
Quests & Challenges

Quests, Challenges, and Festival games.
TOPIC | [P] Coliseum Logs & Missing Fams
[center][url=][img][/img][/url] ------- [size=4][b]- Waterway -[/b][/size][/center] ------ [quote="• Missing"][center][size=2]completed![/center][/quote] [quote="• Missing Futal"][center][size=2][item=ghostly rat lord][item=rat king][item=river muck][/center][/quote] [quote=• Nice drops!][center][size=1][item=silky fanrat]x2[item=Crested River Flight]x4[item=sewer toridae]x4[item=Blueridge Greatshell]x2 [item=Greater Sandstrike]x5[item=Goldfin River Flight]x4[item=Maren Currentfinder]x3[item=fanrat]x3 [item=Dappled Seal]x2[item=Giant White Toridae]x2[item=Everglade Lasher]x2[item=sunset lasher]x2 [item=rat king]x2[item=radioactive slime]x3[item=sludge sifter]x4[item=grey river flight][item=noggle]x4[item=Maren Shark Hunter][item=Brown River Flight]x3[item=scaleside noggle]x2[item=granite thresher]x2 [item=primary aether gene: python][item=secondary aether gene: morph] [item=river flight crate][item=unhatched light egg][item=ambush][item=scene: waterway]x2[item=shalethresher crate][item=eliminate][item=everglade lasher crate][item=Vermilion Harvest Robe][/center][/quote]
- Waterway -

• Missing wrote:
• Missing Futal wrote:
Ghostly Rat Lord Rat King River Muck
• Nice drops! wrote:
Silky Fanrat x2 Crested River Flight x4 Sewer Toridae x4 Blueridge Greatshell x2
Greater Sandstrike x5 Goldfin River Flight x4 Maren Currentfinder x3 Fanrat x3
Dappled Seal x2 Giant White Toridae x2 Everglade Lasher x2 Sunset Lasher x2
Rat King x2 Radioactive Slime x3 Sludge Sifter x4 Grey River Flight Noggle x4 Maren Shark Hunter Brown River Flight x3 Scaleside Noggle x2 Granite Thresher x2

Primary Aether Gene: Python Secondary Aether Gene: Morph

River Flight Crate Unhatched Light Egg Ambush Scene: Waterway x2 ShaleThresher Crate Eliminate Everglade Lasher Crate Vermilion Harvest Robe
[center][url=][img][/img][/url] ------- [size=4][b]- Arena -[/b][/size][/center] ------ [quote="• Missing"][center][size=2][item=Featherback Boar][/center][/quote] [quote="• Missing Futal"][center][size=2][item=Featherback Boar][/center][/quote] [quote=• Nice drops!][center][size=1][item=Longneck Skirmisher]x5[item=longneck gladiator]x13[item=longneck interloper]x8[item=chimera]x5 [item=raptorik ringmaster]x7[item=bengal chimera]x2[item=hulking greatowl]x10[item=Spellwall Boran]x14 [item=Ashmane Chimera]x9[item=Stormclaw Showman]x4[item=Goldenplains Poodle Mith]x6[item=warcat protector]x8 [item=armored greatowl]x5[item=charcoal sprangyroo]x6[item=boran veteran]x3[item=Silver Springbok]x3 [item=double-tailed warcat]x4[item=Marshland Poodle Mith]x3[item=greenwing razorclaw]x6[item=Longneck Scrapper]x6 [item=Longneck Mender]x2[item=Longneck Magi]x6[item=raptorik bladedancer]x3[item=Sprangyroo]x3[item=Celestial Antelope][item=undying featherback] [item=primary gene: python]x2[item=tertiary aether gene: flutter][item=tertiary aberration gene: flecks][item=secondary veilspun gene: loop][item=tertiary gene: flecks][item=tertiary aberration gene: skeletal][item=secondary gene: morph] [item=earth runestone][item=vista: arena II]x2[item=scene: arena]x3[item=tincture of dissolution][item=duneglider cape][item=protector crate][item=berserker][item=springbok crate][item=chimera crate][item=water unhatched egg][item=goldensplains mith crate][item=ambush][item=ice runestone][/center][/quote]
- Arena -

