
Raffles & Giveaways

Share your raffles and giveaways with the Flight Rising community.
TOPIC | [Closed] Farewell giveaway, Round 1
Sigh oh well...
Coatl Gene scroll
Facet Gene scroll
Opal Gene scroll
Metallic Gene scroll
Any Gene scroll
Treasure and gems
Golden silk set
Old festival items skins accents familiars
Sigh oh well...
Coatl Gene scroll
Facet Gene scroll
Opal Gene scroll
Metallic Gene scroll
Any Gene scroll
Treasure and gems
Golden silk set
Old festival items skins accents familiars
back from hiatus #5 (;-_-)/
sketch shop here!
I am not sure if i am supposed to say anything yet but my favorite things are
fest older items i can't afford
otherwise please just surprise me
really anything would be great you are so kind and generous thank you
I am not sure if i am supposed to say anything yet but my favorite things are
fest older items i can't afford
otherwise please just surprise me
really anything would be great you are so kind and generous thank you
1. A gene scroll or breed change of any kind.
2. An unhatched egg
3 plague related apparel and/or familiars
4. Treasure(I'm trying to expand)
5. Gems
6. Ghost Flame Apparel Besides the headpiece
7. One of the Manatee familars(They're my favorite real life animals)
8. The cat decor
9. Anything you send me will be greatly appreciated, thank you so much!
1. A gene scroll or breed change of any kind.
2. An unhatched egg
3 plague related apparel and/or familiars
4. Treasure(I'm trying to expand)
5. Gems
6. Ghost Flame Apparel Besides the headpiece
7. One of the Manatee familars(They're my favorite real life animals)
8. The cat decor
9. Anything you send me will be greatly appreciated, thank you so much!
I most definitely do not have a fish addiction. However, if you do happen to see a nice fish, let minnow!
List (some are unreasonable, but I can dream ;-; I have some more realistic ones, don't worry)

2013-2015 festival apparal
Gem genes
Night sky silks
Gem apparal/familiars (especially a Tabby cat)
UM accents
Treasure gene scrolls
Downtime Familiars
Golden silks
List (some are unreasonable, but I can dream ;-; I have some more realistic ones, don't worry)

2013-2015 festival apparal
Gem genes
Night sky silks
Gem apparal/familiars (especially a Tabby cat)
UM accents
Treasure gene scrolls
Downtime Familiars
Golden silks
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@lemonadesoda I'm glad that you were able to find homes for so many of your dragons. I'm not sure what you have, but here is a wishlist:

1. Gene scrolls (preferably gem)
2. Unhatched eggs
3. Accents
4. apparel
5. treasure
6. gems
7. skins
8. breed change scroll
9. baldwin materials
10. sprites
11. festival currency/prismatic coin
@lemonadesoda I'm glad that you were able to find homes for so many of your dragons. I'm not sure what you have, but here is a wishlist:

