
Raffles & Giveaways

Share your raffles and giveaways with the Flight Rising community.
TOPIC | [Earth Dom] Earth Day BINGO [Round 3]
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 ... 13 14
[center][img][/img] [b]BINGO runs from April 23 00:00 - April 30 06:00[/b][/center] [size=5]While looking around at the various boxes and items that have taken up the alleyway, you start to hear some strange rustling. What could that be? What horrifying creature does this merchant keep in the back? What strange nightmares could possibly await among these crates? What truly terrifying beast could lurk in the shadows and- [center][img][/img][/center] [size=5]The Coatl's head pops up from behind a box, a grin on his face. Just as quickly as it appeared it disappears. Rounding the next set of boxes, you're able to see the coatl sitting on the ground. Legs plopped out in front of him, holding a sheet of paper in his claws. [columns][img][/img][nextcol][color=transparent]x[/color][nextcol][size=5]"Hello!" He waves with the piece of paper. "Me Thrugzug!" He shoves the thumb of his claw into his chest as he announces himself. "Thrugzug been playing hide and seek! But no one really wanted to seek." That seems like an odd game. "So, Thrugzug been making a different game to have friends play!" He proudly holds up the sheet of paper. "Friends like to play BINGO, right?"[/size][/columns] [columns][size=5]"Lots of Thrugzug friends were busy this week." Thrugzug nods mostly to himself. "Said there was a festival and that they were going out to look for special things that are very wet. Are friends not sure about playing with Thrugzug because they gonna look for wet things too?"[nextcol][color=transparent]x[/color][img][/img][/columns] [columns][img][/img][nextcol][color=transparent]x[/color][nextcol][size=5]"Friends not have to worry about! Thrugzug wrote down all the best wet things that Thrugzug can think of on BINGO sheet! That way friends can do both!" He holds the sheet out proudly, upside down but proudly upside down. "Oh and friends can get some of these things when they get BINGO!" He points to some of the open boxes that he has clearly rummaging in. There's a moment where one may feel like they should warn him about the merchant who certainly would not be happy about his wares being pilfered by the coatl. But somehow there is reassurance that Thrugzug is never alone and if the merchant values breathing he'll leave the coatl alone and write off the items.[/size][/columns] [center][size=5]"So, what friend say? Wanna play with Thrugzug?"[/size][/center]

BINGO runs from April 23 00:00 - April 30 06:00

While looking around at the various boxes and items that have taken up the alleyway, you start to hear some strange rustling. What could that be? What horrifying creature does this merchant keep in the back? What strange nightmares could possibly await among these crates? What truly terrifying beast could lurk in the shadows and-


The Coatl's head pops up from behind a box, a grin on his face. Just as quickly as it appeared it disappears. Rounding the next set of boxes, you're able to see the coatl sitting on the ground. Legs plopped out in front of him, holding a sheet of paper in his claws.

Thrugzug_Happy150.png x "Hello!" He waves with the piece of paper. "Me Thrugzug!" He shoves the thumb of his claw into his chest as he announces himself. "Thrugzug been playing hide and seek! But no one really wanted to seek." That seems like an odd game. "So, Thrugzug been making a different game to have friends play!" He proudly holds up the sheet of paper. "Friends like to play BINGO, right?"

"Lots of Thrugzug friends were busy this week." Thrugzug nods mostly to himself. "Said there was a festival and that they were going out to look for special things that are very wet. Are friends not sure about playing with Thrugzug because they gonna look for wet things too?" xThrug_Thoughtful150.png

