
Raffles & Giveaways

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Sure! Here are some of my favorites:

For a melee and mage pair, nothing beats Tinker Tankers. This is build not so much for training dragons (although you can) but farming items from the coliseum. It has a damage dealer melee dragon and also a very defensive/bulky mage to help keep both dragons buffed and healed at all times. If you want to stay in the coliseum for a long time in any venue, this one is great. Its also VERY easy to use, so a great way to start in the coliseum.

If you want to focus on training as many dragons or fodder as possible, try the build my dragon Crystalyse has. Its a single trained dragon able to train two dragons at once, so you can train MUCH faster. However there is a big weakness: It can't fight any coliseum bosses (the larger, single enemies), so you'll have to flee. However I use almost exclusively this build to train dragons, since even though I sometimes have to restart due to bosses or losing too much breath, it still ends up being faster.

The guide to use this type of dragon I made here. Since you adopted a Vitali's Warrior, you can rent one of the dragons in this post and get some practice using this type of build if you want!

Sure! Here are some of my favorites:

For a melee and mage pair, nothing beats Tinker Tankers. This is build not so much for training dragons (although you can) but farming items from the coliseum. It has a damage dealer melee dragon and also a very defensive/bulky mage to help keep both dragons buffed and healed at all times. If you want to stay in the coliseum for a long time in any venue, this one is great. Its also VERY easy to use, so a great way to start in the coliseum.

If you want to focus on training as many dragons or fodder as possible, try the build my dragon Crystalyse has. Its a single trained dragon able to train two dragons at once, so you can train MUCH faster. However there is a big weakness: It can't fight any coliseum bosses (the larger, single enemies), so you'll have to flee. However I use almost exclusively this build to train dragons, since even though I sometimes have to restart due to bosses or losing too much breath, it still ends up being faster.

The guide to use this type of dragon I made here. Since you adopted a Vitali's Warrior, you can rent one of the dragons in this post and get some practice using this type of build if you want!
Looking for free lineage dragons? Level 25 rentals? Join an active community with frequent free raffles? Check out Vitali's Warriors!
@Lunartwist The thing is I don't have the stones and I don't see how I could get eleminate. But thank you, sorry for sounding rude.
@Lunartwist The thing is I don't have the stones and I don't see how I could get eleminate. But thank you, sorry for sounding rude.
@Lunartwist May I adopt Via and Erden? Thank you so much!
@Lunartwist May I adopt Via and Erden? Thank you so much!

Battlestones can be found in a few places:

You can buy them in the auction house, or straight from the marketplace.

Or, they rarely drop from both the coliseum itself (any venue) or from Pinkerton.

Sometimes people also give battlestones away for free in the Raffles and Giveaways forum.

You can't equip all the battletones you need for a build at once, a lot of them have minimum level requirements. So it gives you time to save up for them while you level your dragons up!

The items dropped from the coliseum can be sold from your hoard (or on the auction house) to help you earn more treasure!

Battlestones can be found in a few places:

You can buy them in the auction house, or straight from the marketplace.

Or, they rarely drop from both the coliseum itself (any venue) or from Pinkerton.

Sometimes people also give battlestones away for free in the Raffles and Giveaways forum.

You can't equip all the battletones you need for a build at once, a lot of them have minimum level requirements. So it gives you time to save up for them while you level your dragons up!

The items dropped from the coliseum can be sold from your hoard (or on the auction house) to help you earn more treasure!
Looking for free lineage dragons? Level 25 rentals? Join an active community with frequent free raffles? Check out Vitali's Warriors!


Looking for free lineage dragons? Level 25 rentals? Join an active community with frequent free raffles? Check out Vitali's Warriors!
May I adopt Madigan and Fireblossom? Thank you!

Lore for Madigan

As soon as he was old enough to hold a weapon, Madigan was put through rigorous training to become a warrior himself. He quickly showed immense potential, with an innate talent for combat that set him apart from his peers. He was taller and stronger than most dragons his age, and his fighting spirit was unmatched.

