
Quests & Challenges

Quests, Challenges, and Festival games.
TOPIC | Tumbleweed Tales [Pinkerlocke]
[font=Gabriola][size=5]This is the chronicle of the Tumbleweed Clan, as they traverse the lands of Sornieth in search for adventure, glory, and maybe eventually a home. Their tales and travels begin as [url=]Amaranth[/url] convinces his long-time friends and companions [url=]Bermuda[/url] and [url=]Biteweed[/url] to leave their home clan on the Windswept Plateau. Drawn by a lust for adventure and independence, the three young dragons set out to discover the world. What awaits them, nobody can say.[/font][/size] This thread is my attempt to do a Pinkerlocke following the rules set up in the [url=]Pinkerlocke Hub[/url]. [center][b][size=4]Readers are very welcome to interact![/size][/b][/center] Feel free to leave replies in this thread or send me a PM if there's anything you want to say. [emoji=spiral laughing size=1] [quote][u][b]Basic Rules:[/b][/u] - The type of item you pull from Pinkerton on each day determines what you must do on that day as shown in the drop table below. - Any death in the Coliseum means a death in actuality. The dragon must be exalted or retired from the Pinkerlocke entirely. - Loot that isn't a Pinkerton drop is not relevant to the Pinkerlocke. You may dress your dragons in anything you like. - Coliseum matches do not have to be consecutive. - Begin with two or three adult dragons. [u][b]Drop table:[/b][/u] [b]Food:[/b] The basics: enter the Coliseum! According to the table below, go through the amount of matches listed; it does not have to be all in a row! [i]Plants:[/i] 10-20 matches [i]Insects:[/i] 20-30 matches [i]Seafood:[/i] 30-40 matches [i]Meat:[/i] 40-50 matches - [i]Optional hardmode:[/i] All Coliseum teams must be chosen by a random number generator. The area entered must correspond to the highest level dragon in the group. You can quit any time to regen health, and fleeing is permitted. [b]Materials:[/b] A day for writing. While you can write for any portion of this, what are your dragons doing in their downtime? What's their latest battles, any hardships they might've faced, any newcomers to the group? If there's nothing new, how about some character introspection? Do any of them not have a biography? [b]Trinkets:[/b] Draw some art, whatever medium you want to use; even a simple doodle is good! What do your dragons look like? Their home? A battle? Any trinkets they have? Alternatively, spend some time compiling something related to them. A playlist? Pinterest board? What kind of outfits would they wear, do they follow any sort of teachings? What's their backstory before any of this, outside the Pinkerlocke? [b]Familiars:[/b] Buy the cheapest dragon in the AH of a specific breed, gems or treasure. Use a random number generator to determine which breed to get. [columns][b]1.[/b] Fae [b]2.[/b] Guardian [b]3.[/b] Mirror [b]4.[/b] Pearlcatcher [b]5.[/b] Ridgeback [b]6.[/b] Tundra[nextcol][nextcol][nextcol] [b]7.[/b] Spiral [b]8.[/b] Imperial [b]9.[/b] Snapper [b]10.[/b] Wildclaw [b]11.[/b] Nocturne [b]12.[/b] Coatl[nextcol][nextcol][nextcol] [b]13.[/b] Skydancer [b]14.[/b] Bogsneak [b]15.[/b] Obelisk [b]16.[/b] Gaoler [b]17.[/b] Banescale[nextcol][nextcol][nextcol] [b]18.[/b] Veilspun [b]19.[/b] Aberration [b]20.[/b] Undertide [b]21.[/b] Aether [b]22.[/b] Sandsurge[/columns] - [i]Optional easymode:[/i] Exclude hatchlings and/or ancient breeds. [b]Apparel:[/b] Breed two of your dragons. If you can't, you may either queue this for when it's possible or roll 1-4 for one of the food options. - [i]Optional hardmode:[/i] Flip a coin for every hatchling. Every tails means a dead hatchling that must be exalted or removed from the Pinkerlocke. [b]Battle Items:[/b] Chance for a death streak. Flip a coin; if heads, a death streak happens, and if tails, nothing happens. - [i]Death streak:[/i] Three dragons must be chosen through a random generator and go through a Coliseum area corresponding to the highest level in the party. 10 rounds must be completed consecutively; if a dragon dies, the death streak is over and no more rounds are required. [/quote] The goal is to keep this updated daily, and just see where the story takes me. The lore will be grounded in the canon lore of Sornieth as much as possible, and I conceptualize the Coliseum venues as different areas across the world where dragons and beastclans fight over territory. Let's meet the team!
This is the chronicle of the Tumbleweed Clan, as they traverse the lands of Sornieth in search for adventure, glory, and maybe eventually a home. Their tales and travels begin as Amaranth convinces his long-time friends and companions Bermuda and Biteweed to leave their home clan on the Windswept Plateau. Drawn by a lust for adventure and independence, the three young dragons set out to discover the world. What awaits them, nobody can say.

