
Quests & Challenges

Quests, Challenges, and Festival games.
TOPIC | EmperorZ™ Pet Race BSJ '24 [Finished!]
[center][img][/img] [font=Courier New][img][/img] [url=][color=dd60b6][b]intro[/b][/color][/url] [img][/img] [url=][color=e86254][b]rules[/b][/color][/url] [img][/img] [url=][color=e3b510][b]abilities[/b][/color][/url] [img][/img] [url=][color=37b3cc][b]rosters[/b][/color][/url] [img][/img] [url=][color=3172c1][b]prizes[/b][/color][/url] [img][/img] [url=][color=09217c][b]credits[/b][/color][/url][/font][/center] [center][size=6][font=Courier New][url=][color=dd60b6][b]HEAT A[/b][/color][/url] [emoji=blue star size=1] [url=][color=e3b510][b]HEAT B[/b][/color][/url] [emoji=pink star size=1] [url=][color=37b3cc][b]HEAT C[/b][/color][/url][/size][/font] [b][url=][color=e86254]The race is complete![/color][/url] Feel free to join the pinglist [url=][color=34a4ba]Here![/color][/url] [/center] [size=4][font=Courier New][color=e3b510][b]Welcome[/b][/color][/size][/font] to [color= e86254][b]EmperorZ™ Pet Race,[/b][/color] an event taking place for this year's Brightshine Jubilee! Participants will be using magic, teamwork and words of encouragement to coach and cheer on their team's mini pet emperor in a race to the finish line! [b]EmperorZ™ Pet Race is a simulation/CYOA. Roleplaying isn't required but is encouraged![/b] This thread serves as a hub for information and sign-ups, while each heat will be directed to its own thread where heat-specific information will be displayed. Participants enter a dragon which will be assigned to a team. Each day, I will roll the dice to determine the base stats/spaces gained for the beginning of that day's round. Then each team will choose a dragon ability from their roster to help boost their numbers for the round's final score. The top two teams with the most points by the end of the week win prizes and a special badge will be awarded to the winning team! [columns][img alt="Vertical Divider - Path map"][/img] [nextcol] [color=transparent]____[/color] [nextcol] [img][/img] [i]You arrive at the location of the race event depicted on your map. Like all the events going on this Brightshine, it takes place in Emperor’s Wake. It almost reminds you of LuminaxCon, but much more… cutesy? The racetrack and everything seems downsized even from the race’s first event in the Sunbeam Ruins. You wander the concession stands and through the rows of Emperor paraphernalia before, in the center of the encampment, you see a grassy pen occupied by many tiny emperors romping around and playing. You can’t help but smile at the tiny atrocities, who appear to be hatchlings of both body and mind (though even a normal Imperial hatchling can be sizable compared to some dragon breeds). A familiar voice grabs your attention as a bright Spiral descends upon the clearing and loops above the playpen. A tiny Coatl flutters in his wake. [/i] [columns] [url=][img][/img][/url] [nextcol] [color=transparent]aaa[/color] [nextcol] "Greetings, salutations, and welcome to the Light Flight's third annual race event: [color= e3b510][b]EmperorZ™ Pet Race![/b][/color] Now, I hope you all haven't done too much athletic prep work for this event, because [color=3172c1]you, in fact, won't be racing at all![/color] You instead will be [color=dd60b6]coaching these little monsters[/color] down the race track to the finish line!" [/columns] [columns] [color=transparent]_____________________[/color]"Hi, hey, hello! Umm, why am I here?" [nextcol] [color=transparent]aaa[/color] [nextcol] [url=][img][/img][/url] [/columns] [columns] [url=][img][/img][/url] [nextcol] [color=transparent]aaa[/color] [nextcol] "It's as simple as that! So practice some vocal exercises, grab a bullhorn, and make your way to the pen to familiarize yourself with our charming little athletes!" [/columns] [columns] [color=transparent]__[/color]" just dragged me along because I'm small, didn't you?" [nextcol] [color=transparent]aaa[/color] [nextcol] [url=][img][/img][/url] [/columns] [/columns]


The race is complete! Feel free to join the pinglist Here!

Welcome to EmperorZ™ Pet Race, an event taking place for this year's Brightshine Jubilee! Participants will be using magic, teamwork and words of encouragement to coach and cheer on their team's mini pet emperor in a race to the finish line!

EmperorZ™ Pet Race is a simulation/CYOA. Roleplaying isn't required but is encouraged! This thread serves as a hub for information and sign-ups, while each heat will be directed to its own thread where heat-specific information will be displayed.

Participants enter a dragon which will be assigned to a team. Each day, I will roll the dice to determine the base stats/spaces gained for the beginning of that day's round. Then each team will choose a dragon ability from their roster to help boost their numbers for the round's final score. The top two teams with the most points by the end of the week win prizes and a special badge will be awarded to the winning team!
Vertical Divider - Path map ____

gW9SS9i.gif You arrive at the location of the race event depicted on your map. Like all the events going on this Brightshine, it takes place in Emperor’s Wake. It almost reminds you of LuminaxCon, but much more… cutesy? The racetrack and everything seems downsized even from the race’s first event in the Sunbeam Ruins.

You wander the concession stands and through the rows of Emperor paraphernalia before, in the center of the encampment, you see a grassy pen occupied by many tiny emperors romping around and playing. You can’t help but smile at the tiny atrocities, who appear to be hatchlings of both body and mind (though even a normal Imperial hatchling can be sizable compared to some dragon breeds). A familiar voice grabs your attention as a bright Spiral descends upon the clearing and loops above the playpen. A tiny Coatl flutters in his wake.

48264273p.png aaa "Greetings, salutations, and welcome to the Light Flight's third annual race event: EmperorZ™ Pet Race! Now, I hope you all haven't done too much athletic prep work for this event, because you, in fact, won't be racing at all! You instead will be coaching these little monsters down the race track to the finish line!"

_____________________"Hi, hey, hello! Umm, why am I here?" aaa 59607377p.png

48264273p.png aaa "It's as simple as that! So practice some vocal exercises, grab a bullhorn, and make your way to the pen to familiarize yourself with our charming little athletes!"

