
Raffles & Giveaways

Share your raffles and giveaways with the Flight Rising community.
TOPIC | Scry Contest [winners announced]
[center][img][/img] [size=6]Winners have been posted, see them [url=][here][/url]![/size] ----- I recently ran my first [url=][Scrying and Apparel Contest][/url] and am back to run a second contest! I have more G1 dragons to scry but am not very good at scrying to come up with genes for them so I'm holding this contest, submit scrys of the dragons that I highlight below to be considered to win prizes. There is also an apparel contest where you can recommend outfits for a chance to win a prize. There are bump prizes as well! If I use any winning scry or outfit I will list that winner's username in the dragon's bio that is using the submission (unless the winner does not want me to). [url=][Example can be seen here.][/url] ◊ Please ping me if you have questions, I am not subscribed and even though I will check in regularly I may miss it if I am not pinged. [img][/img] [b]Scry Contest[/b] ◊ Five winners and five honorable mentions, you are allowed to win more than one prize. ◊ You may enter two scrys per dragon, with a total of 10 scrys. ◊ You may split your scrys into multiple posts since they will be judged individually but please only submit two of each dragon total. ◊ I do not have any preference on breeds, genes or eye type. [i]Except: [/i]Cinder must remain a nocturne, as she is a tiny glitched nocturne. [i]Note:[/i] Imperials are inaccessible because the breed change scroll is retired. ◊ The contest will accept entries until March 10th at 23:59 at FR server time, winners will announced by the 12th. [b]Apparel Contest[/b] ◊ Five winners and five honorable mentions, you are allowed to win more than one prize. ◊ You may enter up to five outfits total, please use the [url=][dressing tool][/url] that can be used to create outfits. You [i]do not[/i] have to save the outfit and link it here, you may save the image and post it instead. If you do so, please list the apparel used. If you do link to a saved mannequin, please leave it saved until at least a day or two after the contest ends. ◊ You may split your entries into multiple posts since they will be judged individually but please only submit five entries total. ◊ You may submit outfits for any theme or kind of dragon! I would love to see outfits specific to scries or themed around the featured dragons' elements but it is not necessary. If you want to submit some of your favorite outfits that you've already assembled on your own dragons, you can do so. ◊ Please do not use skins and accents in your entries. You may optionally provide an alternate to your entry using a skin or accent but one may not be used in the main entry. ◊ The contest will accept entries until March 10th at 23:59 at FR server time, winners will announced by the 12th. [b]Bumps[/b] ◊ Five bump participants will receive a prize after entries close, winners announced by the 12th with the other prizes. ◊ Winners will receive prizes in order drawn. Winner #1 will receive prize #1, winner #2 will receive prize #2 and so on. ◊ You do not have to participate in the other contests to be eligible for a bump prize. ◊ Bump up to four times per day, at least one hour apart while entries are open. You do not have to wait for another player's bump to pass any amount of time to bump the thread. ◊ You do not need to number your bumps as I will be rolling by 10s then 1s so that I can pull from the page numbers. [b]Pinglist[/b] ◊ Want to be pinged when the winners are announced? Let me know and I will add you to [url=][the list][/url]. ◊ Want to be pinged for future contests/raffles/giveaways? Let me know and I will add you to [url=][the list][/url]. [img][/img] [b]Below is a list of each dragon and the prize that can be won for creating their winning scry or honorable mention.