
Quests & Challenges

Quests, Challenges, and Festival games.
TOPIC | [BSJ '23] Glass Runners - Heat B
[center][img][/img] [url=][color=olivedrab][b]rules[/b][/color][/url] [img][/img] [url=][color=1D6E88][b]abilities[/b][/color][/url] [img][/img] [url=][color=olivedrab][b]rosters[/b][/color][/url] [img][/img] [url=][color=1D6E88][b]prizes[/b][/color][/url] [img][/img] [url=][color=olivedrab][b]spreadsheet[/b][/color][/url] [img][/img] [url=][color=1D6E88][b]credits[/b][/color][/url][/center] [center][size=5][url=][b][color=olivedrab][font=Constantia]Jump to the Race Progress here![/font][/color][/b][/url][/size][/center] [i]It's been a couple hours since the announcement of the event. A shiny blue Nocturne has since opened the panels of the three stained glass platforms and is fussing around with wrenches and bolts. A zap of lightning or two and he would dart back out, tap a tile, and dart back in. Finally, the small dragon gives a satisfying nod and boards up the last panel. He is about to take off before being stopped by Glare, who leads him back to the podium.[/i] [columns] [url=][img][/img][/url] [nextcol] [color=transparent]aaa[/color] [nextcol] [color=olivedrab][b]"So sorry for the delay, ladies and gentledrakes![/b][/color] It seems that our technical difficulties have been resolved. We know you participants have read the rules and know what to do, but we would like to give some reminders before we begin." [/columns] [columns] [color=1D6E88]"Be mindful of your bracelets.[/color] They are techno-magically enchanted and do two things: they keep track of your and your team members' progress through the race and give you the power to cast your breed's special ability. They're pretty hardy but don't let them break or fall off. [color=1D6E88]The race will proceed as follows:[/color] each tile on the stained glass surface will light up when stepped on in a specific order, creating a path. They will stay lit for the duration of the race. [b]This gives the team in the lead an extra challenge,[/b] as you will be tasked with finding the right tiles to press. You may 'fumble,' but if this happens, [b]your bracelets will activate and protect you from predation from other teams.[/b] We try to keep things [i]a little[/i] fair. The race ends when all the tiles are lit up. The first team with all its members crossing the completed path wins!" [nextcol] [color=transparent]aaa[/color] [nextcol] [url=][img][/img][/url] [/columns] [columns] [url=][img][/img][/url] [nextcol] [color=transparent]aaa[/color] [nextcol] "Now, before we begin, we have a guest who would like to say a few words. [color=olivedrab]Xileram,[/color] in addition to being an engineer and a mechanic, you've done one of these races before as well, haven't you?" [/columns] [i]The Nocturne from earlier is thrust in front of the podium, a slip of paper passed surreptitiously into his claws.[/i] [columns] [color=1D6E88]"Oh, I... yes. I guess I have.[/color] 'And for you lovely participants, I have a few tips for you to keep in mind:'" [nextcol] [color=transparent]aaa[/color] [nextcol] [url=][img][/img][/url] [/columns] [LIST] [*]Check out what abilities other teams have and consider what they might use based on their dice rolls, and how that will affect the ability you choose. [*]Remember that abilities have an order in which they are resolved so your ability might be affected by what the other teams pick. [*]Be aware that some abilities have different effects or don't work at all during the first round. [*]It might be convenient to copy-paste the abilities for the dragons on your team somewhere for quick reference when voting. [*]Don't hesitate to ping/PM Jeevas if you have questions about how rules/abilities work (I am not subscribed to this thread!) You can also PM me on Discord (tijeevas). [/LIST] [columns] [url=][img][/img][/url] [nextcol] [color=transparent]aaa[/color] [nextcol] [color=olivedrab]"What an eloquent and talented dragon![/color] Thank you for all your hard work." [/columns] [i]The Spiral gives the Nocturne a thumbs up, which the Noc mimics out of instinct. Xileram then hops off the pulpit, takes flight, and lands atop one of the church's interior pillar's ledges like a disgruntled gargoyle. The Coatl's unusually dry, monotone voice brings your attention back to the pulpit.[/i] [columns] [color=1D6E88]"The starting tile for each platform is indicated by a large red dot next to the tile[/color] on the glass frame's edge. Now that you all are gathered there, the races can begin." [nextcol] [color=transparent]aaa[/color] [nextcol] [url=][img][/img][/url] [/columns] [center][size=5][b]One... two... three... GO![/b][/size][/center] The First Round Rolls are in! You are free to use this thread to strategize with your team (of course, if you wish to use other means, that works too). [center] [size=4][url=][color=olivedrab][b][Vote Here to determine what Ability your team will use!][/b][/color][/url][/size] [u]Deadline for Voting is Thursday 6/29 19:00 FRT[/u] [img][/img] [url=][Courtesy Link to Element Matchups for Aether here][/url][/center] [quote=Heat B Pinglist]@SkySerenade @Pinenut @ThisIsMilkshake @Jeth @8Spitfire8 @gn0me @gardenparty @LionHeart27 @misanthropy @Chberr @GrayGriffin @iorekeeper @Loulemon @zamtriosblu @brandonjui @Nemurian @CuddlyHippo @Chingoo @Thewarywatcher13 @Sincerity11 @rubyredtan @Salixian @chamilet @skittlepup1 [/quote]

