
Raffles & Giveaways

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TOPIC | Spooky Spree Raffle - Closed!

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[img][/img] You think you see a dragon charging towards your raffle stand... They're so far away that it's hard to tell. [img][/img] It doesn't seem like they're getting anywhere... The dragon keeps galloping nonetheless [img][/img] Has... Did he just run all the way here? Nonstop? Suddenly the skydancer digs in his heels and stops inches away from the stand. "Hiya!" He says. [url=] [img][/img] [/url] "I heard there was a raffle here! I like raffles!" He looks around excitedly, "I'll tell my clan to bring stuff, they like raffles too... Okay bye!" He runs off before you even get a chance to ask his name.

You think you see a dragon charging towards your raffle stand... They're so far away that it's hard to tell.


It doesn't seem like they're getting anywhere... The dragon keeps galloping nonetheless


Has... Did he just run all the way here? Nonstop?

Suddenly the skydancer digs in his heels and stops inches away from the stand. "Hiya!" He says.


"I heard there was a raffle here! I like raffles!" He looks around excitedly, "I'll tell my clan to bring stuff, they like raffles too... Okay bye!"

He runs off before you even get a chance to ask his name.
fr__wind_by_baelfin-d8uyn8b.png Dawn
fr__wind_by_baelfin-d8uyn8b.png They/Them
fr__wind_by_baelfin-d8uyn8b.png FR+0
fr__wind_by_baelfin-d8uyn8b.png 20+
fr__wind_by_baelfin-d8uyn8b.png Avatar
Aria-By-Shadeyrain98.png** Sunrise-By-Shadeyrain98.png
Bump :D
& I'll bundle a selection of items and treasure for tickets!
Bump :D
& I'll bundle a selection of items and treasure for tickets!
@Sylvilagus @DarklingQueen [center][url=] [img][/img] [/url][/center] [I]The young Ridgeback striding down the path looked around herself at the deserted forest with keen interest. Adjusting the red and gold scarf around her neck, she pet the Black Wolf padding beside her on the head almost absently.[/I] "So this is where Nimby found the Raffle.... Where is everyone?" The wolf huffed at Norberta's question and nudged her claw, then pulled away, slipping further down the path. Glancing back, he barked softly before bounding forward. Obedient to her favorite familiar's (though she would never tell her two Hippogriffs that) command, the Ridgeback hurried forward. Rounding the bend, she stopped dead. Now this was more like it! The area was decorated with spooky themes, and there were tons of items scattered around.... including some very interesting prizes. Norberta took a breath, summoned the bag she had stuffed earlier with a thought, and headed quickly over to the same Acceptor that had helped her brother the night before. "Excuse me, can I leave these things here in exchange for some tickets?" The young witch smiled hopefully up at the imposing dragon before her, nervously playing with her hourglass as she waited for a response. Behind her, the wolf began sniffing at some of the loot already gathered. Completely absorbed in speaking to the Acceptor, Norberta did not notice his actions until she heard the excited barking--followed by some very indignant screams. The Ridgeback whirled, just in time to see her familiar fall back away from his intended prey, pawing unhappily at his ears. She sighed in exasperation. "Padfoot! Stop playing with the nice Manticore and come over here! We need to get going home with these tickets!" Norberta marched over, stuffing her tickets into the now empty bag as she went, and firmly grabbed the small wolf by the scruff of the neck. "Honestly! I can't take you anywhere!" She muttered, as she dragged him back down the path, "Between you and Prongs and Moony, it's a wonder the Clan ever gets anything done. Now really!". She huffed, as the wolf tried to wriggle out of her grasp, and snap at a enticingly close jackalope through the bars of the rabbit's enclosure, "This is ridiculous! Those Manticore have better things to do then run around with you. We need to get home!". [I]Still berating her poor wolf, the witch moved back up the path with her coveted tickets....completely oblivious to the loud chaos behind her, as dragons scrambled to recapture some extremely unhappy Manticore--and fervently hoped that this particular contestant would not come again...[/I]
@Sylvilagus @DarklingQueen

The young Ridgeback striding down the path looked around herself at the deserted forest with keen interest. Adjusting the red and gold scarf around her neck, she pet the Black Wolf padding beside her on the head almost absently.

"So this is where Nimby found the Raffle.... Where is everyone?"

The wolf huffed at Norberta's question and nudged her claw, then pulled away, slipping further down the path. Glancing back, he barked softly before bounding forward. Obedient to her favorite familiar's (though she would never tell her two Hippogriffs that) command, the Ridgeback hurried forward. Rounding the bend, she stopped dead. Now this was more like it! The area was decorated with spooky themes, and there were tons of items scattered around.... including some very interesting prizes.

Norberta took a breath, summoned the bag she had stuffed earlier with a thought, and headed quickly over to the same Acceptor that had helped her brother the night before. "Excuse me, can I leave these things here in exchange for some tickets?" The young witch smiled hopefully up at the imposing dragon before her, nervously playing with her hourglass as she waited for a response.

Behind her, the wolf began sniffing at some of the loot already gathered. Completely absorbed in speaking to the Acceptor, Norberta did not notice his actions until she heard the excited barking--followed by some very indignant screams. The Ridgeback whirled, just in time to see her familiar fall back away from his intended prey, pawing unhappily at his ears. She sighed in exasperation. "Padfoot! Stop playing with the nice Manticore and come over here! We need to get going home with these tickets!"

Norberta marched over, stuffing her tickets into the now empty bag as she went, and firmly grabbed the small wolf by the scruff of the neck. "Honestly! I can't take you anywhere!" She muttered, as she dragged him back down the path, "Between you and Prongs and Moony, it's a wonder the Clan ever gets anything done. Now really!". She huffed, as the wolf tried to wriggle out of her grasp, and snap at a enticingly close jackalope through the bars of the rabbit's enclosure, "This is ridiculous! Those Manticore have better things to do then run around with you. We need to get home!".

Still berating her poor wolf, the witch moved back up the path with her coveted tickets....completely oblivious to the loud chaos behind her, as dragons scrambled to recapture some extremely unhappy Manticore--and fervently hoped that this particular contestant would not come again...