Thrugzug_Happy150.png x "Friends not have to worry about! Thrugzug wrote down all the best wet things that Thrugzug can think of on BINGO sheet! That way friends can do both!" He holds the sheet out proudly, upside down but proudly upside down. "Oh and friends can get some of these things when they get BINGO!" He points to some of the open boxes that he has clearly rummaging in. There's a moment where one may feel like they should warn him about the merchant who certainly would not be happy about his wares being pilfered by the coatl. But somehow there is reassurance that Thrugzug is never alone and if the merchant values breathing he'll leave the coatl alone and write off the items.
"So, what friend say? Wanna play with Thrugzug?"
[center][img][/img][/center] [LIST] [*]The biggest requirement: You must first send the buy-in to @Dracowolf to play! [*][b]Buy-in is 50kt / 50g, it allows you to earn the badges and earn tickets for prizes.[/b] [*]You may only have 1 card. [*]Every quest this time will earn you a badge! Just check off the task when it's done and it'll show you a badge and the code to use! [*]Sometimes the badges may show Earthshaker's face instead of a unique badge, don't panic. Our technical difficulty spiral is in the back working it out! (Though really this shouldn't happen) [*]For every BINGO you get on your card you will get 1 ticket into the raffle. This means in total you can get 12 tickets by blacking out your card. 5 Columns, 5 Rows, 2 Diagonal. [*]Play fair! While we operate on the honor system for most of the tasks we expect folks to play fairly. [/LIST]
  • The biggest requirement: You must first send the buy-in to @Dracowolf to play!
  • Buy-in is 50kt / 50g, it allows you to earn the badges and earn tickets for prizes.
  • You may only have 1 card.
  • Every quest this time will earn you a badge! Just check off the task when it's done and it'll show you a badge and the code to use!
  • Sometimes the badges may show Earthshaker's face instead of a unique badge, don't panic. Our technical difficulty spiral is in the back working it out! (Though really this shouldn't happen)
  • For every BINGO you get on your card you will get 1 ticket into the raffle. This means in total you can get 12 tickets by blacking out your card. 5 Columns, 5 Rows, 2 Diagonal.
  • Play fair! While we operate on the honor system for most of the tasks we expect folks to play fairly.
[center] [img][/img] Thrugzug has promised to write down the best wet things! What does this mean? Our BINGO quests are designed to send you to do various things in various venues of the coliseum and other flight activities! All of the coliseum ones are related to Wavecrest to help you with your grind! For this reason our BINGO will go until the end of Wavecrest (but it starts at rollover on the 23rd!) Ready to play? Click the BINGO button! [Url=][img][/img][/url] The image above will get you a BINGO card! Once you have your card fill out the form: [Center][size=5][url=]BINGO Submission Form[/url][/size][/center] [img][/img]

Thrugzug has promised to write down the best wet things! What does this mean? Our BINGO quests are designed to send you to do various things in various venues of the coliseum and other flight activities! All of the coliseum ones are related to Wavecrest to help you with your grind! For this reason our BINGO will go until the end of Wavecrest (but it starts at rollover on the 23rd!)

Ready to play? Click the BINGO button!


The image above will get you a BINGO card!

Once you have your card fill out the form:

[center][img][/img] Time for a quick how to![/center] First off, when you click on our BINGO card button in the post above you'll be taken to a spreadsheet. To play you will need to make a copy of that spreadsheet. Got to File-> Make a copy. Please ignore that the following image says Earth ScavHunt Tempalte. I didn't want to make a new one. [img][/img] One you have your copy you need to share it so anyone can view. [img][/img] Then, click the "Change to anyone with this link" button: [img][/img] Make sure the sheet is set to viewable to others as shown in the screenshot below, copy the link, and click done: [img][/img] When prompted on the form, please paste that link! [center][img][/img] The actual FAQ [b]Can I buy the badges I don't earn?[/b] Yep! 10kt/10g per missing badge once the event is over. This is so that you can safely check off the quests without claiming BINGOs you didn't get in order to see the badge and get the code [b]I'm from Earth can I participate?[/b] Yes! Anyone is allowed to join in BINGO [b]How long does this run?[/b] Until 06:00 April 30 [b]Why until 06:00 Dominaince is on Saturday?[/b] While this is related to Earth Dominance our BINGO was actually designed to help you through the festival grind! As such a lot of the enemies you go after are water based and it takes you to various places to keep things fresh. Because of this we decided to keep it open until Water Fest ends.

Time for a quick how to!

First off, when you click on our BINGO card button in the post above you'll be taken to a spreadsheet.

To play you will need to make a copy of that spreadsheet. Got to File-> Make a copy. Please ignore that the following image says Earth ScavHunt Tempalte. I didn't want to make a new one.


One you have your copy you need to share it so anyone can view.


