
Raffles & Giveaways

Share your raffles and giveaways with the Flight Rising community.
TOPIC | CLOSED! Winners on page 12
Username: Rhyvendra Dragon: [url=] [img][/img] [/url] Story: Nhalria is my custom progen, whom I love dearly. Even as all other dragons I've owned have come and gone, she's always been the ever guiding presence within my lair. I was so proud when I was able to get the genes she has now, and once she has become a coatl, she will be perfect. Grand Plan: All she needs is a Coatl scroll, nothing more.
Username: Rhyvendra

Story: Nhalria is my custom progen, whom I love dearly. Even as all other dragons I've owned have come and gone, she's always been the ever guiding presence within my lair. I was so proud when I was able to get the genes she has now, and once she has become a coatl, she will be perfect.
Grand Plan: All she needs is a Coatl scroll, nothing more.
This is one of the kindest, most generous things I've seen on this forum. Just... wow. I'd love to see a whole buncha newbs win this, but I'm kind of a newblet myself (since October!) so I won't feel too badly about entering. XD [b]Username:[/b] MmeLibertine [b]Dragon:[/b] [url=] [img][/img] [/url] [b]Story:[/b] This is Steam. I found her as a gen one Guardian and scrolled her into a Wildclaw. (Thanks, Black Friday Sale!) I'm absolutely mad about her. Someday she'll have the perfect gen one mate (there's a Wildclaw scroll waiting for him, too) and they'll make fierce, gorgeous raptor babies. Until then, I'm trying to get her kitted out the way she deserves. She kicked off my burgeoning addiction to gen ones. On a sappy note, her colors remind me of my husband, who also happens to be in Lightning, her native element. [b]Grand Plan:[/b] Spines and facet or shimmer are all she needs to get kicked up to eleven.
This is one of the kindest, most generous things I've seen on this forum. Just... wow. I'd love to see a whole buncha newbs win this, but I'm kind of a newblet myself (since October!) so I won't feel too badly about entering. XD

Username: MmeLibertine


Story: This is Steam. I found her as a gen one Guardian and scrolled her into a Wildclaw. (Thanks, Black Friday Sale!) I'm absolutely mad about her. Someday she'll have the perfect gen one mate (there's a Wildclaw scroll waiting for him, too) and they'll make fierce, gorgeous raptor babies. Until then, I'm trying to get her kitted out the way she deserves. She kicked off my burgeoning addiction to gen ones. On a sappy note, her colors remind me of my husband, who also happens to be in Lightning, her native element.
Grand Plan: Spines and facet or shimmer are all she needs to get kicked up to eleven.
@niabi This is incredible- thank you so much for offering this! [b]Username[/b]: Karmakate [b]Dragon[/b]: [url=] [img][/img] [/url] [b]Story[/b]: This baby is my first ever hatched egg from foraging- an earth egg from the last day of the earth festival! As excited as I am to gene up some of my other dragons, too, I'd LOVE to see this guy done up all nice. [b]Grand Plan[/b]: Pearlcatcher Scroll, Speckle Primary, Current Secondary, Circuit Tertiary. He's going to look gorgeous. [img][/img]
@niabi This is incredible- thank you so much for offering this!

Username: Karmakate

Story: This baby is my first ever hatched egg from foraging- an earth egg from the last day of the earth festival! As excited as I am to gene up some of my other dragons, too, I'd LOVE to see this guy done up all nice.
Grand Plan: Pearlcatcher Scroll, Speckle Primary, Current Secondary, Circuit Tertiary. He's going to look gorgeous.
Reflective Fish Scales Iridescent Cloth Pastel Scallop Iridescent Cloth Reflective Fish Scales
Updated. :3

Updated. :3

Please ping me so I get your message. :3
(If you have a dragon that is descended from one of my progens then I would love to see!)
@Niabi This is such a generous offer, how could I not enter? ;v; Username: Merecily Dragon: Phantase [url=] [img][/img] [/url] I hatched him one day and immediately fell in love with him. Even though he's currently a bit plain, I think he has so much character. Firstly, I'd love to get him a primary bar gene. I love this gene and color combination, he looks like a cute fluffy dinosaur ; v ; Also, I think shimmer would be a good secondary gene for him because it's not too flashy and it doesn't draw the attention away from anything else. His tertiary color is swamp, so I'll leave that basic. Finally (I hope this isn't too much OTL;;) I would love to change him into a Wildclaw. I've previewed him on the scrying workshop with all these changes, and I am completely in love. [img][/img] Even if I end up not winning anything, this is still a really amazing offer, so thank you for doing this raffle!
@Niabi This is such a generous offer, how could I not enter? ;v;
Username: Merecily
Dragon: Phantase


I hatched him one day and immediately fell in love with him. Even though he's currently a bit plain, I think he has so much character.
Firstly, I'd love to get him a primary bar gene. I love this gene and color combination, he looks like a cute fluffy dinosaur ; v ; Also, I think shimmer would be a good secondary gene for him because it's not too flashy and it doesn't draw the attention away from anything else. His tertiary color is swamp, so I'll leave that basic.
Finally (I hope this isn't too much OTL;;) I would love to change him into a Wildclaw. I've previewed him on the scrying workshop with all these changes, and I am completely in love.
Even if I end up not winning anything, this is still a really amazing offer, so thank you for doing this raffle!


