
Raffles & Giveaways

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TOPIC | [CLOSED] G5 Naomi/Ignis giveaway!
[img][/img] Meet Caracalla! The immediate vibe I got from his description was 'bratty spoiled kid who actually has the power to back up his ego', so I decided to slap a perma-baby scroll and some big innocent eyes on there along with the new genes. - He was a mistake. A failed experiment, an effort by Yal and her closest supporters to make one of her children into a truly worthy successor by granting him the gift of true prophecy. All of his mother's knowledge and more, able to gaze into each possible future and shape them however he desired. They treated him like royalty in the years leading up to the ritual, gave him everything he could have ever wanted, expecting him to return the favor once he was powerful enough. But when the time finally came... something went wrong. The magic filled his body just as planned, but it didn't manifest in the way they'd hoped. In fact, as far as they could tell, it didn't manifest at all. It just kind of... sat there. Dormant. (Side note - I like to think that's what the flecks are! Maybe the ritual was supposed to add all these cool metallic gold markings to him as symbols of his newfound power, but since it failed, it just gave him these weird scattered patches instead.) Well, the way Yal saw it, dormant magic was about as good as no magic. Once it was clear that Caracalla didn't have what they were looking for, she and the others quickly cast him aside and began looking for a more suitable host. Poor Cara was shocked at the sudden turn - one minute he's got the most loving family in the world, the next he might as well just not exist! He tried to regain their favor, asking what he'd done wrong and how he could still help, but all he got for his trouble was kicked to the edge of the clan and told never to associate with them again. This would prove to be their biggest mistake yet. He spent a few minutes curled up in a ball, sobbing and shaking as they left him behind. Why? Was he not good enough? What more did they want from him? Did they ever really care about him in the first place, or was it all just an act? But the longer he thought about it, the more of his sorrow slowly turned to anger. How dare they treat him like this! The sand at his feet began to stir. He was the son of a prophet, the fated host of a power greater than any they'd ever known! Pebbles drifted lazily into the air. They were going to [i]pay[/i] for underestimating him! Deep inside, something woke up. ... Caracalla didn't come back after that. He knew he wouldn't be welcome - and besides, he didn't have much reason to visit a graveyard. Instead, he set off into the world, waiting for someone to finally acknowledge him for what he was: not a failure, not a disappointment, but a force to be reckoned with. - What a guy! Cute, buuut I'd advise against getting too close. I think he could have some fun interactions in Hearthglow, seeing as it's got the whole 'mysterious hotel that traps its residents forever' thing going on. Maybe he's one of the few who actually knows the truth, but actively chooses to stay there instead of trying to escape because [url=]Fluffington[/url]'s convinced him that he and the other workers really understand and appreciate him like the outside world never did.

Meet Caracalla!

The immediate vibe I got from his description was 'bratty spoiled kid who actually has the power to back up his ego', so I decided to slap a perma-baby scroll and some big innocent eyes on there along with the new genes.


He was a mistake. A failed experiment, an effort by Yal and her closest supporters to make one of her children into a truly worthy successor by granting him the gift of true prophecy. All of his mother's knowledge and more, able to gaze into each possible future and shape them however he desired.

They treated him like royalty in the years leading up to the ritual, gave him everything he could have ever wanted, expecting him to return the favor once he was powerful enough. But when the time finally came... something went wrong. The magic filled his body just as planned, but it didn't manifest in the way they'd hoped. In fact, as far as they could tell, it didn't manifest at all. It just kind of... sat there. Dormant.

(Side note - I like to think that's what the flecks are! Maybe the ritual was supposed to add all these cool metallic gold markings to him as symbols of his newfound power, but since it failed, it just gave him these weird scattered patches instead.)

Well, the way Yal saw it, dormant magic was about as good as no magic. Once it was clear that Caracalla didn't have what they were looking for, she and the others quickly cast him aside and began looking for a more suitable host. Poor Cara was shocked at the sudden turn - one minute he's got the most loving family in the world, the next he might as well just not exist! He tried to regain their favor, asking what he'd done wrong and how he could still help, but all he got for his trouble was kicked to the edge of the clan and told never to associate with them again.

This would prove to be their biggest mistake yet.

He spent a few minutes curled up in a ball, sobbing and shaking as they left him behind. Why? Was he not good enough? What more did they want from him? Did they ever really care about him in the first place, or was it all just an act? But the longer he thought about it, the more of his sorrow slowly turned to anger. How dare they treat him like this! The sand at his feet began to stir. He was the son of a prophet, the fated host of a power greater than any they'd ever known! Pebbles drifted lazily into the air. They were going to pay for underestimating him! Deep inside, something woke up.