[/b] [emoji=ice rune size=1] [b]Ciarra[/b] [emoji=ice rune size=1] [quote name="Prize for Ciarra's Scry"][item=Unhatched Ice Egg]x1[item=Glitterfreeze Halo]x1[item=Vintage Starsilks]x1[item=Gilded Decorative Chest]x5[item=][/quote] [emoji=ice rune size=1] [b]Ciarra: Honorable Mention[/b] [emoji=ice rune size=1] [quote name="Honorable Mention Prize for Ciarra's Scry"][item=Unhatched Ice Egg]x1[item=Moondust Starsilks]x1[/quote] [emoji=light rune size=1] [b]Lark[/b] [emoji=light rune size=1] [quote name="Prize for Lark's Scry"][item=Unhatched Light Egg]x1[item=Luminous halo]x1[item=Golden Seraph Jewelry]x1[item=Gilded Decorative Chest]x5[item=][/quote] [emoji=light rune size=1] [b]Lark: Honorable Mention[/b] [emoji=light rune size=1] [quote name="Honorable Mention Prize for Lark's Scry"][item=Unhatched Light Egg]x1[item=Pristine Thorn Tangle]x1[/quote] [emoji=shadow rune size=1] [b]Anya[/b] [emoji=shadow rune size=1] [quote name="Prize for Anya's Scry"][item=Unhatched Shadow Egg]x1[item=Murkmirth Halo]x1[item=Courtier's Apparel]x1[item=Gilded Decorative Chest]x5[item=][/quote] [emoji=shadow rune size=1] [b]Anya: Honorable Mention[/b] [emoji=shadow rune size=1] [quote name="Honorable Mention Prize for Anya's Scry"][item=Unhatched Shadow Egg]x1[item=Gothic Carousel Fancy]x1[/quote] [emoji=wind rune size=1] [b]Lukas[/b] [emoji=wind rune size=1] [quote name="Prize for Lukas's Scry"][item=Unhatched Wind Egg]x1[item=Aerborne Halo]x1[item=sepia rose garden]x1[item=Gilded Decorative Chest]x5[item=][/quote] [emoji=wind rune size=1] [b]Lukas: Honorable Mention[/b] [emoji=wind rune size=1] [quote name="Honorable Mention Prize for Lukas's Scry"][item=Unhatched Wind Egg]x1[item=Spring Carousel Fancy]x1[/quote] [emoji=water rune size=1] [b]Cinder[/b] [emoji=water rune size=1] [quote name="Prize for Cinder's Scry"][item=Unhatched water Egg]x1[item=Fathomsearch Halo]x1[item=Night sky bundle]x1[item=Gilded Decorative Chest]x5[item=][/quote] [emoji=water rune size=1] [b]Cinder: Honorable Mention[/b] [emoji=water rune size=1] [quote name="Honorable Mention Prize for Cinder's Scry"][item=Unhatched water Egg]x1[item=Nightfall Starsilks]x1[/quote] [img][/img] [quote name="Prize for Apparel Contest x5 winners"][item=Unhatched Nocturne Egg]x1[item=vial of elemental sight]x1[item=Vial of glowing sight]x1[item=spare inventory crate]x1[/quote] [quote name="Honorable Mention Prize for Apparel Contest x5 winners"][item=Unhatched Nocturne Egg]x1[item=vial of soft sight]x1[/quote] [img][/img] [quote name="Bump Prize, Winner #1"][item=Unhatched Nocturne Egg]x1[item=Electricians Power Pack]x1[item=Gilded Decorative Chest]x5[/quote] [quote name="Bump Prize, Winner #2"][item=Unhatched Nocturne Egg]x1[item=luminous halo]x1[item=Gilded Decorative Chest]x5[/quote] [quote name="Bump Prize, Winner #3"][item=Unhatched Nocturne Egg]x1[item=Night Sky Bundle]x1[item=Gilded Decorative Chest]x5[/quote] [quote name="Bump Prize, Winner #4"][item=Unhatched Nocturne Egg]x1[item=gladegift halo]x1[item=Gilded Decorative Chest]x5[/quote] [quote name="Bump Prize, Winner #5"][item=Unhatched Nocturne Egg]x1[item=black cat]x1[item=Gilded Decorative Chest]x5[/quote] [/center]
Winners have been posted, see them [here]!

