
Raffles & Giveaways

Share your raffles and giveaways with the Flight Rising community.
TOPIC | Lucky Golden Money Raffle!
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 ... 14 15
[center][b]Navigation: [/b][url=]Main[/url] | [url=]15k[/url] | [url=]5k[/url] | [url=]15k winners[/url] | [url=]5k winners[/url] | [url=]Updates[/url][/center] [center][img][/img] [i]Welcome to 00Thunder's Lucky Golden Money Raffle! You have a chance to win money for free! absolutely free without doing anything else but signing up. Why am I doing this? I would like to help people and hope to make someone's day.[/i] [b]Anybody can join but I would prefer for those in need of money to sign up[/b] [/center] [img][/img] [b]General Info[/b] [LIST] [*]Each week, a winner(s) will be drawn to win either 15k or 5k! Depending on which they joined. [*][b]To join, all you need to do is to ping me which raffle drawing you would like to join and include if you wish to get pinged when the winners have been drawn.[/b] [*]If you would like to sign out because you don't need the money or simply to help others, feel free to ping me and that you would like to sign out [*]You can also switch from 15k to 5k or vice versa any time you want, just tell me ahead of time. [*][b]Winners will be selected on sunday around 12:00 FR time[/b] [*]Feel free to tell your friends and family! spread the luck <3 [*]Honestly I'm pretty darn bad with english and writing stuff so ehh.. let's just skip the points. [/LIST] [b]How to win[/b] When you sign up, you will be added to a numbered list which the number you are given is your winning number. I then will use a RNG to select winners. The chances to win will be based purely on how participants there is. If there's only 10 people, you have 10% but if 100 people signed up, you have 1% chance to win. [img][/img] [b]Rules:[/b] [LIST] [*]You cannot join both drawings [*]If you change names, please be sure to tell me. [*]Be nice to others [*][b]Ping me only to be added to a drawing or for questions/help[/b] [*]I guess that's it? [/LIST] [img][/img] If you would like to spread the luck, feel free to add this to your signature! Much appreciated. You'll also receive 2,500 Treasure for having it, Just be sure to tell me :3 [columns][center][img][/img][/center][nextcol]-Drawing by [url=]TheDraconicBard[/url] and you should check out her [url=]art shop![/url][/columns] [quote][/quote] [img][/img] [center][b]Donations are highly appreciated for those that would like to help[/b][/center] [img][/img]
Navigation: Main | 15k | 5k | 15k winners | 5k winners | Updates

Welcome to 00Thunder's Lucky Golden Money Raffle! You have a chance to win money for free! absolutely free without doing anything else but signing up. Why am I doing this? I would like to help people and hope to make someone's day.
Anybody can join but I would prefer for those in need of money to sign up

General Info
  • Each week, a winner(s) will be drawn to win either 15k or 5k! Depending on which they joined.
  • To join, all you need to do is to ping me which raffle drawing you would like to join and include if you wish to get pinged when the winners have been drawn.
  • If you would like to sign out because you don't need the money or simply to help others, feel free to ping me and that you would like to sign out
  • You can also switch from 15k to 5k or vice versa any time you want, just tell me ahead of time.
  • Winners will be selected on sunday around 12:00 FR time
  • Feel free to tell your friends and family! spread the luck <3
  • Honestly I'm pretty darn bad with english and writing stuff so ehh.. let's just skip the points.
How to win
When you sign up, you will be added to a numbered list which the number you are given is your winning number. I then will use a RNG to select winners. The chances to win will be based purely on how participants there is. If there's only 10 people, you have 10% but if 100 people signed up, you have 1% chance to win.

  • You cannot join both drawings
  • If you change names, please be sure to tell me.
  • Be nice to others
  • Ping me only to be added to a drawing or for questions/help
  • I guess that's it?


