
Quests & Challenges

Quests, Challenges, and Festival games.
TOPIC | Star's Safari - Completing the Beastiary
[color=#FF5000]9/11/24[/color] @JusticeTurtle @Lusitania Thank you guys so much for the support !! [emoji=new friend size=1] It means a lot to me that there are some people out there following my progress (and shenanigans) Last night I ended up working on putting more stuff on AH! I’ve gotten to a point where I’ve decided to turn food items with no alternate uses into food points to keep my stores up, and I’m adding the others to the AH. More work for me, but if I end up just hoardselling food, materials, and trinkets, I’ll make a little more treasure. We’ll see how it works! I didn’t have as much time for coli today, but I got another couple familiars I needed for the beastiary [color=#FF5000]Notable Drops[/color] [item=wintermane bowman][item=diseased acuity fragment][item=red-winged owlcat][item=scene: scorched forest][item=frozen might fragment][item=firebreather cape][item=Ancient Gene Parchment: Sugarplum][item= dark might fragment]
@JusticeTurtle @Lusitania
Thank you guys so much for the support !! It means a lot to me that there are some people out there following my progress (and shenanigans)

Last night I ended up working on putting more stuff on AH! I’ve gotten to a point where I’ve decided to turn food items with no alternate uses into food points to keep my stores up, and I’m adding the others to the AH. More work for me, but if I end up just hoardselling food, materials, and trinkets, I’ll make a little more treasure. We’ll see how it works!
I didn’t have as much time for coli today, but I got another couple familiars I needed for the beastiary

Notable Drops
Wintermane Bowman Diseased Acuity Fragment Red-Winged Owlcat Scene: Scorched Forest Frozen Might Fragment Firebreather Cape Ancient Gene Parchment: Sugarplum Dark Might Fragment

Lost Scales Clan
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How much time are you typically grinding coli each day?
How much time are you typically grinding coli each day?
About 2 and a half hours give or take while I listen to stuff for school or on my breaks. Sometimes I’ll grind a bit more in the evenings if I have time. It works really well actually, because I’m the kind of person who needs something to do with my hands while listening to stuff, and coli is easy for me to do while paying attention ^.^

Edit: I should clarify! It’s not a consecutive 2 and a half hours either. It’s broken up by a couple hours in between 3/4 sessions.
About 2 and a half hours give or take while I listen to stuff for school or on my breaks. Sometimes I’ll grind a bit more in the evenings if I have time. It works really well actually, because I’m the kind of person who needs something to do with my hands while listening to stuff, and coli is easy for me to do while paying attention ^.^

Edit: I should clarify! It’s not a consecutive 2 and a half hours either. It’s broken up by a couple hours in between 3/4 sessions.

Lost Scales Clan
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[color=#FF5000]9/16/24[/color] No updates for the past couple days. Been sick :( I’ll probably be getting back into things a little slower as I’m also working on an important project outside of FR, but I’m still happy to get back to this when I have the time! Overall I think things have actually been going good. I’ve got quite a bit of treasure and gems from AH now, and I’m gonna start putting some of that away for the more pricey familiars I’ll need at the end of my beastiary. I didn’t have much time to grind today either, but I wanted to at least put out something about where I’ve been lol. If not for the people reading, then for me. If I don’t post [i]something[/i] there’s a chance I’ll forget about the entire project dshgsdg [color=#FF5000]Notable Drops[/color] [item=wave slash][item=fiery might fragment][item=augite protector]
No updates for the past couple days. Been sick :(
I’ll probably be getting back into things a little slower as I’m also working on an important project outside of FR, but I’m still happy to get back to this when I have the time! Overall I think things have actually been going good. I’ve got quite a bit of treasure and gems from AH now, and I’m gonna start putting some of that away for the more pricey familiars I’ll need at the end of my beastiary. I didn’t have much time to grind today either, but I wanted to at least put out something about where I’ve been lol. If not for the people reading, then for me. If I don’t post something there’s a chance I’ll forget about the entire project dshgsdg

