[columns][url=https://www1.flightrising.com/dragon/43029490][img]https://www1.flightrising.com/rendern/350/430295/43029490_350.png[/img][/url][nextcol]Hello there! My name is Granite. Male ambassador of Earth.
Welcome to the year long (ish) New Year's raffle!
As an ambassador of a flight it's my job to make sure my clan celebrates the current fest all month long! My fellow ambassadors and I came up with a wonderful idea this winter. Let's host a raffle to celebrate all the holidays of the past year! I'll let my friend, Quartz, take over form here.[/columns]
[columns]Thanks for the intro Granite! I'm Quartz, the female ambassador of Earth. Every month prizes will be added that correspond with the holiday of that month! But don't worry. Prizes that go with a themed flight can still be added after that month - Just not before![nextcol][right][url=https://www1.flightrising.com/dragon/63409144][img]https://www1.flightrising.com/rendern/350/634092/63409144_350.png[/img][/url]
Hello there! My name is Granite. Male ambassador of Earth.
Welcome to the year long (ish) New Year's raffle!
As an ambassador of a flight it's my job to make sure my clan celebrates the current fest all month long! My fellow ambassadors and I came up with a wonderful idea this winter. Let's host a raffle to celebrate all the holidays of the past year! I'll let my friend, Quartz, take over form here.
Thanks for the intro Granite! I'm Quartz, the female ambassador of Earth. Every month prizes will be added that correspond with the holiday of that month! But don't worry. Prizes that go with a themed flight can still be added after that month - Just not before!
[img]https://i.ibb.co/Vx6wB5Z/Untitled.jpg[/img][font=New Times Roman][size=4] To purchase a ticket send 1,300 treasure or 1 gem via one way crossroad or via pm too @dwarfcichlidlvr you can buy as many tickets as you like![/font][/size]
[img]https://i.ibb.co/Vx6wB5Z/Untitled.jpg[/img][font=New Times Roman][size=4] You may also buy tickets with eggs. Each egg will be accepted at their LAH price. You may buy as many tickets as you want this way.[/font][/size]
[img]https://i.ibb.co/Vx6wB5Z/Untitled.jpg[/img][font=New Times Roman][size=4] Bump tickets can be earned after the [i][u]purchase[/u][/i] of 25 tickets! This means that any tickets earned cannot count towards the 25 needed to bump. (This does not apply to tickets purchased with items). The bump tickets will go to the bump raffle! [b]You may only bump once per half hour[/b]. The word bump, boop, bop etc. must be in your post to count as a bump.[/font][/size]
[img]https://i.ibb.co/Vx6wB5Z/Untitled.jpg[/img][font=New Times Roman][size=4] Once you've bought a ticket you'll be marked down. If something occurs where I've made a mistake please ping me [b]Politely[/b] and I will fix it asap.[/font][/size]
[img]https://i.ibb.co/Vx6wB5Z/Untitled.jpg[/img][font=New Times Roman][size=4] There are also a way to purchases tickets by paying with items on my [url=https://www1.flightrising.com/dragon/68886873]wishlist[/url][/font][/size]. There you will see that you will earn extra tickets if you choose to pay this way. If you are confused on how this works feel free to shoot me a dm.