• Missing wrote:
Featherback Boar
• Missing Futal wrote:
Featherback Boar
• Nice drops! wrote:
Longneck Skirmisher x5 Longneck Gladiator x13 Longneck Interloper x8 Chimera x5
Raptorik Ringmaster x7 Bengal Chimera x2 Hulking Greatowl x10 Spellwall Boran x14
Ashmane Chimera x9 Stormclaw Showman x4 Goldenplains Poodle Mith x6 Warcat Protector x8
Armored Greatowl x5 Charcoal Sprangyroo x6 Boran Veteran x3 Silver Springbok x3
Double-Tailed Warcat x4 Marshland Poodle Mith x3 Greenwing Razorclaw x6 Longneck Scrapper x6
Longneck Mender x2 Longneck Magi x6 Raptorik Bladedancer x3 Sprangyroo x3 Celestial Antelope Undying Featherback

Primary Gene: Python x2 Tertiary Aether Gene: Flutter Tertiary Aberration Gene: Flecks Secondary Veilspun Gene: Loop Tertiary Gene: Flecks Tertiary Aberration Gene: Skeletal Secondary Gene: Morph

Earth Runestone Vista: Arena II x2 Scene: Arena x3 Tincture of Dissolution Duneglider Cape Protector Crate Berserker Springbok Crate Chimera Crate Ambush Ice Runestone
[center][url=][img][/img][/url] ------- [size=4][b]- Volcanic Vents -[/b][/size][/center] ------ [quote="• Missing"][center][item=hydra][/center][/quote] [quote="• Missing Futal"][center][item=hydra][item=tunnel hydra][/center][/quote] [quote=• Nice drops!][center][size=1][item=magma runner]x6[item=serthis archivist]x6[item=flamerest fiendcat]x2[item=dreadram]x4 [item=ashscale ophiotaurus]x7[item=Fiendcat]x4[item=flamescale illusionist]x4[item=ophiotaurus]x5 [item=spectral duskflapper]x4[item=ultraram]x6[item=ghost manticore]x6[item=chillwind harpy]x2 [item=armored duskflapper]x5[item=flamescale lancer][item=flamescale spearman]x2[item=ignited imp]x6[item=flamescale venomcaster]x6[item=Basalt Vent Hop]x4[item=firebelly weaver]x4[item=stormcloud harpy]x4[item=ashspine widow]x4[item=serthis loremaster][item=Nightfall Imp] [item=primary sandsurge gene: sailfish]x2[item=primary veilspun gene: arc][item=tertiary banescale gene: skeletal][item=secondary sandsurge gene: marlin][item=tertiary banescale gene: glidders][item=tertiary gene: flecks][item=primary aberration gene: diamond][item=primary gene: python] [item=scroll of renaming]x2[item=plague runestone][item=nature runestone][item=eliminate]x2[item=accent: ashscale ophiotaurus][item=unhatched fire egg][item=unhatched lightning egg][/center][/quote]
- Volcanic Vents -

• Missing wrote:
• Missing Futal wrote:
Hydra Tunnel Hydra
• Nice drops! wrote:
Magma Runner x6 Serthis Archivist x6 Flamerest Fiendcat x2 Dreadram x4
Ashscale Ophiotaurus x7 Fiendcat x4 Flamescale Illusionist x4 Ophiotaurus x5
Spectral Duskflapper x4 Ultraram x6 Ghost Manticore x6 Chillwind Harpy x2
Armored Duskflapper x5 Flamescale Lancer Flamescale Spearman x2 Ignited Imp x6 Flamescale Venomcaster x6 Basalt Vent Hop x4 Firebelly Weaver x4 Stormcloud Harpy x4 Ashspine Widow x4 Serthis Loremaster Nightfall Imp