Caracalla didn't come back after that. He knew he wouldn't be welcome - and besides, he didn't have much reason to visit a graveyard. Instead, he set off into the world, waiting for someone to finally acknowledge him for what he was: not a failure, not a disappointment, but a force to be reckoned with.


What a guy! Cute, buuut I'd advise against getting too close. I think he could have some fun interactions in Hearthglow, seeing as it's got the whole 'mysterious hotel that traps its residents forever' thing going on. Maybe he's one of the few who actually knows the truth, but actively chooses to stay there instead of trying to escape because Fluffington's convinced him that he and the other workers really understand and appreciate him like the outside world never did.
Bump! And I just want to say--I'm loving everyone's entries so far!!
Bump! And I just want to say--I'm loving everyone's entries so far!!
Writing enthusiast
Bump! Contest ends in four days!
Bump! Contest ends in four days!
Writing enthusiast
@elduwen WOW, what a cool looking guy! In my lore, dragons carry a formal name given to them by their parents that they use in most occasions with most people, and a true name that only the dragon themselves and their [url=]deity[/url] knows. The way this operates with flight rising's in-game mechanics is that their formal name is their official name, while their true name will be written in their bio with their lore. So his formal name would be GoldundertheRot while his true name would be Niàn Zu. The only things, genetics wise, I'd change would be his primary from lionfish to boulder because I just really like boulder and his eyes from common to swirl because it makes him wear an almost concerned expression. Both of these genetic scrolls I already have in my hoard. [center][img][/img][/center] In his broadcast message, I'd write "A Glass Chess Piece on a Wooden Board" For his personality, I imagine that he's naturally a more reserved presence, but because almost all of his youth was spent by his mother's side as she did her prophetess work and because he has witnessed many disturbing events, he's emotionally repressed and tries to pledge his heart to his duties to ignore his feelings. While he himself is not affiliated with the Shade, he does have an affinity for sensing it as well as being able to minimally twist it to where he sees fit thanks to the close parasitical hold it once had on his grandfather and the relationship his mother still cultivates with it to this day. And though he has this power, he has no interest in participating in saving the world. Instead he ran away from his mother when he reached adulthood, and away from Sornieth to a land populated by dragons and foreign to the Shade. But trouble arises for him as a [url=]new dragon[/url] arrives (most likely a disciple of his mother's teachings), quickly becoming his [url=]lord's[/url] mate and producing a nest. She refuses to take on a formal name herself or give her children formal names, and he can feel the Shade clinging to her heart with a white-knuckle grip. For his mate, I have this [url=]gen 3 imp girl[/url] whose lore TLDR is basically her egg was cracked and through those cracks the Shade crept in and now the latter half of her body first trails into black mist, and then nothingness, and with every year or so, more and more of her body is absorbed by the Shade. I wrote a little bio for him: [indent][indent][indent][columns][img][/img][nextcol] [emoji=light rune size=1][nextcol][size=5][font=garamond][color=#3b2f2f][b]Niàn Z?[/b][/color][/font][/size] [size=3][font=calibri][color=#b0734f]??[/color][/font][/size] [size=5][color=#8B272C]?[/color][color=#451717]?[/color][color=#FFA248]?[/color][color=transparent]       [/color][/size][/columns] [columns][color=#cccccc]????????????????????????????[/color] [size=1][size=1] [/size][/size][size=4][font=garamond][color=#b0734f][b]how quickly can a blighted touch rot a golden spirit?[/b][/color][/font][/size] [center][size=2][font=calibri][color=#3b2f2f]?his father is a fading thought in a dusty crevice within the archives of his mind, while his mother brings to ruin every memory she dares grace with her fervor. he feels the eyes of his family line burning through his scales.?[/center] [color=#cccccc]????????????????????????????[/color] [size=2][font=calibri][color=#3b2f2f][color=transparent]______[/color]Oh, how his mother would be so pleased, how she would crow, seeing that he still uses the curse bestowed on his pedigree. Tending to a Shade-touched atrocity who isn't even fully aware of the blight she carries in a land that has only dawned for a few decades worth of time with the Shade residing in it. [color=transparent]______[/color]He ghosts his talons over Sù Y?n's tail—barely corporeal, and more black mist than dragon—feeling out that rotten presence. It's a knack of his, recognizing this familiar evil within others. When a sort of dread hums through his talons, he curls them like hooks cutting into a fish's mouth and nimbly pulls in a ripping motion. Fumes of lead-colored vapor briefly dance through the air like wriggling snakes before getting pierced by sunlight and dissolving. Supposedly, it has been eating at her since before hatching, and at the rate it was feasting on her, it would most likely have completely possessed her by now if not for him. [color=transparent]______[/color]An uncomfortable feeling writhes underneath his scales as he mulls over the thought of the Shade completely coming into being within Sù Y?n. He knows what it had once done to his grandfather. Seen what it is still doing to his mother. He is well aware of its influence on both the vessels themselves and the dragons they surround themselves with. Even if the vessel keeps a sane mind—an independent uniqueness to themselves—the Shade always has its way to a dramatic extent. [color=transparent]______[/color]Cannibalism. Sacrifices. Necromancy. Possession. All despicable things that violate the natural order. That is why he is so upset over this. All those things colored his life as a youth, and there was no reason for his present home to be plagued by the same problems. [color=transparent]______[/color]This is why he spends his time quietly mending the body and soul of Sù Y?n. It is why he entwines their bodies when she cries. To simply purge this pure world of evil is why he whispered his true name into her ear. [color=transparent]______[/color]Do not mistake his intentions. By no means is he swayed by Sù Y?n's smile, or by the look in her eyes as she recalls nostalgia-tinged memories, or by the way she says, "Thank you, Niàn Z?. You have no idea how much this helps me." and dips her head, before quietly padding away with a slight spring in her step after he retracts his talons. [color=transparent]______[/color]He sits there, befuddled. A warm feeling, like a hearth's fire in winter, flourishes in his ribcage. The feeling of doing what's right, of justice being served. Nothing more.[/color][/font][/size] [size=1][size=1] [/size][/size][color=#cccccc]???????????????????????????[font=calibri][url=][color=#cccccc]?[/color][/url][/font][/color] [size=1][size=1] [/size][/size][size=3][font=garamond][color=#b0734f][b]timeline.[/b][/color][/font][/size] [size=2][font=calibri][color=#3b2f2f] › ...  › ...  › ...[/color][/font][/size][nextcol][color=transparent]          .[/color][/columns][/indent][/indent][/indent] [center][url=][size=2]a bit of the coding broke so here's a link to a live demo of the page completely intact[/size][/url][/center] I thought it'd be kind of cute if these two dragons, one emotionally repressed and the other somewhat ignorant to emotions, as well as both of them being light dragons plagued by the Shade, became the cornerstone for each other. He is a doctor that heals her when all else has failed, and she is an ear to listen to him without any judgement or pity. Here are a few highlights of possible hatchlings from the "Foresee Progeny" page in the scrying workshop with these two inputted (with the boulder gene applied to him): [center][img][/img][img][/img][img][/img][img][/img][/center]
WOW, what a cool looking guy!
In my lore, dragons carry a formal name given to them by their parents that they use in most occasions with most people, and a true name that only the dragon themselves and their deity knows.
The way this operates with flight rising's in-game mechanics is that their formal name is their official name, while their true name will be written in their bio with their lore.
So his formal name would be GoldundertheRot while his true name would be Niàn Zu.
The only things, genetics wise, I'd change would be his primary from lionfish to boulder because I just really like boulder and his eyes from common to swirl because it makes him wear an almost concerned expression. Both of these genetic scrolls I already have in my hoard.
In his broadcast message, I'd write "A Glass Chess Piece on a Wooden Board"
For his personality, I imagine that he's naturally a more reserved presence, but because almost all of his youth was spent by his mother's side as she did her prophetess work and because he has witnessed many disturbing events, he's emotionally repressed and tries to pledge his heart to his duties to ignore his feelings.
While he himself is not affiliated with the Shade, he does have an affinity for sensing it as well as being able to minimally twist it to where he sees fit thanks to the close parasitical hold it once had on his grandfather and the relationship his mother still cultivates with it to this day.
And though he has this power, he has no interest in participating in saving the world. Instead he ran away from his mother when he reached adulthood, and away from Sornieth to a land populated by dragons and foreign to the Shade.
But trouble arises for him as a new dragon arrives (most likely a disciple of his mother's teachings), quickly becoming his lord's mate and producing a nest. She refuses to take on a formal name herself or give her children formal names, and he can feel the Shade clinging to her heart with a white-knuckle grip.
For his mate, I have this gen 3 imp girl whose lore TLDR is basically her egg was cracked and through those cracks the Shade crept in and now the latter half of her body first trails into black mist, and then nothingness, and with every year or so, more and more of her body is absorbed by the Shade.
I wrote a little bio for him:
Niàn Z?