[img]https://i.ibb.co/Vx6wB5Z/Untitled.jpg[/img][font=New Times Roman][size=4] There will be no refunds for tickets, unless I decide to cancel the raffle [b]if[/b] something happens then you'll be fully refunded[/font][/size]
[img]https://i.ibb.co/Vx6wB5Z/Untitled.jpg[/img][font=New Times Roman][size=4] Please please be respectful! (easy one there, right?)[/font][/size]
[img]https://i.ibb.co/Vx6wB5Z/Untitled.jpg[/img][font=New Times Roman][size=4]
I will use a RNG to determine the winners. Those who are chosen have 24hrs to choose their prizes in the order they're chosen. If You don't claim your prize within the 24hr mark you will be moved down to the next rolls. If you fail to choose your prize twice you will be put back into the drawing pool.[/font][/size]
[img]https://i.ibb.co/Vx6wB5Z/Untitled.jpg[/img][font=New Times Roman][size=4] You can gain tickets by [b]drawing art[/b] for me! Please message me first before drawing art so we can talk about it.[/font][/size]
[img]https://i.ibb.co/Vx6wB5Z/Untitled.jpg[/img][font=New Times Roman][size=4] If you have anymore questions feel free to message @dwarfcichlidlvr and I'll try to answer them the best I can![/font][/size]
[img]https://i.ibb.co/Vx6wB5Z/Untitled.jpg[/img][font=New Times Roman][size=4] The The raffle will end at 23:59:59 on New Year's Eve 2021[/font][/size]
[img]https://i.ibb.co/Vx6wB5Z/Untitled.jpg[/img][font=New Times Roman][size=4] You can earn 20 tickets by putting this banner in your signature. These tickets do [u][b]NOT[/b][/u] qualify you to enter the bump raffle. Please ping me when you add it so i can can add your tickets.[/font][/size]
[quote=Frigid Friends][item=Glacial Veins Chest][item=frigid emblem][item=Wandering Aquarius][item=Cold-Hearted Prince Chest][/quote]
[quote=Chilling Scenery][item=Cold-Hearted Prince Chest][item=Scene: Icewarden's Domain][item=Frostfaerie Wings][item=Accent: Chill Flowers][/quote]
[quote=Permafrost Ice][item=Perma Tempest Chest][item=Frostfaerie Wings][item=Wandering Aquarius][item=Glacial Veins Chest][/quote]
[quote=Looks like Ethereal Ice][item=Ethereal Ice Chest][item=Scene: Icewarden's Domain][item=frigid emblem][item=Glacial Veins Chest][/quote]
[quote=What a lovely day][item=Strawberry Noggle][item=Sweetheart Swan][item=Lovebirds Tea Cups][item=Lovebirds Spare Tea][item=Lovebirds Apron][item=lovebirds towel][item=Lovebirds Dried Tea][item=Lovebirds Tea Tray][item=Enamored Swan][item=Chocolate Noggle][/quote]
[quote= A Friendly Game of Dice][item=Loaded Dice Chest][item=Shady Emblem][item=Void's Grasp][item=Friends from Within Chest][/quote]
[quote= Stirring Shady Ink][item=Inkjet Accident][item=Disappearing Pisces][item=Scene: Shadowbinder's Domain][item=Skin: Stirring Shadow][/quote]
[quote= Fiendish Friends][item=Skin: Fiendish Company][item=Void's Grasp][item=Disappearing Pisces][item=Accent: Hypnotica][/quote]
[quote=Mysterious Dice][item=Loaded Dice Chest][item=Scene: Shadowbinder's Domain][item=shady emblem][item=mysterymoth chest][/quote]
[quote=Fluttering Flock][item=Whirlwind Emblem][item=Fluttering Breeze Chest][item=Roaming Aries][/quote]
[quote=Windy Scenery][item=Scene: Windsinger's Domain][item=Breath of the Wind Chest][item=Airborne Parchment][/quote]
[quote=Airborne Aries][item=Airborne Parchment][item=Journey Joinery Chest][item=Roaming Aries][/quote]
[quote= Wind all Around][item=Scene: Windsinger's Domain][item=Accent: Alizesha][item=Whirlwind Emblem][/quote]
[quote=Flowing Waters][item=Accent: Amphitrite][item=diver emblem][item=Flowing Taurus][item=Undersea Angler Chest][/quote]
[quote=Tidedad is here!!!!][item=Sluggish Chest][item=Scene: Tidelord's domain][item=Coral Crown][item=Skin: Ancient leviathan][/quote]
[quote=Aquatic Mamals][item=Lilies & Seaweed Chest][item=Coral Crown][item=Flowing Taurus][item=Surface Camouflage Chest][/quote]
[quote=Water, Water Everywhere][item=Undersea Angler Chest][item=Scene: Tidelord's Domain][item=diver emblem][item=Sluggish Chest][/quote]
[quote=Bird of Paradise][item=Veiled Rainbowwing Chest][item=Druidic emblem][item=Sprouting Gemini][item=Sweet Scent Chest][/quote]
