
Raffles & Giveaways

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TOPIC | ACR: finished!
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[quote=December 1st] [center][b]Prompt[/b]: The holidays already! It's as if the snow and wind and cold came out of nowhere. How is your clan preparing for the season?[/quote] [center] [columns] [color=transparent]asdfghjklkasdfghjklkjhgasfdsjhgfd[/color][url=][img][/img][/url] [nextcol] [url=][img][/img][/url] [/columns] While all other members of the Wayfinders Tribe were scurrying around their territory, yelling commands at one another, and forcing an overwhelming amount of supplies into their bags; two dragons sat calmly right in front of the weeping willow the clan called home. "It really isn't that cold," Frost sighed as he watched Mumble heard the hatchlings into the tree. "Some winter air could do them some good." Frost wore his usually scowl across his face, and the snow falling above him seemed to twist and twirl around his entire being before falling onto the ground. "No, it really isn't" Winter agreed. However her eyes were not on the hatchlings, but rather on a small group of adolescents picking the years last fall harvest off the trees. Her large white wolf cape draped over her eyes, shielding them from the snow as it did the same little dance around her being. "Would you like to go for a walk, dear?" Winter asked, shifting her gaze back over to her mate. "I think the others have this under control." Frost nodded his head, and they both stepped off into the frosty wonderland. [b]Sprite Choice:[/b] Ice
The holidays already! It's as if the snow and wind and cold came out of nowhere. How is your clan preparing for the season?
asdfghjklkasdfghjklkjhgasfdsjhgfd34186264.png 34837334.png

While all other members of the Wayfinders Tribe were scurrying around their territory, yelling commands at one another, and forcing an overwhelming amount of supplies into their bags; two dragons sat calmly right in front of the weeping willow the clan called home.

"It really isn't that cold," Frost sighed as he watched Mumble heard the hatchlings into the tree. "Some winter air could do them some good." Frost wore his usually scowl across his face, and the snow falling above him seemed to twist and twirl around his entire being before falling onto the ground.

"No, it really isn't" Winter agreed. However her eyes were not on the hatchlings, but rather on a small group of adolescents picking the years last fall harvest off the trees. Her large white wolf cape draped over her eyes, shielding them from the snow as it did the same little dance around her being.

"Would you like to go for a walk, dear?" Winter asked, shifting her gaze back over to her mate. "I think the others have this under control."

Frost nodded his head, and they both stepped off into the frosty wonderland.

Sprite Choice: Ice


FR +3
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[img][/img] Selkie sighed as he walked outside and saw the light dusting of snow. It was time to prepare for winter and with a number of hatchlings, it would require more preparation then normal. The Starwood was cold, the trees sheathed in icicles that glittered like stars. The sight, as always, was breathtaking and the crisp, cool air helped center Selkie. He was ready to call Thunderheart, the clan's leader and start rounding up the hatchlings. They would be able to play outside for a short time while the clan leaders discussed stocking up on supplies and preparing their dens. Sprite Choice: Ice

Selkie sighed as he walked outside and saw the light dusting of snow. It was time to prepare for winter and with a number of hatchlings, it would require more preparation then normal. The Starwood was cold, the trees sheathed in icicles that glittered like stars. The sight, as always, was breathtaking and the crisp, cool air helped center Selkie. He was ready to call Thunderheart, the clan's leader and start rounding up the hatchlings. They would be able to play outside for a short time while the clan leaders discussed stocking up on supplies and preparing their dens.

Sprite Choice: Ice
[img][/img] Astrid has been working hard to prepare the clan for winter! She's bundled up the eggs in the nests and helped the spirals find coats and scarves for their long necks! Our clan doesn't care much for the cold, but Astrid loves the snow and takes the hatchlings to build snow-dragons and have snowball fights! Though the weather is getting cold, the dragons are happier than ever and excited for a lovely holiday season! Sprite Choice: Nature!

Astrid has been working hard to prepare the clan for winter! She's bundled up the eggs in the nests and helped the spirals find coats and scarves for their long necks! Our clan doesn't care much for the cold, but Astrid loves the snow and takes the hatchlings to build snow-dragons and have snowball fights! Though the weather is getting cold, the dragons are happier than ever and excited for a lovely holiday season!

