And I am still laughing over that final badge! [emoji=gaoler laughing size=1]
And I am still laughing over that final badge!

. w.w .
Saramune lands just a little distance away from the camp, smirking to himself. "Betcha they're all gonna be surprised to see me coming back from the wrong direction" he quips. Tobi woofs in agreement. "C'mon, Tobi. Let's go see who all is back yet." That one Gaoler never made it in, did he? That one's probably not around here anymore. Ah well.
As he steps into the camp, he almost instantly spots Heemi. The Obelisk looks absolutely miserable, their soggy mane still clumping together. Poor thing. He remembers them being shy, and only greets them with a brief wave before moving on to the next dragon. He recognizes the Skydancer instantly, having noted her name at the start of the game as a very fitting one. Beautiful Poison appears to be traumatized, and has some marks on her face, though nothing bad enough to warrant a long-term stay in the medical tent. He greets her with a nod, wondering what could've scared her so badly. Two more terrified dragons, Chira, no, sorry, that's Chiastolite and - oh, what was her name again - that's Petra, right? - stand nearby. He spots the look they give him and frowns. He'll have to talk to them, but he wants to check on the injured first. He hopes Gild isn't in the medical tent...
In the medical tent, he instantly spots one of the other Skydancers - what was her name again, Polly, Poliana... Polgara, that was it - with an awfully messed up wing. The Guardian next to her, Tiamat, looks shaken and frightened, and he can see a nasty bruise lurking beneath the scales on her neck. Whatever happened to her, it doesn't look pretty. Another Skydancer, that's definitely Serenity, has a bandage around her face, and Saramune shivers at the thought that she might've lost her eye. The loud Ridgeback, Krill, is in the medical tent too. Best to leave that one alone. He looks grumpy. And there's Maolin- Great Gladekeeper, what happened to her? Saramune steps out of the way to let the medics do their work.
Gild isn't back yet. That means he won their little race. Well, she beat him fair and square, he'll have to give him that.
Saramune steps back outside and approaches Petra and Chiastolite. Tobi is already running circles around them and begging for attention. He smiles at the Hainu's antics - little rascal, weren't you tired earlier? - then turns his attention back to the two dragons. "Hey, you two. What happened in there?" he asks.
@necroticbones @finalflight (don't feel obligated to reply!)

