
Quests & Challenges

Quests, Challenges, and Festival games.
TOPIC | Basic to Gem: Den of Ancients
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Inspired by this thread:
Gene rarity guide:

Welcome to Den of Ancients

Here I start with a triple basic Veilspun, Banescale, and Aberration, and then we get to see how many generations it takes before I get a pretty, gem gened dragons.

Mates will have one tier higher genes. Example: Basic starter to a common gened mate.

Gene scrolls are not allowed.

Dragons not kept must be sold.

All dragons must be named, including those sold.

Sorry for the formatting. Just learning how Flight Rising operates.
Inspired by this thread:
Gene rarity guide:

Welcome to Den of Ancients

Here I start with a triple basic Veilspun, Banescale, and Aberration, and then we get to see how many generations it takes before I get a pretty, gem gened dragons.

Mates will have one tier higher genes. Example: Basic starter to a common gened mate.

Gene scrolls are not allowed.

Dragons not kept must be sold.

All dragons must be named, including those sold.

Sorry for the formatting. Just learning how Flight Rising operates.
Current Rounds

Veilspun: Nine

Aberration: Eight

Banscale: Eight
Current Rounds

Veilspun: Nine

Aberration: Eight

Banscale: Eight
Saving for later
Saving for later
[center][b]Founder[/b][/center] [center][i]Laila[/i][/center] [center][url=][img][/img][/url][/center] [center]Gen One Gloom basic/Eggplant basic/Camo basic[/center]
Gen One

Gloom basic/Eggplant basic/Camo basic
[center][i]The small dragon wandered. A torn wing had kept her from returning to her home, and she was not skilled enough to mend the wing so she could fly again. She shivered, feeling rain approaching. Of course. She needed to find shelter soon, or she'd get too cold to move. She slinked along the ground, looking for a safe place. There. Up in the trees. A hollow, if only she could reach it. Tiny claws dug into the knarled bark as she hauled herself up. Higher and higher. Lightning forked across the sky. As the first raindrop fell, she made it inside the hollow. Only to find she was not alone...[/i][/center] [center] [b]The Mate[/b] [i]Spark[/i] [url=][img][/img][/url] Pearl fade/Pearl blend/Pearl peacock[/center]
The small dragon wandered. A torn wing had kept her from returning to her home, and she was not skilled enough to mend the wing so she could fly again. She shivered, feeling rain approaching. Of course. She needed to find shelter soon, or she'd get too cold to move. She slinked along the ground, looking for a safe place.

There. Up in the trees. A hollow, if only she could reach it. Tiny claws dug into the knarled bark as she hauled herself up. Higher and higher. Lightning forked across the sky. As the first raindrop fell, she made it inside the hollow. Only to find she was not alone...
The Mate



Pearl fade/Pearl blend/Pearl peacock
"What a climb!" He exclaimed, tiny wings fluttering in excitement. "I've never seen such a climb. And in this weather too!" He caught sight of her wing. "AND injured. Come over here, let me have a look." He caught sight of her expression. "No need to worry. I'm a friend. My name is Spark. And you are?"

"Laila." She replied, after a long silence. "I was just trying to find shelter."

"As was I. Fate seems to have brought us together. Come. At least let me look."

Cold and pain won out. She sidled up against the male, grateful for his body warmth. As he started examining her wing, she drifted into an exhausted sleep.
Laila and Spark have mated! They have two eggs, hatching on 08/31.
"What a climb!" He exclaimed, tiny wings fluttering in excitement. "I've never seen such a climb. And in this weather too!" He caught sight of her wing. "AND injured. Come over here, let me have a look." He caught sight of her expression. "No need to worry. I'm a friend. My name is Spark. And you are?"

"Laila." She replied, after a long silence. "I was just trying to find shelter."

"As was I. Fate seems to have brought us together. Come. At least let me look."

Cold and pain won out. She sidled up against the male, grateful for his body warmth. As he started examining her wing, she drifted into an exhausted sleep.
Laila and Spark have mated! They have two eggs, hatching on 08/31.
[center]Decided to add Aberrations in. I didn't like them at first, but they've grown on me. [/center] [center][b]Founder[/b][/center] [center][i]Hekate[/i] [url=][img][/img][/url] Gen One Raspberry basic/Shadow basic/Blood basic[/center]
Decided to add Aberrations in. I didn't like them at first, but they've grown on me.


Gen One

Raspberry basic/Shadow basic/Blood basic
[center][i]The two heads hissed at each other. Not in anger, but in agreement. They smelled fresh meat. They hadn't eaten in days, so hopefully it would be more than just a mouthful. Following the delicious scent led them to a large cave. Cyan eyes blinked as they inhaled deeply. Yes, it was definitely here. They slinked along, low to the ground. But it wasn't food they found inside that cave...[/i] [b]The Mate[/b] [i]Jack[/i] [url=][img][/img][/url] Fire fade/White blend/Maize kumo[/center]
The two heads hissed at each other. Not in anger, but in agreement. They smelled fresh meat. They hadn't eaten in days, so hopefully it would be more than just a mouthful. Following the delicious scent led them to a large cave. Cyan eyes blinked as they inhaled deeply. Yes, it was definitely here. They slinked along, low to the ground. But it wasn't food they found inside that cave...

The Mate



Fire fade/White blend/Maize kumo
Rejected at hatch for the pale colors on his body, this lonely, two headed dragon had to carve his own existence. Once of Plague, he wandered into Light territory, hopeful that someone, somewhere, would actually like him for who he is. One head is virtually silent, letting the other control what they do.

The male startled as Hekate jumped into view, hissing menacingly. He hissed back on reflex, but stopped when Hekate did. The two (or four) stared at one another. He held still as Hekate came closer, sniffing at him.
"Food?" One of her heads asked hopefully.

Confused, Jack stepped back, revealing a half-eaten carcass. The other Aberration exclaimed gleefully and began devouring it, while Jack watched on in wonder.
Hekate and Jack have mated. They have three egss, hatching on 09/02
Rejected at hatch for the pale colors on his body, this lonely, two headed dragon had to carve his own existence. Once of Plague, he wandered into Light territory, hopeful that someone, somewhere, would actually like him for who he is. One head is virtually silent, letting the other control what they do.

The male startled as Hekate jumped into view, hissing menacingly. He hissed back on reflex, but stopped when Hekate did. The two (or four) stared at one another. He held still as Hekate came closer, sniffing at him.
"Food?" One of her heads asked hopefully.

Confused, Jack stepped back, revealing a half-eaten carcass. The other Aberration exclaimed gleefully and began devouring it, while Jack watched on in wonder.
Hekate and Jack have mated. They have three egss, hatching on 09/02
[center]And because I like ancients, why not add in Banescales too? XD [b]Founder[/b] [i]Mystery[/i] [url=][img][/img][/url] Abyss basic/Abyss basic/Cerluean basic[/center]
And because I like ancients, why not add in Banescales too? XD




Abyss basic/Abyss basic/Cerluean basic
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