1. Gene scrolls (preferably gem)
2. Unhatched eggs
3. Accents
4. apparel
5. treasure
6. gems
7. skins
8. breed change scroll
9. baldwin materials
10. sprites
11. festival currency/prismatic coin
I sent you a PM with my wishlist. If you'd like for me to post here please let me know! thank you :) edit: I posted here as well [center]----------------------------------------------------------------[/center] [b][center]Genes [size=2][url=]project: Ash[/url][/size][/b][/center] [center]----------------------------------------------------------------[/center] [center][item=Tertiary Gene: Glimmer][/center] [center]----------------------------------------------------------------[/center] [b][center]Other Specialty[/center][/b] [center]----------------------------------------------------------------[/center] [center][item=Breed Change: Skydancer][item=Scroll of Renaming][/center] [center]----------------------------------------------------------------[/center] [b][center]Vistas[/center][/b] [center]----------------------------------------------------------------[/center] [center][item=Vista: Boreal Wood][item=vista: gossamer flame][/center] [center]----------------------------------------------------------------[/center] [b][center]Currency [size=2]for lair expansions and projects[/size][/center][/b] [center]----------------------------------------------------------------[/center] [center][img][/img][img][/img][/center] [center]----------------------------------------------------------------[/center] [b][center]Runestones[/center][/b] [center]----------------------------------------------------------------[/center] [center][item=fire runestone][item=shadow runestone][item=arcane runestone][/center] [center]----------------------------------------------------------------[/center] [b][center]Familiars[/center][/b] [center]----------------------------------------------------------------[/center] [center]I'm trying to complete as much of my bestiary as possible so any familiar I don't have is greatly appreciated![/center] [center][size=6][url=]Bestiary[/url][/size][/center] [center]Shadow Specific Familiars[/center] [center][item=Nightsky Fuiran][item=Deeprealm Hunter][item=Hawksbill Goliath][/center] [center]Sprites [size=2]I continue to dream[/size][/center] [center][item=Light Sprite][item=Lightning Sprite][item=Fire Sprite][item=Arcane Sprite][item=Plague Sprite][item=Earth Sprite][item=Ice Sprite][item=Wind Sprite][item=Water Sprite][item=Nature Sprite][/center] [center]Nymphs [size=2]I may have a chance[/size][/center] [center][item=Bubble Nymph][item=Boulder Nymph][item=Flower Nymph][item=Snowflake Nymph][item=Cinder Nymph][item=Electric Nymph][/center] [center]----------------------------------------------------------------[/center] [b][center]Apparel | Skins[/center][/b] [center]----------------------------------------------------------------[/center] [center]The majority of my dragons have [b]Items Wanted[/b] listed in their bios but here are a few highlights. Any skin/accent that matches my dragons would be appreciated :)[/center] [center][item=Forest Rogue Trousers][skin=17103][/center] [center]----------------------------------------------------------------[/center] [b][center]Random, Cool and Expensive Items[/center][/b] [center]----------------------------------------------------------------[/center] [center][item=Windbound Plumage][/center] [center]6 - 8kg+[/center] [center]----------------------------------------------------------------[/center] [b][center]Never In My Wildest Dreams[/center][/b] [center][size=2]It's always good to have a goal, right?[/size][/center] [center]----------------------------------------------------------------[/center] [center][item=Cloudy Wings][item=Skycat][/center] ----- ----- [center][b]Treasure needed for next Lair Expansion:[/b] [i]350kt[/i][/center] [center][b]Gems needed for Apparel Slots:[/b] [i]600g[/i][/center] [center][b]Gems needed for Skins/Accents:[/b] [i]2200g+[/i][/center] [center][b]Gems needed for Genes:[/b] [i]1200g[/i][/center] [center][b]Working On:[/b] [i]Level 25s, Lore and Gifs for Dragons[/i][/center]
I sent you a PM with my wishlist. If you'd like for me to post here please let me know! thank you :)

edit: I posted here as well

project: Ash

Tertiary Gene: Glimmer

Other Specialty

Breed Change: Skydancer Scroll of Renaming


Vista: Boreal Wood Vista: Gossamer Flame

for lair expansions and projects



Fire Runestone Shadow Runestone Arcane Runestone


I'm trying to complete as much of my bestiary as possible so any familiar I don't have is greatly appreciated!

Shadow Specific Familiars
Nightsky Fuiran Deeprealm Hunter Hawksbill Goliath

I continue to dream

Light Sprite Lightning Sprite Fire Sprite Arcane Sprite Plague Sprite Earth Sprite Ice Sprite Wind Sprite Water Sprite Nature Sprite

I may have a chance
Bubble Nymph Boulder Nymph Flower Nymph Snowflake Nymph Cinder Nymph Electric Nymph

Apparel | Skins

The majority of my dragons have Items Wanted listed in their bios but here are a few highlights.

Any skin/accent that matches my dragons would be appreciated :)

Forest Rogue Trousers

Random, Cool and Expensive Items

Windbound Plumage

6 - 8kg+

Never In My Wildest Dreams
It's always good to have a goal, right?

Cloudy Wings Skycat

Treasure needed for next Lair Expansion: 350kt

Gems needed for Apparel Slots: 600g

Gems needed for Skins/Accents: 2200g+

Gems needed for Genes: 1200g

Working On: Level 25s, Lore and Gifs for Dragons
comfort dragons

looking for: XXX White Unbred G1 and XYY Gloom/White Unbred G1
(I have an XXX Charcoal I can trade + other g1s and items, please ask!)
Was worth a shot right haha xD
thanks for the thought afterwards though~
Was worth a shot right haha xD
thanks for the thought afterwards though~
Oh my@-@ Below is my wishlist in order, thank you so much for giving us a second shot! ;w; (I put my priorities in brackets)

1. Nature sprite
2. UM accent
3. Gem genes (butterfly)
4. Coatl scroll
5. 2014 fest items (frigid fugitive shackles, windbound plumage, golem gauntlet)
6. 2015 fest items (windbound plumage, cosmologist fieldtool, gustborne balloon)
7. Mantarune
8. Any gem apparel
9. Any treasure gene (savannah, lace, paint, jaguar)
10. Loga
Oh my@-@ Below is my wishlist in order, thank you so much for giving us a second shot! ;w; (I put my priorities in brackets)

