
Raffles & Giveaways

Share your raffles and giveaways with the Flight Rising community.
TOPIC | [LIGHTDOM] Light OOF Boarding - Closed
@Sylvandyr @xianvar @Aeroden @Lodzhal @ThisIsMilkshake @Aurax

sending out dragons! i have limited lair space at the moment so depending on how quick others accept it may take me a bit to PA you yours
@Sylvandyr @xianvar @Aeroden @Lodzhal @ThisIsMilkshake @Aurax

sending out dragons! i have limited lair space at the moment so depending on how quick others accept it may take me a bit to PA you yours

Alright sending batch one of your stuff now! (or. well. if you're ready i'll just keep sending em. either or)

edit: sending the second batch along too since some of the acceptations mean i have room for the whole batch.

Alright sending batch one of your stuff now! (or. well. if you're ready i'll just keep sending em. either or)

edit: sending the second batch along too since some of the acceptations mean i have room for the whole batch.
Just grabbed 'em. Thank you!
Just grabbed 'em. Thank you!
@Sylvandyr Gonna send you your boarded dergs now! No rush in accepting them though!
@Sylvandyr Gonna send you your boarded dergs now! No rush in accepting them though!
@carnymassacre @fluidquartz @jeth @kahvinporo @feety @vacantlyamused @crassula @kuroda

I am currently online and accepting fodder! Flood away!
@carnymassacre @fluidquartz @jeth @kahvinporo @feety @vacantlyamused @crassula @kuroda

I am currently online and accepting fodder! Flood away!
Hi i am an in-flight member but would like to participate in the raffle. It seems that the in flight thread link is broken. would you please let me know when this is fixed and if i can still participate, please?
Hi i am an in-flight member but would like to participate in the raffle. It seems that the in flight thread link is broken. would you please let me know when this is fixed and if i can still participate, please?
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Hi, I think I might have sent some dragons you had sent to me to another light flight user by mistake >.> let me know if this will end up being an issue - I can PM you the dragon IDs and whatnot to double check as well, so sorry for the trouble ;;
Hi, I think I might have sent some dragons you had sent to me to another light flight user by mistake >.> let me know if this will end up being an issue - I can PM you the dragon IDs and whatnot to double check as well, so sorry for the trouble ;;
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@neohcs I somehow messed up the formatting of the "notes" field for my slot of the Hatchling Boarders tab and I'm not sure how to fix it :X I am very sorry
@neohcs I somehow messed up the formatting of the "notes" field for my slot of the Hatchling Boarders tab and I'm not sure how to fix it :X I am very sorry

Here's a link to the in-flight raffle. If you had dragons hoarded/boarded you can still enter them in the form.

Here's a link to the in-flight raffle. If you had dragons hoarded/boarded you can still enter them in the form.
NefariousKing #221629

FR+2 | Bestiary Completionist | Light Flight emblem sprite by Baelfin
small dragon banner by Caprexes
@Teba @xxcalypsoxx i think they went to me and i've already exalted and logged them on the sheet!

Teba, i'm happy to send you the exalt payout or send you 5x lvl 6s? whatever you'd prefer
@Teba @xxcalypsoxx i think they went to me and i've already exalted and logged them on the sheet!

Teba, i'm happy to send you the exalt payout or send you 5x lvl 6s? whatever you'd prefer
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seeking XYZ (or any double!) g1 with
coral, clay, & gloom in any order

fr +0