This thread is my attempt to do a Pinkerlocke following the rules set up in the Pinkerlocke Hub.
Readers are very welcome to interact!
Feel free to leave replies in this thread or send me a PM if there's anything you want to say.
Basic Rules:
- The type of item you pull from Pinkerton on each day determines what you must do on that day as shown in the drop table below.
- Any death in the Coliseum means a death in actuality. The dragon must be exalted or retired from the Pinkerlocke entirely.
- Loot that isn't a Pinkerton drop is not relevant to the Pinkerlocke. You may dress your dragons in anything you like.
- Coliseum matches do not have to be consecutive.
- Begin with two or three adult dragons.

Drop table:

Food: The basics: enter the Coliseum! According to the table below, go through the amount of matches listed; it does not have to be all in a row!
Plants: 10-20 matches
Insects: 20-30 matches
Seafood: 30-40 matches
Meat: 40-50 matches

- Optional hardmode: All Coliseum teams must be chosen by a random number generator. The area entered must correspond to the highest level dragon in the group. You can quit any time to regen health, and fleeing is permitted.

Materials: A day for writing. While you can write for any portion of this, what are your dragons doing in their downtime? What's their latest battles, any hardships they might've faced, any newcomers to the group? If there's nothing new, how about some character introspection? Do any of them not have a biography?

Trinkets: Draw some art, whatever medium you want to use; even a simple doodle is good! What do your dragons look like? Their home? A battle? Any trinkets they have?

Alternatively, spend some time compiling something related to them. A playlist? Pinterest board? What kind of outfits would they wear, do they follow any sort of teachings? What's their backstory before any of this, outside the Pinkerlocke?

Familiars: Buy the cheapest dragon in the AH of a specific breed, gems or treasure. Use a random number generator to determine which breed to get.
1. Fae
2. Guardian
3. Mirror
4. Pearlcatcher
5. Ridgeback
6. Tundra
7. Spiral
8. Imperial
9. Snapper
10. Wildclaw
11. Nocturne
12. Coatl
13. Skydancer
14. Bogsneak
15. Obelisk
16. Gaoler
17. Banescale
18. Veilspun
19. Aberration
20. Undertide
21. Aether
22. Sandsurge

- Optional easymode: Exclude hatchlings and/or ancient breeds.

Apparel: Breed two of your dragons. If you can't, you may either queue this for when it's possible or roll 1-4 for one of the food options.

- Optional hardmode: Flip a coin for every hatchling. Every tails means a dead hatchling that must be exalted or removed from the Pinkerlocke.

Battle Items: Chance for a death streak. Flip a coin; if heads, a death streak happens, and if tails, nothing happens.

- Death streak: Three dragons must be chosen through a random generator and go through a Coliseum area corresponding to the highest level in the party. 10 rounds must be completed consecutively; if a dragon dies, the death streak is over and no more rounds are required.

The goal is to keep this updated daily, and just see where the story takes me. The lore will be grounded in the canon lore of Sornieth as much as possible, and I conceptualize the Coliseum venues as different areas across the world where dragons and beastclans fight over territory.