Primary Sandsurge Gene: Sailfish x2 Primary Veilspun Gene: Arc Tertiary Banescale Gene: Skeletal Secondary Sandsurge Gene: Marlin Tertiary Gene: Flecks Primary Aberration Gene: Diamond Primary Gene: Python

Scroll of Renaming x2 Plague Runestone Nature Runestone Eliminate x2 Accent: Ashscale Ophiotaurus Unhatched Fire Egg Unhatched Lightning Egg
[center][url=][img][/img][/url] ------- [size=4][b]- Rainsong Jungle -[/b][/size][/center] ------ [quote="• Missing"][center][item=Goldenbeast][item=Overcharged Silverbeast][/center][/quote] [quote="• Missing Futal"][center][item=Goldenbeast][item=Overcharged Silverbeast][item=petal jumper][/center][/quote] [quote=• Nice drops!][center][size=1][item=king parda]x2[item=Clown Hippocampus]x4[item=manticore screamer]x8[item=paradise zalis]x5 [item=budwing morpho]x10[item=Deadwood Boar]x8[item=proto manticore]x9[item=parda]x3 [item=Ringlet Amphithere]x2[item=Zalis][item=barkback boar]x13[item=ultramel amphithere]x3[item=hippocampus]x4[item=petal jumper] [item=tertiary gaoler gene: weathered]x2[item=secondary banescale gene: sugarplum][item=ancient gene parchment: flutter]x2 [item=vista: rainsong jungle][item=unhatched earth egg][item=eliminate]x2[item=plague runestone]x2[item=budwing morpho crate][item=zalis crate][item=ultramel crate][/center][/quote]
- Rainsong Jungle -

• Missing wrote:
Goldenbeast Overcharged Silverbeast
• Missing Futal wrote:
Goldenbeast Overcharged Silverbeast Petal Jumper

• Nice drops! wrote:
King Parda x2 Clown Hippocampus x4 Manticore Screamer x8 Paradise Zalis x5
Budwing Morpho x10 Deadwood Boar x8 Proto Manticore x9 Parda x3
Ringlet Amphithere x2 Zalis Barkback Boar x13 Ultramel Amphithere x3 Hippocampus x4 Petal Jumper

Tertiary Gaoler Gene: Weathered x2 Secondary Banescale Gene: Sugarplum Ancient Gene Parchment: Flutter x2

Vista: Rainsong Jungle Unhatched Earth Egg Eliminate x2 Plague Runestone x2 Budwing Morpho Crate Zalis Crate Ultramel Crate
[center][url=][img][/img][/url] ------- [size=4][b]- Boreal Wood -[/b][/size][/center] ------ [quote="• Missing"][center][size=2]completed![/center][/quote] [quote="• Missing"][center][size=2][item=coarsefur yeti][/center][/quote] [quote=• Nice drops!][center][size=1][item=Auburn Woolly Walrus]x7[item=snowy owlynx]x8[item=winter wolf][item=Longneck Wanderer]x2[item=Glassbound Solarvul][item=treehorn wolpertinger]x3[item=poultrygeist]x11[item=Woolly Walrus]x7[item=wolpertinger]x3 [item=maned rasa]x6[item=woodland turkey]x6[item=snowfall elk]x3[item=venerable shalebuck]x3 [item=pebblehide stoat]x6[item=shalebuck]x5[item=squall rasa]x5[item=glassbound gustvul]x2 [item=Deadwood Strangler]x5[item=elk]x4[item=black wolf]x7[item=mammophant]x7 [item=Longneck Hunter]x5[item=bullephant]x5[item=Teardrop Owlynx]x3[item=nochnyr]x2 [item=coarsefur yeti]x2[item=hoarfrost mauler]x2[item=bramblecrown stoat]x4[item=frosttangle strangler] [item=tertiary gaoler gene: weathered][item=primary aberration gene: diamond][item=tertiary gene: flecks][item=tertiary auraboa gene: batty][item=tertiary undertide gene: featherbeard] [item=morganite flourish anklets][item=winter cape][item=vista: boreal wood II]x2[item=ambush]x3[item=berserker][item=scroll of renaming]x2[item=unhatched plague egg][item=eliminate]x2[item=unhatched wind egg][item=wind runestone][item=nature runestone][item=unhatched earth egg]x2[item=vista: boreal wood]x2[item=Vial of Hypnotic Sight]x2[item=water runestone][item=skin: squall rasa][item=skin: wolpertinger][item=woodland turkey crate][item=shadow runestone][item=black wolf crate][/center][/quote]
- Boreal Wood -