Then, click the "Change to anyone with this link" button:


Make sure the sheet is set to viewable to others as shown in the screenshot below, copy the link, and click done:


When prompted on the form, please paste that link!
The actual FAQ

Can I buy the badges I don't earn?
Yep! 10kt/10g per missing badge once the event is over. This is so that you can safely check off the quests without claiming BINGOs you didn't get in order to see the badge and get the code

I'm from Earth can I participate?
Yes! Anyone is allowed to join in BINGO

How long does this run?
Until 06:00 April 30

Why until 06:00 Dominaince is on Saturday?
While this is related to Earth Dominance our BINGO was actually designed to help you through the festival grind! As such a lot of the enemies you go after are water based and it takes you to various places to keep things fresh. Because of this we decided to keep it open until Water Fest ends.
[center][img][/img][/center] [quote=Super Trouper][center][item=Trouper Crown][br]Trouper Crown[/center][/quote] [center]-----------------------------[/center] [center][b]ALL PRIZES BEYOND THIS POINT ARE CLAIMED[/b][/center] [quote=Vulpine Visage][center] Skin: 48117 (Vulpine Vistage) [b]CLAIMED[/b][/center][/quote] [quote=BONKERS YONKERS FUNTIMEl][center] Skin: 48119 BONKERS YONKERS FUNTIME [b]CLAIMED[/b][/center][/quote] [quote=Champion's Bane][center] Skin: 45889 Champion's Bane [b]CLAIMED[/b][/center][/quote] [quote=Raging Tiger Foo][center] Skin: 46112 (Raging Tiger Foo) [b]CLAIMED[/b][/center][/quote] [quote=Dig Dog Romp A][center]Dig Dog Romp A (46270) [b]CLAIMED[/b][/center][/quote] [quote=Reused Raiments][center]Accent:Reused Raiments (50178) [b]CLAIMED[/b][/quote] [quote=Recycled Regalia][center] Skin: 50304 (Recycled Regalia) [b]CLAIMED[/b][/center][/quote] [quote=Flair for the Dramatic][center]Breed Change: Aether, Primary Gene: Piebald (Aether), Secondary Gene: Flair (Aether), Tertiary Gene: Underbelly (Aether) [b]CLAIMED[/b][/center][/quote] [quote=Sparkles and Blend are opposites in name][center][br]Breed Change: aberration, Primary Gene: Savannah (Aberration), Secondary Gene: Blend (Aberration), Tertiary Gene: Sparkle (Aberration) [b]CLAIMED[/b][/center][/quote] [quote=Ronnie1107 Brewing Service][center][img][/img] [s]1 Item of the user's choice Brewed by Ronnie1107[/s] [b]CLAIMED[/b][/center][/quote] [quote=Bane of Heroes][center][br]Breed Change: Banescale, Primary Gene: Fade (Banescale), Secondary Gene: Safari (Banescale), Tertiary Gene: Contour (Banescale) [b]CLAIMED[/b][/center][/quote] [quote=An Aberration][center]Breed Change: Aberration, Primary Gene: Tapir (Aberration), Secondary Gene: Flair (Aberration), Tertiary Gene: Underbelly (Aberration) [b]CLAIMED[/b][/center][/quote] [quote=Couple of Freckles][center]Breed Change: Veilspun, Primary Gene: Falcon (Veilspun), Secondary Gene: Freckle (Veilspun), Tertiary Gene: Runes (Veilspun) [b]CLAIMED[/b][/center][/quote] [quote=Patching Things Up][center][br]Breed Change: Aether, Primary Gene: Stitched (Aether), Secondary Gene: Patchwork (Aether), Tertiary gene: Scales (Aether) [b]CLAIMED[/b][/center][/quote] [quote=Winner's Choice][center]Prismatic Token [b]CLAIMED[/b][/center][/quote] [quote=Feeling Boulder][center]Breed Change: Aether, Primary Gene: Boulder (Aether), Secondary Gene: Myrid (Aether), Tertiary Gene: Spines (Aether) [b]CLAIMED[/b][/center][/quote] [quote=Spin Around][center]Breed Change: Aether, Primary Gene: Skink (Aether), Secondary Gene: Spinner (Aether), Tertiary Gene: Points (Aether) [b]CLAIMED[/b][/center][/quote] [quote=Smoke and Giraffes][center]Breed Change: Gaoler, Primary Gene: Giraffe (Gaoler), Secondary Gene: Flair (Gaoler), Tertiary Gene: Smoke (Gaoler) [b]CLAIMED[/b][/center][/quote] [quote=Undersea Seraph][center]Breed Change: Undertide, Primary Gene: Savannah (Undertide), Secondary Gene: Seraph (Undertide), Tertiary Gene: Okapi (Undertide) [b]CLAIMED[/b][/center][/quote] [quote=Wisper Softly][center]Will o' the Wisp [b]CLAIMED[/b][/center][/quote] [quote=Current Pie][center]Breed Change: Gaoler, Primary Gene: Piebald (Gaoler), Secondary Gene: Current (Gaoler), Tertiary Gene: Thylacine (Gaoler)[/center][/quote] [quote=Pouncing Tiger][center]Breed Change: Banescale, Primary Gene: Tiger (Banescale), Secondary Gene: Freckle (Banescale), Tertiary Gene: Ringlets (Banescale)[/center][/quote] [quote=Under the Bar][center]Breed Change: Undertide, Primary Gene: Bar (Undertide), Secondary Gene: Hex (Undertide), Tertiary Gene: Ghost (Undertide)[/center][/quote] [quote=Inked Up][center]Inked Mantle[/center][/quote] [quote=DUNE][center]Sanddune Rags[/center][/quote] [quote=Every Mantle Has Its Thorns][center]Thornfell Mantle[/center][/quote] [quote=Hours of Twilight][center]Twilight Oracle's Guise[/center][/quote] [quote=Fortunate Son][center]Fortune Teller's Deck[/center][/quote] [quote=Leveling by LeggoMyEggos][center][img][/img] 1 Dragon leveled to 25 by LeggoMyEggos No Stones[/center][/quote]

