
Quests & Challenges

Quests, Challenges, and Festival games.
TOPIC | pistol's ENDED kingdomlocke
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Kingdomlocke Rules


I'm doing this to test my wits. I already put my head on RNG's chopping block when it comes to breeding projects- however, my dear friends Murvax and Weave have so kindly helped me make the decision to put my head on another block- the lore block. Here, instead of near-misses and crossed gem-genes, I will suffer many a loss of precious dragons after painstakingly building emotional attachment to them- or I may collapse under the weight of my own shaky plots.

Check out Murvax's Kingdomlocke, Vaskar's Vendetta!
just do it, trust me. It's really, really good.

Also check out Weave's Kingdomlocke, The Inkling Isles!



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Kingdomlocke Rules


I'm doing this to test my wits. I already put my head on RNG's chopping block when it comes to breeding projects- however, my dear friends Murvax and Weave have so kindly helped me make the decision to put my head on another block- the lore block. Here, instead of near-misses and crossed gem-genes, I will suffer many a loss of precious dragons after painstakingly building emotional attachment to them- or I may collapse under the weight of my own shaky plots.

Check out Murvax's Kingdomlocke, Vaskar's Vendetta!
just do it, trust me. It's really, really good.

Also check out Weave's Kingdomlocke, The Inkling Isles!


Celeana.gif ___

any pronouns!
FR time +0
[center][font=lucida console][url=]top[/url] | [url=]clan members[/url] | [url=]jobs[/url] [size=7][b][color=#484854]C[/color][color=#46604C]L[/color][color=#457845]A[/color][color=#44903E]N[/color] [color=#42C030]M[/color][color=#40D829]E[/color][color=#42C030]M[/color][color=#43A837]B[/color][color=#44903E]E[/color][color=#457845]R[/color][color=#46604C]S[/color][/b][/size] ----- [columns] [url=][img][/img][/url] [nextcol][font=lucida console] [size=5]RIANE[/size] lives: 3 level: 9 job: royal [nextcol][font=lucida console] | | | | [nextcol][font=lucida console] | | | | [nextcol][font=lucida console] [i]A decently small Imperial with ties to a grand royal family in the Gladebough Village. As far as we know, she was sent off to build a great empire and to spread her family's name. [/columns] ----- [columns] [url=][img][/img][/url] [nextcol][font=lucida console] [size=5]COY[/size] lives: 1 level: 1 job: none [nextcol][font=lucida console] | | | | [nextcol][font=lucida console] | | | | [nextcol][font=lucida console] [i]One of Riane and Bloodstone's children. [/columns] ----- [columns] [url=][img][/img] [nextcol][font=lucida console] [size=5]BRAM[/size] lives: 1 level: 1 job: none [nextcol][font=lucida console] | | | | [nextcol][font=lucida console] | | | | [nextcol][font=lucida console] [i]One of Riane and Bloodstone's children. [/columns] [/font][/center]
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lives: 3
level: 9
job: royal



A decently small Imperial with ties to a grand
royal family in the Gladebough Village. As far as
we know, she was sent off to build a great empire
and to spread her family's name.

lives: 1
level: 1
job: none



One of Riane and Bloodstone's children.


lives: 1
level: 1
job: none



One of Riane and Bloodstone's children.
Celeana.gif ___

any pronouns!
FR time +0

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Jobs in 484854 are unfilled and need to be claimed, while colors in 41D929 are claimed. I consider my Kingdomlocke 'won' when I have a dragon in every job, or when my leader reaches level 25. This may change in the future.

Familiar Caretaker
Nesting Helper
Name Scribe
Fortune Teller

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Jobs in 484854 are unfilled and need to be claimed, while colors in 41D929 are claimed. I consider my Kingdomlocke 'won' when I have a dragon in every job, or when my leader reaches level 25. This may change in the future.