Notable Drops
Wave Slash Fiery Might Fragment Augite Protector

Lost Scales Clan
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[color=#FF5000]9/17/24[/color] I feel like my coli luck has been horrible lately. I only got one item of interest today,, I think I’m gonna restructure how I’m handling currency a little. I think Im going to put away everything I’ve earned into my hoard when I move to a new coli area, and any earnings after that can go towards buying the remaining familiars. Ex. once I finish Scorched Forest, I’m gonna put all my treasure and gems into the vault. Anything currently up on Auction House doesn’t matter; whenever it actually sells will decide what venue it’s part of. This way I can save the extra for the more pricey familiars down the line, and also have a good basis on when I feel I can buy the familiars I need. I am going to do a brief reset on currency here today though because of this. The thing I wanna avoid is where I feel like I should grind for a [i]little[/i] bit longer for the sake of the ‘spirit of the challenge’ or something, because I probably have more than enough treasure left over to buy all the familiars in the venue. But if I reset my currency every time, I think I’ll be more clear on what I’ve made in that venue, and be more able to spend that money on progress. IDK how well I’ve explained it, but it makes sense to me, and I think it’ll work better for me. With this new system in place, and after opening some chests from coli and bonding with familiars today, I was already able to buy the Crowned Bonepreist, Moss-Covered Golem, and Umberhorn Qiriq; the last three I needed for Scorched Forest. So onward to the Boneyard where I can guarantee I don’t have most of the familiars from there, since I haven’t been there ever lol Unfortunately the tracker I use isn’t updated with the Boneyard yet (as far as I know), so I’ll have to make my own little checklist. I do happen to have a Carcass Custodian which I believe I got from a chest. [color=#FF5000]Notable Drops[/color] [item=natural might fragment]
I feel like my coli luck has been horrible lately. I only got one item of interest today,,
I think I’m gonna restructure how I’m handling currency a little. I think Im going to put away everything I’ve earned into my hoard when I move to a new coli area, and any earnings after that can go towards buying the remaining familiars. Ex. once I finish Scorched Forest, I’m gonna put all my treasure and gems into the vault. Anything currently up on Auction House doesn’t matter; whenever it actually sells will decide what venue it’s part of. This way I can save the extra for the more pricey familiars down the line, and also have a good basis on when I feel I can buy the familiars I need.
I am going to do a brief reset on currency here today though because of this. The thing I wanna avoid is where I feel like I should grind for a little bit longer for the sake of the ‘spirit of the challenge’ or something, because I probably have more than enough treasure left over to buy all the familiars in the venue. But if I reset my currency every time, I think I’ll be more clear on what I’ve made in that venue, and be more able to spend that money on progress. IDK how well I’ve explained it, but it makes sense to me, and I think it’ll work better for me.

With this new system in place, and after opening some chests from coli and bonding with familiars today, I was already able to buy the Crowned Bonepreist, Moss-Covered Golem, and Umberhorn Qiriq; the last three I needed for Scorched Forest. So onward to the Boneyard where I can guarantee I don’t have most of the familiars from there, since I haven’t been there ever lol Unfortunately the tracker I use isn’t updated with the Boneyard yet (as far as I know), so I’ll have to make my own little checklist. I do happen to have a Carcass Custodian which I believe I got from a chest.

Notable Drops
Natural Might Fragment

Lost Scales Clan
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Congrats on finishing the scorched forest! Bad coli luck is so demoralizing, hopefully you get something really good in the next few days to renew the excitement!