Saramune lands just a little distance away from the camp, smirking to himself. "Betcha they're all gonna be surprised to see me coming back from the wrong direction" he quips. Tobi woofs in agreement. "C'mon, Tobi. Let's go see who all is back yet." That one Gaoler never made it in, did he? That one's probably not around here anymore. Ah well.
As he steps into the camp, he almost instantly spots Heemi. The Obelisk looks absolutely miserable, their soggy mane still clumping together. Poor thing. He remembers them being shy, and only greets them with a brief wave before moving on to the next dragon. He recognizes the Skydancer instantly, having noted her name at the start of the game as a very fitting one. Beautiful Poison appears to be traumatized, and has some marks on her face, though nothing bad enough to warrant a long-term stay in the medical tent. He greets her with a nod, wondering what could've scared her so badly. Two more terrified dragons, Chira, no, sorry, that's Chiastolite and - oh, what was her name again - that's Petra, right? - stand nearby. He spots the look they give him and frowns. He'll have to talk to them, but he wants to check on the injured first. He hopes Gild isn't in the medical tent...
In the medical tent, he instantly spots one of the other Skydancers - what was her name again, Polly, Poliana... Polgara, that was it - with an awfully messed up wing. The Guardian next to her, Tiamat, looks shaken and frightened, and he can see a nasty bruise lurking beneath the scales on her neck. Whatever happened to her, it doesn't look pretty. Another Skydancer, that's definitely Serenity, has a bandage around her face, and Saramune shivers at the thought that she might've lost her eye. The loud Ridgeback, Krill, is in the medical tent too. Best to leave that one alone. He looks grumpy. And there's Maolin- Great Gladekeeper, what happened to her? Saramune steps out of the way to let the medics do their work.
Gild isn't back yet. That means he won their little race. Well, she beat him fair and square, he'll have to give him that.
Saramune steps back outside and approaches Petra and Chiastolite. Tobi is already running circles around them and begging for attention. He smiles at the Hainu's antics - little rascal, weren't you tired earlier? - then turns his attention back to the two dragons. "Hey, you two. What happened in there?" he asks.
necroticbones @
finalflight (don't feel obligated to reply!)
I know I haven't mentioned it much until this point, but the rp you guys are doing between updates gives me life <3 I love all of them so much!
I know I haven't mentioned it much until this point, but the rp you guys are doing between updates gives me life <3 I love all of them so much!
Jeevas ok weird question but. Could Hawthorn just be kinda, scooped up while he's meditating? Or is he rooted to the ground?
Jeevas ok weird question but. Could Hawthorn just be kinda, scooped up while he's meditating? Or is he rooted to the ground?
I just want to say that it’s cute that Myrdin gets to be “peacefully” eliminated. I’m sure he’ll come out of the cave when he’s ready. I’m sure most of the nature dragons in the expedition felt some of the same.
Also, something I haven’t gotten a chance to ask in-character, but I wonder why these caves are called the Pinstripe Caverns? Made me think initially of the layered sandstone in the American Southwest, but I don’t know if similar phenomena can happen underground. So far, we haven’t gotten that kind of description, so I wonder where the name came from? Maybe the Behemoth roots kind of look like the Pinstripe gene on dragons as it runs through the cave?
I just want to say that it’s cute that Myrdin gets to be “peacefully” eliminated. I’m sure he’ll come out of the cave when he’s ready. I’m sure most of the nature dragons in the expedition felt some of the same.
Also, something I haven’t gotten a chance to ask in-character, but I wonder why these caves are called the Pinstripe Caverns? Made me think initially of the layered sandstone in the American Southwest, but I don’t know if similar phenomena can happen underground. So far, we haven’t gotten that kind of description, so I wonder where the name came from? Maybe the Behemoth roots kind of look like the Pinstripe gene on dragons as it runs through the cave?
[quote name="@Jeevas" date="2023-03-10 17:22:35" ]
I just want to say that it’s cute that Myrdin gets to be “peacefully” eliminated. I’m sure he’ll come out of the cave when he’s ready. I’m sure most of the nature dragons in the expedition felt some of the same.
Also, something I haven’t gotten a chance to ask in-character, but I wonder why these caves are called the Pinstripe Caverns? Made me think initially of the layered sandstone in the American Southwest, but I don’t know if similar phenomena can happen underground. So far, we haven’t gotten that kind of description, so I wonder where the name came from? Maybe the Behemoth roots kind of look like the Pinstripe gene on dragons as it runs through the cave?
Due to the time-crunch nature of the event, I often don't get to elaborate on scene descriptions in these events, as I'm usually more focused on giving some dragons the spotlight in each update. The idea when I named it Pinstripe Caverns was that the rock was layers of multiple different types of sediment like you described, like the picture below (taken by me), but with higher contrast!
Jeevas wrote on 2023-03-10 17:22:35:
I just want to say that it’s cute that Myrdin gets to be “peacefully” eliminated. I’m sure he’ll come out of the cave when he’s ready. I’m sure most of the nature dragons in the expedition felt some of the same.
Also, something I haven’t gotten a chance to ask in-character, but I wonder why these caves are called the Pinstripe Caverns? Made me think initially of the layered sandstone in the American Southwest, but I don’t know if similar phenomena can happen underground. So far, we haven’t gotten that kind of description, so I wonder where the name came from? Maybe the Behemoth roots kind of look like the Pinstripe gene on dragons as it runs through the cave?
Due to the time-crunch nature of the event, I often don't get to elaborate on scene descriptions in these events, as I'm usually more focused on giving some dragons the spotlight in each update. The idea when I named it Pinstripe Caverns was that the rock was layers of multiple different types of sediment like you described, like the picture below (taken by me), but with higher contrast!
[font=Courier][size=4]Gild's forced to slow his pace from sprint to trot, now that he's with a group again, but he doesn't mind so much—especially since he gets to lead the way, first in line if they do reach that damned flower. It's a good comfort, knowing there's a few someones watching her back. Gild may have learned how to fight solo in the pits as a youth, but her time as a mercenary with Independent has proved the prowess of a team.
And this way, running at the front, if any more of those black grabby-thingies or any other threat attacks them, they'll meet Gild's waiting claws first. He bares his teeth in anticipation, sending out the silent challenge, [i]Come out come out wherever you are . . .[/i]
Gild's forced to slow his pace from sprint to trot, now that he's with a group again, but he doesn't mind so much—especially since he gets to lead the way, first in line if they do reach that damned flower. It's a good comfort, knowing there's a few someones watching her back. Gild may have learned how to fight solo in the pits as a youth, but her time as a mercenary with Independent has proved the prowess of a team.
And this way, running at the front, if any more of those black grabby-thingies or any other threat attacks them, they'll meet Gild's waiting claws first. He bares his teeth in anticipation, sending out the silent challenge, Come out come out wherever you are . . .
So much for feeling good. It was nice while it lasted, but now Florasighth was … fired up. Had she been full sized, her pacing would have shaken the stone itself! The Shade? NO. [i] That could not stand!![/i] She wished [url=]Wadjeth[/url] were there, with her devouring flame - it would have been a lot more effective than a broken lamp! At least she’d been able to help win Maolin free to return to the healers, but it really bothered her that that [i]thing[/i] was still out there. And Hawthorn chose NOW to meditate? She frowned. Come to think of it, his foliage was looking a tad limp. She hoped he was okay. How did that work, anyway? She’d heard of meditation, but didn’t know anyone who practiced it. Well, she figured he knew what he was doing. Hopefully it wouldn’t take too long. She wanted to find that flower they’d been sent after, and then get back into the sunshine! Before something worse happened…
She wondered if the dragons who’d taken other routes were having an easier time of it.
@Jeevas @Lansly @SilentWanderer @Elfydragon
So much for feeling good. It was nice while it lasted, but now Florasighth was … fired up. Had she been full sized, her pacing would have shaken the stone itself! The Shade? NO.
That could not stand!! She wished
Wadjeth were there, with her devouring flame - it would have been a lot more effective than a broken lamp! At least she’d been able to help win Maolin free to return to the healers, but it really bothered her that that
thing was still out there. And Hawthorn chose NOW to meditate? She frowned. Come to think of it, his foliage was looking a tad limp. She hoped he was okay. How did that work, anyway? She’d heard of meditation, but didn’t know anyone who practiced it. Well, she figured he knew what he was doing. Hopefully it wouldn’t take too long. She wanted to find that flower they’d been sent after, and then get back into the sunshine! Before something worse happened…
She wondered if the dragons who’d taken other routes were having an easier time of it.
Jeevas @
Lansly @
SilentWanderer @

. w.w .