I recently ran my first [Scrying and Apparel Contest] and am back to run a second contest!

I have more G1 dragons to scry but am not very good at scrying to come up with genes for them so I'm holding this contest, submit scrys of the dragons that I highlight below to be considered to win prizes. There is also an apparel contest where you can recommend outfits for a chance to win a prize. There are bump prizes as well!

If I use any winning scry or outfit I will list that winner's username in the dragon's bio that is using the submission (unless the winner does not want me to).
[Example can be seen here.]

◊ Please ping me if you have questions, I am not subscribed and even though I will check in regularly I may miss it if I am not pinged.


Scry Contest

◊ Five winners and five honorable mentions, you are allowed to win more than one prize.

◊ You may enter two scrys per dragon, with a total of 10 scrys.

◊ You may split your scrys into multiple posts since they will be judged individually but please only submit two of each dragon total.

◊ I do not have any preference on breeds, genes or eye type. Except: Cinder must remain a nocturne, as she is a tiny glitched nocturne.
Note: Imperials are inaccessible because the breed change scroll is retired.

◊ The contest will accept entries until March 10th at 23:59 at FR server time, winners will announced by the 12th.

Apparel Contest

◊ Five winners and five honorable mentions, you are allowed to win more than one prize.

◊ You may enter up to five outfits total, please use the [dressing tool] that can be used to create outfits. You do not have to save the outfit and link it here, you may save the image and post it instead. If you do so, please list the apparel used. If you do link to a saved mannequin, please leave it saved until at least a day or two after the contest ends.

◊ You may split your entries into multiple posts since they will be judged individually but please only submit five entries total.

◊ You may submit outfits for any theme or kind of dragon! I would love to see outfits specific to scries or themed around the featured dragons' elements but it is not necessary. If you want to submit some of your favorite outfits that you've already assembled on your own dragons, you can do so.

◊ Please do not use skins and accents in your entries. You may optionally provide an alternate to your entry using a skin or accent but one may not be used in the main entry.

◊ The contest will accept entries until March 10th at 23:59 at FR server time, winners will announced by the 12th.


◊ Five bump participants will receive a prize after entries close, winners announced by the 12th with the other prizes.

◊ Winners will receive prizes in order drawn. Winner #1 will receive prize #1, winner #2 will receive prize #2 and so on.

◊ You do not have to participate in the other contests to be eligible for a bump prize.

◊ Bump up to four times per day, at least one hour apart while entries are open. You do not have to wait for another player's bump to pass any amount of time to bump the thread.

◊ You do not need to number your bumps as I will be rolling by 10s then 1s so that I can pull from the page numbers.


◊ Want to be pinged when the winners are announced? Let me know and I will add you to [the list].

◊ Want to be pinged for future contests/raffles/giveaways? Let me know and I will add you to [the list].

Below is a list of each dragon and the prize that can be won for creating their winning scry or honorable mention.


Prize for Ciarra's Scry wrote:
Unhatched Ice Egg x1 Glitterfreeze Halo x1 Vintage Starsilks x1 Gilded Decorative Chest x5

Ciarra: Honorable Mention

Honorable Mention Prize for Ciarra's Scry wrote:
Unhatched Ice Egg x1 Moondust Starsilks x1


Prize for Lark's Scry wrote:
Unhatched Light Egg x1 Luminous Halo x1 Golden Seraph Jewelry x1 Gilded Decorative Chest x5

Lark: Honorable Mention

Honorable Mention Prize for Lark's Scry wrote:
Unhatched Light Egg x1 Pristine Thorn Tangle x1


Prize for Anya's Scry wrote:
Unhatched Shadow Egg x1 Murkmirth Halo x1 Courtier's Apparel x1 Gilded Decorative Chest x5

Anya: Honorable Mention

Honorable Mention Prize for Anya's Scry wrote:
Unhatched Shadow Egg x1 Gothic Carousel Fancy x1


Prize for Lukas's Scry wrote:
Unhatched Wind Egg x1 Aerborne Halo x1 Sepia Rose Garden x1 Gilded Decorative Chest x5

Lukas: Honorable Mention

Honorable Mention Prize for Lukas's Scry wrote:
Unhatched Wind Egg x1 Spring Carousel Fancy x1


Prize for Cinder's Scry wrote:
Unhatched Water Egg x1 Fathomsearch Halo x1 Night Sky Bundle x1 Gilded Decorative Chest x5