Congrats on finishing the scorched forest! Bad coli luck is so demoralizing, hopefully you get something really good in the next few days to renew the excitement!
[color=#FF5000]9/19/24[/color] Got a bunch of gems from chests again (the cycle of more familiars > more chests/money > more familiars is really funny to me), and was able to grab the Boneyard Patroller and Boneyard Patroller. I can tell I’m probably gonna get a lot of this venue’s familiars from the actual coli, just because I’m gonna be grinding longer to get enough money to afford these guys off AH. Speaking of AH I accidentally cleared half of my listings off while trying to relist them- Sooo I guess I know what I need to do sometime here. The Pirate event gives me an opportunity to take a brief moment to gather some event familiars. I grabbed a Seafaring Rodaque, but I didn’t have as many doubloons as I thought I did so I’ll have to grind a bit more for the others. I already have a Raptorik Captain because of my Pirate dragon Leading Winds, so hopefully I should be able to get the other two before the event ends! I decided to look around at the other event shops and ended up spending my achievement points for I think the first time on all the AAA familiars. I have my eyes set now on the Baldwin familiars, so I think I’ll start working on those while I do the coli, since they can just sit there while I work on other things lol I’m gonna get the event Baldwin familiars before the others though. I am a little bored of coli when I’m barely getting anything anymore, but the need for doubloons gives me a little motivation back, so it’s back to the Boneyard. And I’m glad I did, because looks like my luck came back a bit. [color=#FF5000]Notable Drops[/color] [item=hissing foulscale][item=diseased acuity fragment][item=Steelscale Isopuppy][item=shadow runestone][item=dark bolt][item=diseased might fragment][item=Boneseeker][item=scene: voyage of the tenacity][item=Ancient Gene Parchment: Featherbeard][item=Skeletal Streak][item=scene: voyage of the tenacity][item=Ancient Gene Parchment: Arc][item=Corven Scribe][item=scene: voyage of the tenacity]
Got a bunch of gems from chests again (the cycle of more familiars > more chests/money > more familiars is really funny to me), and was able to grab the Boneyard Patroller and Boneyard Patroller. I can tell I’m probably gonna get a lot of this venue’s familiars from the actual coli, just because I’m gonna be grinding longer to get enough money to afford these guys off AH. Speaking of AH I accidentally cleared half of my listings off while trying to relist them- Sooo I guess I know what I need to do sometime here.
The Pirate event gives me an opportunity to take a brief moment to gather some event familiars. I grabbed a Seafaring Rodaque, but I didn’t have as many doubloons as I thought I did so I’ll have to grind a bit more for the others. I already have a Raptorik Captain because of my Pirate dragon Leading Winds, so hopefully I should be able to get the other two before the event ends! I decided to look around at the other event shops and ended up spending my achievement points for I think the first time on all the AAA familiars. I have my eyes set now on the Baldwin familiars, so I think I’ll start working on those while I do the coli, since they can just sit there while I work on other things lol I’m gonna get the event Baldwin familiars before the others though.
I am a little bored of coli when I’m barely getting anything anymore, but the need for doubloons gives me a little motivation back, so it’s back to the Boneyard. And I’m glad I did, because looks like my luck came back a bit.

Notable Drops
Hissing Foulscale Diseased Acuity Fragment Steelscale Isopuppy Shadow Runestone Dark Bolt Diseased Might Fragment Boneseeker Scene: Voyage of the Tenacity Ancient Gene Parchment: Featherbeard Skeletal Streak Scene: Voyage of the Tenacity Ancient Gene Parchment: Arc Corven Scribe Scene: Voyage of the Tenacity

Lost Scales Clan
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The doubloons are a nice little motivation! I should get back to grinding the Boneyard myself -- I still need over a dozen of those familiars and the Silk-Strewn Wreckage ones. (And the new Kelp Beds seastars, which are adorable but a pain to grind for.)
The doubloons are a nice little motivation! I should get back to grinding the Boneyard myself -- I still need over a dozen of those familiars and the Silk-Strewn Wreckage ones. (And the new Kelp Beds seastars, which are adorable but a pain to grind for.)
Oh good luck! I very much know the pain dgshdhdh
Oh good luck! I very much know the pain dgshdhdh

Lost Scales Clan
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[color=#FF5000]9/20/24[/color] Not much to note today! I didn’t grind for as long today as I was working on other projects. I’m hoping to maybe do more on the weekend, but I typically don’t do updates on the weekends because I forget so we’ll see lol [color=#FF5000]Notable Drops[/color] [item=vile bolt][item=Ancient Gene Parchment: Spade][item=aquatic might fragment][item=pestilent slash][item=Boneblade Knight][item=Boneyard Patroller][item=scene: voyage of the tenacity][item=scene: voyage of the tenacity]
Not much to note today! I didn’t grind for as long today as I was working on other projects. I’m hoping to maybe do more on the weekend, but I typically don’t do updates on the weekends because I forget so we’ll see lol

Notable Drops
Vile Bolt Ancient Gene Parchment: Spade Aquatic Might Fragment Pestilent Slash Boneblade Knight Boneyard Patroller Scene: Voyage of the Tenacity Scene: Voyage of the Tenacity

Lost Scales Clan
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