Sprite Choice: Nature!
button_by_cas_a_fras-dct6b57.gif sig_by_cas_a_fras-dct6b55.gif giphy_by_cas_a_fras-dctk50y.gif
[center][url=] [img][/img] [/url] Medea quickly runs outside after awaking to see a pure blanket of snow outside her home. She happily dives head first into it, playing around as if she was a child one more. Despite her damaged voice, she still giggles and laughs and calls over her mentor, Giorno, to join her, in which he hastily refuses due to the pure coldness of the bitter snow. Sprite choice: Ice![/center]


Medea quickly runs outside after awaking to see a pure blanket of snow outside her home. She happily dives head first into it, playing around as if she was a child one more. Despite her damaged voice, she still giggles and laughs and calls over her mentor, Giorno, to join her, in which he hastily refuses due to the pure coldness of the bitter snow.

Sprite choice: Ice!
[color=indigo] I'm using these two dragons for this: Alto [url=] [img][/img] [/url] Sienna [url=] [img][/img] [/url] "Alto! Alto! Wake up, sleepy!" Alto opened his eyes slowly after receiving a sharp boop on the nose by a familiar talon. "Urgh, what is it, Sienna..." "It's snowing! You know what that means! The holidays are coming!" Ducking his head out of his den, Alto surveyed his surroundings. The familiar ruins surrounding the Forum of the Obscured Crescent, where his clanmates made their home, were blanketed in a layer of snow. Alto's eyes widened- it was his first time seeing snow, as it was fairly rare in the Tangled Wood. "Haha, this is going to be so much fun! Let's build a snowdragon! I don't know how, but whatever!" With much apprehension, Alto stepped out of his den, and then quickly recoiled off the ground. "Ah! It's cold!" "Yes, dummy. That's what snow is! That's why we need to get ourselves some warm clothes!" Sienna gestured to her colourful scarf, several sizes too big, as it was clearly made for an adult spiral. "And then we can start preparing!" "For what?" grumbled Alto. "The holidays, duh!" "You mean Night of the Nocturne? There's nothing we need to do, we're in shadow flight." "No! Look! I put some of my fireflies in jars, we can hang them up as lights! And then, we can go get a tree to decorate- good thing there are pine trees everywhere here! And then we can go bake some cookies- I know you secretly love them! But of course, that's after we ask Antoine to help us make a snow dragon- he lived in the snowsquall tundra, he probably knows how, and..." Alto smiled softly. He wasn't sure if he would enjoy this season and Sienna's strange ideas- he's much rather spend his time preparing for night of the Nocturne, or the Circus, which would be here in a few months. But if she was so excited about it, he might as well go along with it too. That's what friends are for, right? [b]Sprite choice:[/b] Ice
I'm using these two dragons for this:




"Alto! Alto! Wake up, sleepy!"

Alto opened his eyes slowly after receiving a sharp boop on the nose by a familiar talon.

"Urgh, what is it, Sienna..."

"It's snowing! You know what that means! The holidays are coming!"

Ducking his head out of his den, Alto surveyed his surroundings. The familiar ruins surrounding the Forum of the Obscured Crescent, where his clanmates made their home, were blanketed in a layer of snow. Alto's eyes widened- it was his first time seeing snow, as it was fairly rare in the Tangled Wood.

"Haha, this is going to be so much fun! Let's build a snowdragon! I don't know how, but whatever!"

With much apprehension, Alto stepped out of his den, and then quickly recoiled off the ground.

"Ah! It's cold!"

"Yes, dummy. That's what snow is! That's why we need to get ourselves some warm clothes!"

Sienna gestured to her colourful scarf, several sizes too big, as it was clearly made for an adult spiral.

"And then we can start preparing!"

"For what?" grumbled Alto.

"The holidays, duh!"

"You mean Night of the Nocturne? There's nothing we need to do, we're in shadow flight."