• Missing wrote:
• Missing wrote:
Coarsefur Yeti
• Nice drops! wrote:
Auburn Woolly Walrus x7 Snowy Owlynx x8 Winter Wolf Longneck Wanderer x2 Glassbound Solarvul Treehorn Wolpertinger x3 Poultrygeist x11 Woolly Walrus x7 Wolpertinger x3
Maned Rasa x6 Woodland Turkey x6 Snowfall Elk x3 Venerable Shalebuck x3
Pebblehide Stoat x6 Shalebuck x5 Squall Rasa x5 Glassbound Gustvul x2
Deadwood Strangler x5 Elk x4 Black Wolf x7 Mammophant x7
Longneck Hunter x5 Bullephant x5 Teardrop Owlynx x3 Nochnyr x2
Coarsefur Yeti x2 Hoarfrost Mauler x2 Bramblecrown Stoat x4 Frosttangle Strangler

Tertiary Gaoler Gene: Weathered Primary Aberration Gene: Diamond Tertiary Gene: Flecks Tertiary Auraboa Gene: Batty Tertiary Undertide Gene: Featherbeard

Morganite Flourish Anklets Winter Cape Vista: Boreal Wood II x2 Ambush x3 Berserker Scroll of Renaming x2 Unhatched Plague Egg Eliminate x2 Unhatched Wind Egg Wind Runestone Nature Runestone Unhatched Earth Egg x2 Vista: Boreal Wood x2 Vial of Hypnotic Sight x2 Water Runestone Skin: Squall Rasa Skin: Wolpertinger Woodland Turkey Crate Shadow Runestone Black Wolf Crate
[center][url=][img][/img][/url] ------- [size=4][b]- Crystal Pools -[/b][/size][/center] ------ [quote="• Missing"][center][item=Crystalhide Jester][/center][/quote] [quote="• Missing Futal"][center][item=Crystalhide Jester][/center][/quote] [quote=• Nice drops!][center][size=1][item=moonbeam crayfish]x13[item=clearwater oracle]x5[item=apatite fisher]x19[item=windcarve fugitive]x14 [item=Arctic Hippalectryon]x14[item=Rhodochrosite Crane]x7[item=stonewatch prince]x13[item=Crystalplate Stinger]x30 [item=Amber Gulper]x23[item=sparkling stinger]x8[item=maren warlock]x12[item=Hippalectryon]x14 [item=Almandine Sturgeon]x20[item=Chalcedony Snipper]x11[item=hawksbill goliath]x2 [item=Primary Aberration Gene: Diamond][item=tertiary veilspun gene: flecks][item=tertiary undertide gene: flecks][item=secondary sandsurge gene: marlin]x2[item=primary gene: python]x5[item=tertiary gene: flecks]x6[item=primary sandsurge gene: sailfish][item=secondary veilspun gene: loop][item=secondary gene: morph]x3[item=tertiary banescale gene: skeletal]x2[item=tertiary aether gene: flutter] [item=clearwater oracle crate][item=arcane runestone]x2[item=Arctic hippalectryon crate]x2[item=unhatched lightning egg][item=ambush]x5[item=vista: crystal pools]x2[item=crystalplate stinger crate]x2[item=Crystal Pools Crate][item=eliminate]x5[item=scene: crystal pools]x14[item=tincture of dissolution][item=unhatched ice egg][item=water runestone][item=stonewatch prince crate]x3[item=hippalectryon crate][item=ambergulper crate][item=chalcedony snipper crate][item=berserker]x2[item=amber gulper crate][/center][/quote]
- Crystal Pools -