Cinder: Honorable Mention

Honorable Mention Prize for Cinder's Scry wrote:
Unhatched Water Egg x1 Nightfall Starsilks x1

Prize for Apparel Contest x5 winners wrote:
Unhatched Nocturne Egg x1 Vial of Elemental Sight x1 Vial of Glowing Sight x1 Spare Inventory Crate x1
Honorable Mention Prize for Apparel Contest x5 winners wrote:
Unhatched Nocturne Egg x1 Vial of Soft Sight x1

Bump Prize, Winner #1 wrote:
Unhatched Nocturne Egg x1x1 Gilded Decorative Chest x5
Bump Prize, Winner #2 wrote:
Unhatched Nocturne Egg x1 Luminous Halo x1 Gilded Decorative Chest x5
Bump Prize, Winner #3 wrote:
Unhatched Nocturne Egg x1 Night Sky Bundle x1 Gilded Decorative Chest x5
Bump Prize, Winner #4 wrote:
Unhatched Nocturne Egg x1 Gladegift Halo x1 Gilded Decorative Chest x5
Bump Prize, Winner #5 wrote:
Unhatched Nocturne Egg x1 Black Cat x1 Gilded Decorative Chest x5
pixel by InspectorAlpaca ....
[center][img][/img] ----- [emoji=ice rune size=1][emoji=ice rune size=1][emoji=ice rune size=1] [b]Ciarra[/b] [emoji=ice rune size=1][emoji=ice rune size=1][emoji=ice rune size=1] [columns][url=][img][/img][/url][br][nextcol][center][url=][br]Ciarra[br]ID# - 286612[br][img][/img][br][br]Rose[br]Aqua[br]Ice[/columns] ----- [emoji=light rune size=1][emoji=light rune size=1][emoji=light rune size=1] [b]Lark[/b] [emoji=light rune size=1][emoji=light rune size=1][emoji=light rune size=1] [columns][url=][img][/img][/url][br][nextcol][center][url=][br]Lark[br]ID# - 1875538[br][img][/img][br][br]Banana[br]Magenta[br]Violet[/columns] ----- [emoji=shadow rune size=1][emoji=shadow rune size=1][emoji=shadow rune size=1] [b]Anya[/b] [emoji=shadow rune size=1][emoji=shadow rune size=1][emoji=shadow rune size=1] [columns][url=][img][/img][/url][br][nextcol][center][url=][br]Anya[br]ID# - 8922853[br][img][/img][br][br]Lavender[br]Purple[br]Charcoal[/columns] ----- [emoji=wind rune size=1][emoji=wind rune size=1][emoji=wind rune size=1] [b]Lukas[/b] [emoji=wind rune size=1][emoji=wind rune size=1][emoji=wind rune size=1] [columns][url=][img][/img][/url][br][nextcol][center][url=][br]Lukas[br]ID# - 9065994[br][img][/img][br][br]Avocado[br]Maize[br]White[/columns] ----- [emoji=water rune size=1][emoji=water rune size=1][emoji=water rune size=1] [b]Cinder[/b] [emoji=water rune size=1][emoji=water rune size=1][emoji=water rune size=1] [b][i]Reminder:[/i][/b] Cinder must remain a nocturne! [columns][url=][img][/img][/url][br][nextcol][center][url=][br]Cinder[br]ID# - 27513327[br][img][/img][br][br]Red[br]Lead[br]Lead[/columns] [/center]
pixel by InspectorAlpaca ....
[center][img][/img] [b]This list will be used when the winners of this contest are announced, let me know if you would like to be added. [/b] @.OhWisp @.Islet @.WishGraanted @.SerendipityShine @.ModusMortis @.AwesomeSparkly @.DarkCheetah @.Animekittywars @.misplay @.Inthelight @.SairentoTsuki @.Meng @.FrostWoods @.BlueRider @.MiraLief @.GoldenRaineeeee @.Grungle @.JustAnArtist @.TyromancerLFauve @.HawkFirePhoenix @.Reyan62 @.BrutusCourt @.chlebinka @.Sumaira @.JXJ @.belated @.Bnemesis @.SoftFrogger @.AndP3ggy @.sootish @.BlueCloud07 @.Brightflight @.D1namica @.Willowgrove @.Newtinmpls @.KeyXIIV @.lastghostling @.givemeyourbones @.ViolentViolet77 [b]This list will be used for future contests/raffles/giveaways, let me know if you would like to be added.[/b] @.Regxlia @.OhWisp @.Islet @.ModusMortis @.Self @.cloudyblossom @.misplay @.Inthelight @.SairentoTsuki @.Meng @.FrostWoods @.Grungle @.JustAnArtist @.TyromancerLFauve @.HawkFirePhoenix @.Reyan62 @.BrutusCourt @.chlebinka @.Bnemesis @.SoftFrogger @.AndP3ggy @.BlueCloud07 @.Brightflight @.Willowgrove @.AzaRein @.Incantamentum @.KeyXIIV @.lastghostling @.givemeyourbones @.AwesomeSparkly @.DuckofFight92 @.Businessman @.CrowHarlequin @.Wallyshrimp @.semisweet @.everlastingecho @.belated @.obcordata @.Tigerstar54 @.aquism @.alliumphyrzz @.ViolentViolet77 @.TFBacon @.Persinnamon @.harpyja @.winterprism @.WishGraanted @.Slimybanana2 @.Zosimos @.Nozomikei @.Mothimistic [/center]