It's been a couple hours since the announcement of the event. A shiny blue Nocturne has since opened the panels of the three stained glass platforms and is fussing around with wrenches and bolts. A zap of lightning or two and he would dart back out, tap a tile, and dart back in. Finally, the small dragon gives a satisfying nod and boards up the last panel. He is about to take off before being stopped by Glare, who leads him back to the podium.

48264273p.png aaa "So sorry for the delay, ladies and gentledrakes! It seems that our technical difficulties have been resolved. We know you participants have read the rules and know what to do, but we would like to give some reminders before we begin."

"Be mindful of your bracelets. They are techno-magically enchanted and do two things: they keep track of your and your team members' progress through the race and give you the power to cast your breed's special ability. They're pretty hardy but don't let them break or fall off. The race will proceed as follows: each tile on the stained glass surface will light up when stepped on in a specific order, creating a path. They will stay lit for the duration of the race. This gives the team in the lead an extra challenge, as you will be tasked with finding the right tiles to press. You may 'fumble,' but if this happens, your bracelets will activate and protect you from predation from other teams. We try to keep things a little fair. The race ends when all the tiles are lit up. The first team with all its members crossing the completed path wins!" aaa 54685760p.png

48264273p.png aaa "Now, before we begin, we have a guest who would like to say a few words. Xileram, in addition to being an engineer and a mechanic, you've done one of these races before as well, haven't you?"

The Nocturne from earlier is thrust in front of the podium, a slip of paper passed surreptitiously into his claws.

"Oh, I... yes. I guess I have. 'And for you lovely participants, I have a few tips for you to keep in mind:'" aaa 34501213p.png

  • Check out what abilities other teams have and consider what they might use based on their dice rolls, and how that will affect the ability you choose.
  • Remember that abilities have an order in which they are resolved so your ability might be affected by what the other teams pick.
  • Be aware that some abilities have different effects or don't work at all during the first round.
  • It might be convenient to copy-paste the abilities for the dragons on your team somewhere for quick reference when voting.
  • Don't hesitate to ping/PM Jeevas if you have questions about how rules/abilities work (I am not subscribed to this thread!) You can also PM me on Discord (tijeevas).

48264273p.png aaa "What an eloquent and talented dragon! Thank you for all your hard work."

The Spiral gives the Nocturne a thumbs up, which the Noc mimics out of instinct. Xileram then hops off the pulpit, takes flight, and lands atop one of the church's interior pillar's ledges like a disgruntled gargoyle. The Coatl's unusually dry, monotone voice brings your attention back to the pulpit.