__" just dragged me along because I'm small, didn't you?" aaa 59607377p.png
[center][img][/img] [font=Courier New][img][/img] [url=][color=dd60b6][b]intro[/b][/color][/url] [img][/img] [url=][color=e86254][b]rules[/b][/color][/url] [img][/img] [url=][color=e3b510][b]abilities[/b][/color][/url] [img][/img] [url=][color=37b3cc][b]rosters[/b][/color][/url] [img][/img] [url=][color=3172c1][b]prizes[/b][/color][/url] [img][/img] [url=][color=09217c][b]credits[/b][/color][/url][/font][/center] [emoji=imperial confused size=1] Please ping me (@Jeevas) if you have any questions! I am [b]NOT[/b] subscribed! [img][/img] [size=4][font=Courier New][color=37b3cc][b]There[/b][/color][/font][/size] are four dragons on each team and six teams in each heat. Each dragon gets a special ability based on its breed. All dragons also have the "Protect" ability, which can only be used once per game. [img][/img] [size=4][font=Courier New][color=3172c1][b]During[/b][/color][/font][/size] each round, each dragon rolls a D6. Based on these rolls, each team gets a Roll Total. [img][/img] [size=4][font=Courier New][color=09217c][b]Each[/b][/color][/font][/size] team deploys one special ability per round to add to their Roll Total. The abilities are resolved in order. If there are duplicate abilities or teams are tied, the team which is ahead in the race standings goes or is affected first. The Roll Total plus the ability modifiers equals the Round Total. [img][/img] [size=3][font=Courier New][color=37b3cc][b]Abilities[/b][/color][/font][/size] can change individual dice rolls as well as the Round Total. The Round Total can become negative. If individual dice rolls are changed, the difference is added/subtracted to the Round Total. [img][/img] [size=4][font=Courier New][color=3172c1][b]After[/b][/color][/font][/size] the abilities are resolved, each team has a final Round Total. This is added to their running total race score. If two teams have the same race score, the team that was previously ahead is considered to be ahead. [center][emoji=mahjong tile size=1] [url=][size=4][font=Courier New][color=e3b510][b][Here's an example][/b][/color][/font][/url] of a post from a round from a previous race![/center] [center][emoji=ping size=1] [size=5][font=Courier New][color=e86254][b][u]IMPORTANT NOTE:[/u][/b][/color][/font][/size][/center] The race standings for each round begin with the standings from the previous round and do not update until the end of the current round (aka, race standings aren’t updated in real time, whether with the introduction of new rolls or the effects of abilities). [i]However,[/i] for this race (and possibly races proceeding this one), [color=09217c][b]race standings will be generated off of Roll Totals for Round 1 only.[/b][/color] This will be done so that every ability that requires a race standing can take effect. Therefore, no ability will simply “gain 3 spaces” during Round 1, as was the case in previous races. All other rounds will proceed as normal. [center][img][/img][/center] [center][emoji=scroll size=1] [size=6][font=Courier New][color=37b3cc][b][u]How to Enter[/u][/b][/color][/size][/font][/center] [b]Participants select one dragon from their lair to enter the race.[/b] Pick any dragon you want! A favorite perma, a pretty fodder, a sleepy hibden resident who could use some excitement... [size=4][font=Courier New][color=dd60b6][b]OPTIONAL:[/b][/color][/font][/size] You may enter with friends to create a team of up to 4 dragons. If your group has less than 4 dragons, the remaining slots will be filled with other dragons that have been entered. [b]Each friend must post their own entry form[/b] which pings all other friends in the group. If you are creating a team with friends, be sure to pay attention to what kinds of abilities your team has. [b]You can only have one of any ability per team[/b]. If you are entering as an individual, I will do my best to make sure that teams are well-balanced. [b]Entry form:[/b] [code] [b]Username:[/b] [b]User ID #:[/b] [b]Time Zone (FRT):[/b] [b]Link to Dragon:[/b] [b]Dragon's pronouns:[/b] [b]Ping your teammate(s), if any:[/b][/code] [u]You will also have to enter your information into a Google Entry Form.[/u] This will help me when it comes time to making teams and counting entrants. [center][img][/img] [url=][size=5][font=Courier New][color=09217c][b][Google Entry Form][/b][/color][/font][/size][/url][/center] [b]Once signups are complete, I will add a post pinging everyone and directing them to Heat-specific threads where updates will take place. [/b] After rollover, we will ping everyone to announce the results for the previous round and post the dice rolls for the next round. Participants then vote using a Heat-specific Google Form linked in their respective threads for which dragon's ability they want to use for the round. If there is a tie in votes, I will flip a coin. [b]If no one votes, I will randomly select an ability.[/b] It is in your team's best interest to strategically select an ability based on the race standings and dice rolls. [b]Schedule: TBA[/b] [u]Saturday, 6/22 18:00 FRT[/u] - Deadline to enter the race. [s][u]Sunday, 6/23 1:00 FRT[/u][/s] - We will ping for round one dice rolls and voting for round one abilities. [s][u]Sunday, 6/23 18:00 FRT[/u][/s] - Deadline for voting for round one abilities. [s][u]Monday, 6/24 1:00 FRT[/u][/s] - We will ping for results for round one, round two dice rolls, and voting for round two abilities. [s][u]Monday, 6/24 18:00 FRT[/u][/s] - Deadline for voting for round two abilities. And so on and so forth. There will be seven rounds, so we will post final race results and distribute prizes on the following Sunday. [font=courier new][color=e86254][b][Schedule is subject to change. All will be pinged if this becomes the case][/b][/color][/font] [b]Anyone is welcome to participate by roleplaying:[/b] a spectator, race staff member, or even a disgruntled town resident! Feel free to get creative. You can roleplay the dragon you entered, just be aware that I will also be describing what happens to the teams. [center][url=][size=5][font=Courier New][color=dd60b6][b][Back to Top][/b][/color][/url][/center]

Please ping me (@Jeevas) if you have any questions! I am NOT subscribed!

k7cjj4W.png There are four dragons on each team and six teams in each heat. Each dragon gets a special ability based on its breed. All dragons also have the "Protect" ability, which can only be used once per game.

k7cjj4W.png During each round, each dragon rolls a D6. Based on these rolls, each team gets a Roll Total.

k7cjj4W.png Each team deploys one special ability per round to add to their Roll Total. The abilities are resolved in order. If there are duplicate abilities or teams are tied, the team which is ahead in the race standings goes or is affected first. The Roll Total plus the ability modifiers equals the Round Total.

k7cjj4W.png Abilities can change individual dice rolls as well as the Round Total. The Round Total can become negative. If individual dice rolls are changed, the difference is added/subtracted to the Round Total.

k7cjj4W.png After the abilities are resolved, each team has a final Round Total. This is added to their running total race score. If two teams have the same race score, the team that was previously ahead is considered to be ahead.
[Here's an example] of a post from a round from a previous race!

The race standings for each round begin with the standings from the previous round and do not update until the end of the current round (aka, race standings aren’t updated in real time, whether with the introduction of new rolls or the effects of abilities).

However, for this race (and possibly races proceeding this one), race standings will be generated off of Roll Totals for Round 1 only. This will be done so that every ability that requires a race standing can take effect. Therefore, no ability will simply “gain 3 spaces” during Round 1, as was the case in previous races. All other rounds will proceed as normal.
How to Enter

Participants select one dragon from their lair to enter the race. Pick any dragon you want! A favorite perma, a pretty fodder, a sleepy hibden resident who could use some excitement...

OPTIONAL: You may enter with friends to create a team of up to 4 dragons. If your group has less than 4 dragons, the remaining slots will be filled with other dragons that have been entered. Each friend must post their own entry form which pings all other friends in the group.

If you are creating a team with friends, be sure to pay attention to what kinds of abilities your team has. You can only have one of any ability per team. If you are entering as an individual, I will do my best to make sure that teams are well-balanced.

Entry form:
[b]Username:[/b] [b]User ID #:[/b] [b]Time Zone (FRT):[/b] [b]Link to Dragon:[/b] [b]Dragon's pronouns:[/b] [b]Ping your teammate(s), if any:[/b]

You will also have to enter your information into a Google Entry Form. This will help me when it comes time to making teams and counting entrants.

Once signups are complete, I will add a post pinging everyone and directing them to Heat-specific threads where updates will take place.

After rollover, we will ping everyone to announce the results for the previous round and post the dice rolls for the next round.

Participants then vote using a Heat-specific Google Form linked in their respective threads for which dragon's ability they want to use for the round.

If there is a tie in votes, I will flip a coin. If no one votes, I will randomly select an ability. It is in your team's best interest to strategically select an ability based on the race standings and dice rolls.

Schedule: TBA

Saturday, 6/22 18:00 FRT - Deadline to enter the race.

Sunday, 6/23 1:00 FRT - We will ping for round one dice rolls and voting for round one abilities.

Sunday, 6/23 18:00 FRT - Deadline for voting for round one abilities.

Monday, 6/24 1:00 FRT - We will ping for results for round one, round two dice rolls, and voting for round two abilities.

Monday, 6/24 18:00 FRT - Deadline for voting for round two abilities.

And so on and so forth. There will be seven rounds, so we will post final race results and distribute prizes on the following Sunday.

