
Raffles & Giveaways

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TOPIC | [Trickmurk] Pool Pull (CLOSED)
[img][/img] [b]THIS EVENT IS NSW CLOSED. PRIZE DRAWING AND SEND OUTS WILL BE COMPLETED AA SOON AS POSSIBLE. See 'Updates' for the most recent data. [/b] [center][b]The festival is lively and bouncing and everything Trickmurk is known for being, at least it was. You just popped out for some air and to escape the bustle and noise of the carnival tents. You didn’t think you had gone that far until you looked behind you. The tents were gone! In fact you can’t even hear the welcoming atmospheric music. You start to panic twisting and turning growing more and more concerned that you are now lost in the darkness that is the tangled wood. Suddenly there is a large Tundra looking down at you bright pink eyes burning into you[/b] [center][url=] [img][/img] [/url] [/center] [center] [i][color=purple]Welcome - I don’t suppose you are here because of the flyer I left in the Trickmurk tents are you? [/i][/color] [/center] [b]As you slowly regain your senses the old tundra continues[/b] [center] [i][color=purple] Those young dragons are always such a hassle - coming in while I am trying to get my work done![/i][/color][/center] [b]The dragon talking to you doesn’t seem like he is entirely aware of his surroundings and you get ready to take your leave[/b] [center] [i][color=purple] You would be surprised at what they get away with - those kids. They threw a heap of things into that large pile of goo. That one over there. I made them go in and tie ropes to all of the things that they took but I am rather too busy to hurl them up myself, I have research to be doing! I will make you a deal, you give me 5000T and go hurl up a rope, after I document it whatever you have pulled up is yours to keep. Apart from yelling at them or sending them to some of the more unpleasant clan duties I will ensure that if you pull up an empty rope you get something for your time. If you don’t want to help me out with this feel free to wonder back over to the main tent [/i][/color] [/center] [b]He gestures toward the north and the circus is right there? How had you missed it? [/b][/center] [center][Url=][img][/img][/url][/center]


The festival is lively and bouncing and everything Trickmurk is known for being, at least it was. You just popped out for some air and to escape the bustle and noise of the carnival tents. You didn’t think you had gone that far until you looked behind you. The tents were gone! In fact you can’t even hear the welcoming atmospheric music. You start to panic twisting and turning growing more and more concerned that you are now lost in the darkness that is the tangled wood.

Suddenly there is a large Tundra looking down at you bright pink eyes burning into you

Welcome - I don’t suppose you are here because of the flyer I left in the Trickmurk tents are you?

As you slowly regain your senses the old tundra continues

Those young dragons are always such a hassle - coming in while I am trying to get my work done!

The dragon talking to you doesn’t seem like he is entirely aware of his surroundings and you get ready to take your leave

You would be surprised at what they get away with - those kids. They threw a heap of things into that large pile of goo. That one over there. I made them go in and tie ropes to all of the things that they took but I am rather too busy to hurl them up myself, I have research to be doing!

I will make you a deal, you give me 5000T and go hurl up a rope, after I document it whatever you have pulled up is yours to keep.

Apart from yelling at them or sending them to some of the more unpleasant clan duties I will ensure that if you pull up an empty rope you get something for your time.

If you don’t want to help me out with this feel free to wonder back over to the main tent

He gestures toward the north and the circus is right there?
How had you missed it?


[center][img][/img] [/center] Pool pull is a lucky dip event. You send me 5000T and ping (@Ramiella) and I use a random number generator to see what you get. You can pull up multiple prizes by sending in multiple lots of 5000T. There is no longer a limit on 1 message per day, given we are in the last 30 hours of the event! [center][b]Every rope will yield some sort of prize. If it turns out that those tricky little dragonlings have tied the rope to nothing I will ensure you receive some food, material or trinkets for your assistance.[/b][/center] This event is open to ALL flight rising members (including those in Shadow) [center][b]This event will end on the last day of Trickmurk[/b][/center] If I run out of prizes before the end of Trickmurk I will close the event. Any remaining ticket funds will be returned to their donors in that case

Pool pull is a lucky dip event. You send me 5000T and ping (@Ramiella) and I use a random number generator to see what you get. You can pull up multiple prizes by sending in multiple lots of 5000T. There is no longer a limit on 1 message per day, given we are in the last 30 hours of the event!

Every rope will yield some sort of prize. If it turns out that those tricky little dragonlings have tied the rope to nothing I will ensure you receive some food, material or trinkets for your assistance.