If you would like to spread the luck, feel free to add this to your signature! Much appreciated. You'll also receive 2,500 Treasure for having it, Just be sure to tell me :3
-Drawing by TheDraconicBard and you should check out her art shop!
Donations are highly appreciated for those that would like to help
Hey little fella, you should definitely check out my Hatchery, My Lucky Golden Money Raffle and my wife's art shop! I really really love her so much hehe :3 she means everything to me
[center][b]Navigation: [/b][url=]Main[/url] | [url=]15k[/url] | [url=]5k[/url] | [url=]15k winners[/url] | [url=]5k winners[/url] | [url=]Updates[/url][/center] [center][columns][img][/img][nextcol][b]15,000 Treasure drawing list. Only 1 winner will be selected per week[/b][nextcol][img][/img][/center] [LIST=1] [*]@VaultTec [*]@Firedawn [*]@Archenitesky [*]@Somethinggetrekt [*]@MissFortune17 [*]@BleedingNight [*]@Archaists [*]@Hydrobius [*]@Hoshi3Kara [*]@TheLostHeir [*]@ChaseingGrimm [*]@Hkomygf [*]@Angilian [*]@Guildmarm [*]@ChaosJayfeather [*]@SushiBlaze [*]@Ravenlyin [*]@Quokkakins [*]@PiedPipecleaner [*]@Ayallah [*]@Alanon [*]@Ljslibby [*]@Barb [*]@achoopda [*]@TsubasanoOkami [*]@SoulLugia11 [/LIST]
Navigation: Main | 15k | 5k | 15k winners | 5k winners | Updates
xmMAxWg.png 15,000 Treasure drawing list.
Only 1 winner will be selected per week
  1. @VaultTec
  2. @Firedawn
  3. @Archenitesky
  4. @Somethinggetrekt
  5. @MissFortune17
  6. @BleedingNight
  7. @Archaists
  8. @Hydrobius
  9. @Hoshi3Kara
  10. @TheLostHeir
  11. @ChaseingGrimm
  12. @Hkomygf
  13. @Angilian
  14. @Guildmarm
  15. @ChaosJayfeather
  16. @SushiBlaze
  17. @Ravenlyin
  18. @Quokkakins
  19. @PiedPipecleaner
  20. @Ayallah
  21. @Alanon
  22. @Ljslibby
  23. @Barb
  24. @achoopda
  25. @TsubasanoOkami
  26. @SoulLugia11
Hey little fella, you should definitely check out my Hatchery, My Lucky Golden Money Raffle and my wife's art shop! I really really love her so much hehe :3 she means everything to me
[center][b]Navigation: [/b][url=]Main[/url] | [url=]15k[/url] | [url=]5k[/url] | [url=]15k winners[/url] | [url=]5k winners[/url] | [url=]Updates[/url][/center] [center][columns][img][/img][nextcol][b]5,000 Treasure drawing list. 3 winners will be selected per week. You could also win twice or 3 times! if RNG loves you[/b][nextcol][img][/img][/center] [LIST=1] [*]@Kalypsonite [*]@countthestars [*]@NameChange552 [*]@Ellapinky [*]@Evet [*]@MarioDragon [*]@AetherDragon [*]@EmperssofRebirth [*]@BlackMgaic [*]@Lillypup [*]@DracoKrys [*]@lovelyecho [*]@Afterbrain [*]@UniqueZephlyn [*]@lilypad12345 [*]@BlueHorse [*]@Vulpess [*]@carian [*]@Naem [*]@Derpothegreat [*]@bamboo1996 [/LIST]
Navigation: Main | 15k | 5k | 15k winners | 5k winners | Updates
xmMAxWg.png 5,000 Treasure drawing list.
3 winners will be selected per week. You could also win twice or 3 times! if RNG loves you
  1. @Kalypsonite
  2. @countthestars
  3. @NameChange552
  4. @Ellapinky
  5. @Evet
  6. @MarioDragon
  7. @AetherDragon
  8. @EmperssofRebirth
  9. @BlackMgaic
  10. @Lillypup
  11. @DracoKrys
  12. @lovelyecho
  13. @Afterbrain
  14. @UniqueZephlyn
  15. @lilypad12345
  16. @BlueHorse
  17. @Vulpess
  18. @carian
  19. @Naem
  20. @Derpothegreat
  21. @bamboo1996
Hey little fella, you should definitely check out my Hatchery, My Lucky Golden Money Raffle and my wife's art shop! I really really love her so much hehe :3 she means everything to me
[center][b]Navigation: [/b][url=]Main[/url] | [url=]15k[/url] | [url=]5k[/url] | [url=]15k winners[/url] | [url=]5k winners[/url] | [url=]Updates[/url][/center] [center][img][/img] [b]15,000 Treasure drawing winners[/b][/center] [LIST=1] [*]@Archenitesky [*]@Ayallah [b]x2[/b] [*]@Vulpess [*]@Ravenlyin [*]@Guildmarm [/LIST]
Navigation: Main | 15k | 5k | 15k winners | 5k winners | Updates
15,000 Treasure drawing winners
  1. @Archenitesky
  2. @Ayallah x2
  3. @Vulpess
  4. @Ravenlyin
  5. @Guildmarm
Hey little fella, you should definitely check out my Hatchery, My Lucky Golden Money Raffle and my wife's art shop! I really really love her so much hehe :3 she means everything to me
[center][b]Navigation: [/b][url=]Main[/url] | [url=]15k[/url] | [url=]5k[/url] | [url=]15k winners[/url] | [url=]5k winners[/url] | [url=]Updates[/url][/center] [center][img][/img] [b]5,000 Treasure Drawing winners[/b][/center] [LIST=1] [*]@Ellapinky [b]x4[/b] [*]@EmperssofRebirth [b]x2[/b] [*]@countthestars [*]@Evet [b]x3[/b] [*]@BlueHorse [*]@NameChange552 [*]@UniqueZephlyn [*]@lilypad12345 [*]@Kalypsonite [*]@carian [*]@countthestars [/LIST]
Navigation: Main | 15k | 5k | 15k winners | 5k winners | Updates
5,000 Treasure Drawing winners
  1. @Ellapinky x4
  2. @EmperssofRebirth x2
  3. @countthestars
  4. @Evet x3
  5. @BlueHorse
  6. @NameChange552
  7. @UniqueZephlyn
  8. @lilypad12345
  9. @Kalypsonite
  10. @carian
  11. @countthestars
Hey little fella, you should definitely check out my Hatchery, My Lucky Golden Money Raffle and my wife's art shop! I really really love her so much hehe :3 she means everything to me
Navigation: Main | 15k | 5k | 15k winners | 5k winners | Updates
Will soon add a reward for those that donate.
-2/12/17- Added: a way to spread the luck
-2/14/17- Coming soon: Another kind of money reward, depending on how this goes for the first few weeks or so (25k or 50k raffles) or maybe a daily reward raffle(2.5k)
-2/15/17- Changed: Changed the date to join current raffle from friday to saturday
-2/18/17- Removed: Removed day limit to join raffle
-2/18/17- Added: Ping list for when winners are drawn