how quickly can a blighted touch rot a golden spirit?
?his father is a fading thought in a dusty crevice within the archives of his mind, while his mother brings to ruin every memory she dares grace with her fervor. he feels the eyes of his family line burning through his scales.?
______Oh, how his mother would be so pleased, how she would crow, seeing that he still uses the curse bestowed on his pedigree. Tending to a Shade-touched atrocity who isn't even fully aware of the blight she carries in a land that has only dawned for a few decades worth of time with the Shade residing in it.
______He ghosts his talons over Sù Y?n's tail—barely corporeal, and more black mist than dragon—feeling out that rotten presence. It's a knack of his, recognizing this familiar evil within others. When a sort of dread hums through his talons, he curls them like hooks cutting into a fish's mouth and nimbly pulls in a ripping motion. Fumes of lead-colored vapor briefly dance through the air like wriggling snakes before getting pierced by sunlight and dissolving. Supposedly, it has been eating at her since before hatching, and at the rate it was feasting on her, it would most likely have completely possessed her by now if not for him.
______An uncomfortable feeling writhes underneath his scales as he mulls over the thought of the Shade completely coming into being within Sù Y?n. He knows what it had once done to his grandfather. Seen what it is still doing to his mother. He is well aware of its influence on both the vessels themselves and the dragons they surround themselves with. Even if the vessel keeps a sane mind—an independent uniqueness to themselves—the Shade always has its way to a dramatic extent.
______Cannibalism. Sacrifices. Necromancy. Possession. All despicable things that violate the natural order. That is why he is so upset over this. All those things colored his life as a youth, and there was no reason for his present home to be plagued by the same problems.
______This is why he spends his time quietly mending the body and soul of Sù Y?n. It is why he entwines their bodies when she cries. To simply purge this pure world of evil is why he whispered his true name into her ear.
______Do not mistake his intentions. By no means is he swayed by Sù Y?n's smile, or by the look in her eyes as she recalls nostalgia-tinged memories, or by the way she says, "Thank you, Niàn Z?. You have no idea how much this helps me." and dips her head, before quietly padding away with a slight spring in her step after he retracts his talons.
______He sits there, befuddled. A warm feeling, like a hearth's fire in winter, flourishes in his ribcage. The feeling of doing what's right, of justice being served. Nothing more.