This event is open to ALL flight rising members (including those in Shadow)

This event will end on the last day of Trickmurk

If I run out of prizes before the end of Trickmurk I will close the event. Any remaining ticket funds will be returned to their donors in that case
[img][/img] [center][i][color=purple]Now, I'm not trying to get your hopes up young one, but I managed to make a list of some of the things that definitely went missing when those young'n tricksters raided the stores while I was working. I've written them down below [i][/color][/center] [item=below zero chest] [item=witch's tatters] [item=ice tome] [item=dusklight alchemist tools] [item=primary alchemist tools] [item=Marva's depleted top hat] [item=primary gene: poison] [item=secondary gene: Toxin] [item=tertiary gene: Thylacine] [item=stardust scholar] [item=loga] [item=agol] [item= Acid tongue Serpenta] [item=Marbled Serpenta] [item=Wispwillow Peryton] [item=iron treasure chest] [i][color=purple]There are a few special prizes as well, I remember from my youth how important these things are. [b]Firstly[/b], to the person who helps me the most (e.g. pulls the most ropes) I will grant an unhatched elemental egg. [b]In addition,[/b] to the one who gets pranked the most by the kids and thus getting the most empty ropes I will give these. [/i][/color=purple] [center][item=smoldering flamecaller puppet] [item=heavy earthshaker idol] [item=playful windsinger puppet] [item=furry icewarden puppet] [item=rotting plaguebringer effigy] [item=lost gladekeeper sackdoll] [item=soft lightweaver idol] [item=charged stormcatcher sackdoll] [item=faded shadowbinder effigy] [item=sopping tidelord sackdoll] [item=exotic arcarnist idol][/center] [center][i][b][color=purple]May they watch over you and bring you luck in the future [/i][/b][/color=purple][/center]

Now, I'm not trying to get your hopes up young one, but I managed to make a list of some of the things that definitely went missing when those young'n tricksters raided the stores while I was working. I've written them down below

Below Zero Chest Witch's Tatters Ice Tome Dusklight Alchemist Tools Primary Alchemist Tools Marva's Depleted Top Hat Primary Gene: Poison Secondary Gene: Toxin Tertiary Gene: Thylacine Stardust Scholar Loga Agol Marbled Serpenta Wispwillow Peryton Iron Treasure Chest

There are a few special prizes as well, I remember from my youth how important these things are. Firstly, to the person who helps me the most (e.g. pulls the most ropes) I will grant an unhatched elemental egg. In addition, to the one who gets pranked the most by the kids and thus getting the most empty ropes I will give these.

Smoldering Flamecaller Puppet Heavy Earthshaker Idol Playful Windsinger Puppet Furry Icewarden Puppet Rotting Plaguebringer Effigy Lost Gladekeeper Sackdoll Soft Lightweaver Idol Charged Stormcatcher Sackdoll Faded Shadowbinder Effigy Sopping Tidelord Sackdoll

May they watch over you and bring you luck in the future
[center][img][/img] [/center] [center][size=4][color=purple][b]First and foremost a serious thank-you to all the donors this event wouldn’t exist without you! [/b][/color] [/center] [color=purple]An extra big thankyou to the members of Dullahan for keeping me optimistic and hopeful during the planning to ensure I got it all done on time. [b]@Foxbrow[/b] who having run pool pull in the past helped me organise this into an actual event Shout-out to [b]@Yinsano[/b] for clearing out their vault and holding all of the prizes for me. The stress removed from not having to worry about mix-ups was amazing. Finally an extra-special thanks to [b]@Tafficat[/b] who helped me sort donations, set up a donation thread, made all the lovely titles you can see and who, in my honest opinion did about half of the work for this event (although they might kill me for pointing it out publically) This event wouldn't be here without these guys so I definitely want to take the time to appreciate their efforts! [/color]

First and foremost a serious thank-you to all the donors this event wouldn’t exist without you!

An extra big thankyou to the members of Dullahan for keeping me optimistic and hopeful during the planning to ensure I got it all done on time.

@Foxbrow who having run pool pull in the past helped me organise this into an actual event

Shout-out to @Yinsano for clearing out their vault and holding all of the prizes for me. The stress removed from not having to worry about mix-ups was amazing.

Finally an extra-special thanks to @Tafficat who helped me sort donations, set up a donation thread, made all the lovely titles you can see and who, in my honest opinion did about half of the work for this event (although they might kill me for pointing it out publically)

This event wouldn't be here without these guys so I definitely want to take the time to appreciate their efforts!

Given the weird time-zone issues I will be making any updates to the event in this post - namely when I start (and finish) going through prizes for the day.

PLEASE do not contact me asking if you were skipped UNLESS I have posted that I am finished with that day's prizes. It is unlikely I have forgotten and very likely that I am sleeping/at work etc due to living in FR+19

Sunday 21/02

It is now 0313 in FR time and I will be heading to bed soon-ish. Inukimi has just recieved their items and I am unlikely to get to anyone after them tonight at this stage. Feel free to send entries in anyway - I will of course process them when I wake up

I am doing a single round of entries now (1140) before I start my day proper, this will end with the prizes for Lup. If you are after that it is unlikely I will get to you until much later in the day

All prizes from Sunday 21/2 have now been drawn IF you have not received a prize from SUNDAY please let me know ASAP

Monday 22/2

Things are still being sent out. I am about halfway through Monday's entries.

As of 1529 on the 24th (FR time) I have finished drawing all of Monday's prizes - I haven't sent them all out yet - but that should be complete fairly soon!

All prizes from Monday 22/2 have now been drawn IF you have not received a prize from MONDAY please let me know ASAP

Tuesday 23/2

I am currently drawing prizes for Tuesday - Most have not yet been sent out. I will keep you informed!

TUESDAY prizes are now complete! If you have not received a prize for TUESDAY please let me know!