Let's meet the team!
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Come hire my nests or my fighters: HERE | Babbling Cove Hatchery HERE |
Go Pond-Surfing HERE | Follow Tumbleweed Tales Pinkerlocke HERE
[center][size=5][b]The Tumbleweed Clan[/b] Active Dragons[/size][center] [columns] [url=][img][/img][/url] [center] [font=Gabriola][size=6]Bermuda - Level 5[/font][/size] [/center] [nextcol][indent] Bermuda never fully felt at home on the Windswept Plateau, always being called to deeper waters than the little creeks and pools of the region could provide. When Amaranth first voiced his idea to leave home clan, she immediately agreed. Perhaps without this instant support, the idea would've simply drifted away like so many others. [center] [item=Scratch] [item=Shred] [/columns] [columns] [url=][img][/img][/url] [center] [font=Gabriola][size=6]Bindweed - Level 5[/font][/size] [/center] [nextcol][indent] Bindweed is a storyteller above all. Her favorite times were spent around the campfires of home clan, weaving tales of legends for the little ones. Leaving behind the sweeping plateaus and meadows of her home wasn't easy, but her love for Amaranth and Bermuda won out eventually. Now she is the main chronicler for the Tumbleweeds. [center] [item=Meditate] [item=Contuse] [/columns]
The Tumbleweed Clan
Active Dragons
Bermuda -
Level 5
Bermuda never fully felt at home on the Windswept Plateau, always being called to deeper waters than the little creeks and pools of the region could provide. When Amaranth first voiced his idea to leave home clan, she immediately agreed. Perhaps without this instant support, the idea would've simply drifted away like so many others.
Scratch Shred
Bindweed -
Level 5
Bindweed is a storyteller above all. Her favorite times were spent around the campfires of home clan, weaving tales of legends for the little ones. Leaving behind the sweeping plateaus and meadows of her home wasn't easy, but her love for Amaranth and Bermuda won out eventually. Now she is the main chronicler for the Tumbleweeds.
Meditate Contuse
MUYNhfy.png ll0CfnD.png dEe2UrM.png
Come hire my nests or my fighters: HERE | Babbling Cove Hatchery HERE |
Go Pond-Surfing HERE | Follow Tumbleweed Tales Pinkerlocke HERE
[center][size=5][b]The Tumbleweed Clan[/b] Memorials[/size][/center] [s]It's gonna happen eventually. :([/s] It happened on Day 2.... [columns] [url=][img][/img][/url] [center] [font=Gabriola][size=6]Amaranth Level 4 Died: Day 2[/font][/size] [/center] [nextcol][indent] Amaranth was a headstrong Spiral who gave the initial impulse to leave home clan and the Windswept Plateau to seek adventure in the wider world. His character was as turbulent as a storm and he only ever felt fully at peace when drifting on the everchanging winds of Sornieth. Shortly after leaving homeclan, he died to a Basilisk's claws. [center] [item=Scratch] [item=Shred] [/columns]
The Tumbleweed Clan

It's gonna happen eventually. :(
It happened on Day 2....

Level 4
Died: Day 2
Amaranth was a headstrong Spiral who gave the initial impulse to leave home clan and the Windswept Plateau to seek adventure in the wider world. His character was as turbulent as a storm and he only ever felt fully at peace when drifting on the everchanging winds of Sornieth.