[Schedule is subject to change. All will be pinged if this becomes the case]

Anyone is welcome to participate by roleplaying: a spectator, race staff member, or even a disgruntled town resident! Feel free to get creative. You can roleplay the dragon you entered, just be aware that I will also be describing what happens to the teams.
[center][img][/img] [font=Courier New][img][/img] [url=][color=dd60b6][b]intro[/b][/color][/url] [img][/img] [url=][color=e86254][b]rules[/b][/color][/url] [img][/img] [url=][color=e3b510][b]abilities[/b][/color][/url] [img][/img] [url=][color=37b3cc][b]rosters[/b][/color][/url] [img][/img] [url=][color=3172c1][b]prizes[/b][/color][/url] [img][/img] [url=][color=09217c][b]credits[/b][/color][/url][/font][/center] [columns][url=][img][/img][/url] [nextcol] [color=transparent]aaa[/color] [nextcol]"I'm Charmed by the way, and no, I'm [b]not[/b] one of the pets you're going to be racing. And I'm not a hatchling, even though I look like one. Anyway... these [color=dd60b6][b]bullhorns[/b][/color] are imbued with the magic from the spell scrolls first obtained by [font=Courier New][url=][size=4][color=37b3cc][b][Grandpa Snap][/b][/color][/size][/url][/font] from the Water Flight's Boat Race Association. The abilities can also be referenced on your respective heats' spreadsheets once the race begins!"[/columns] [color=3172c1][size=4][font=courier new][b][u]UPDATE:[/u][/b][/font][/size] Fathom dragons will not be allowed to participate in this race, as they are still gaining their land legs and need time to adjust.[/color] [img][/img] [u]The abilities are presented in order of resolution. Please ping me if you have questions about any of these![/u] *[color=09217c][i]italics[/i][/color] indicate new or reworked abilities. Ability names may be changed for flavor, but are similar otherwise. [b]All Breeds[/b] - [color=green]DEFENSE[/color] Protect - One other team's ability that would Affect this team is neutralized. The effects of the ability do not take place. [color=transparent][size=0][size=0].[/size][/size][/color] [indent][size=2][b]Tip[/b]: Especially useful if there are many dragons with offensive abilities in your race and you feel you may be targeted for being in first place. Best used earlier in the race as it doesn't help you gain spaces, so after using this, you will probably need to work to get ahead again. Please keep in mind [b]each team can only use this ability once in the whole game![/b][/size][/indent] [b]Skydancer[/b] - [color=red]ATTACK[/color] Confusing Dance - Switch this team's Round Total and dice rolls with those of the team with the highest Round Total this round. [color=transparent][size=0][size=0].[/size][/size][/color] [indent][size=2][b]Example[/b]: This team's current dice rolls are 1, 3, 4, and 4, adding up to 12. The team with the best dice rolls this round rolled 4, 4, 6, and 3, adding up to 17. The rolls are switched between the teams so that this team now has 4, 4, 6, and 3.[/size][/indent] [color=transparent][size=0][size=0].[/size][/size][/color] [indent][size=2][b]Tip[/b]: Always useful to have if you roll poorly, and can mess up other teams' plans, making things interesting.[/size][/indent] [b]Obelisk[/b] - [color=blue]SUPPORT[/color] Stone Skipper - This team gains as many spaces as is needed to have a Round Total that is 1 space more than the team with the current highest Round Total. [color=transparent][size=0][size=0].[/size][/size][/color] [indent][size=2][b]Example[/b]: The team's current Round Total is 12. The team that did the best this round has a Round Total of 19. This team gains 8 spaces.[/size][/indent] [color=transparent][size=0][size=0].[/size][/size][/color] [indent][size=2][b]Tip[/b]: Useful to have if you roll poorly, and is a good option if nothing else quite works.[/size][/indent] [b]Undertide[/b] - [color=red]ATTACK[/color] Riptide - Decrease the roll total of the team directly in front of you to the lowest roll total. Steal half of the spaces you take, rounded up. [color=transparent][size=0][size=0].[/size][/size][/color] [indent][size=2][b]Example[/b]: The lowest Round Total is 9. The team immediately in front of this one has a Round Total of 18. The competing team's Round Total is decreased to 9, and this team gains 5 spaces.[/size][/indent] [color=transparent][size=0][size=0].[/size][/size][/color] [indent][size=2][b]Tip[/b]: Although a situational ability, Riptide is good for hampering a competitor who rolled well while gaining you a few spaces in the process. Good for close races and beating the RNG![/size][/indent] [b]Pearlcatcher[/b] - [color=blue]SUPPORT[/color] Enlightened Mind - The team's current Round Total is bumped up to the next square number (even if it is already a square number). [color=transparent][size=0][size=0].[/size][/size][/color] [indent][size=2][b]Example[/b]: The team's current Round Total is 12. It is bumped up to a 16. If the Round Total was 16, it gets bumped up to a 25.[/size][/indent] [color=transparent][size=0][size=0].[/size][/size][/color] [indent][size=2][b]Tip[/b]: Oftentimes a good option if nothing else quite works, even if it doesn't net you many spaces.[/size][/indent] [b]Spiral[/b] - [color=red]ATTACK[/color] Tangled Feet - The team in first place in the race standings loses 8 spaces unless that is this dragon's team, in which case the second place team loses 6 spaces. Gain half the spaces lost by the other team. [color=transparent][size=0][size=0].[/size][/size][/color] [indent][size=2][b]Tip[/b]: Hamper a team with a big lead, or get a close competitor off your tail.[/size][/indent] [b]Veilspun[/b] - [color=red]ATTACK[/color] Swarming Slowdown - The two teams ahead in the race standings lose 5 points each. If either team has a Veilspun, that team only loses 1 point. Gain half the spaces lost by the other team. [color=transparent][size=0][size=0].[/size][/size][/color] [indent][size=2][b]Example[/b]: Team A is in 4th place and uses Swarming Slowdown. Team B is in 3rd place and does not have a Veilspun on their team, so they lose 5 spaces. Team C is in 2nd place and [i]does[/i] have a Veilspun, so they only lose 1 space. The total spaces lost between the two teams is 6, so Team A gains 3 spaces.[/size][/indent] [color=transparent][size=0][size=0].[/size][/size][/color] [indent][size=2][b]Tip[/b]: Hampers teams with a big lead, use wisely.[/size][/indent] [b]Gaoler[/b] - [color=red]ATTACK[/color] Icy Glare - Steal one space from each team behind this one and add the spaces to the team's current Round Total. If a team behind it has an ancient breed, steal 2 spaces. [color=transparent][size=0][size=0].[/size][/size][/color] [indent][size=2][b]Example[/b]: Team A is in 2nd place. The teams in 3rd, 4th, and 5th places each lose one space. The team in 6th place has a Banescale, so it loses 2 spaces. Team A gains 5 spaces.[/size][/indent] [color=transparent][size=0][size=0].[/size][/size][/color] [indent][size=2][b]Tip[/b]: A good option to bolster your lead if you're ahead.[/size][/indent] [color=09217c][i][b]*Sandsurge[/b][/i][/color] - [color=red]ATTACK[/color] Sandstorm - Steal 3 spaces from one team immediately ahead of this one and one team immediately behind. Add these spaces to the user's team's current Round Total. If the user is in 1st place, steal 3 spaces from the one team behind. If the user is in last place, steal 3 spaces from the two teams immediately in front. [color=transparent][size=0][size=0].[/size][/size][/color] [indent][size=2][b]Example[/b]: The standings are A, B, C, D, E and F, with F being in last place and A in first. D uses Sandsurge and gains a total of 6 spaces, while teams C and E each lose 3 spaces. F uses Sandsurge and also gains 6 spaces, while teams D and E each lose 3 spaces. A uses Sandsurge and gains 3 spaces, causing team B to lose 3 spaces.[/size][/indent] [color=transparent][size=0][size=0].[/size][/size][/color] [indent][size=2][b]Tip[/b]: A versatile ability no matter where you are in the race standings.[/size][/indent] [b]Ridgeback[/b] - [color=red]ATTACK[/color] Biting Words - Steal one space for each roll made by the teams ahead of this dragon's team that is a 3 or lower. (This ability only affects round totals, not individual rolls). [color=transparent][size=0][size=0].[/size][/size][/color] [indent][size=2][b]Example[/b]: Team A is in 3rd place and uses this ability. The 2nd place team rolls a 1, 3, 1, and 4, and loses 3 spaces. The 1st place team rolls a 6, 6, 2, and 1, and loses 2 spaces. Team A gains 5 spaces.[/size][/indent] [color=transparent][size=0][size=0].[/size][/size][/color] [indent][size=2][b]Tip[/b]: A good way to take advantage of your opponents' bad luck if you're behind.[/size][/indent] [color=09217c][i][b]*Auraboa[/b][/i][/color] - [color=red]ATTACK[/color] Loop Scoop - Steal 1 space for every Ancient breed in each team ahead of this one in the race standings and add the spaces to the user's team's current Round Total. [color=transparent][size=0][size=0].