1. Nature sprite
2. UM accent
3. Gem genes (butterfly)
4. Coatl scroll
5. 2014 fest items (frigid fugitive shackles, windbound plumage, golem gauntlet)
6. 2015 fest items (windbound plumage, cosmologist fieldtool, gustborne balloon)
7. Mantarune
8. Any gem apparel
9. Any treasure gene (savannah, lace, paint, jaguar)
10. Loga
@lemonadesoda [b]Edit: Aw shoot, I didn't see that this was closed. Sorry! I can take this comment down if you like. [/b]Could I get Lunah+ his skin(and possibly apparel?)? I don't have my clan's lore written out, but I'll try and write something for him now! [img][/img] "Lunah was always liked the heat. It's why he planed to go to the Flamecaller's domain as soon as he was old enough to leave his clan. He expected it to be warm; what he didn't expect was how incredibly boiling it could get. Surrounded by lava on both sides, and unable to take off for fear of colapsing mid-air, all he was left to do was move forward, in hopes someone would find him. How he longed to be near the water again, to feel its coolness lapping up against his legs and tail, getting ever-deeper as he strode forwards. But now all there was was the glowing, slow lava and the ever-shifting black rocky isles it surrounded. His feet, covered in burns, finally gave way beneath him, and he collapsed onto the ashen ground. He lay there, contemplating his life as everything gradually began to fade... until it stopped, and slowly his vision came back, and the burning atmosphere felt warm and inviting, and he swore he saw the feathers of a Coatl crest right before a blue snout obstructe his vision. ''Oh dear, are you alright? We saw you collapsed and casted a heat resistance spell on you.' The dragon, which could now be identified as a Mirror, helped him up 'Pears, come see what I've found!'she called, then turning back to Lunah, stated,'I'm peaches. You have some nasty burns. We're going to help you, just try not to put too mush weight on your feet.' She led him over to a group of colorful dragons, who were waiting with a stretcher. 'We're going to take you back to our clan's lair to fix you up, ok? It'll be awhile before you can leave though, I hope you don't mind.' Lunah shook his head, then, finally finding the streangth to speak, replied, 'Thank you. Thank you so much' and passed out on the spot. "
Edit: Aw shoot, I didn't see that this was closed. Sorry! I can take this comment down if you like.
Could I get Lunah+ his skin(and possibly apparel?)? I don't have my clan's lore written out, but I'll try and write something for him now!
"Lunah was always liked the heat. It's why he planed to go to the Flamecaller's domain as soon as he was old enough to leave his clan. He expected it to be warm; what he didn't expect was how incredibly boiling it could get. Surrounded by lava on both sides, and unable to take off for fear of colapsing mid-air, all he was left to do was move forward, in hopes someone would find him. How he longed to be near the water again, to feel its coolness lapping up against his legs and tail, getting ever-deeper as he strode forwards. But now all there was was the glowing, slow lava and the ever-shifting black rocky isles it surrounded. His feet, covered in burns, finally gave way beneath him, and he collapsed onto the ashen ground. He lay there, contemplating his life as everything gradually began to fade... until it stopped, and slowly his vision came back, and the burning atmosphere felt warm and inviting, and he swore he saw the feathers of a Coatl crest right before a blue snout obstructe his vision. ''Oh dear, are you alright? We saw you collapsed and casted a heat resistance spell on you.' The dragon, which could now be identified as a Mirror, helped him up 'Pears, come see what I've found!'she called, then turning back to Lunah, stated,'I'm peaches. You have some nasty burns. We're going to help you, just try not to put too mush weight on your feet.' She led him over to a group of colorful dragons, who were waiting with a stretcher. 'We're going to take you back to our clan's lair to fix you up, ok? It'll be awhile before you can leave though, I hope you don't mind.' Lunah shook his head, then, finally finding the streangth to speak, replied, 'Thank you. Thank you so much' and passed out on the spot. "

1. Stone borer
2. Mantarune
3.Golden featherfin
4. Dappled dunhoof
5. Any night sky silks
6. Egg
7. Breed change scroll (any kind)
8. Random skin
9. Random accent
10. Random apparel

1. Stone borer
2. Mantarune
3.Golden featherfin
4. Dappled dunhoof
5. Any night sky silks
6. Egg
7. Breed change scroll (any kind)
8. Random skin
9. Random accent
10. Random apparel
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