Shortly after leaving homeclan, he died to a Basilisk's claws.
Scratch Shred
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Come hire my nests or my fighters: HERE | Babbling Cove Hatchery HERE |
Go Pond-Surfing HERE | Follow Tumbleweed Tales Pinkerlocke HERE
[center][size=5][b]Day 1[/b][/size] [item=Whisperer's Cowl] [size=2]Apparel - Breed two dragons[/size][/center] OOC Note: Can't breed because all my nests are full, so instead I will roll for food/coli fights. Result: 3 - Seafood - 30-40 matches [center][size=4][b]Bindweed's Journal[/b][/size][/center] Today, we set out away from home clan! My heart pounds when I think about the journey we're going on. Amaranth wants us to travel all across Sornieth, seek adventure and glory. I just hope we can also find a sense of home on the way. I'll miss everyone from home, but I just couldn't let my companions go by themselves. Who knows what dangers they might encounter? But the first day of our journey felt easy. We flew across the wide meadows of the Windswept Plateau, unhindered for the most part. As afternoon descended, we passed into the wilder areas where the Beastclans carve out their territory. Here, we met our first real challenge. Wild creatures attacked us! I think they wanted to steal our provisions, or maybe we had passed into their breeding territories. I had never fought anything before, but together we managed to overcome them. My magic seems to be a perfect supplement to Amaranth's and Bermuda's more physical fighting styles. After a while, the beasts seemed to understand that we were a dangerous target and they left us alone. For the evening, we've settled down in a small uninhabited cave by the side of a lake. Bermuda went for a dive immediately and brought back some fish and water plants for us all to munch on. Amaranth is glowing with pride and confidence, spinning plans for the next leg of our travels. He wants to lead us into the forest bordering on the Ashfall Wastes. I suppose we'll leave the Plateau behind faster than I expected. I can't wait to meet dragons from the other domains and hear their stories! [b]Battle Log:[/b] [i]Venue: Training Fields[/i] [size=2] Battle 1: Amaranth Moth Battle 2: Leafy Moth Battle 3: Chipskink Battle 4: Glowing Pocket Mouse | Primrose Mith -> All leveled up Battle 5: Bumble | Coral Carpenter Battle 6: Glowing Pocket Mouse | Ember Mouse Battle 7: Webwing Alpha | Ruby Webwing | Silky Webwing -> Taking a break Battle 8: Brown-Spotted Mith | Bumble Battle 9: Sweetpuff -> All leveled up Battle 10: Ceanothus Brawler Battle 11: Bumble Battle 12: Ruby Webwing | Silky Webwing | Emerald Webwing Battle 13: Luna Mith | Luna Mith Battle 14: Emerald Webwing | Coral Carpenter Battle 15: Glowing Pocket Mouse | Frosted Pocketmouse | Ember Mouse Battle 16: Amaranth Moth | Amaranth Moth Battle 17: Ember Mouse Battle 18: Ruby Webwing | Webwing Alpha Battle 19: Coral Carpenter | Coral Carpenter Battle 20: Satin Pocketmouse | Emerald Webwing -> All leveled up Battle 21: Chipskink | Chipskink Battle 22: Frosted Pocketmouse | Satin Pocketmouse Battle 23: Amaranth Moth | Leafy Moth Battle 24: Ruby Webwing | Death's Head Stag Battle 25: Yellow Sparrowmouse | Dark Sparrowmouse Battle 26: Webwing Alpha | Emerald Webwing Battle 27: Brown-Spotted Mith | Brown-Spotted Mith Battle 28: Yellow Sparrowmouse | Dark Sparrowmouse Battle 29: Sweetpuff | Luna Mith Battle 30: Primrose Mith Battle 31: Leafy Moth | Yellow Sparrowmouse Battle 32: Emerald Webwing | Emerald Webwing Battle 33: Leafy Moth | Yellow Sparrowmouse Battle 34: Sweetpuff | Sweetpuff Battle 35: Crimson Emperor Battle 36: Ruby Webwing Battle 37: Ember Mouse Battle 38: Bluelight Chipskink Battle 39: Silky Webwing Battle 40: Bumble | Glowing Pocket Mouse -> End of Expedition [/size]
Day 1
Whisperer's Cowl
Apparel - Breed two dragons
OOC Note: Can't breed because all my nests are full, so instead I will roll for food/coli fights. Result: 3 - Seafood - 30-40 matches
Bindweed's Journal
Today, we set out away from home clan! My heart pounds when I think about the journey we're going on. Amaranth wants us to travel all across Sornieth, seek adventure and glory. I just hope we can also find a sense of home on the way. I'll miss everyone from home, but I just couldn't let my companions go by themselves. Who knows what dangers they might encounter?

But the first day of our journey felt easy. We flew across the wide meadows of the Windswept Plateau, unhindered for the most part. As afternoon descended, we passed into the wilder areas where the Beastclans carve out their territory. Here, we met our first real challenge. Wild creatures attacked us! I think they wanted to steal our provisions, or maybe we had passed into their breeding territories. I had never fought anything before, but together we managed to overcome them. My magic seems to be a perfect supplement to Amaranth's and Bermuda's more physical fighting styles. After a while, the beasts seemed to understand that we were a dangerous target and they left us alone.

