@Grendaline Absolutely, will do!
The girl of that pair has a different partner set up for next round in order to help push the hickory-to-auburn range, but after that I definitely plan to breed her with her pair partner again - I was pleasantly surprised how quickly the XXX tarnish kiddos were snatched up, it's good motivation to actually finish formatting a proper hatchery page!
@Dr. Harlequary's Project - New Har/Jes XXX
Happy Thundercrack, all! And welcome to Achernar, representative of blackberry!
This fellow comes from the AH, bred by KleinFye. While he'd normally have been a bit out of my budget, he's a rare breed (someday this whole colorwheel will be coatls I swear it) and that blackberry can also get me closer to shadow and mulberry, so: worth it. (And look at those matching eyes!) This does break up the string of skydancers currently running from eldritch down to amethyst, nice to get some variety in there. :D
In other news, new lab assistant banners created! For the Har/Jes XYZs, Har/Jes non-XYZs, XXX Harlequins, XXX Jesters, and just XXX triple-gem-gene breeding partners. Now to actually go through those hundreds of dragons and correctly assign them...
On a similar note, I'm going slowly through my giant wall of breeding plans to do the math on which pairings are most likely to actually produce HJXXXs, and order them appropriately. Working on that.
Meanwhile, picked up some more assistants from the AH - Salvador is HXXY fire-fire-tangerine and in a couple of weeks will breed with a triple-fire girl, aiming for a HXXX fire kiddo to match with...
This girl, who came out of the last batch of nests. Most of that batch brought no tremendous success, but we do have a few more general tomato-ish-range lab assistants to work with now, as well as this little pumpkin-pumpkin-fire kiddo, who will be very helpful. The robin hopefuls produced a male clone of the cyan-robin-robin har/jes mother, so that's something, though not ideal.
Also picked up this cantaloupe-peach-orange lad - that's adjacent XYZ, which is extremely helpful!
The newest nest batch hatching in a couple days will hopefully get us something closer to flint and shale, with hopeful fingers crossed for strawberry (two eggs at a pretty low chance each), cream (branching from maize), and chartreuse/spring (branching from crocodile).
Finally, welcome to Kulshedra, another representative of sanguine!
While I have a pair of sanguine reps, Hanish and his sister Shullat, Kulshedra isn't related to them, meaning that she and Hanish together form a sanguine breeding pair. (And what a lovely pair, too - glimmer or opal terts, and spiral/fathom between them.)
I just really like fathoms, their poses are so active and lovely.
She was bred by Bashett, who also collects and breeds harlequin/jester dragons (psst check out her hatchery) - I'm keeping a close eye on a lot of pairs there in case they produce rare-tert hatchlings in colors I don't already have... but it was unexpected to stumble across an unrelated dragon in a color I do have! This brings the total breeding pair roster to 7, which is pretty decent. :D
The girl of that pair has a different partner set up for next round in order to help push the hickory-to-auburn range, but after that I definitely plan to breed her with her pair partner again - I was pleasantly surprised how quickly the XXX tarnish kiddos were snatched up, it's good motivation to actually finish formatting a proper hatchery page!
@Dr. Harlequary's Project - New Har/Jes XXX
Happy Thundercrack, all! And welcome to Achernar, representative of blackberry!
This fellow comes from the AH, bred by KleinFye. While he'd normally have been a bit out of my budget, he's a rare breed (
In other news, new lab assistant banners created! For the Har/Jes XYZs, Har/Jes non-XYZs, XXX Harlequins, XXX Jesters, and just XXX triple-gem-gene breeding partners. Now to actually go through those hundreds of dragons and correctly assign them...
On a similar note, I'm going slowly through my giant wall of breeding plans to do the math on which pairings are most likely to actually produce HJXXXs, and order them appropriately. Working on that.
Meanwhile, picked up some more assistants from the AH - Salvador is HXXY fire-fire-tangerine and in a couple of weeks will breed with a triple-fire girl, aiming for a HXXX fire kiddo to match with...
This girl, who came out of the last batch of nests. Most of that batch brought no tremendous success, but we do have a few more general tomato-ish-range lab assistants to work with now, as well as this little pumpkin-pumpkin-fire kiddo, who will be very helpful. The robin hopefuls produced a male clone of the cyan-robin-robin har/jes mother, so that's something, though not ideal.
Also picked up this cantaloupe-peach-orange lad - that's adjacent XYZ, which is extremely helpful!
The newest nest batch hatching in a couple days will hopefully get us something closer to flint and shale, with hopeful fingers crossed for strawberry (two eggs at a pretty low chance each), cream (branching from maize), and chartreuse/spring (branching from crocodile).
Finally, welcome to Kulshedra, another representative of sanguine!
While I have a pair of sanguine reps, Hanish and his sister Shullat, Kulshedra isn't related to them, meaning that she and Hanish together form a sanguine breeding pair. (And what a lovely pair, too - glimmer or opal terts, and spiral/fathom between them.)
She was bred by Bashett, who also collects and breeds harlequin/jester dragons (psst check out her hatchery) - I'm keeping a close eye on a lot of pairs there in case they produce rare-tert hatchlings in colors I don't already have... but it was unexpected to stumble across an unrelated dragon in a color I do have! This brings the total breeding pair roster to 7, which is pretty decent. :D