 › ...
 › ...
 › ...
I thought it'd be kind of cute if these two dragons, one emotionally repressed and the other somewhat ignorant to emotions, as well as both of them being light dragons plagued by the Shade, became the cornerstone for each other. He is a doctor that heals her when all else has failed, and she is an ear to listen to him without any judgement or pity.
Here are a few highlights of possible hatchlings from the "Foresee Progeny" page in the scrying workshop with these two inputted (with the boulder gene applied to him):
» G E T H S E M A N E
gene log
breeding projects

Today is the last day, folks!
Today is the last day, folks!
Writing enthusiast
@ShiningFlight @Elda @sylasbriarwood @LokiFire @Cynicism @KymoLadyofStorms @Hwa @BloodQueen @Scissortailed @Gethsemane hey yo, sorry for the delay in announcing the winner, life has decided to deck me in the face and go "screw you in particular" lately. I promise I'll get to it soon!
@ShiningFlight @Elda @sylasbriarwood @LokiFire @Cynicism @KymoLadyofStorms @Hwa @BloodQueen @Scissortailed @Gethsemane hey yo, sorry for the delay in announcing the winner, life has decided to deck me in the face and go "screw you in particular" lately. I promise I'll get to it soon!
Writing enthusiast
@elduwen no worries! IRL should always take priority over the dragon game
@elduwen no worries! IRL should always take priority over the dragon game
» G E T H S E M A N E
gene log
breeding projects

Totally understand! I hope things don't get too crazy on you. Please take care of yourself. <3
Totally understand! I hope things don't get too crazy on you. Please take care of yourself. <3
It’s all fine, take whatever time you need! Life comes first and we can wait
It’s all fine, take whatever time you need! Life comes first and we can wait
2 million years later…

@ShiningFlight @Elda @sylasbriarwood @LokiFire @Cynicism @KymoLadyofStorms @Hwa @BloodQueen @Scissortailed I have finally chosen the winner of the lovely informal contest, and it is…


Thank you to all who entered. Everyone's entries were so interesting and so full of passion for this dragon I've offered, it took me this long (in between everything life has thrown at me) to finally settle on one! If I could give him to all of you, I would, but for those of you who did not win, I can add you to a pinglist for Yalsehelephtah's offspring at a discounted price.

Hope you all are having a good night/day, wherever you are!
2 million years later…

@ShiningFlight @Elda @sylasbriarwood @LokiFire @Cynicism @KymoLadyofStorms @Hwa @BloodQueen @Scissortailed I have finally chosen the winner of the lovely informal contest, and it is…


Thank you to all who entered. Everyone's entries were so interesting and so full of passion for this dragon I've offered, it took me this long (in between everything life has thrown at me) to finally settle on one! If I could give him to all of you, I would, but for those of you who did not win, I can add you to a pinglist for Yalsehelephtah's offspring at a discounted price.

Hope you all are having a good night/day, wherever you are!
Writing enthusiast