For the evening, we've settled down in a small uninhabited cave by the side of a lake. Bermuda went for a dive immediately and brought back some fish and water plants for us all to munch on. Amaranth is glowing with pride and confidence, spinning plans for the next leg of our travels. He wants to lead us into the forest bordering on the Ashfall Wastes. I suppose we'll leave the Plateau behind faster than I expected. I can't wait to meet dragons from the other domains and hear their stories!

Battle Log:
Venue: Training Fields

Battle 1: Amaranth Moth
Battle 2: Leafy Moth
Battle 3: Chipskink
Battle 4: Glowing Pocket Mouse | Primrose Mith -> All leveled up
Battle 5: Bumble | Coral Carpenter
Battle 6: Glowing Pocket Mouse | Ember Mouse
Battle 7: Webwing Alpha | Ruby Webwing | Silky Webwing -> Taking a break
Battle 8: Brown-Spotted Mith | Bumble
Battle 9: Sweetpuff -> All leveled up
Battle 10: Ceanothus Brawler
Battle 11: Bumble
Battle 12: Ruby Webwing | Silky Webwing | Emerald Webwing
Battle 13: Luna Mith | Luna Mith
Battle 14: Emerald Webwing | Coral Carpenter
Battle 15: Glowing Pocket Mouse | Frosted Pocketmouse | Ember Mouse
Battle 16: Amaranth Moth | Amaranth Moth
Battle 17: Ember Mouse
Battle 18: Ruby Webwing | Webwing Alpha
Battle 19: Coral Carpenter | Coral Carpenter
Battle 20: Satin Pocketmouse | Emerald Webwing -> All leveled up
Battle 21: Chipskink | Chipskink
Battle 22: Frosted Pocketmouse | Satin Pocketmouse
Battle 23: Amaranth Moth | Leafy Moth
Battle 24: Ruby Webwing | Death's Head Stag
Battle 25: Yellow Sparrowmouse | Dark Sparrowmouse
Battle 26: Webwing Alpha | Emerald Webwing
Battle 27: Brown-Spotted Mith | Brown-Spotted Mith
Battle 28: Yellow Sparrowmouse | Dark Sparrowmouse
Battle 29: Sweetpuff | Luna Mith
Battle 30: Primrose Mith
Battle 31: Leafy Moth | Yellow Sparrowmouse
Battle 32: Emerald Webwing | Emerald Webwing
Battle 33: Leafy Moth | Yellow Sparrowmouse
Battle 34: Sweetpuff | Sweetpuff
Battle 35: Crimson Emperor
Battle 36: Ruby Webwing
Battle 37: Ember Mouse
Battle 38: Bluelight Chipskink
Battle 39: Silky Webwing
Battle 40: Bumble | Glowing Pocket Mouse -> End of Expedition
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Come hire my nests or my fighters: HERE | Babbling Cove Hatchery HERE |
Go Pond-Surfing HERE | Follow Tumbleweed Tales Pinkerlocke HERE
[center][size=5][b]Day 2[/b][/size] [item=Berserker] [size=2]Battle Items - Chance of a Death Streak - Coin Flip: Heads - Death Streak[/size][/center] OOC Note: Yay for the free Berserker, I guess. ^^' Since I only have three dragons and they're all level 4, Amaranth, Bermuda, and Biteweed are going to try to fight ten battles in the Woodland Path Venue. [center][size=4][b]Bindweed's Journal[/b][/size][/center] I still can't believe what happened. Amaranth is gone. He's just... gone. He was laughing at the campfire with me just this morning, spinning great plans for what we would do, where we would go. He led us into the woods this morning. They looked so inviting from the outside, all lush and green, with birdsong in the air and a soft breeze whistling through the treetops. Then we went in, followed a little path. It bent just so and suddenly it felt like the trees were leaning in, and the shadows in the undergrowth were stretching out toward us. I wanted to turn back, but he wouldn't listen. Why wouldn't he listen?! We could barely react when the first creatures came out, all snarls and spines. I tried to push them back with my magic, but it just wasn't enough. With Amaranth's and Bermuda's combined strength, we fought them off, but Amaranth was heavily wounded already. We turned back, desperate to get back out onto the plains, but it was too late. A Basilisk... a creature we had heard chilling tales of as children. It loomed on the path before us. We tried to run past it, but within the thick undergrowth, a Dryad ambushed us and pushed us back. She blasted Amaranth with her magic. I couldn't block it. I was too late. When he stumbled back, away from the Dryad, the Basilisk came up and slashed him in the back. Everything was blood and screams from that moment. I think we ran, Amaranth barely able to keep up. Somehow we made it to the edge of the woodlands. We weren't followed out. I thought I could still save him. I really thought so.... But Amaranth just looked at me and said he knew his spirit was going to the Windsinger now. Said I should stick with Bermuda, look after her. Then he was gone. ... Bermuda and I went back to our little cave. It looks dim now without him here. We don't know what we'll do now. I just want to sleep. [b]Battle Log[/b] [i]Venue: Woodland Path[/i] [size=2] Battle 1: Trumpet Porcupine | Aurelian Porcupine | Trumpet Porcupine Battle 2: Autumn Dryad | Basilisk -> Amaranth Died; Death Streak ended
Day 2
Battle Items - Chance of a Death Streak - Coin Flip: Heads - Death Streak
OOC Note: Yay for the free Berserker, I guess. ^^' Since I only have three dragons and they're all level 4, Amaranth, Bermuda, and Biteweed are going to try to fight ten battles in the Woodland Path Venue.
Bindweed's Journal
I still can't believe what happened. Amaranth is gone. He's just... gone. He was laughing at the campfire with me just this morning, spinning great plans for what we would do, where we would go.