[/size][/size][/color] [indent][size=2][b]Example[/b]: Team A is in 3rd place and uses this ability. The 2nd place team has a Sandsurge and a Gaoler and loses 2 spaces. The 1st place team has an Auraboa, a Banescale and an Undertide and loses 3 spaces. Team A gains 5 spaces.[/size][/indent] [color=transparent][size=0][size=0].[/size][/size][/color] [indent][size=2][b]Tip[/b]: A way to take advantage of the new prevalence of Ancient Breeds.[/size][/indent] [b]Wildclaw[/b] - [color=red]ATTACK[/color] Long Monologue - The team ahead of this team in the race standings loses 2 spaces. The team ahead of that team loses 4 spaces. The team ahead of that team loses 8 spaces. Gain half the spaces lost by the other team. [color=transparent][size=0][size=0].[/size][/size][/color] [indent][size=2][b]Example[/b]: Team A is in 4th place and uses this ability. The team in 3rd place loses 2 spaces. The team in 2nd place loses 4 spaces. The team in 1st place loses 8 spaces. Team A gains 7 spaces.[/size][/indent] [color=transparent][size=0][size=0].[/size][/size][/color] [indent][size=2][b]Tip[/b]: Good for situations in which you're close behind the teams ahead of you.[/size][/indent] [b]Coatl[/b] - [color=blue]SUPPORT[/color] Tailwind - If any dragon on any team behind or equal in the race standings has the same element, gain 6 spaces. [color=transparent][size=0][size=0].[/size][/size][/color] [indent][size=2][b]Example[/b]: Team A's Coatl is of the Light element and uses this ability. This team is in 3rd place. There is another Light dragon in the 5th place team, so this team gains 6 spaces.[/size][/indent] [color=transparent][size=0][size=0].[/size][/size][/color] [indent][size=2][b]Tip[/b]: Pick a more common element for best results—helps maintain a lead.[/size][/indent] [b]Fae[/b] - [color=blue]SUPPORT[/color] Lucky Leap - All team mates who rolled a 2 or below get their roll bumped to a 6. [color=transparent][size=0][size=0].[/size][/size][/color] [indent][size=2][b]Tip[/b]: Either this or the Skydancer ability is good for saving bad rolls.[/size][/indent] [b]Mirror[/b] - [color=blue]SUPPORT[/color] Pack Pride - Two team mates who have the lowest rolls get their roll bumped to a 6. [color=transparent][size=0][size=0].[/size][/size][/color] [indent][size=2][b]Tip[/b]: A versatile ability you can't go wrong with. Saves you when you roll poorly, and gets you a few spaces even if you roll well.[/size][/indent] [b]Bogsneak[/b] - [color=red]ATTACK[/color] Buff Bluff - Starting with the first team in the race standings, lower the first three 5 or 6s that were rolled to 1 (this can include your team's rolls). Gain one space for every 5, and 2 spaces for every 6. [color=transparent][size=0][size=0].[/size][/size][/color] [indent][size=2][b]Example[/b]: The team that is currently in 1st place rolled a 6 and a 5. The team in 2nd place rolls two 5s, and only the first 5 is turned to a 1. This team using the ability gains 4 spaces.[/size][/indent] [color=transparent][size=0][size=0].[/size][/size][/color] [indent][size=2][b]Tip[/b]: Great way to punish players with high rolls or who may boost their rolls with abilities.[/size][/indent] [color=09217c][i][b]*Dusthide[/b][/i][/color] - [color=blue]SUPPORT[/color] Bowling Split - Gain 1 space for each roll among all teams that is a 1 or a 6. [color=transparent][size=0][size=0].[/size][/size][/color] [indent][size=2][b]Tip[/b]:Ignores race standings and counts both yours and the opposing teams' rolls.[/size][/indent] [b]Nocturne[/b] - [color=blue]SUPPORT[/color] Sneaking Through - If this team hasn't been Affected by other team's abilities this round, it goes an extra 8 spaces. [color=transparent][size=0][size=0].[/size][/size][/color] [indent][size=2][b]Example[/b]: During this round, another team's Wildclaw attacked three other teams, and another team's Veilspun attacked one other team. Because this team was in last place, they did not get Affected by any attacks, so they gain 8 spaces.[/size][/indent] [color=transparent][size=0][size=0].[/size][/size][/color] [indent][size=2][b]Tip[/b]: Great for catching up when you're behind.[/size][/indent] [b]Aberration[/b] - [color=blue]SUPPORT[/color] Double Time - If this team has been Affected by another team's abilities this round, it goes an extra 10 spaces. [color=transparent][size=0][size=0].[/size][/size][/color] [indent][size=2][b]Example[/b]: During this round, another team's Ridgeback attacked three other teams, including this one. Because this team got attacked, they gain 10 spaces.[/size][/indent] [color=transparent][size=0][size=0].[/size][/size][/color] [indent][size=2][b]Tip[/b]: Provides a buffer in races with lots of offensive dragons; good to use if you're ahead in the race.[/size][/indent] [b]Guardian[/b] - [color=blue]SUPPORT[/color] Searching Soul - Gain 2 spaces for every Plentiful breed in any team ahead of this one in the race standings. [color=transparent][size=0][size=0].[/size][/size][/color] [indent][size=2][b]Example[/b]: This team is in 3rd place. The team in 1st place has a Fae dragon and the team in 2nd place has a Mirror dragon. This team gains 4 spaces.[/size][/indent] [color=transparent][size=0][size=0].[/size][/size][/color] [indent][size=2][b]Tip[/b]: Can provide dramatic help if you're farther behind, depending on your luck.[/size][/indent] [b]*Aether[/b] - [color=blue]SUPPORT[/color] Elemental Frenzy - For every dragon in front of you, gain 2 spaces for every element you are strong against and lose 1 space for every element you are weak against, using this chart. Element type matchups can be found [url=]HERE[/url] (*Link has changed). [color=transparent][size=0][size=0].[/size][/size][/color] [indent][size=2][b]Example[/b]: Your Aether is a Light dragon. The teams in front of you have a Plague, a Wind, and two Shadow dragons. They also have one Nature dragon and one Lightning dragon. Your team gains 8 spaces, but loses 2 spaces, for a net gain of 6 spaces.[/size][/indent] [color=transparent][size=0][size=0].[/size][/size][/color] [indent][size=2][b]Tip[/b]: Similar to Guardian, but with more potential spaces AND possible penalties. Strategize well.[/size][/indent] [b]Tundra[/b] - [color=blue]SUPPORT[/color] Nostalgic Scent - If any dragon on any team ahead or equal in the race standings has the same element, gain 8 spaces. [color=transparent][size=0][size=0].[/size][/size][/color] [indent][size=2][b]Example[/b]: This team's Tundra is of the Water element. This team is in 5th place. There is another Water dragon in the 2nd place team, so this team gains 8 spaces.[/size][/indent] [color=transparent][size=0][size=0].[/size][/size][/color] [indent][size=2][b]Tip[/b]: Helps teams catch up when they're falling behind—pick a more common element for best results.[/size][/indent] [color=09217c][i][b]*Banescale[/b][/i][/color] - [color=blue]SUPPORT[/color] Song of Support - Gain 8 spaces. Decrease this number by 2 for each placement above 6th place. [color=transparent][size=0][size=0].[/size][/size][/color] [indent][size=2][b]Example[/b]: Team F is in last place and gains 8 spaces. Team D is in 4th place and gains 4 spaces. Teams in 1st and 2nd place gain zero spaces.[/size][/indent] [color=transparent][size=0][size=0].[/size][/size][/color] [indent][size=2][b]Tip[/b]: A generic buff that only cares about how far behind you are.[/size][/indent] [b]Snapper[/b] - [color=blue]SUPPORT[/color] Slow and Steady - If this team is in the last half of teams in the race standings, it gains as many spaces as is needed to pass the #3 team in the race standings by 1, based on the current race standings. [color=transparent][size=0][size=0].[/size][/size][/color] [indent][size=2][b]Example[/b]: This team is in 5th place with a race total of 42 spaces. The 3rd place team has 56 spaces. This team gains 15 spaces.[/size][/indent] [color=transparent][size=0][size=0].[/size][/size][/color] [indent][size=2][b]Tip[/b]: Good to have so you have a reliable option for when you're falling behind. May not help much in close rounds.[/size][/indent] [color=09217c][i][b]*Imperial[/b][/i][/color] - [color=blue]SUPPORT[/color] Rainbow Gait - Gain one space for each element in front of you. If that number is 11, you are protected from negative abilities. [color=transparent][size=0][size=0].[/size][/size][/color] [indent][size=2][b]Example[/b]: Team A uses this ability while at least one Fire dragon, Water dragon, Plague dragon and Ice dragon are in front of them in the race standings. Team A gains 4 spaces.[/size][/indent] [center][url=][size=5][font=Courier New][color=dd60b6][b][Back to Top][/b][/color][/url][/center]
59607377p.png aaa "I'm Charmed by the way, and no, I'm not one of the pets you're going to be racing. And I'm not a hatchling, even though I look like one. Anyway... these bullhorns are imbued with the magic from the spell scrolls first obtained by [Grandpa Snap] from the Water Flight's Boat Race Association. The abilities can also be referenced on your respective heats' spreadsheets once the race begins!"