Please ping me so I get your message. :3
(If you have a dragon that is descended from one of my progens then I would love to see!)
AllosaurCoffee. Joined in November, so still pretty newb but not ultranewb. [url=] [img][/img] [/url] This is Laenalaerr. She's pretty plain now, but I have grand plans for her: Crystal, [s]Seraph[/s] FACET, [s]Underbelly[/s] spines. [img][/img] Which results in this avatar of light with [s]lovely matching secondary/tertiary balance[/s] glowing wings. [s]Miiight modify it to Facet (and then probably spines for the tert) if I really like how it looks on her, but probably not.[/s] apparently yes. I originally got Laenalaerr as an Auction House baby to be the counterpart to my creepy shadow Skydancer, Liglanaerr. Laenalaerr has a long way to go, since Lig came to me looking like she was something out of the Tangled Wood already, but would bring the clan some balance in story-stuff. She's one of my most expensive projects out of all the triple-geneing I need to do. /sob Thank you for your generosity just for doing this raffle!
AllosaurCoffee. Joined in November, so still pretty newb but not ultranewb.


This is Laenalaerr. She's pretty plain now, but I have grand plans for her: Crystal, Seraph FACET, Underbelly spines.


Which results in this avatar of light with lovely matching secondary/tertiary balance glowing wings. Miiight modify it to Facet (and then probably spines for the tert) if I really like how it looks on her, but probably not. apparently yes.

I originally got Laenalaerr as an Auction House baby to be the counterpart to my creepy shadow Skydancer, Liglanaerr. Laenalaerr has a long way to go, since Lig came to me looking like she was something out of the Tangled Wood already, but would bring the clan some balance in story-stuff. She's one of my most expensive projects out of all the triple-geneing I need to do. /sob

Thank you for your generosity just for doing this raffle!
Still undercaffeinated.
@niabi Oh man this is possibly the kindest thing I've ever seen ;w; Username: WinterCoyote Dragon: [url=] [img][/img] [/url] Story: This cute little fluffball hatched when I finally hatched an egg I got from scavenging! He's an absolutely beautiful grayscale dragon, and I fell in love immediately. It's always been my dream to gene up a gen1 that isn't my progen, aha, and I think this gorgeous guy would be perfect! Grand Plan: I think he's absolutely stunning as an iri/shim/circuit skydancer! [img][/img] Thank you so much for giving us this chance!!

Oh man this is possibly the kindest thing I've ever seen ;w;

Username: WinterCoyote


Story: This cute little fluffball hatched when I finally hatched an egg I got from scavenging! He's an absolutely beautiful grayscale dragon, and I fell in love immediately. It's always been my dream to gene up a gen1 that isn't my progen, aha, and I think this gorgeous guy would be perfect!

Grand Plan: I think he's absolutely stunning as an iri/shim/circuit skydancer!

Thank you so much for giving us this chance!!
Username: MoogleSam Dragon: [url=] [img][/img] [/url] Story: Kaisa is important to me because she is my custom progen - I have gened up my random progen already, and I want them to both be fully gened up so their precious Gen 2 children are all triple gened and giving either Crystal babies or Bar babies. She is the only dragon I have so far managed to give an actual story to as well and she will be my first Crystal Fae and the most beautiful dragon in my lair too. :3 Grand Plan: Crystal, Facet if it is available but will leave the secondary as is if not, Spines
Username: MoogleSam


Story: Kaisa is important to me because she is my custom progen - I have gened up my random progen already, and I want them to both be fully gened up so their precious Gen 2 children are all triple gened and giving either Crystal babies or Bar babies. She is the only dragon I have so far managed to give an actual story to as well and she will be my first Crystal Fae and the most beautiful dragon in my lair too. :3

Grand Plan: Crystal, Facet if it is available but will leave the secondary as is if not, Spines
Username: ToastedAxe Dragon: [url=] [img][/img] [/url] Story: This is my nocturne who I haven't decided a name for. When he was flying through the skies he realized he would look so much better if he was shiny. He wants to have iridescent and shimmer. He thinks that in order to still look fearsome he needs spines to go with his shininess. edit: changed dragons
Username: ToastedAxe

Story: This is my nocturne who I haven't decided a name for. When he was flying through the skies he realized he would look so much better if he was shiny. He wants to have iridescent and shimmer. He thinks that in order to still look fearsome he needs spines to go with his shininess.

edit: changed dragons