Sure! Here are some of my favorites:
For a melee and mage pair, nothing beats Tinker Tankers. This is build not so much for training dragons (although you can) but farming items from the coliseum. It has a damage dealer melee dragon and also a very defensive/bulky mage to help keep both dragons buffed and healed at all times. If you want to stay in the coliseum for a long time in any venue, this one is great. Its also VERY easy to use, so a great way to start in the coliseum.
If you want to focus on training as many dragons or fodder as possible, try the build my dragon Crystalyse has. Its a single trained dragon able to train two dragons at once, so you can train MUCH faster. However there is a big weakness: It can't fight any coliseum bosses (the larger, single enemies), so you'll have to flee. However I use almost exclusively this build to train dragons, since even though I sometimes have to restart due to bosses or losing too much breath, it still ends up being faster.
The guide to use this type of dragon I made here. Since you adopted a Vitali's Warrior, you can rent one of the dragons in this post and get some practice using this type of build if you want!
Sure! Here are some of my favorites:
For a melee and mage pair, nothing beats Tinker Tankers. This is build not so much for training dragons (although you can) but farming items from the coliseum. It has a damage dealer melee dragon and also a very defensive/bulky mage to help keep both dragons buffed and healed at all times. If you want to stay in the coliseum for a long time in any venue, this one is great. Its also VERY easy to use, so a great way to start in the coliseum.
If you want to focus on training as many dragons or fodder as possible, try the build my dragon Crystalyse has. Its a single trained dragon able to train two dragons at once, so you can train MUCH faster. However there is a big weakness: It can't fight any coliseum bosses (the larger, single enemies), so you'll have to flee. However I use almost exclusively this build to train dragons, since even though I sometimes have to restart due to bosses or losing too much breath, it still ends up being faster.
The guide to use this type of dragon I made here. Since you adopted a Vitali's Warrior, you can rent one of the dragons in this post and get some practice using this type of build if you want!
Looking for free lineage dragons? Level 25 rentals? Join an active community with frequent free raffles? Check out Vitali's Warriors!