[quote=En-colved][item=Sweet Scent Chest][item=Scene: Gladekeeper's domain][item=Nurtured Cluster][item=Accent: Spice Queen][/quote]
[quote=Colorful Lemons][item=Lemonskeeper Chest][item=Nurtured Cluster][item=Sprouting Gemini][item=Veiled Rainbowwing Chest][/quote]
[quote=Durids of the Air][item=Accent: Spirit's Garden][item=Scene: Gladekeeper's Domain][item=Druidic emblem][item=Lemonskeeper Chest][/quote]
[quote=The Light of Dawn][item=Herald of Dawn Chest][item=Light's Charm][item=Marble Lightweaver][item=Accent: lightweaver's moths][/quote]
[quote=Light, Shine, Bright][item=Accent: lightweaver's moths][item=Scene: Lightweaver's Domain][item=Lustrous Mantle][item=Orbs of Light Chest][/quote]
[quote=Hieroglyphic Light][item=Ruins Protector Chest][item=Lustrous Mantle][item=Marble Lightweaver][item=Skin: sacred geometries][/quote]
[quote=The Sun's Light][item=Orbs of Light Chest][item=Scene: Lightweaver's Domain][item=Light's Charm][item=Sunchaser Chest][/quote]
[quote=Mark of the Stormcatcher][item=Prismatic Huntress Chest][item=Lightning's Charm][item=Sandstone Stormcatcher][item=Point of Origin Chest][/quote]
[quote=Crackling Storm][item=Lightning Dancer Chest][item=Scene: Stormcatcher's Domain][item=Trailing Storm][item=Lion Armor Chest][/quote]
[quote=Electric Canyons][item=Lion Armor Chest][item=Trailing Storm][item=Sandstone Stormcatcher][item=Canyon Crawler Chest][/quote]
[quote= Flight Through the Storm][item=Prismatic Huntress Chest][item=Scene: Stormcatcher's Domain][item=Lightning's Charm][item=Thunderbird Chest][/quote]
[quote=Hephaestus, God of Fire ][item=Accent: Melted][item=fire's Charm][item=Porphyry Flamecaller][item=Accent: Magma Tube Menace][/quote]
[quote= Lava Steam][item=Blazing Necromancer Chest][item=Scene: Flamecaller's Domain][item=Incense Mantle][item=Accent: Magma Tube Menace][/quote]
[quote= Molten Metal][item=Accent: Esteemed Metalsmith][item=Incense Mantle][item=Porphyry Flamecaller][item= Accent: Melted][/quote]
[quote= Adding Flame to the Fire][item=Accent: Melted][item=Scene: Flamecaller's Domain][item=fire's Charm][item=Accent: Esteemed Metalsmith][/quote]
[quote= Arcane Na Christal][item=Crystalspine Guardian Chest][item=arcane's Charm][item=Chalcedony Arcanist][item=Arcana na na na Chest][/quote]
[quote=Magical Constellation][item=Fractured Cosmos Chest][item=Scene: Arcanist's Domain][item=Bewitching Bangles][item=Accent: Capriccio][/quote]
[quote=Mystifying Magic][item=Fractured Cosmos Chest][item=Bewitching Bangles][item=Chalcedony Arcanist][item=Crystalspine Guardian Chest][/quote]
[quote= Heart of Magic][item=Aquila Chest][item=Scene: Arcanist's Domain][item=arcane's Charm][item=Gilded Sight Chest][/quote]
[quote=plague][item=Prismatic Huntress Chest][item=arcane's Charm][item=Chalcedony Arcanist][item=Point of Origin Chest][/quote]
[quote=Crackling Storm][item=Lightning Dancer Chest][item=Scene: Stormcatcher's Domain][item=Bewitching Bangles][item=Lion Armor Chest][/quote]
[quote=Electric Canyons][item=Lion Armor Chest][item=Bewitching Bangles][item=Chalcedony Arcanist][item=Canyon Crawler Chest][/quote]
[quote= Flight Through the Storm][item=Prismatic Huntress Chest][item=Scene: Stormcatcher's Domain][item=arcane's Charm][item=Thunderbird Chest][/quote]
[quote= unlocks at 4000 tickets]Set of all 11 elemental eggs plus a skin or accent form the fest that corresponds to their element.
[size=1]*These will be 11 separate prizes[/size][/quote]
[quote= Unlocks at 8000 tickets][item=nature sprite][/quote]
Looks like Ethereal Ice wrote:
A Friendly Game of Dice wrote:
Stirring Shady Ink wrote:
Tidedad is here!!!! wrote:
Water, Water Everywhere wrote:
Light, Shine, Bright wrote:
Hieroglyphic Light wrote:
Mark of the Stormcatcher wrote:
Flight Through the Storm wrote:
Hephaestus, God of Fire wrote:
Adding Flame to the Fire wrote:
Arcane Na Christal wrote:
Magical Constellation wrote:
Flight Through the Storm wrote:
unlocks at 4000 tickets wrote:
Set of all 11 elemental eggs plus a skin or accent form the fest that corresponds to their element.