UPDATE: Fathom dragons will not be allowed to participate in this race, as they are still gaining their land legs and need time to adjust.

k7cjj4W.png The abilities are presented in order of resolution. Please ping me if you have questions about any of these!

*italics indicate new or reworked abilities. Ability names may be changed for flavor, but are similar otherwise.

All Breeds - DEFENSE
Protect - One other team's ability that would Affect this team is neutralized. The effects of the ability do not take place.
Tip: Especially useful if there are many dragons with offensive abilities in your race and you feel you may be targeted for being in first place. Best used earlier in the race as it doesn't help you gain spaces, so after using this, you will probably need to work to get ahead again. Please keep in mind each team can only use this ability once in the whole game!

Skydancer - ATTACK
Confusing Dance - Switch this team's Round Total and dice rolls with those of the team with the highest Round Total this round.
Example: This team's current dice rolls are 1, 3, 4, and 4, adding up to 12. The team with the best dice rolls this round rolled 4, 4, 6, and 3, adding up to 17. The rolls are switched between the teams so that this team now has 4, 4, 6, and 3.
Tip: Always useful to have if you roll poorly, and can mess up other teams' plans, making things interesting.

Obelisk - SUPPORT
Stone Skipper - This team gains as many spaces as is needed to have a Round Total that is 1 space more than the team with the current highest Round Total.
Example: The team's current Round Total is 12. The team that did the best this round has a Round Total of 19. This team gains 8 spaces.
Tip: Useful to have if you roll poorly, and is a good option if nothing else quite works.

Undertide - ATTACK
Riptide - Decrease the roll total of the team directly in front of you to the lowest roll total. Steal half of the spaces you take, rounded up.
Example: The lowest Round Total is 9. The team immediately in front of this one has a Round Total of 18. The competing team's Round Total is decreased to 9, and this team gains 5 spaces.
Tip: Although a situational ability, Riptide is good for hampering a competitor who rolled well while gaining you a few spaces in the process. Good for close races and beating the RNG!

Pearlcatcher - SUPPORT
Enlightened Mind - The team's current Round Total is bumped up to the next square number (even if it is already a square number).
Example: The team's current Round Total is 12. It is bumped up to a 16. If the Round Total was 16, it gets bumped up to a 25.
Tip: Oftentimes a good option if nothing else quite works, even if it doesn't net you many spaces.

Spiral - ATTACK
Tangled Feet - The team in first place in the race standings loses 8 spaces unless that is this dragon's team, in which case the second place team loses 6 spaces. Gain half the spaces lost by the other team.
Tip: Hamper a team with a big lead, or get a close competitor off your tail.

Veilspun - ATTACK
Swarming Slowdown - The two teams ahead in the race standings lose 5 points each. If either team has a Veilspun, that team only loses 1 point. Gain half the spaces lost by the other team.
Example: Team A is in 4th place and uses Swarming Slowdown. Team B is in 3rd place and does not have a Veilspun on their team, so they lose 5 spaces. Team C is in 2nd place and does have a Veilspun, so they only lose 1 space. The total spaces lost between the two teams is 6, so Team A gains 3 spaces.
Tip: Hampers teams with a big lead, use wisely.

Gaoler - ATTACK
Icy Glare - Steal one space from each team behind this one and add the spaces to the team's current Round Total. If a team behind it has an ancient breed, steal 2 spaces.
Example: Team A is in 2nd place. The teams in 3rd, 4th, and 5th places each lose one space. The team in 6th place has a Banescale, so it loses 2 spaces. Team A gains 5 spaces.
Tip: A good option to bolster your lead if you're ahead.

*Sandsurge - ATTACK
Sandstorm - Steal 3 spaces from one team immediately ahead of this one and one team immediately behind. Add these spaces to the user's team's current Round Total.
If the user is in 1st place, steal 3 spaces from the one team behind. If the user is in last place, steal 3 spaces from the two teams immediately in front.
Example: The standings are A, B, C, D, E and F, with F being in last place and A in first. D uses Sandsurge and gains a total of 6 spaces, while teams C and E each lose 3 spaces. F uses Sandsurge and also gains 6 spaces, while teams D and E each lose 3 spaces. A uses Sandsurge and gains 3 spaces, causing team B to lose 3 spaces.
Tip: A versatile ability no matter where you are in the race standings.

Ridgeback - ATTACK
Biting Words - Steal one space for each roll made by the teams ahead of this dragon's team that is a 3 or lower. (This ability only affects round totals, not individual rolls).
Example: Team A is in 3rd place and uses this ability. The 2nd place team rolls a 1, 3, 1, and 4, and loses 3 spaces. The 1st place team rolls a 6, 6, 2, and 1, and loses 2 spaces. Team A gains 5 spaces.
Tip: A good way to take advantage of your opponents' bad luck if you're behind.

*Auraboa - ATTACK
Loop Scoop - Steal 1 space for every Ancient breed in each team ahead of this one in the race standings and add the spaces to the user's team's current Round Total.
Example: Team A is in 3rd place and uses this ability. The 2nd place team has a Sandsurge and a Gaoler and loses 2 spaces. The 1st place team has an Auraboa, a Banescale and an Undertide and loses 3 spaces. Team A gains 5 spaces.
Tip: A way to take advantage of the new prevalence of Ancient Breeds.

Wildclaw - ATTACK
Long Monologue - The team ahead of this team in the race standings loses 2 spaces. The team ahead of that team loses 4 spaces. The team ahead of that team loses 8 spaces. Gain half the spaces lost by the other team.
Example: Team A is in 4th place and uses this ability. The team in 3rd place loses 2 spaces. The team in 2nd place loses 4 spaces. The team in 1st place loses 8 spaces. Team A gains 7 spaces.
Tip: Good for situations in which you're close behind the teams ahead of you.

Tailwind - If any dragon on any team behind or equal in the race standings has the same element, gain 6 spaces.
Example: Team A's Coatl is of the Light element and uses this ability. This team is in 3rd place. There is another Light dragon in the 5th place team, so this team gains 6 spaces.
Tip: Pick a more common element for best results—helps maintain a lead.

Lucky Leap - All team mates who rolled a 2 or below get their roll bumped to a 6.
Tip: Either this or the Skydancer ability is good for saving bad rolls.

Mirror - SUPPORT
Pack Pride - Two team mates who have the lowest rolls get their roll bumped to a 6.
Tip: A versatile ability you can't go wrong with. Saves you when you roll poorly, and gets you a few spaces even if you roll well.