"The starting tile for each platform is indicated by a large red dot next to the tile on the glass frame's edge. Now that you all are gathered there, the races can begin." aaa 54685760p.png
One... two... three... GO!

The First Round Rolls are in! You are free to use this thread to strategize with your team (of course, if you wish to use other means, that works too).
[center][img][/img][/center] [center][size=5][font=Constantia][color=olivedrab][b]HEAT B - Glass Shades[/b][/color][/size][/font][/center] [columns][nextcol][color=transparent]xxx[/color] [nextcol][size=4][b]Team Aquamarine[/b] Vasilii - Undertide - SkySerenade Essence - Banescale - Pinenut Squid - Mirror - ThisIsMilkshake Zylah - Gaoler - Jeth [b]Team Blush[/b] Jade - Guardian - 8Spitfire8 Rosette - Ridgeback - gn0me DeepFire - Aberration - gardenparty Shevecimedua - Mirror - LionHeart27 [b]Team Carmine[/b] Arpeggio - Banescale - misanthropy Euli - Obelisk - Chberr Melon - Aether - GrayGriffin Rotshade - Mirror - iorekeeper [/size][nextcol][color=transparent]xxx[/color][nextcol][size=4][b]Team Deco[/b] Tropical - Spiral - Loulemon Scorcho - Ridgeback - zamtriosblu Topaz - Coatl - brandonjui Vayne - Skydancer - Nemurian [b]Team Ernstead[/b] BloodRage - Wildclaw - CuddlyHippo Aqitai - Mirror - Chingoo Savir - Imperial - Thewarywatcher13 Ardent - Coatl - Sincerity11 [b]Team Fuchsia[/b] Tigris - Pearlcatcher - rubyredtan Julia - Bogsneak - Salixian FasterThanLight - Wildclaw - chamilet Hideyo - Fae - skittlepup1[/size] [nextcol][color=transparent]xxx[/color][/columns] [center][img][/img] [size=4][url=][color=olivedrab][b](Play-by-play and Round 2 Rolls)[/b][/color][/url][/size] [img][/img] [size=4][url=][color=olivedrab][b](Play-by-play and Round 3 Rolls)[/b][/color][/url][/size] [img][/img] [size=4][url=][color=olivedrab][b](Play-by-play and Round 4 Rolls)[/b][/color][/url][/size] [img][/img] [size=4][url=][color=olivedrab][b](Play-by-play and Round 5 Rolls)[/b][/color][/url][/size] [img][/img] [size=4][url=][color=olivedrab][b](Play-by-play and Round 6 Rolls)[/b][/color][/url][/size] [img][/img] [size=4][url=][color=olivedrab][b](Play-by-play and Round 7 Rolls)[/b][/color][/url][/size] [img][/img] [size=4][url=][color=olivedrab][b](Play-by-play and Winner Announcements)[/b][/color][/url][/size] [center][img][/img][/center]
HEAT B - Glass Shades

xxx Team Aquamarine

Vasilii - Undertide - SkySerenade
Essence - Banescale - Pinenut
Squid - Mirror - ThisIsMilkshake
Zylah - Gaoler - Jeth

Team Blush

Jade - Guardian - 8Spitfire8
Rosette - Ridgeback - gn0me
DeepFire - Aberration - gardenparty
Shevecimedua - Mirror - LionHeart27

Team Carmine

Arpeggio - Banescale - misanthropy
Euli - Obelisk - Chberr
Melon - Aether - GrayGriffin
Rotshade - Mirror - iorekeeper
xxx Team Deco

Tropical - Spiral - Loulemon
Scorcho - Ridgeback - zamtriosblu
Topaz - Coatl - brandonjui
Vayne - Skydancer - Nemurian

Team Ernstead

BloodRage - Wildclaw - CuddlyHippo
Aqitai - Mirror - Chingoo
Savir - Imperial - Thewarywatcher13
Ardent - Coatl - Sincerity11