• Missing wrote:
Crystalhide Jester
• Missing Futal wrote:
Crystalhide Jester
• Nice drops! wrote:
Moonbeam Crayfish x13 Clearwater Oracle x5 Apatite Fisher x19 Windcarve Fugitive x14
Arctic Hippalectryon x14 Rhodochrosite Crane x7 Stonewatch Prince x13 Crystalplate Stinger x30
Amber Gulper x23 Sparkling Stinger x8 Maren Warlock x12 Hippalectryon x14
Almandine Sturgeon x20 Chalcedony Snipper x11 Hawksbill Goliath x2

Primary Aberration Gene: Diamond Tertiary Veilspun Gene: Flecks Tertiary Undertide Gene: Flecks Secondary Sandsurge Gene: Marlin x2 Primary Gene: Python x5 Tertiary Gene: Flecks x6 Primary Sandsurge Gene: Sailfish Secondary Veilspun Gene: Loop Secondary Gene: Morph x3 Tertiary Banescale Gene: Skeletal x2 Tertiary Aether Gene: Flutter

Clearwater Oracle Crate Arcane Runestone x2 Arctic Hippalectryon Crate x2 Unhatched Lightning Egg Ambush x5 Vista: Crystal Pools x2 Crystalplate Stinger Crate x2 Crystal Pools Crate Eliminate x5 Scene: Crystal Pools x14 Tincture of Dissolution Unhatched Ice Egg Water Runestone Stonewatch Prince Crate x3 Hippalectryon Crate AmberGulper Crate Chalcedony Snipper Crate Berserker x2 Amber Gulper Crate
[center][url=][img][/img][/url] ------- [size=4][b]- Harpy's Roost -[/b][/size][/center] ------ [quote="• Missing"][center][size=2][item=crowned roc][item=roc][/center][/quote] [quote="• Missing Futal"][center][size=2][item=crowned roc][item=roc][item=brush dodo][item=mesacliff harpy][item=cardinal hippogriff][/center][/quote] [quote=• Nice drops!][center][size=1][item=renegade aviar]x3[item=dodo]x4[item=fallen streak]x2[item=bluemoon aviar]x2 [item=windcarve bladedancer]x4[item=clouddancer]x2[item=sunspot clouddancer]x2[item=Blue Tang Hippogriff]x5 [item=Masked Harpy]x2[item=windcarve harpy]x2[item=Brush Dodo]x3[item=Snow Streak][item=Storm Seeker][item=Hooded Dodo]x2[item=Mesacliff Harpy][item=stonewatch harpy]x2[item=mesacliff assassin]x2 [item=secondary gene: morph][item=tertiary aether gene: flutter] [item=ambush][item=scene: harpy's roost][item=stonewatch crate][/center][/quote]
- Harpy's Roost -

• Missing wrote:
Crowned Roc Roc
• Missing Futal wrote:
Crowned Roc Roc Brush Dodo Mesacliff Harpy Cardinal Hippogriff
• Nice drops! wrote:
Renegade Aviar x3 Dodo x4 Fallen Streak x2 Bluemoon Aviar x2
Windcarve Bladedancer x4 Clouddancer x2 Sunspot Clouddancer x2 Blue Tang Hippogriff x5
Masked Harpy x2 Windcarve Harpy x2 Brush Dodo x3 Snow Streak Storm Seeker Hooded Dodo x2 Mesacliff Harpy Stonewatch Harpy x2 Mesacliff Assassin x2