Bogsneak - ATTACK
Buff Bluff - Starting with the first team in the race standings, lower the first three 5 or 6s that were rolled to 1 (this can include your team's rolls). Gain one space for every 5, and 2 spaces for every 6.
Example: The team that is currently in 1st place rolled a 6 and a 5. The team in 2nd place rolls two 5s, and only the first 5 is turned to a 1. This team using the ability gains 4 spaces.
Tip: Great way to punish players with high rolls or who may boost their rolls with abilities.

*Dusthide - SUPPORT
Bowling Split - Gain 1 space for each roll among all teams that is a 1 or a 6.
Tip:Ignores race standings and counts both yours and the opposing teams' rolls.

Nocturne - SUPPORT
Sneaking Through - If this team hasn't been Affected by other team's abilities this round, it goes an extra 8 spaces.
Example: During this round, another team's Wildclaw attacked three other teams, and another team's Veilspun attacked one other team. Because this team was in last place, they did not get Affected by any attacks, so they gain 8 spaces.
Tip: Great for catching up when you're behind.

Aberration - SUPPORT
Double Time - If this team has been Affected by another team's abilities this round, it goes an extra 10 spaces.
Example: During this round, another team's Ridgeback attacked three other teams, including this one. Because this team got attacked, they gain 10 spaces.
Tip: Provides a buffer in races with lots of offensive dragons; good to use if you're ahead in the race.

Guardian - SUPPORT
Searching Soul - Gain 2 spaces for every Plentiful breed in any team ahead of this one in the race standings.
Example: This team is in 3rd place. The team in 1st place has a Fae dragon and the team in 2nd place has a Mirror dragon. This team gains 4 spaces.
Tip: Can provide dramatic help if you're farther behind, depending on your luck.

*Aether - SUPPORT
Elemental Frenzy - For every dragon in front of you, gain 2 spaces for every element you are strong against and lose 1 space for every element you are weak against,
using this chart. Element type matchups can be found HERE (*Link has changed).
Example: Your Aether is a Light dragon. The teams in front of you have a Plague, a Wind, and two Shadow dragons. They also have one Nature dragon and one Lightning dragon. Your team gains 8 spaces, but loses 2 spaces, for a net gain of 6 spaces.
Tip: Similar to Guardian, but with more potential spaces AND possible penalties. Strategize well.

Tundra - SUPPORT
Nostalgic Scent - If any dragon on any team ahead or equal in the race standings has the same element, gain 8 spaces.
Example: This team's Tundra is of the Water element. This team is in 5th place. There is another Water dragon in the 2nd place team, so this team gains 8 spaces.
Tip: Helps teams catch up when they're falling behind—pick a more common element for best results.

*Banescale - SUPPORT
Song of Support - Gain 8 spaces. Decrease this number by 2 for each placement above 6th place.
Example: Team F is in last place and gains 8 spaces. Team D is in 4th place and gains 4 spaces. Teams in 1st and 2nd place gain zero spaces.
Tip: A generic buff that only cares about how far behind you are.

Snapper - SUPPORT
Slow and Steady - If this team is in the last half of teams in the race standings, it gains as many spaces as is needed to pass the #3 team in the race standings by 1, based on the current race standings.
Example: This team is in 5th place with a race total of 42 spaces. The 3rd place team has 56 spaces. This team gains 15 spaces.
Tip: Good to have so you have a reliable option for when you're falling behind. May not help much in close rounds.

*Imperial - SUPPORT
Rainbow Gait - Gain one space for each element in front of you. If that number is 11, you are protected from negative abilities.
Example: Team A uses this ability while at least one Fire dragon, Water dragon, Plague dragon and Ice dragon are in front of them in the race standings. Team A gains 4 spaces.