Familiar Caretaker
Nesting Helper
Name Scribe
Fortune Teller

Celeana.gif ___

any pronouns!
FR time +0
[center][font=lucida console][url=]top[/url] | [url=]clan members[/url] | [url=]jobs[/url] [size=7][b][color=#484854]F[/color][color=#47564F]I[/color][color=#46654B]R[/color][color=#457347]S[/color][color=#458242]T[/color] [color=#439F3A]L[/color][color=#43AD35]O[/color][color=#42BC31]R[/color][color=#41CA2D]E[/color] [color=#41CA2D]E[/color][color=#42BC31]N[/color][color=#43AD35]T[/color][color=#439F3A]R[/color][color=#44903E]Y[/color] [color=#457347]E[/color][color=#46654B]V[/color][color=#47564F]E[/color][color=#484854]R[/color][/b][/size][/center] ----- [center][url=][img][/img][/url][url=][img][/img][/url][url=][img][/img][/url][url=][img][/img][/url][/center] [font=lucida console]“Go live your life, they said. Bring your legacy together, they said. Make us proud, they said.” The brown Imperial’s irritated grumbling was drowned by the wind as she spread her achy wings into a glide, talons stretched out for a landing- and then she tumbled over, her trembling legs too weak to carry her. Her claws attempted to grasp at long, stringy grasses- but she’d been traveling for many a day, eating little and sleeping even less due to her rage. The great big dragon rolled a little ways, the green and blue world spinning around herself- and then the ground gave out from under her. She was falling, the whistling of the wind around her drowning every single thought in her head, spinning dizzily over and over, and then her claws struck earth. Gritting her teeth, she held on, her claws feeling as if they’d be ripped out as they scraped against the firm soil. Then, before she knew it, she was stopped, panting quietly and hanging onto the near-bare cliff face as she looked around, her whiskers twitching. Beneath her, way beneath her, a roaring river tumbled around the base of the cliff she was holding onto. Some four or five dragon-lengths across the way, another platform stood tall- a little higher than the one she was clinging to, about halfway into the gorge. There were some tree roots and branches sticking out of the sides of the cliff-faces, as well as the Windswept Plateau’s signature bamboo stalks, but they seemed like they would break under anyone’s weight. Right then, Riane realized the situation she was in- she was in a precarious position, about to careen into a whitewater abyss, and her legs weren’t nearly strong enough to hoist herself up. She spread her spot-limned wings, attempting to catch some of the sharp, violent wind that was perpetually blustering through the small canyon and making her ears hurt- but all it did was snap one of her wings shut and throw the other so far open that it twinged. Wincing, she folded them back in, glaring determinedly up at the faraway grass on the clifftop. She wouldn’t die now, after so long! She had to prove her parents wrong- she’d survive, she’d build a great and fantastic kingdom and show them all!!! Clenching her teeth, she braced her back talons against the cliff, putting all of her energy into her right talon as she pushed it upwards and sank her claws in. Left talon next- and then the back talons. Every haul of her great big body was agony- but she had to push forward! She wouldn’t die here! Of course not- for she was the great Riane, ancestor of a great and powerful Nature bloodline!!! Shoulders quivered, talons ached- and then she grabbed onto stringy grass. Letting her claws sink into the soil, she pulled herself up the final bit of the way, hind legs scratching wildly at the edge of the cliff before she finally found a foothold and rolled onto the broad clifftop. Laying down on her back and spreading her wings, she panted triumphantly- and also tiredly. Goodness, that had been quite the ordeal- but she’d done it! And then, her stomach growled, and she let out an irate moan of her own. In how long had she not eaten?! Here she was, alone on the Windswept Plateau, nobody to help her. She was truly alone. A beastclan horde could come along and slaughter her at any moment, and she would be completely… utterly… helpless. “Hello?” She turned- and two dragons were standing at the edge of one of her wings, looking prim but mildly disheveled. A shiny orange Pearlcatcher and a purple Mirror stood there, seeming curious and concerned- and on the purple Mirror’s back, a blue Mirror hatchling sat, eyes wide and prying at the stranger. “Are you hurt? Do you need help?” “Ooooogh… just… just foooooood, if you have any,” she groaned. To that, the purple Mirror held a bundle up with a smile- and the Imperial smiled as well, her tail wagging back and forth. … After a hearty meal of jerky and dried fruit and a quaint conversation about the weather, Riane cleared her throat, then piped up. “So… where are you three headed?” “Ah! We… don’t know, actually,” the older Mirror conceded, looking down with a sigh. “I’ve been wandering around for a while- and I ran into Collin some time ago,” the Pearlcatcher explained, gesturing to the purple Mirror. “Then, we found Coldfang, alone and- well, cold. We’re taking him with us- trying to find a place to live.” “Oh,” Riane squeaked, her green eyes widening at the little blue baby- who yawned, showing his tiny teeth before settling down besides his provisional mother, Collin. “Say, I’m a long way from home, too- and… I’m trying to make a kingdom, too!” The two adults glanced at her- the baby chewed on his tail disinterestedly. “Have you got a place to stay?” “How about here?” Riane grinned and spread her large brown wings, provoking the newcomers to look around. They were on a decently large platform of grass, surrounded on all sides by large gaps between higher and lower ledges of earth. Wind whistled between the canyons, perpetually tousling the grasses and the wings and manes of the dragons. Their strip of land was long, and relatively wide- it could easily suit the houses of twenty Imperials, if not more. A small group of bent trees rustled in the wind at the west side of the platform, bamboo shoots waving tauntingly from a higher steppe, begging to be chopped and used. If one looked off into the distance, they would see more and more steppes, separated by rushing wind and water and leading off into a faraway plateau. They were up high here- they had a wonderful view, ample resources, and lots of open land. Right then, Riane questioned to herself why there weren’t so many dragons here, up high- but she didn’t care to find out, spreading her talons with a smile. “Well, what do you guys say?” Bloodstone and Collin looked at each other, Coldfang looking up as well- then they nodded, turning to the brown Imperial. “We’ll stay a while, why not?” ----- [font=lucida console]okay. day one. let's see here. I got a Sprangyroo. Thaaaaat's- oh! That's a new dragon! Got a 3- that's a baby Mirror! Little baby sibling for Collin already! This is actually a wonderful start, oh, golly. I'm... getting ideas already. Curse you, friends!! *this is from yesterday. i'm doing a new pinkerpull today! [/font]
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“Go live your life, they said. Bring your legacy together, they said. Make us proud, they said.”