Madigan fought in countless battles, easily crushing opponents with his brute strength and well-honed skills. He was the embodiment of what every Mirror dragon warrior should aspire to be, revered and feared in equal measure.

However, one fateful day changed everything. During a particularly brutal battle, he sustained a head injury that left him with amnesia. He could no longer remember his past, or even his own name.

Despite not remembering anything about his life before the injury, the urge to fight still burned within him. Whenever he picks up a weapon and enters battle, the pain in his limbs fades away, replaced by a rush of adrenaline. The only memories that linger are the scars on his body, which stand as a testament to his past battles. But whenever he tries to recall anything about them, a searing headache always stops him in his tracks.

Madigan has been slowly trying to piece together his life ever since. He has spent hours staring at his scars, hoping to catch a glimpse of his past. But so far, nothing has materialized, leaving him feeling lost and alone. He has resorted to wandering through the lands, taking on any challenge that comes his way in the hopes that it may trigger a long-lost memory.

Despite his amnesia, Madigan remains a formidable warrior. His strength and skills are still as sharp as ever, and he has won many battles despite his condition. However, he knows that there is more to his past than meets the eye. He longs to discover who he was, and what led him to become the warrior he is today.

Lore for Fireblossom

Fireblossom's clan was known for their traditional ceremonies that involved dance performances, and her parents were renowned for their graceful and precise movements. From an early age, Fireblossom was taught the art of dance and was expected to uphold the family tradition.

As she grew older, Fireblossom grew increasingly frustrated with her upbringing. She was forced to conform to an ideal of lady-like behavior, wearing delicate dresses and performing traditional dances. She found this stifling, and soon found solace in more physical activities.

Despite having no formal training in combat, Fireblossom began wrestling other dragons for fun. To her surprise, she discovered that she had a natural talent for it. Her movements were swift, and her reflexes were sharp. She had a keen sense of timing, which often caught her opponents off guard.

As Fireblossom began to hone her wrestling skills, she yearned for something more. She sought out other dragons to spar with, even though it was uncommon for dragons of her gender and clan to engage in such activities.

Though she had never held a sword before, her previous dance training proved to be a valuable asset in her sparring matches. Her movements were fluid and precise, coming from years of performing sword dances. She quickly mastered the basics of sword fighting and began sparring with her newfound skills.

Fireblossom refused to back down from any challenge, a trait that stemmed from her ceremonial duties of holding flaming branches. The flames had taught her how to remain steady under pressure, taking on challenges with confidence and grace.

Despite facing resistance from her clan and family, Fireblossom continued to pursue her passion for combat. She dedicated herself to her training, seeking guidance from the other dragons of her clan as well as seeking advice from the dragons of other clans.

Eventually, Fireblossom became one of the most skilled fighters in her clan, proving that she was much more than just a performer of traditional dances. She was a fighter, a warrior that could take on any challenge with confidence, grace, and power. Fireblossom's journey had not been an easy one, but through her perseverance, she had discovered her true passion and calling in life.
May I adopt Madigan and Fireblossom? Thank you!

Lore for Madigan

As soon as he was old enough to hold a weapon, Madigan was put through rigorous training to become a warrior himself. He quickly showed immense potential, with an innate talent for combat that set him apart from his peers. He was taller and stronger than most dragons his age, and his fighting spirit was unmatched.

Madigan fought in countless battles, easily crushing opponents with his brute strength and well-honed skills. He was the embodiment of what every Mirror dragon warrior should aspire to be, revered and feared in equal measure.

However, one fateful day changed everything. During a particularly brutal battle, he sustained a head injury that left him with amnesia. He could no longer remember his past, or even his own name.

Despite not remembering anything about his life before the injury, the urge to fight still burned within him. Whenever he picks up a weapon and enters battle, the pain in his limbs fades away, replaced by a rush of adrenaline. The only memories that linger are the scars on his body, which stand as a testament to his past battles. But whenever he tries to recall anything about them, a searing headache always stops him in his tracks.

Madigan has been slowly trying to piece together his life ever since. He has spent hours staring at his scars, hoping to catch a glimpse of his past. But so far, nothing has materialized, leaving him feeling lost and alone. He has resorted to wandering through the lands, taking on any challenge that comes his way in the hopes that it may trigger a long-lost memory.