This list will be used when the winners of this contest are announced, let me know if you would like to be added.

@.OhWisp @.Islet @.WishGraanted @.SerendipityShine @.ModusMortis @.AwesomeSparkly @.DarkCheetah @.Animekittywars @.misplay @.Inthelight @.SairentoTsuki @.Meng @.FrostWoods @.BlueRider @.MiraLief @.GoldenRaineeeee @.Grungle @.JustAnArtist @.TyromancerLFauve @.HawkFirePhoenix @.Reyan62 @.BrutusCourt @.chlebinka @.Sumaira @.JXJ @.belated @.Bnemesis @.SoftFrogger @.AndP3ggy @.sootish @.BlueCloud07 @.Brightflight @.D1namica @.Willowgrove @.Newtinmpls @.KeyXIIV @.lastghostling @.givemeyourbones @.ViolentViolet77

This list will be used for future contests/raffles/giveaways, let me know if you would like to be added.

@.Regxlia @.OhWisp @.Islet @.ModusMortis @.Self @.cloudyblossom @.misplay @.Inthelight @.SairentoTsuki @.Meng @.FrostWoods @.Grungle @.JustAnArtist @.TyromancerLFauve @.HawkFirePhoenix @.Reyan62 @.BrutusCourt @.chlebinka @.Bnemesis @.SoftFrogger @.AndP3ggy @.BlueCloud07 @.Brightflight @.Willowgrove @.AzaRein @.Incantamentum @.KeyXIIV @.lastghostling @.givemeyourbones @.AwesomeSparkly @.DuckofFight92 @.Businessman @.CrowHarlequin @.Wallyshrimp @.semisweet @.everlastingecho @.belated @.obcordata @.Tigerstar54 @.aquism @.alliumphyrzz @.ViolentViolet77 @.TFBacon @.Persinnamon @.harpyja @.winterprism @.WishGraanted @.Slimybanana2 @.Zosimos @.Nozomikei @.Mothimistic
pixel by InspectorAlpaca ....
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pixel by InspectorAlpaca ....
[center][emoji=rainbow star 1 size=1][/center]
pixel by InspectorAlpaca ....
[center][emoji=rainbow star 1 size=1][/center]
pixel by InspectorAlpaca ....
[center][emoji=rainbow star 1 size=1][/center]
pixel by InspectorAlpaca ....
[center][emoji=rainbow star 1 size=1][/center]
pixel by InspectorAlpaca ....
[center][emoji=rainbow star 1 size=1][/center]
pixel by InspectorAlpaca ....
pixel by InspectorAlpaca ....