Team Fuchsia

Tigris - Pearlcatcher - rubyredtan
Julia - Bogsneak - Salixian
FasterThanLight - Wildclaw - chamilet
Hideyo - Fae - skittlepup1
@CuddlyHippo @Chingoo @Thewarywatcher13

Hello team!! I was just reaching out to ask about strategizing and I was thinking if everyone's down for it maybe using discord to strategize?
@CuddlyHippo @Chingoo @Thewarywatcher13

Hello team!! I was just reaching out to ask about strategizing and I was thinking if everyone's down for it maybe using discord to strategize?
@CuddlyHippo @Thewarywatcher13 @Sincerity11

Sure! I'm in a discord with CuddlyHippo; I'll send you guys an invite. I totally forgot to do this last night (strange since the first time I saw it was last night).
@CuddlyHippo @Thewarywatcher13 @Sincerity11

Sure! I'm in a discord with CuddlyHippo; I'll send you guys an invite. I totally forgot to do this last night (strange since the first time I saw it was last night).
[center][url=][img][/img][/url][/center] Julia stirred from her slumber. She took the delays with the race as an opportunity to nap on the pews. She lazily ambled to the starting line and, with a big yawn, she prepared herself for the race. ------------------------------------------------ @rubyredtan @chamilet @skittlepup1 Hello teammates! I'm really excited to work with you to win this race! We have several options to communicate, personally, I like discord the most (username: salixian), but I have communicated using google sheets in the past. If you have other options, please let me know. Also, I'm in FRT+3 time and work full-time during the week days, so I may be slow to respond, but if we're on discord, I'd be better at responding. Anyway, let me know what you think and if you have a plan for this round! Let's go Team Fuchsia!

Julia stirred from her slumber. She took the delays with the race as an opportunity to nap on the pews. She lazily ambled to the starting line and, with a big yawn, she prepared herself for the race.

@rubyredtan @chamilet @skittlepup1

Hello teammates! I'm really excited to work with you to win this race! We have several options to communicate, personally, I like discord the most (username: salixian), but I have communicated using google sheets in the past. If you have other options, please let me know.

Also, I'm in FRT+3 time and work full-time during the week days, so I may be slow to respond, but if we're on discord, I'd be better at responding.

Anyway, let me know what you think and if you have a plan for this round! Let's go Team Fuchsia!
@CuddlyHippo @Chingoo @Sincerity11

Hello team! I've accepted the invite to the discord. My username is Warywind on discord, fairly similar to my username here.
@CuddlyHippo @Chingoo @Sincerity11

Hello team! I've accepted the invite to the discord. My username is Warywind on discord, fairly similar to my username here.
tmmkOjs.png PXWBvNq.png
@gn0me, @8Spitfire8, @ gardenparty, LionHeart27

DeepFire looked around for her fellow team members. Where were they?

Oh well, lets see what I can do.

@gn0me, @8Spitfire8, @ gardenparty, LionHeart27

DeepFire looked around for her fellow team members. Where were they?

Oh well, lets see what I can do.

@zamtriosblu @Nemurian @brandonjui !! hello team !! Lets get this party started !! What works best for you guys w communication? I can quickly make a discord gc for us or we can chitter here? Just let me know what works best.

My discord is httpsloulemon so just hit me up!!
@zamtriosblu @Nemurian @brandonjui !! hello team !! Lets get this party started !! What works best for you guys w communication? I can quickly make a discord gc for us or we can chitter here? Just let me know what works best.

My discord is httpsloulemon so just hit me up!!
Cosmos_tea_and_cake.png Dressage_Raffle.png
@zamtriosblu @Nemurian @brandonjui hey!! discord works for me! if everyone else is cool w/ that ofc
@zamtriosblu @Nemurian @brandonjui hey!! discord works for me! if everyone else is cool w/ that ofc
@Zamtriosblu @loulemon @Nemurian Discord works fine for me as well!
@Zamtriosblu @loulemon @Nemurian Discord works fine for me as well!
1c8q357.png 6IcEXCU.png