*These will be 11 separate prizes
Unlocks at 8000 tickets wrote:
[center][size=4][b]Q:[/b] How do I gain tickets instead of purchasing them?[/center][/size]
[center][size=4][b]A:[/b] You can gain tickets in multiple ways. You can check out how to gain tickets at the Rules/Tickets![/center][/size]
[center][size=4][b]Q: For bumping, is it a half hour hour after my own bump or someone else's?[/center][/size]
[center][size=4][b]A: An half hour after the [b]LAST[/b] bump. I could have been yours or it could be someone else's bump. It doesn't matter. If the bump is less than a minute early than the last bump, it is fine. It just can go past the 60 second limit.[/b][/center][/size]
[center][size=4][b]Q:[/b] Do i need to number my bumps?[/center][/size]
[center][size=4][b]A:[/b] Yes you do. If you do not remember ow many times you've bumped you can always take a look at [url=https://www1.flightrising.com/forums/raf/2980536/1#post_46655969]Track Your Tickets[/url] to see how many times you've bumped.[/center][/size]
[center][size=4][b]Q:[/b] How many times can a person win?[/center][/size]
[center][size=4][b]A:[/b] Each person can only win [b]once[/b]. That means if your ticket is drawn again, I will have to reroll and pick another one. [/center][/size]
[center][size=4][b]Q:[/b] How often are prizes added?[/center][/size]
[center][size=4][b]A:[/b] Prizes will be added every 2 to 4 weeks for the main raffle and every 1-2 months for the bump raffle. [/center][/size]
Q: How do I gain tickets instead of purchasing them?
A: You can gain tickets in multiple ways. You can check out how to gain tickets at the Rules/Tickets!
Q: For bumping, is it a half hour hour after my own bump or someone else's?
A: An half hour after the LAST bump. I could have been yours or it could be someone else's bump. It doesn't matter. If the bump is less than a minute early than the last bump, it is fine. It just can go past the 60 second limit.
Q: Do i need to number my bumps?
A: Yes you do. If you do not remember ow many times you've bumped you can always take a look at Track Your Tickets to see how many times you've bumped.
Q: How many times can a person win?
A: Each person can only win once. That means if your ticket is drawn again, I will have to reroll and pick another one.
Q: How often are prizes added?
A: Prizes will be added every 2 to 4 weeks for the main raffle and every 1-2 months for the bump raffle.
Azurys 1-10
statue 11-16
WolfTrickster 17-47
aura12 48-68
WolfTrickster 69-99
Fireheart54439 100-145
MotherOfBeardies 101
Wingzoffirefan 102-122 (nb)
RussetDown 123-128
seamists 129-139
Orbeez 140-143
woodlemoodle 144-159
WolfyKnutz 160-185
Herodias 186-191
Zikitty 192-199
pghbekka 200-225
Herodias 226-236
[u][b]Bump Tickets[/b][/u]
WolfTrickster 10
Fireheart54439 9
WolfyKnutz 3
New prize pinglist:
Last day pinglist:
Next year's raffle pinglist:
Winner drawing pinglist:[/center]
Azurys 1-10
statue 11-16
WolfTrickster 17-47
aura12 48-68
WolfTrickster 69-99
Fireheart54439 100-145
MotherOfBeardies 101
Wingzoffirefan 102-122 (nb)
RussetDown 123-128
seamists 129-139
Orbeez 140-143
woodlemoodle 144-159
WolfyKnutz 160-185
Herodias 186-191
Zikitty 192-199
pghbekka 200-225
Herodias 226-236
Bump Tickets
WolfTrickster 10
Fireheart54439 9
WolfyKnutz 3
New prize pinglist:
Last day pinglist:
Next year's raffle pinglist:
Winner drawing pinglist:
Will be leveled to 25 by the end of the raffle[/quote]
[quote = Egg on your face][item=unhatched Nocturne egg][/quote]
Iliad wrote:

Will be leveled to 25 by the end of the raffle
Vanitatum @
aura12 @
WolfTrickster @
Deutsch @
MewBladeXxX @
Goldenflame23 @
gryphon982 @
Aeiko @
statue @
We are open! You all requested a ping when this became a thing!
You won 10 tickets in last year's raffle. They are already recorded
Hello :eyes:
I would like to purchase 5 tickets for 5 gems
Hello :eyes:
I would like to purchase 5 tickets for 5 gems

“ ...i live in the space between the stars and the sky... ,,