[center][img][/img] [font=Courier New][img][/img] [url=][color=dd60b6][b]intro[/b][/color][/url] [img][/img] [url=][color=e86254][b]rules[/b][/color][/url] [img][/img] [url=][color=e3b510][b]abilities[/b][/color][/url] [img][/img] [url=][color=37b3cc][b]rosters[/b][/color][/url] [img][/img] [url=][color=3172c1][b]prizes[/b][/color][/url] [img][/img] [url=][color=09217c][b]credits[/b][/color][/url][/font][/center] [center](Each team will be named after the Emperor they will be coaching!)[/center] [center][size=6][font=Courier New][color=dd60b6][b][u]HEAT A[/u][/b][/color][/size][/font][/center] [columns][nextcol][color=transparent]xxx[/color] [nextcol][size=4][size=5][font=courier new][b]Pet: Alice[/b][/font][/size] Meltdown - Sandsurge (I) - [url=][color=black]sharlayan[/color][/url] Spinel - Skydancer (I) - [url=][color=black]Kiranagi[/color][/url] Velox - Wildclaw (P) - [url=][color=black]aquaticFeline[/color][/url] Lloyd - Dusthide (P) - [url=][color=black]LadyBlep[/color][/url][/size] [size=4][size=5][font=courier new][b]Pet: Button[/b][/font][/size] Lumine - Nocturne (F) - [url=][color=black]Starwindrider[/color][/url] Spirit - Bogsneak (I) - [url=][color=black]natsinabucket[/color][/url] Hootenanny - Aberration (W) - [url=][color=black]KungFuCutbug[/color][/url] Qinghua - Dusthide (Wa) - [url=][color=black]ShinyDecidueye[/color][/url][/size] [size=4][size=5][font=courier new][b]Pet: Calvin[/b][/font][/size] Anubis - Mirror (Ln) - [url=][color=black]DisastrousAbsol[/color][/url] Sludge - Aberration (P) - [url=][color=black]LunalaRose[/color][/url] Wormwood - Spiral (N) - [url=][color=black]TetraKataki[/color][/url] Raine - Imperial (E) - [url=][color=black]humbledarkmage[/color][/url][/size] [nextcol][color=transparent]xxx[/color] [nextcol][color=transparent]xxx[/color] [size=4][size=5][font=courier new][b]Pet: Dash[/b][/font][/size] Limina - Obelisk (N) - [url=][color=black]mynnthia[/color][/url] Viorchlash - Undertide (I) - [url=][color=black]stormdrink[/color][/url] Spike - Mirror (Ln) - [url=][color=black]dataghosts[/color][/url] Jude - Wildclaw (A) - [url=][color=black]SkyDancer10[/color][/url] [/size] [size=4][size=5][font=courier new][b]Pet: Erwin[/b][/font][/size] Tidahlia - Spiral (P) - [url=][color=black]BoatBud[/color][/url] Sunday - Coatl (Ln) - [url=][color=black]SunSprite[/color][/url] Wysterion - Obelisk (F) - [url=][color=black]TrueTerror[/color][/url] Robin - Skydancer (Ln) - [url=][color=black]Storia[/color][/url] [/size] [size=4][size=5][font=courier new][b]Pet: Flip-Flop[/b][/font][/size] GalacticGeiger - Aberration (L) - [url=][color=black]OnceWorried[/color][/url] Ilyana - Skydancer (L) - [url=][color=black]SuzyChi[/color][/url] Lilith - Imperial (P) - [url=][color=black]NotMothman[/color][/url] Kaiju - Undertide (Wa) - [url=][color=black]OnnaStik[/color][/url][/size] [color=transparent][isize][/color][nextcol][color=transparent]xxx[/color][/columns] [center][size=6][font=Courier New][color=e3b510][b][u]HEAT B[/u][/b][/color][/size][/font][/center] [columns][nextcol][color=transparent]xxx[/color] [nextcol][size=4][size=5][font=courier new][b]Pet: Archibald[/b][/font][/size] Bonbon - Aether (A) - [url=][color=black]veilmochi[/color][/url] Ilar - Bogsneak (N)- [url=][color=black]Netrix[/color][/url] Twizzler - Skydancer (E) - [url=][color=black]Tamine[/color][/url] Chibinax - Imperial (I) - [url=][color=black]counterklock[/color][/url][/size] [size=4][size=5][font=courier new][b]Pet: Beetle[/b][/font][/size] Mirage - Sandsurge (L) - [url=][color=black]2BDamned[/color][/url] Goro - Tundra (P) - [url=][color=black]pokemoncha[/color][/url] Gibbous - Mirror (W) - [url=][color=black]TETRAHEDR0N[/color][/url] Gordon - Pearlcatcher (N) - [url=][color=black]xXweepingdalekXx[/color][/url][/size] [size=4][size=5][font=courier new][b]Pet: Cupcake[/b][/font][/size] Sidereal - Spiral (P) - [url=][color=black]Marketplace[/color][/url] Vanvea - Mirror (W) - [url=][color=black]Yetaet[/color][/url] Unnamed - Imperial (I) - [url=][color=black]Salazia[/color][/url] Flit - Aether (W) - [url=][color=black]romlily[/color][/url][/size] [nextcol][color=transparent]xxx[/color] [nextcol][color=transparent]xxx[/color] [size=4][size=5][font=courier new][b]Pet: Deeohgee[/b][/font][/size] Darkstar - Aberration (S) - [url=][color=black]Bashett[/color][/url] Dendrobium - Sandsurge (Ln) - [url=][color=black]BunnySox[/color][/url] Opaline - Mirror (Ln) - [url=][color=black]Catoblepon[/color][/url] NastyaRasputina - Wildclaw (A) - [url=][color=black]quotesnmiracles[/color][/url][/size] [size=4][size=5][font=courier new][b]Pet: Edward[/b][/font][/size] Abscind - Auraboa (L) - [url=][color=black]cinderrain[/color][/url] Parakeet - Skydancer (W) - [url=][color=black]invert[/color][/url] Sylvatica - Fae (N) - [url=][color=black]erithakos[/color][/url] Mirtillo - Coatl (I) - [url=][color=black]NijiMarii[/color][/url][/size] [size=4][size=5][font=courier new][b]Pet: Fancy[/b][/font][/size] Zaz - Tundra (N) - [url=][color=black]CuddlyHippo[/color][/url] Borealis - Sandsurge (F) - [url=][color=black]Chingoo[/color][/url] MonsterMash - Spiral (A) - [url=][color=black]Cuddlyhippo[/color][/url] Mirror - Selia (F) - [url=][color=black]Chingoo[/color][/url][/size] [color=transparent][isize][/color][nextcol][color=transparent]xxx[/color][/columns] [center][size=6][font=Courier New][color=37b3cc][b][u]HEAT C[/u][/b][/color][/size][/font][/center] [columns][nextcol][color=transparent]xxx[/color] [nextcol][size=4][size=5][font=courier new][b]Pet: Appa[/b][/font][/size] Lucifer - Imperial (I) - [url=][color=black]AngelsThrone[/color][/url] Myers - Wildclaw (E) - [url=][color=black]Seph0Silver[/color][/url] Serpentes - Bogsneak (P) - [url=][color=black]Etterath[/color][/url] Dove - Mirror (P) - [url=][color=black]FishyLynx[/color][/url][/size] [size=4][size=5][font=courier new][b]Pet: Barclay[/b][/font][/size] Blaze - Aether (A) - [url=][color=black]Farore[/color][/url] Print - Auraboa (E) - [url=][color=black]CANTDANCEFLYNN[/color][/url] Pulsar - Mirror (L) - [url=][color=black]LostSketchbook[/color][/url] Qingxuan - Spiral (W)- [url=][color=black]ema2[/color][/url][/size] [size=4][size=5][font=courier new][b]Pet: Cabbage[/b][/font][/size] Neyanki- Banescale (F) - [url=][color=black]Lupsianna[/color][/url] Skinripper - Mirror (P) - [url=][color=black]mngwa[/color][/url] Callisto - Skydancer (A) - [url=][color=black]niponji[/color][/url] Pelageya - Coatl (A) - [url=][color=black]LunarCalamaty[/color][/url][/size] [nextcol][color=transparent]xxx[/color] [nextcol][color=transparent]xxx[/color] [size=4][size=5][font=courier new][b]Pet: Darwin[/b][/font][/size] Royal - Gaoler (Wa) - [url=][color=black]Equipoise[/color][/url] Madeleine - Wildclaw (W) - [url=][color=black]Magmish[/color][/url] Unnamed - Dusthide (W) - [url=][color=black]Salixian[/color][/url] Djalkava - Nocturne (Wa) - [url=][color=black]Beatoriche[/color][/url][/size] [size=4][size=5][font=courier new][b]Pet: Evie[/b][/font][/size] Wyn - Auraboa (P) - [url=][color=black]Grimm555[/color][/url] Korallion - Mirror (A) - [url=][color=black]Fragariavesca[/color][/url] Lash - Imperial (L) - [url=][color=black]nbdy[/color][/url] Depth - Coatl (Wa) - [url=][color=black]LastShip[/color][/url][/size] [size=4][size=5][font=courier new][b]Pet: Frank[/b][/font][/size] TimberPup - Imperial (N) - [url=][color=black]Festivoog[/color][/url] Israfel - Pearlcatcher (L) - [url=][color=black]breakpoint[/color][/url] Amelia - Tundra (Wa) - [url=][color=black]VoidDragonD[/color][/url] Zone - Sandsurge (S) - [url=][color=black]ZanesTopSurgery[/color][/url][/size] [color=transparent][isize][/color][nextcol][color=transparent]xxx[/color][/columns] [center][url=][size=5][font=Courier New][color=dd60b6][b][Back to Top][/b][/color][/url][/center]
(Each team will be named after the Emperor they will be coaching!)
xxx Pet: Alice

Meltdown - Sandsurge (I) - sharlayan
Spinel - Skydancer (I) - Kiranagi
Velox - Wildclaw (P) - aquaticFeline
Lloyd - Dusthide (P) - LadyBlep

Pet: Button

Lumine - Nocturne (F) - Starwindrider
Spirit - Bogsneak (I) - natsinabucket
Hootenanny - Aberration (W) - KungFuCutbug
Qinghua - Dusthide (Wa) - ShinyDecidueye

Pet: Calvin

Anubis - Mirror (Ln) - DisastrousAbsol
Sludge - Aberration (P) - LunalaRose
Wormwood - Spiral (N) - TetraKataki
Raine - Imperial (E) - humbledarkmage
xxx xxx
Pet: Dash

Limina - Obelisk (N) - mynnthia
Viorchlash - Undertide (I) - stormdrink
Spike - Mirror (Ln) - dataghosts
Jude - Wildclaw (A) - SkyDancer10

Pet: Erwin

Tidahlia - Spiral (P) - BoatBud
Sunday - Coatl (Ln) - SunSprite
Wysterion - Obelisk (F) - TrueTerror
Robin - Skydancer (Ln) - Storia

Pet: Flip-Flop

GalacticGeiger - Aberration (L) - OnceWorried
Ilyana - Skydancer (L) - SuzyChi
Lilith - Imperial (P) - NotMothman
Kaiju - Undertide (Wa) - OnnaStik


xxx Pet: Archibald

Bonbon - Aether (A) - veilmochi
Ilar - Bogsneak (N)- Netrix
Twizzler - Skydancer (E) - Tamine
Chibinax - Imperial (I) - counterklock

Pet: Beetle

Mirage - Sandsurge (L) - 2BDamned
Goro - Tundra (P) - pokemoncha
Gibbous - Mirror (W) - TETRAHEDR0N
Gordon - Pearlcatcher (N) - xXweepingdalekXx

Pet: Cupcake

Sidereal - Spiral (P) - Marketplace
Vanvea - Mirror (W) - Yetaet
Unnamed - Imperial (I) - Salazia
Flit - Aether (W) - romlily
xxx xxx
Pet: Deeohgee

Darkstar - Aberration (S) - Bashett
Dendrobium - Sandsurge (Ln) - BunnySox
Opaline - Mirror (Ln) - Catoblepon
NastyaRasputina - Wildclaw (A) - quotesnmiracles

Pet: Edward

Abscind - Auraboa (L) - cinderrain
Parakeet - Skydancer (W) - invert
Sylvatica - Fae (N) - erithakos
Mirtillo - Coatl (I) - NijiMarii