He led us into the woods this morning. They looked so inviting from the outside, all lush and green, with birdsong in the air and a soft breeze whistling through the treetops. Then we went in, followed a little path. It bent just so and suddenly it felt like the trees were leaning in, and the shadows in the undergrowth were stretching out toward us. I wanted to turn back, but he wouldn't listen. Why wouldn't he listen?!

We could barely react when the first creatures came out, all snarls and spines. I tried to push them back with my magic, but it just wasn't enough. With Amaranth's and Bermuda's combined strength, we fought them off, but Amaranth was heavily wounded already. We turned back, desperate to get back out onto the plains, but it was too late.

A Basilisk... a creature we had heard chilling tales of as children. It loomed on the path before us. We tried to run past it, but within the thick undergrowth, a Dryad ambushed us and pushed us back. She blasted Amaranth with her magic. I couldn't block it. I was too late. When he stumbled back, away from the Dryad, the Basilisk came up and slashed him in the back. Everything was blood and screams from that moment.

I think we ran, Amaranth barely able to keep up. Somehow we made it to the edge of the woodlands. We weren't followed out. I thought I could still save him. I really thought so.... But Amaranth just looked at me and said he knew his spirit was going to the Windsinger now. Said I should stick with Bermuda, look after her. Then he was gone.


Bermuda and I went back to our little cave. It looks dim now without him here. We don't know what we'll do now. I just want to sleep.

Battle Log
Venue: Woodland Path

Battle 1: Trumpet Porcupine | Aurelian Porcupine | Trumpet Porcupine
Battle 2: Autumn Dryad | Basilisk -> Amaranth Died; Death Streak ended
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Come hire my nests or my fighters: HERE | Babbling Cove Hatchery HERE |
Go Pond-Surfing HERE | Follow Tumbleweed Tales Pinkerlocke HERE
[center][size=5][b]Day 3[/b][/size] [item=Crystal Quartz] [size=2]Materials - Write something[/size][/center] [center][size=4][b]Bermuda's Journal[/b][/size][/center] Bindweed doesn't want to write today, so I will. Hey journal, I'm Bermuda. And just in case you didn't know yet, the world sucks. My best friend is dead. We're not going to see Sornieth together and find a home for ourselves. We're stuck in a cave, too scared to move forward or back. And the lake here is too shallow to lose myself in. Bindweed keeps saying, it was a stupid idea to come out here. We fought over that. Amaranth wasn't stupid. I'm not stupid. She's not stupid either! Things just happen for no reason and it sucks. I don't want to go back to home clan. Nothing's changed. It'd be like before, just worse. Don't we owe it to Amaranth and to ourselves to keep going? Just maybe.... maybe more careful. All I want is to taste the wind over deep waters and then dive, lose myself in the currents for a bit. I can't have that here. I just hope I can convince Bindweed to come along. She doesn't see it, but she'd be just as miserable back home, now that Amaranth is gone. Every corner a memory of him. I love him, but I don't want to be haunted by him just yet. I guess there's not much more to say for now. I'll go fishing a bit and make sure we both eat something. Maybe by tomorrow we'll be seeing our path more clearly.
Day 3
Crystal Quartz
Materials - Write something
Bermuda's Journal

