
Raffles & Giveaways

Share your raffles and giveaways with the Flight Rising community.
TOPIC | [ARCANEDOM] OOF Dorming Raffle

Hi! I'm sending over 20 last-minute prelevels for your den XD
I will be on during 10-20 FRT tomorrow to receive the return PA/CRs!

Hi! I'm sending over 20 last-minute prelevels for your den XD
I will be on during 10-20 FRT tomorrow to receive the return PA/CRs!
Frbjwm0.jpg JGIle6w.giffMJGS3M.png
@Ninestars Gotcha! Send away :D (and also feel free to ping me when you hop online tomorrow--got a lot of PAs to send back ^^;;;)
@Ninestars Gotcha! Send away :D (and also feel free to ping me when you hop online tomorrow--got a lot of PAs to send back ^^;;;)
IRGjArc.png mcf-lantern-tasselleft.pngmcf-lantern-water.pngmcf-lantern-tasselright.png2YMPPCT.png
Heyhey @frostmeri

Thx for the ping. I listed the 16 dragons in the private AH :)
Heyhey @frostmeri

Thx for the ping. I listed the 16 dragons in the private AH :)
hi @frostmeri

all 90 of my boarded dragons are now listed in PAs! i hope arcane has a great push :)
hi @frostmeri

all 90 of my boarded dragons are now listed in PAs! i hope arcane has a great push :)
@assh @Renkai @Krycelli @SnailMuffin @Arishka @Rivertyl @snakepeeker @Helix @theycallmenishta @Scultone @Fawkesian @shrapnarl @feralrookie

You all are holding dragons for me that are due back tomorrow. First of all thanks for holding dragons for me!

I will be suuuuper busy IRL tomorrow but will be available to accept PAs a couple of times throughout the day.
I will be online from around 0430-0550 tomorrow morning and then will try to log on again sometime that evening ~1600 (or later) before I head to bed.

You can help me by sending them via PA, that way I can accept them quickly as soon as I have room, or ping me right before you send them to confirm I am online.

Thank you all for your patience!
@assh @Renkai @Krycelli @SnailMuffin @Arishka @Rivertyl @snakepeeker @Helix @theycallmenishta @Scultone @Fawkesian @shrapnarl @feralrookie

You all are holding dragons for me that are due back tomorrow. First of all thanks for holding dragons for me!

I will be suuuuper busy IRL tomorrow but will be available to accept PAs a couple of times throughout the day.
I will be online from around 0430-0550 tomorrow morning and then will try to log on again sometime that evening ~1600 (or later) before I head to bed.

You can help me by sending them via PA, that way I can accept them quickly as soon as I have room, or ping me right before you send them to confirm I am online.

Thank you all for your patience!
@Aerii Could you erase my trainer form for @/CornyToad? My dragons have not been picked up, and I'm going to send them to another dormer.
@Aerii Could you erase my trainer form for @/CornyToad? My dragons have not been picked up, and I'm going to send them to another dormer.
He/She/They | FR +3
@AngelStarling Sending 15 hatchlings to your Den! Their grow-up dates are in their bios. Thank you for supporting Arcane!
@AngelStarling Sending 15 hatchlings to your Den! Their grow-up dates are in their bios. Thank you for supporting Arcane!
He/She/They | FR +3
@Elevation @WatchyCat @Vampyremoth @kaaoqi @Spamtoon
Sent PAs for rollover, have a great push!
@Elevation @WatchyCat @Vampyremoth @kaaoqi @Spamtoon
Sent PAs for rollover, have a great push!

Thank you! I'll pick them up ASAP when I wake up. o7

Thank you! I'll pick them up ASAP when I wake up. o7
My pronouns are they/them
My wishlisht
My dom badges
My avatar dragon (Diamant!)
I'm not cisgender
Very active Arcane exalt lair
Please ping me in forums
I like to draw! No art shop as of yet.
A very sleepy brown pigeon, perfectly round.
...................................................Images link to source

The form you sent for CornyToad has been zeroed out. ^^ Let me know if you need anything else

The form you sent for CornyToad has been zeroed out. ^^ Let me know if you need anything else
ccD1o9u.gif @Aerii || FRT+3

Arcane Dom Lead!

I9WcJF5.gif Pyro-Bonsai-for-Aerii2.gif m21_l9_s7_m9_m9_book.png32rL8tS.png