"No! Look! I put some of my fireflies in jars, we can hang them up as lights! And then, we can go get a tree to decorate- good thing there are pine trees everywhere here! And then we can go bake some cookies- I know you secretly love them! But of course, that's after we ask Antoine to help us make a snow dragon- he lived in the snowsquall tundra, he probably knows how, and..."

Alto smiled softly. He wasn't sure if he would enjoy this season and Sienna's strange ideas- he's much rather spend his time preparing for night of the Nocturne, or the Circus, which would be here in a few months. But if she was so excited about it, he might as well go along with it too. That's what friends are for, right?

Sprite choice: Ice

[center][url=] [img][/img] [/url] It comes as a surprise to literally nobody to find out that the dragon who enjoys winter the most is Wasula as she's absolutely obsessed with snow. The clan grounds are absolutely devoid of it now as she took it all into her own tent to play with. (Much to the dismay of Sequoia - the spiral who shares a tent with her.) Is it weird? Yes. Does she care? Absolutely not. Her snow now, no questions.[/center] Sprite of choice: Ice


It comes as a surprise to literally nobody to find out that the dragon who enjoys winter the most is Wasula as she's absolutely obsessed with snow. The clan grounds are absolutely devoid of it now as she took it all into her own tent to play with. (Much to the dismay of Sequoia - the spiral who shares a tent with her.) Is it weird?
Yes. Does she care? Absolutely not. Her snow now, no questions.

Sprite of choice: Ice
A pixel sprite of a clown waving her arms up and down
was MissNevermind
[url=] [img][/img] [/url] Borelius was sitting at one of the clans lairs entrances looking outside. A magical barrier kept an unusually strong blizzard from entering the cave. The storm seemed to be getting stronger and stronger. Even with the barrier he could feel the cold air seeping in. "I wonder if the barrier can break. I guess it could. What do you think?" Borelius said looking to his right, but the only answer he got was a small squeek and a purring noise. "Hmmm... I agree. It would be a bad thing indeed. But I'm not that worried. Ghost is the most talented and powerful mage I've ever met, or even heard of." For a moment Borelius and his companion kept staring at the blizzard. The wind was so strong it felt like the icy walls of the cave shook periodically. "Well, I think today's exploration is canceled. I think Nibble mentioned something about some Apple Cinnamon Tea. I bet it would taste really nice during a storm like this. Shall we?" He looked to his side to see his Rasa companion wagging it's tail, ready to go. "I'm sure Nibble has something nice for you too. Let's go." Sprite choice: Ice


Borelius was sitting at one of the clans lairs entrances looking outside. A magical barrier kept an unusually strong blizzard from entering the cave. The storm seemed to be getting stronger and stronger. Even with the barrier he could feel the cold air seeping in.
"I wonder if the barrier can break. I guess it could. What do you think?"
Borelius said looking to his right, but the only answer he got was a small squeek and a purring noise.
"Hmmm... I agree. It would be a bad thing indeed. But I'm not that worried. Ghost is the most talented and powerful mage I've ever met, or even heard of."
For a moment Borelius and his companion kept staring at the blizzard. The wind was so strong it felt like the icy walls of the cave shook periodically.
"Well, I think today's exploration is canceled. I think Nibble mentioned something about some Apple Cinnamon Tea. I bet it would taste really nice during a storm like this. Shall we?"
He looked to his side to see his Rasa companion wagging it's tail, ready to go.
"I'm sure Nibble has something nice for you too. Let's go."

Sprite choice: Ice
Recorded up to here!


You didn't choose which sprite to put your points towards!

@Jazzyleia @sienna77

For today's prompt you should be choosing Ice or Nature sprites!
Recorded up to here!


You didn't choose which sprite to put your points towards!

@Jazzyleia @sienna77

For today's prompt you should be choosing Ice or Nature sprites!
w8o0xW1.png iiILKcw.png
lWMLlJW.gif Jazzy
FR + 2
My Wishlist
o aurora_clan_flag_tiny.png SqnIrhs.pngjPdGQf9.gif

I'm sorry. I edited it.

I'm sorry. I edited it.
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