Bindweed doesn't want to write today, so I will. Hey journal, I'm Bermuda. And just in case you didn't know yet, the world sucks. My best friend is dead. We're not going to see Sornieth together and find a home for ourselves. We're stuck in a cave, too scared to move forward or back. And the lake here is too shallow to lose myself in.

Bindweed keeps saying, it was a stupid idea to come out here. We fought over that. Amaranth wasn't stupid. I'm not stupid. She's not stupid either! Things just happen for no reason and it sucks. I don't want to go back to home clan. Nothing's changed. It'd be like before, just worse. Don't we owe it to Amaranth and to ourselves to keep going? Just maybe.... maybe more careful.

All I want is to taste the wind over deep waters and then dive, lose myself in the currents for a bit. I can't have that here. I just hope I can convince Bindweed to come along. She doesn't see it, but she'd be just as miserable back home, now that Amaranth is gone. Every corner a memory of him. I love him, but I don't want to be haunted by him just yet.

I guess there's not much more to say for now. I'll go fishing a bit and make sure we both eat something. Maybe by tomorrow we'll be seeing our path more clearly.
MUYNhfy.png ll0CfnD.png dEe2UrM.png
Come hire my nests or my fighters: HERE | Babbling Cove Hatchery HERE |
Go Pond-Surfing HERE | Follow Tumbleweed Tales Pinkerlocke HERE
[center][size=5][b]Day 4[/b][/size] [item=Firecoiler] [size=2]Seafood - 30-40 Coli battles[/size][/center] [center][size=4][b]Bermuda's Log[/b][/size][/center] We've been sitting in this cave for a couple of days now. Bindweed's been slowly recovering from Amaranth's death. I guess so have I. It hurts deep when I think about him, like someone's fang stuck in my spine, makes it hard to move. But we have to move from this place. So I sat Bindweed down and we talked it through. We're gonna keep going, just like we had planned. More slowly, though. Today, we flew out and found some beasts to brawl with. We'll need to build up our strength and skills before we can take on the creatures in the Woodlands again. Without Amaranth, it's a bit tougher. We always have to be careful to not be overwhelmed by too many opponents at once. But we're strong, still, and getting stronger. We even picked up two little companions along the way. A little feisty bird that likes to perch on Bindweed's shoulder, and a beautiful bee that reminds me of the coast and the ocean. We can do this! [b]Battle Log[/b] [i]Venue: Training Fields[/i] [size=2] Battle 1-10: ? (Forgot to write these down ^^') Battle 11: Luna Mith Battle 12: Satin Pocketmouse Battle 13: Coral Carpenter | Bumble Battle 14: Coral Carpenter | Bumble Battle 15: Sweetpuff | Ragepuff Battle 16: Glowing Pocket Mouse Battle 17: Luna Mith | Luna Mith Battle 18: Emerald Webwing | Coral Carpenter Battle 19: Primrose Mith Battle 20: Ember Mouse | Ember Mouse Battle 21: Satin Pocketmouse Battle 22: Crimson Emperor Battle 23: Ragepuff | Sweetpuff Battle 24: Emerald Webwing | Emerald Webwing Battle 25: Bluelight Chipskink | Bluelight Chipskink -> All leveled up Battle 26: Webwing Alpha | Chipskink Battle 27: Ruby Webwing | Emerald Webwing Battle 28: Dark Sparrowmouse Battle 29: Ragepuff | Bluelight Chipskink Battle 30: Crimson Emperor | Silky Webwing Battle 31: Bumble Battle 32: Chipskink Battle 33: Frosted Pocketmouse Battle 34: Amaranth Moth Battle 35: Ruby Webwing | Silky Webwing | Emerald Webwing Battle 36: Emerald Webwing | Ruby Webwing Battle 37: Mith Bruiser | Ceanothus Brawler Battle 38: Dark Sparrowmouse | Yellow Sparrowmouse Battle 39: Brown-Spotted Mith | Primrose Mith Battle 40: Webwing Alpha | Ruby Webwing | Silky Webwing -> Expedition complete
Day 4
Seafood - 30-40 Coli battles
Bermuda's Log
We've been sitting in this cave for a couple of days now. Bindweed's been slowly recovering from Amaranth's death. I guess so have I. It hurts deep when I think about him, like someone's fang stuck in my spine, makes it hard to move. But we have to move from this place. So I sat Bindweed down and we talked it through. We're gonna keep going, just like we had planned. More slowly, though.