Pet: Fancy

Zaz - Tundra (N) - CuddlyHippo
Borealis - Sandsurge (F) - Chingoo
MonsterMash - Spiral (A) - Cuddlyhippo
Mirror - Selia (F) - Chingoo


xxx Pet: Appa

Lucifer - Imperial (I) - AngelsThrone
Myers - Wildclaw (E) - Seph0Silver
Serpentes - Bogsneak (P) - Etterath
Dove - Mirror (P) - FishyLynx

Pet: Barclay

Blaze - Aether (A) - Farore
Print - Auraboa (E) - CANTDANCEFLYNN
Pulsar - Mirror (L) - LostSketchbook
Qingxuan - Spiral (W)- ema2

Pet: Cabbage

Neyanki- Banescale (F) - Lupsianna
Skinripper - Mirror (P) - mngwa
Callisto - Skydancer (A) - niponji
Pelageya - Coatl (A) - LunarCalamaty
xxx xxx
Pet: Darwin

Royal - Gaoler (Wa) - Equipoise
Madeleine - Wildclaw (W) - Magmish
Unnamed - Dusthide (W) - Salixian
Djalkava - Nocturne (Wa) - Beatoriche

Pet: Evie

Wyn - Auraboa (P) - Grimm555
Korallion - Mirror (A) - Fragariavesca
Lash - Imperial (L) - nbdy
Depth - Coatl (Wa) - LastShip

Pet: Frank

TimberPup - Imperial (N) - Festivoog
Israfel - Pearlcatcher (L) - breakpoint
Amelia - Tundra (Wa) - VoidDragonD
Zone - Sandsurge (S) - ZanesTopSurgery

[center][img][/img] [font=Courier New][img][/img] [url=][color=dd60b6][b]intro[/b][/color][/url] [img][/img] [url=][color=e86254][b]rules[/b][/color][/url] [img][/img] [url=][color=e3b510][b]abilities[/b][/color][/url] [img][/img] [url=][color=37b3cc][b]rosters[/b][/color][/url] [img][/img] [url=][color=3172c1][b]prizes[/b][/color][/url] [img][/img] [url=][color=09217c][b]credits[/b][/color][/url][/font][/center] [center][emoji=light rune size=1][/center] [center][b]All participants may pick up this badge to commemorate this race: [/b] [img][/img] [code] [url=][img][/img][/url] [/code] [/center] [center][quote=First Place in Each Heat] [item=luminous legguards] [item=unhatched bogsneak egg] A pair of Luminous Legguards and a Bogsneak egg, [b]AND[/b] get to claim this fancy badge! [img][/img] [code] [url=][img][/img][/url] [/code] [/quote][/center] [center][quote=Second Place in Each Heat] [item=golden glow alchemist tools] [item=health potion] x20 Golden Glow Alchemist Tools and 20 Health Potions, [b]AND[/b] each player's choice of a non-boss coliseum familiar! [/quote][/center] [center][url=][size=5][font=Courier New][color=dd60b6][b][Back to Top][/b][/color][/url][/center]
All participants may pick up this badge to commemorate this race:

First Place in Each Heat wrote:
Luminous Legguards Unhatched Bogsneak Egg
A pair of Luminous Legguards and a Bogsneak egg,

AND get to claim this fancy badge!

Second Place in Each Heat wrote:
Golden Glow Alchemist Tools Health Potion x20
Golden Glow Alchemist Tools and 20 Health Potions,

AND each player's choice of a non-boss coliseum familiar!
[center][img][/img] [font=Courier New][img][/img] [url=][color=dd60b6][b]intro[/b][/color][/url] [img][/img] [url=][color=e86254][b]rules[/b][/color][/url] [img][/img] [url=][color=e3b510][b]abilities[/b][/color][/url] [img][/img] [url=][color=37b3cc][b]rosters[/b][/color][/url] [img][/img] [url=][color=3172c1][b]prizes[/b][/color][/url] [img][/img] [url=][color=09217c][b]credits[/b][/color][/url][/font][/center] [img][/img] A [size=4][color=e3b510][b]Massive[/b][/size][/color] thank you to [size=4][font=courier new][color=e86254][b]dreamclaws[/b][/color][/font][/size] for creating such an innovative and entertaining event and allowing others to adapt her idea. [img][/img] Thanks to [size=4][font=Courier New][color=37b3cc][b]Irithyll[/b][/font][/size] for the badges, along with Naleli, biskitten, Sylvandyr, Shisei11, and Renaiwom for all the other art assets! [img][/img] And a big thank you to [size=4][font=Courier New][color=dd60b6][b]Equipoise,[/b][/color] [color=e86254][b]Salixian,[/b][/color] [color=e3b510][b]gn0me,[/b][/color] [color=37b3cc][b]Bashett,[/b][/color] [color=3172c1][b]TetraKataki,[/b][/color] [color=dd60b6][b]LunalaRose,[/b][/color][/font][/size] [size=4][font=Courier New][color=e86254][b]Goldia,[/b][/color][/font][/size] and [size=4][font=Courier New][color=e3b510][b]Beatoriche[/b][/color][/font][/size] for helping me playtest the new and reworked abilities, as well as helping me work out the kinks for our new spreadsheet! [img][/img] And of course, thank [b][u]YOU[/u][/b] for playing! [center][url=][size=5][font=Courier New][color=dd60b6][b][Back to Top][/b][/color][/url][/center]

k7cjj4W.png A Massive thank you to dreamclaws for creating such an innovative and entertaining event and allowing others to adapt her idea.

k7cjj4W.png Thanks to Irithyll for the badges, along with Naleli, biskitten, Sylvandyr, Shisei11, and Renaiwom for all the other art assets!

k7cjj4W.png And a big thank you to Equipoise, Salixian, gn0me, Bashett, TetraKataki, LunalaRose, Goldia, and Beatoriche for helping me playtest the new and reworked abilities, as well as helping me work out the kinks for our new spreadsheet!

k7cjj4W.png And of course, thank YOU for playing!
[center][font=courier new][size=6][color=dd60b6][b][u]Aether Matchups:[/u][/b][/color][/size][/font] [emoji=aether confused size=1] [img][/img][/center] [img][/img] The [b]"Best Against"[/b] and [b]"Good Against"[/b] columns make up the three elements that will gain you 2 spaces. [img][/img] The [b]"Bad Against"[/b] and [b]"Worst Against"[/b] columns are the three elements that will cause you to lose 1 space. [img][/img] Ignore the "Neutral" column. (If someone knows who to credit this image to, let me know!) [center][url=][size=5][font=Courier New][color=dd60b6][b][Back to Top][/b][/color][/url][/center]
Aether Matchups:


k7cjj4W.png The "Best Against" and "Good Against" columns make up the three elements that will gain you 2 spaces.

k7cjj4W.png The "Bad Against" and "Worst Against" columns are the three elements that will cause you to lose 1 space.

k7cjj4W.png Ignore the "Neutral" column.

(If someone knows who to credit this image to, let me know!)
[columns][b]Username:[/b] erithakos [b]User ID #:[/b] 700237 [b]Time Zone (FRT):[/b] FR+8 [b]Link to Dragon:[/b] [b]Dragon's pronouns:[/b] She/Her [b]Ping your teammate(s), if any:[/b] :( [nextcol] [url=][img][/img][/url]
Username: erithakos
User ID #: 700237
Time Zone (FRT): FR+8
Link to Dragon:
Dragon's pronouns: She/Her
Ping your teammate(s), if any: :(
Username: nbdy
User ID #: 577081
Time Zone (FRT): fr +4
Link to Dragon:
Dragon's pronouns: she/her
Ping your teammate(s), if any:
Username: nbdy
User ID #: 577081
Time Zone (FRT): fr +4
Link to Dragon:
Dragon's pronouns: she/her
Ping your teammate(s), if any:
call me bug, ghost, or phantom! fr +4
[BSJ 2024] Main Hub[BSJ 2024] Out-of-Flight Raffle
[BSJ 2024] Illuminarti[BSJ 2024] Public Buy