Super Trouper wrote:
Trouper Crown
Trouper Crown

Vulpine Visage wrote:
Skin: 48117 (Vulpine Vistage)


Champion's Bane wrote:
Skin: 45889 Champion's Bane

Raging Tiger Foo wrote:

Skin: 46112 (Raging Tiger Foo)

Dig Dog Romp A wrote:
Dig Dog Romp A (46270)

Reused Raiments wrote:
Accent:Reused Raiments (50178)

Recycled Regalia wrote:
Skin: 50304 (Recycled Regalia)

Flair for the Dramatic wrote:
Breed Change: Aether, Primary Gene: Piebald (Aether), Secondary Gene: Flair (Aether), Tertiary Gene: Underbelly (Aether)

Sparkles and Blend are opposites in name wrote:

Breed Change: aberration, Primary Gene: Savannah (Aberration), Secondary Gene: Blend (Aberration), Tertiary Gene: Sparkle (Aberration)

Ronnie1107 Brewing Service wrote:
1 Item of the user's choice Brewed by Ronnie1107

Bane of Heroes wrote:

Breed Change: Banescale, Primary Gene: Fade (Banescale), Secondary Gene: Safari (Banescale), Tertiary Gene: Contour (Banescale)

An Aberration wrote:
Breed Change: Aberration, Primary Gene: Tapir (Aberration), Secondary Gene: Flair (Aberration), Tertiary Gene: Underbelly (Aberration)

Couple of Freckles wrote:
Breed Change: Veilspun, Primary Gene: Falcon (Veilspun), Secondary Gene: Freckle (Veilspun), Tertiary Gene: Runes (Veilspun)

Patching Things Up wrote:

Breed Change: Aether, Primary Gene: Stitched (Aether), Secondary Gene: Patchwork (Aether), Tertiary gene: Scales (Aether)

Winner's Choice wrote:
Prismatic Token

Feeling Boulder wrote:
Breed Change: Aether, Primary Gene: Boulder (Aether), Secondary Gene: Myrid (Aether), Tertiary Gene: Spines (Aether)

Spin Around wrote:
Breed Change: Aether, Primary Gene: Skink (Aether), Secondary Gene: Spinner (Aether), Tertiary Gene: Points (Aether)

Smoke and Giraffes wrote:
Breed Change: Gaoler, Primary Gene: Giraffe (Gaoler), Secondary Gene: Flair (Gaoler), Tertiary Gene: Smoke (Gaoler)

Undersea Seraph wrote:
Breed Change: Undertide, Primary Gene: Savannah (Undertide), Secondary Gene: Seraph (Undertide), Tertiary Gene: Okapi (Undertide)