For those that wish to get pinged when the winners been chosen, please tell me :3

Navigation: Main | 15k | 5k | 15k winners | 5k winners | Updates
Will soon add a reward for those that donate.
-2/12/17- Added: a way to spread the luck
-2/14/17- Coming soon: Another kind of money reward, depending on how this goes for the first few weeks or so (25k or 50k raffles) or maybe a daily reward raffle(2.5k)
-2/15/17- Changed: Changed the date to join current raffle from friday to saturday
-2/18/17- Removed: Removed day limit to join raffle
-2/18/17- Added: Ping list for when winners are drawn

For those that wish to get pinged when the winners been chosen, please tell me :3

Hey little fella, you should definitely check out my Hatchery, My Lucky Golden Money Raffle and my wife's art shop! I really really love her so much hehe :3 she means everything to me
ready to take people in :3
ready to take people in :3
Hey little fella, you should definitely check out my Hatchery, My Lucky Golden Money Raffle and my wife's art shop! I really really love her so much hehe :3 she means everything to me
I'd like to sign up for the 15k raffle, please. :)
This is an awesome raffle!

(@Kalypsonite check this out!)
I'd like to sign up for the 15k raffle, please. :)
This is an awesome raffle!

(@Kalypsonite check this out!)
@TardisTimeBomb added :3 yay the first person

Edit: oh you happen to be a new member! welcome to the world of dragons friend
@TardisTimeBomb added :3 yay the first person

Edit: oh you happen to be a new member! welcome to the world of dragons friend
Hey little fella, you should definitely check out my Hatchery, My Lucky Golden Money Raffle and my wife's art shop! I really really love her so much hehe :3 she means everything to me
Thanks! C: I love it so far.
Thanks! C: I love it so far.
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