Secondary Gene: Morph Tertiary Aether Gene: Flutter

Ambush Scene: Harpy's Roost Stonewatch Crate
[center][url=][img][/img][/url] ------- [size=4][b]- Kelp Beds -[/b][/size][/center] ------ [quote="• Missing"][center][size=2][item=mantarune][/center][/quote] [quote="• Missing Futal"][center][size=2][item=eggull][item=maren ambusher][item=Wave Sweeper][item=golden porpoise][item=kelp caretaker][item=maren scout][item=maren wavesinger][item=mantarune][/center][/quote] [quote=• Nice drops!][center][size=1][item=abyss striker]x2[item=Maren Seahunter]x2[item=Maren Warrior]x7[item=Blue-Footed Eggull]x2[item=golden porpoise][item=Kelp Tender]x2[item=Maren Scout][item=Wave Sweeper][item=depin][item=maren fisher][item=eggull][item=ruche slug][item=relic eel][item=ruched sojourner] [item=scroll of renaming][item=jeweled octoflyer crate][item=vista: kelp beds][item=unhatched lightning egg][item=unhatched light egg][/center][/quote]
- Kelp Beds -

• Missing wrote:
• Missing Futal wrote:
Eggull Maren Ambusher Wave Sweeper Golden Porpoise Kelp Caretaker Maren Scout Maren Wavesinger Mantarune
• Nice drops! wrote:
Abyss Striker x2 Maren Seahunter x2 Maren Warrior x7 Blue-Footed Eggull x2 Golden Porpoise Kelp Tender x2 Maren Scout Wave Sweeper Depin Maren Fisher Eggull Ruche Slug Relic Eel Ruched Sojourner

Scroll of Renaming Jeweled Octoflyer Crate Vista: Kelp Beds Unhatched Lightning Egg Unhatched Light Egg
[center][url=][img][/img][/url] ------- [size=4][b]- Golem Workshop -[/b][/size][/center] ------ [quote="• Missing"][center][size=2][item=frost delver][item=stone borer][/center][/quote] [quote="• Missing Futal"][center][size=2][item=longmech][item=frost delver][item=steelhound][item=stone borer][item=tribeam lurker][item=tribeam hunter][item=spellbound golem][item=mechanical destroyer][item=construction mith][/center][/quote] [quote=• Nice drops!][center][size=1][item=chromefeather lookout]x2[item=scrapmetal tracker]x2[item=geartoggle smith][item=Wind-Up Pocketmouse][item=Robotic Tender]x2[item=Workshop Monitor][item=Monkey Wrench][item=tribeam hunter][item=sentinel mith] [item=accent: workshop monitor][item=copper filigree boots][item=unhatched light egg][item=berserker][/center][/quote]
- Golem Workshop -

• Missing wrote:
Frost Delver Stone Borer
• Missing Futal wrote:
Longmech Frost Delver Steelhound Stone Borer Tribeam Lurker Tribeam Hunter Spellbound Golem Mechanical Destroyer Construction Mith

• Nice drops! wrote:
Chromefeather Lookout x2 Scrapmetal Tracker x2 Geartoggle Smith Wind-Up Pocketmouse Robotic Tender x2 Workshop Monitor Monkey Wrench Tribeam Hunter Sentinel Mith
Accent: Workshop Monitor Copper Filigree Boots Unhatched Light Egg Berserker
[center][url=][img][/img][/url] ------- [size=4][b]- Forbidden Portal -[/b][/size][/center] ------ [quote="• Missing"][center][size=2][item=calico ferberus][item=terror toad][/center][/quote] [quote="• Missing Futal"][center][size=2][item=calico ferberus][item=fear frog][item=portal watcher][item=giggling planesrunner][item=terror toad][/center][/quote] [quote=• Nice drops!][center][size=1][item=ferberus][item=sanguine multimist]x2[item=Bearded Pupowl][item=Frogspawn Flyer][item=Spectre Wyvern][item=foolish prince][item=Barhide Menace][item=fear frog] [item=adjudicator overcoat][item=skin: sanguine multimist][/center][/quote]
- Forbidden Portal -

• Missing wrote:
Calico Ferberus Terror Toad
• Missing Futal wrote:
Calico Ferberus Fear Frog Portal Watcher Giggling Planesrunner Terror Toad
• Nice drops! wrote:
Ferberus Sanguine Multimist x2 Bearded Pupowl Frogspawn Flyer Spectre Wyvern Foolish Prince Barhide Menace Fear Frog

Adjudicator Overcoat Skin: Sanguine Multimist