Wisper Softly wrote:
Will o' the Wisp

Current Pie wrote:
Breed Change: Gaoler, Primary Gene: Piebald (Gaoler), Secondary Gene: Current (Gaoler), Tertiary Gene: Thylacine (Gaoler)
Pouncing Tiger wrote:
Breed Change: Banescale, Primary Gene: Tiger (Banescale), Secondary Gene: Freckle (Banescale), Tertiary Gene: Ringlets (Banescale)
Under the Bar wrote:
Breed Change: Undertide, Primary Gene: Bar (Undertide), Secondary Gene: Hex (Undertide), Tertiary Gene: Ghost (Undertide)
Inked Up wrote:
Inked Mantle
DUNE wrote:
Sanddune Rags
Every Mantle Has Its Thorns wrote:
Thornfell Mantle
Hours of Twilight wrote:
Twilight Oracle's Guise
Fortunate Son wrote:
Fortune Teller's Deck
Leveling by LeggoMyEggos wrote:
1 Dragon leveled to 25 by LeggoMyEggos
No Stones
[center][img][/img] Some of our badges have different sizes available! The sizes will be linked here by the BINGO square they would be. Not all badges have larger sizes available. I1 = [url=]I 1 Alternate Size[/url] G1 = [url=]G1 Alternate Size[/url] O1 = [url=]O1 Alternate Size[/url] B2 = [url=]B2 Alternate Size[/url] G2 = [url=]G2 Alternate Size[/url] O = [url=]O2 Alternate Size[/url] B3 = [url=]B3 Alternate Size[/url] I3 = [url=]I3 Alternate Size[/url] G3 = [url=]G3 Alternate Size[/url] B4 = [url=]B4 Alternate Size[/url] N4 = [url=]N4 Alternate Size[/url] I5 = [url=]I5 Alternate Size[/url] N5 = [url=]N5 Alternate Size[/url] G5 = [url=]G5 Alternate Size[/url]

Some of our badges have different sizes available! The sizes will be linked here by the BINGO square they would be.

Not all badges have larger sizes available.
I1 = I 1 Alternate Size
G1 = G1 Alternate Size
O1 = O1 Alternate Size

B2 = B2 Alternate Size
G2 = G2 Alternate Size
O = O2 Alternate Size

B3 = B3 Alternate Size
I3 = I3 Alternate Size
G3 = G3 Alternate Size

B4 = B4 Alternate Size
N4 = N4 Alternate Size

I5 = I5 Alternate Size
N5 = N5 Alternate Size
G5 = G5 Alternate Size
[center][img][/img] Do you want a reminder ping on the last day? We can arrange that! Simply leave a message in the thread and we'll make sure to ping you on Saturday to remind you that you only have one more day to finish your card! [Quote=Last Day] -Islet, -blackharte, -Schellis, -Hinumi, -CosmicHurricane [/quote]

Do you want a reminder ping on the last day? We can arrange that! Simply leave a message in the thread and we'll make sure to ping you on Saturday to remind you that you only have one more day to finish your card!

Last Day wrote:
-Islet, -blackharte, -Schellis, -Hinumi, -CosmicHurricane
[center][img][/img] Oh this is where it gets complicated. [LIST] [*]The Thrugzug BINGO Banner is made by: NimStratus! [*]Our Badge Button is made by 888 (Brightmyth)! [*]Skeletal Dividers are made by 888 (Brightmyth), yeah we're never retiring those. Ever. [*] Thrugzug and his Lore belong to Dracowolf! [*] Original BINGO sheet was made by Dalphiarose! [*] Badge Version and quests are by Dracowolf! [*] The Form and the back end work is all done by Dems! [*] Our badge line arts and concepts are made by: Twinarmegeddons, NimStratus, Jackaling [*] Badges were adapted and colored by: Twinarmegeddons, bmw, Dreadnoughtus, Umbers, Nimstratus [*] Wooden headers were generated by cooltext. [/LIST]