Wednesday 24/2

I sent out about half of the prizes for Wednesday. It is currently 2100 and I am hoping to finish before rollover (although likely to be just after)

As of 1919 on Friday ALL of the prizes for WEDNESDAY have been finalised. Please contact me ASAP if a prize for WEDNESDAY hasn't been reported.

Thursday 25/2

I am about to leave for work and have not begun on Thursday's prizes. I will be processing them as soon as I can though!

THURSDAY prizes are complete! If you have not recieved a prize for a THURSDAY entry - please contact me ASAP.

Friday 26/2

Friday submissions are in preliminary drawing. I am still working on them! As of March 2: All submissions for the 26th have now been finished. . If you have not recieved prizes from a submission for the 26th please let me know ASAP, otherwise please stay patient.

Trickmurk is over and I will be sorting submissions as soon as I can. Over 50 people submitted on the last day so it might honestly take a while. I will continue to update you here

FEB 29 UPDATE: For me university classes have just resumed so I thank you all for your patience - I am hoping to get through ALL remaining entires in the next few days. Notifications will be here during that time. I am also intending on mass ping-ing everyone once I have finished all of the entires.

Once again thank-you so much for your patience in this

MAR 2 UPDATE: Submissions for the 26th have been finished - I will be breaking submissions for the 27th into 4 brackets and working on them from the people who sent in at the start of the day.

MAR 5 UPDATE: The first group of submissions for the last day have been finalised, prizes have been sent. I am now working on the second

MARCH 9 UPDATE: Still going, less than 100 prizes to go!

Given the weird time-zone issues I will be making any updates to the event in this post - namely when I start (and finish) going through prizes for the day.

PLEASE do not contact me asking if you were skipped UNLESS I have posted that I am finished with that day's prizes. It is unlikely I have forgotten and very likely that I am sleeping/at work etc due to living in FR+19

Sunday 21/02

It is now 0313 in FR time and I will be heading to bed soon-ish. Inukimi has just recieved their items and I am unlikely to get to anyone after them tonight at this stage. Feel free to send entries in anyway - I will of course process them when I wake up

I am doing a single round of entries now (1140) before I start my day proper, this will end with the prizes for Lup. If you are after that it is unlikely I will get to you until much later in the day

All prizes from Sunday 21/2 have now been drawn IF you have not received a prize from SUNDAY please let me know ASAP

Monday 22/2

Things are still being sent out. I am about halfway through Monday's entries.

As of 1529 on the 24th (FR time) I have finished drawing all of Monday's prizes - I haven't sent them all out yet - but that should be complete fairly soon!

All prizes from Monday 22/2 have now been drawn IF you have not received a prize from MONDAY please let me know ASAP

Tuesday 23/2

I am currently drawing prizes for Tuesday - Most have not yet been sent out. I will keep you informed!

TUESDAY prizes are now complete! If you have not received a prize for TUESDAY please let me know!

Wednesday 24/2

I sent out about half of the prizes for Wednesday. It is currently 2100 and I am hoping to finish before rollover (although likely to be just after)

As of 1919 on Friday ALL of the prizes for WEDNESDAY have been finalised. Please contact me ASAP if a prize for WEDNESDAY hasn't been reported.

Thursday 25/2

I am about to leave for work and have not begun on Thursday's prizes. I will be processing them as soon as I can though!

THURSDAY prizes are complete! If you have not recieved a prize for a THURSDAY entry - please contact me ASAP.

Friday 26/2

Friday submissions are in preliminary drawing. I am still working on them! As of March 2: All submissions for the 26th have now been finished. . If you have not recieved prizes from a submission for the 26th please let me know ASAP, otherwise please stay patient.

Trickmurk is over and I will be sorting submissions as soon as I can. Over 50 people submitted on the last day so it might honestly take a while. I will continue to update you here

FEB 29 UPDATE: For me university classes have just resumed so I thank you all for your patience - I am hoping to get through ALL remaining entires in the next few days. Notifications will be here during that time. I am also intending on mass ping-ing everyone once I have finished all of the entires.

Once again thank-you so much for your patience in this

MAR 2 UPDATE: Submissions for the 26th have been finished - I will be breaking submissions for the 27th into 4 brackets and working on them from the people who sent in at the start of the day.

MAR 5 UPDATE: The first group of submissions for the last day have been finalised, prizes have been sent. I am now working on the second

MARCH 9 UPDATE: Still going, less than 100 prizes to go!
I will be sending my treasure here in a moment!
I will be sending my treasure here in a moment!
HcHTnYr.png EnQrd3M.png Wanna see me try to acquire and open over 20k chests and a set of eggs? Click the banner!

i will also send once you open!

30Kt coming your way!

i will also send once you open!

30Kt coming your way!

Sending 5k!

Sending 5k!
UTC +10/11

Sounds interesting :D Sending 10kt

Sounds interesting :D Sending 10kt
JqwsAFZ.png 98mFKKu.png

Sending 5kt :D

Sending 5kt :D
Our lives are not our own. From womb to tomb, we are bound to others. Past and present. And by each crime and every kindness, we birth our future.