
Quests & Challenges

Quests, Challenges, and Festival games.
TOPIC | [TCC Push] Forklift Certification

Now when do we get Safety Dance 2: Union Boogaloo? *giggles*

Now when do we get Safety Dance 2: Union Boogaloo? *giggles*
YCpTPdx.pngtpG8plN.gif she/they| FR+2
omg what a wonderful ending! "he dont bite" "YES HE DO"
omg what a wonderful ending! "he dont bite" "YES HE DO"
XD!!! Loved it!

And appropriate that I read it AT work. Lmao!
XD!!! Loved it!

And appropriate that I read it AT work. Lmao!
The badges don't seem to be working anymore :(
The badges don't seem to be working anymore :(
J5HlHP8.png 7qZs8jM.png w8o0xW1.png
@vaguelycanine are the images not showing up on your end? I can see them just fine...
@vaguelycanine are the images not showing up on your end? I can see them just fine...
79f64b0c-70c9-44db-898d-0bc728894b05.png vOGzFYa.png
90u7by%20(1).jpg smollestcreatura.gif
[img][/img] They all look like this to me. The ones I already put in my dragons bio as well. No other images are doing this, all my other badges are fine. If it really is just me I have not a clue why or how to fix it

They all look like this to me. The ones I already put in my dragons bio as well. No other images are doing this, all my other badges are fine. If it really is just me I have not a clue why or how to fix it
J5HlHP8.png 7qZs8jM.png w8o0xW1.png
[quote name="vaguelycanine" date="2024-07-28 15:19:19" ] [img][/img] They all look like this to me. The ones I already put in my dragons bio as well. No other images are doing this, all my other badges are fine. If it really is just me I have not a clue why or how to fix it [/quote] Nevermind, I've figured it out! My antivirus software was blocking file garden.
vaguelycanine wrote on 2024-07-28 15:19:19:

They all look like this to me. The ones I already put in my dragons bio as well. No other images are doing this, all my other badges are fine. If it really is just me I have not a clue why or how to fix it

Nevermind, I've figured it out! My antivirus software was blocking file garden.
J5HlHP8.png 7qZs8jM.png w8o0xW1.png
1) What is the name and ID (or URL) of the dragon you are sending to be exalted?

Snackrifice, 96320931
Snackrifice, 96151530
Lazulite, 95796822
Alayna, 95796829
Snackrifice, 96329967
Snackrifice, 96329609
Snackrifice, 96329608

2) How are you exalting the dragon? (eg. Exalting them yourself, sending them to the OOFR, sending them to a friend)
Sending to OOFR

3) Are you comfortable with this dragon being used in tomorrow’s lore update? If so, is there anything I should know about this dragon (gender, personality, relationships, appearance traits not visible in the site art, etc.)?
Yes, nothing else to add

(Forgot to press submit, posting for the badge!)
1) What is the name and ID (or URL) of the dragon you are sending to be exalted?

Snackrifice, 96320931
Snackrifice, 96151530
Lazulite, 95796822
Alayna, 95796829
Snackrifice, 96329967
Snackrifice, 96329609
Snackrifice, 96329608

2) How are you exalting the dragon? (eg. Exalting them yourself, sending them to the OOFR, sending them to a friend)
Sending to OOFR

3) Are you comfortable with this dragon being used in tomorrow’s lore update? If so, is there anything I should know about this dragon (gender, personality, relationships, appearance traits not visible in the site art, etc.)?
Yes, nothing else to add

(Forgot to press submit, posting for the badge!)