Oh this is where it gets complicated.
  • The Thrugzug BINGO Banner is made by: NimStratus!
  • Our Badge Button is made by 888 (Brightmyth)!
  • Skeletal Dividers are made by 888 (Brightmyth), yeah we're never retiring those. Ever.
  • Thrugzug and his Lore belong to Dracowolf!
  • Original BINGO sheet was made by Dalphiarose!
  • Badge Version and quests are by Dracowolf!
  • The Form and the back end work is all done by Dems!
  • Our badge line arts and concepts are made by: Twinarmegeddons, NimStratus, Jackaling
  • Badges were adapted and colored by: Twinarmegeddons, bmw, Dreadnoughtus, Umbers, Nimstratus
  • Wooden headers were generated by cooltext.
[center][img][/img] [size=6]Out-Of-Flight Events[/size] [size=5]All out-of-flight events are actually opened to anyone! Including Earthies![/size] [columns][img][/img][nextcol][color=transparent]xx[/color][nextcol][size=5][b][url=]Art-For-Foder[/url][/b][/size] Keeping away from our.... Merchant friend? The Earth Artists have some of their own wares to offer for levels. In fact there appears to be something special going on. A pair of Aether push themed skins are being offered created by NimStratus. Made with the idea of having the Aethers recycle bits of the Astrolab. Why not get some art or order your own copy?[/columns] [columns][size=5][b][url=]Fali's Finds[/url][/b][/size] Fali has some new items to share with anyone who wants to make a trade! While he has brought along his usual snacks and drinks he's also been hard at work with others recycling items into something new.[nextcol][color=transparent]xx[/color][nextcol][img][/img][/columns] [columns][img][/img][nextcol][color=transparent]xx[/color][nextcol][size=5][b][url=]BINGO With Thrugzug![/url][/b][/size] Our friendly coatl buddy is back with another game of BINGO for folks! He's hoping to find both new and old friends to play with! Buy yourself a BINGO card and complete the quests! Each quest gets you a badge and you can earn tickets into a raffle! Thrugzug loves to celebrate and can't wait to celebrate with you![/columns] [columns][size=5][b][url=]Dressing Event[/url][/b][/size] It's time for a little blast from the past. Our dressing event this time around has some themes from previous events! Drop by and dress your dragons up and get a badge as well as a chance to win some prizes! Yeah, that's right, we recycled our themes.[nextcol][color=transparent]xx[/color][nextcol][img][/img][/columns] [center]Uh oh, it seems our friendly neighbourhood back alley merchant has moved in behind Fali's Stall again. Unlike before he seems to be offering some daily badges, among a few others, for anyone who has the coin... Or the strength to help him move some of his perfectly legal wares. [url=]Drop by to get the daily badge[/url][/center] [center][img][/img] [size=6]In-Flight Events[/size] [columns][img][/img][nextcol][color=transparent]xx[/color][nextcol][size=5][b][url=]In-Flight Raffle![/url][/b][/size] Earthies! Let's go! It's time to exalt and earn some totally legit badges. Our local merchant sold them for cheap! The cost appears to be... A lot of dragons. He needs some help to move the wares around quickly. Not sure why he's in such a rush but that's fine. [/columns] [columns][size=5][b][url=]Scavenger Hunt[/url][/b][/size] Our monthly In-Flight Scavenger Hunt is on again! Follow quests through the Coliseum to help with your fest grind, or follow the leveling quests to help with the push grind![nextcol][color=transparent]xx[/color][nextcol][img][/img][/columns]

Out-Of-Flight Events
All out-of-flight events are actually opened to anyone! Including Earthies!

EAFF_Badge.png xx Art-For-Foder

Keeping away from our.... Merchant friend? The Earth Artists have some of their own wares to offer for levels. In fact there appears to be something special going on. A pair of Aether push themed skins are being offered created by NimStratus. Made with the idea of having the Aethers recycle bits of the Astrolab. Why not get some art or order your own copy?
Fali's Finds

Fali has some new items to share with anyone who wants to make a trade! While he has brought along his usual snacks and drinks he's also been hard at work with others recycling items into something new.
xx Snapsmall.png

badge_set2_1.png xx BINGO With Thrugzug!

Our friendly coatl buddy is back with another game of BINGO for folks! He's hoping to find both new and old friends to play with! Buy yourself a BINGO card and complete the quests! Each quest gets you a badge and you can earn tickets into a raffle! Thrugzug loves to celebrate and can't wait to celebrate with you!

Dressing Event

It's time for a little blast from the past. Our dressing event this time around has some themes from previous events! Drop by and dress your dragons up and get a badge as well as a chance to win some prizes!

Yeah, that's right, we recycled our themes.
xx recolor7.png

Uh oh, it seems our friendly neighbourhood back alley merchant has moved in behind Fali's Stall again. Unlike before he seems to be offering some daily badges, among a few others, for anyone who has the coin... Or the strength to help him move some of his perfectly legal wares.
Drop by to get the daily badge


In-Flight Events
lvl4.png xx In-Flight Raffle!
Earthies! Let's go! It's time to exalt and earn some totally legit badges. Our local merchant sold them for cheap! The cost appears to be... A lot of dragons. He needs some help to move the wares around quickly. Not sure why he's in such a rush but that's fine.

Scavenger Hunt

Our monthly In-Flight Scavenger Hunt is on again! Follow quests through the Coliseum to help with your fest grind, or follow the leveling quests to help with the push grind!
xx BtO0f3x.png
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 ... 13 14