Despite his amnesia, Madigan remains a formidable warrior. His strength and skills are still as sharp as ever, and he has won many battles despite his condition. However, he knows that there is more to his past than meets the eye. He longs to discover who he was, and what led him to become the warrior he is today.

Lore for Fireblossom

Fireblossom's clan was known for their traditional ceremonies that involved dance performances, and her parents were renowned for their graceful and precise movements. From an early age, Fireblossom was taught the art of dance and was expected to uphold the family tradition.

As she grew older, Fireblossom grew increasingly frustrated with her upbringing. She was forced to conform to an ideal of lady-like behavior, wearing delicate dresses and performing traditional dances. She found this stifling, and soon found solace in more physical activities.

Despite having no formal training in combat, Fireblossom began wrestling other dragons for fun. To her surprise, she discovered that she had a natural talent for it. Her movements were swift, and her reflexes were sharp. She had a keen sense of timing, which often caught her opponents off guard.

As Fireblossom began to hone her wrestling skills, she yearned for something more. She sought out other dragons to spar with, even though it was uncommon for dragons of her gender and clan to engage in such activities.

Though she had never held a sword before, her previous dance training proved to be a valuable asset in her sparring matches. Her movements were fluid and precise, coming from years of performing sword dances. She quickly mastered the basics of sword fighting and began sparring with her newfound skills.

Fireblossom refused to back down from any challenge, a trait that stemmed from her ceremonial duties of holding flaming branches. The flames had taught her how to remain steady under pressure, taking on challenges with confidence and grace.

Despite facing resistance from her clan and family, Fireblossom continued to pursue her passion for combat. She dedicated herself to her training, seeking guidance from the other dragons of her clan as well as seeking advice from the dragons of other clans.

Eventually, Fireblossom became one of the most skilled fighters in her clan, proving that she was much more than just a performer of traditional dances. She was a fighter, a warrior that could take on any challenge with confidence, grace, and power. Fireblossom's journey had not been an easy one, but through her perseverance, she had discovered her true passion and calling in life.

Would it be ok if I leveled the dragons to lvl 10, and then passed them to you unstatted and unstoned?

Would it be ok if I leveled the dragons to lvl 10, and then passed them to you unstatted and unstoned?

That works! :D

That works! :D
Looking for free lineage dragons? Level 25 rentals? Join an active community with frequent free raffles? Check out Vitali's Warriors!
Could i adopt the lvl 15 pair Galya and Tanager?
Could i adopt the lvl 15 pair Galya and Tanager?

I can put them on hold for you. These higher level pairs need extra effort to adopt them than just the level 10s (which you can just request to adopt one)
You can adopt one of the following:

-A level 10 pair for free! Just ping the user that owns the pair and they'll send them your way!

-A level 15+ pair with some effort! This could either be written lore for both dragons (at least three paragraphs), a drawing of the dragons, or a scry or dress-up to show how you'd spoil them! (You can put a level 15+ pair on hold for up to three days to give you time to work on applying for them!)

-You can adopt additional pairs after your first, but they will be at the full treasure price in the next section:

If you want me to put them on hold while you write or scry something up, let me know! I'd be happy to!

I can put them on hold for you. These higher level pairs need extra effort to adopt them than just the level 10s (which you can just request to adopt one)
You can adopt one of the following:

-A level 10 pair for free! Just ping the user that owns the pair and they'll send them your way!

-A level 15+ pair with some effort! This could either be written lore for both dragons (at least three paragraphs), a drawing of the dragons, or a scry or dress-up to show how you'd spoil them! (You can put a level 15+ pair on hold for up to three days to give you time to work on applying for them!)

-You can adopt additional pairs after your first, but they will be at the full treasure price in the next section:

If you want me to put them on hold while you write or scry something up, let me know! I'd be happy to!
Looking for free lineage dragons? Level 25 rentals? Join an active community with frequent free raffles? Check out Vitali's Warriors!