Today, we flew out and found some beasts to brawl with. We'll need to build up our strength and skills before we can take on the creatures in the Woodlands again. Without Amaranth, it's a bit tougher. We always have to be careful to not be overwhelmed by too many opponents at once. But we're strong, still, and getting stronger. We even picked up two little companions along the way. A little feisty bird that likes to perch on Bindweed's shoulder, and a beautiful bee that reminds me of the coast and the ocean.

We can do this!

Battle Log
Venue: Training Fields

Battle 1-10: ? (Forgot to write these down ^^')
Battle 11: Luna Mith
Battle 12: Satin Pocketmouse
Battle 13: Coral Carpenter | Bumble
Battle 14: Coral Carpenter | Bumble
Battle 15: Sweetpuff | Ragepuff
Battle 16: Glowing Pocket Mouse
Battle 17: Luna Mith | Luna Mith
Battle 18: Emerald Webwing | Coral Carpenter
Battle 19: Primrose Mith
Battle 20: Ember Mouse | Ember Mouse
Battle 21: Satin Pocketmouse
Battle 22: Crimson Emperor
Battle 23: Ragepuff | Sweetpuff
Battle 24: Emerald Webwing | Emerald Webwing
Battle 25: Bluelight Chipskink | Bluelight Chipskink -> All leveled up
Battle 26: Webwing Alpha | Chipskink
Battle 27: Ruby Webwing | Emerald Webwing
Battle 28: Dark Sparrowmouse
Battle 29: Ragepuff | Bluelight Chipskink
Battle 30: Crimson Emperor | Silky Webwing
Battle 31: Bumble
Battle 32: Chipskink
Battle 33: Frosted Pocketmouse
Battle 34: Amaranth Moth
Battle 35: Ruby Webwing | Silky Webwing | Emerald Webwing
Battle 36: Emerald Webwing | Ruby Webwing
Battle 37: Mith Bruiser | Ceanothus Brawler
Battle 38: Dark Sparrowmouse | Yellow Sparrowmouse
Battle 39: Brown-Spotted Mith | Primrose Mith
Battle 40: Webwing Alpha | Ruby Webwing | Silky Webwing -> Expedition complete
MUYNhfy.png ll0CfnD.png dEe2UrM.png
Come hire my nests or my fighters: HERE | Babbling Cove Hatchery HERE |
Go Pond-Surfing HERE | Follow Tumbleweed Tales Pinkerlocke HERE
[center][size=5][b]Day 5[/b][/size] [item=Spun Basket] [size=2]Materials - Write something[/size][/center] [center][size=4][b]tbd[/b][/size][/center]
Day 5
Spun Basket
Materials - Write something
MUYNhfy.png ll0CfnD.png dEe2UrM.png
Come hire my nests or my fighters: HERE | Babbling Cove Hatchery HERE |
Go Pond-Surfing HERE | Follow Tumbleweed Tales Pinkerlocke HERE
[center][size=5][b]Day 5[/b][/size] [item=Discarded Ribbon] [size=2]Trinkets - Draw something[/size][/center] [center][size=4][b]tbd[/b][/size][/center]
Day 5
Discarded Ribbon
Trinkets - Draw something
MUYNhfy.png ll0CfnD.png dEe2UrM.png
Come hire my nests or my fighters: HERE | Babbling Cove Hatchery HERE |
Go Pond-Surfing HERE | Follow Tumbleweed Tales Pinkerlocke HERE