear a jingling nearby. You find yourself running in its direction as the bad weather picks up.

A small, unusually well maintained tent sits before you- a checkered pattern of black and red, each corner adorned with a small bell. A delicately carved sign sits on the ground just by the beaded or rather.. belled.. curtain door. “Bienvenue”, it says.

With a jangle you pull the curtains apart, and find yourself standing in front of a mischievous looking young fae draped in the garb of a fool- in front of her is a rectangular table, set on top is a clear tank filled with water, inside are 15 rubber ducklings each with its own charms.

“Would you like to play?” She asks with a playful giggle and a jingle of her tail.

Her excitement is infectious and you find yourself wanting to go along with her. “What are we playing?”

She slinks toward you- her eyes like gems glinting in the light. “Ugly Duckling-” she chirps, “One of these cuties isn’t a duckling at all ! If you can find out which one it is, I’ll give you a prize!”

How to Play

2g entry fee
Choose a duck by number
You can only choose one
Game ends when the correct “duckling” has been chosen.

Has a teal head and brown feathers
Is wearing a tophat
Is pink with a heart shaped birthmark
A small scruffy & brown chick
A purple chick with gleaming feathers
A pure white chick
This one is holding a blue rose
This one seems to be made out of metal
This one has button eyes
This one is covered in exposed wiring
This one seems to be watching you intently
A blue chick, it seems to be missing a leg
A much smaller black bird
This one meows
This one wants to bite you

oo I'd like to go with 8 :D
Hound | He/They/It | +2FR
485.png | 486.png
Agatha beams, and her quill moves on its own, quickly scrawling ink across the page- as it moves, you can see your life unfold, like a movie, behind your eyes.

The Wurm

In the heart of the Cloudscrape Crags, a once dormant volcano sputtered and spewed thick black smog into the clouds- casting the world below into an artificial night as ash floated to the ground and choked Sornieth. It was during this event, in the heart of the inferno, that Sporadin came to be. His nest left abandoned in the chaos, he hatched into this world an orphan- his ancestry unknown only to himself.

Adrift and alone, he found himself wandering down the mountain, passing through a wonderful land of magic and the arcane- a world he thought unsuited for himself. Too bright, too happy, he thought- something about this didn’t feel like home to him… he decided to move on, fearing he would never find somewhere to belong.

In the blink of an eye the world became dark and sick, the lush fields and bountiful land coming to a harsh meeting of bog and rot- the scent of decay hung in the air… and it felt familiar, it felt right..

It was here, in the Scarred Wasteland, that he found his clan and his calling.

That calling? Hacking apart any who threaten his kin.

His violent beginning twisting his mind and warping his heart- Sporadin acquired a taste for blood at an early age, and he’s finally found somewhere to quench that thirst.
Agatha beams, and her quill moves on its own, quickly scrawling ink across the page- as it moves, you can see your life unfold, like a movie, behind your eyes.

The Wurm

In the heart of the Cloudscrape Crags, a once dormant volcano sputtered and spewed thick black smog into the clouds- casting the world below into an artificial night as ash floated to the ground and choked Sornieth. It was during this event, in the heart of the inferno, that Sporadin came to be. His nest left abandoned in the chaos, he hatched into this world an orphan- his ancestry unknown only to himself.

Adrift and alone, he found himself wandering down the mountain, passing through a wonderful land of magic and the arcane- a world he thought unsuited for himself. Too bright, too happy, he thought- something about this didn’t feel like home to him… he decided to move on, fearing he would never find somewhere to belong.

In the blink of an eye the world became dark and sick, the lush fields and bountiful land coming to a harsh meeting of bog and rot- the scent of decay hung in the air… and it felt familiar, it felt right..

It was here, in the Scarred Wasteland, that he found his clan and his calling.

That calling? Hacking apart any who threaten his kin.

His violent beginning twisting his mind and warping his heart- Sporadin acquired a taste for blood at an early age, and he’s finally found somewhere to quench that thirst.
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