The brown Imperial’s irritated grumbling was drowned by the wind as she spread her achy wings into a glide, talons stretched out for a landing- and then she tumbled over, her trembling legs too weak to carry her. Her claws attempted to grasp at long, stringy grasses- but she’d been traveling for many a day, eating little and sleeping even less due to her rage. The great big dragon rolled a little ways, the green and blue world spinning around herself- and then the ground gave out from under her. She was falling, the whistling of the wind around her drowning every single thought in her head, spinning dizzily over and over, and then her claws struck earth. Gritting her teeth, she held on, her claws feeling as if they’d be ripped out as they scraped against the firm soil. Then, before she knew it, she was stopped, panting quietly and hanging onto the near-bare cliff face as she looked around, her whiskers twitching.

Beneath her, way beneath her, a roaring river tumbled around the base of the cliff she was holding onto. Some four or five dragon-lengths across the way, another platform stood tall- a little higher than the one she was clinging to, about halfway into the gorge. There were some tree roots and branches sticking out of the sides of the cliff-faces, as well as the Windswept Plateau’s signature bamboo stalks, but they seemed like they would break under anyone’s weight. Right then, Riane realized the situation she was in- she was in a precarious position, about to careen into a whitewater abyss, and her legs weren’t nearly strong enough to hoist herself up. She spread her spot-limned wings, attempting to catch some of the sharp, violent wind that was perpetually blustering through the small canyon and making her ears hurt- but all it did was snap one of her wings shut and throw the other so far open that it twinged. Wincing, she folded them back in, glaring determinedly up at the faraway grass on the clifftop. She wouldn’t die now, after so long! She had to prove her parents wrong- she’d survive, she’d build a great and fantastic kingdom and show them all!!!

Clenching her teeth, she braced her back talons against the cliff, putting all of her energy into her right talon as she pushed it upwards and sank her claws in. Left talon next- and then the back talons. Every haul of her great big body was agony- but she had to push forward! She wouldn’t die here! Of course not- for she was the great Riane, ancestor of a great and powerful Nature bloodline!!! Shoulders quivered, talons ached- and then she grabbed onto stringy grass. Letting her claws sink into the soil, she pulled herself up the final bit of the way, hind legs scratching wildly at the edge of the cliff before she finally found a foothold and rolled onto the broad clifftop. Laying down on her back and spreading her wings, she panted triumphantly- and also tiredly. Goodness, that had been quite the ordeal- but she’d done it!

And then, her stomach growled, and she let out an irate moan of her own. In how long had she not eaten?! Here she was, alone on the Windswept Plateau, nobody to help her. She was truly alone. A beastclan horde could come along and slaughter her at any moment, and she would be completely… utterly… helpless.


She turned- and two dragons were standing at the edge of one of her wings, looking prim but mildly disheveled. A shiny orange Pearlcatcher and a purple Mirror stood there, seeming curious and concerned- and on the purple Mirror’s back, a blue Mirror hatchling sat, eyes wide and prying at the stranger.

“Are you hurt? Do you need help?”

“Ooooogh… just… just foooooood, if you have any,” she groaned. To that, the purple Mirror held a bundle up with a smile- and the Imperial smiled as well, her tail wagging back and forth.

After a hearty meal of jerky and dried fruit and a quaint conversation about the weather, Riane cleared her throat, then piped up. “So… where are you three headed?”

“Ah! We… don’t know, actually,” the older Mirror conceded, looking down with a sigh.

“I’ve been wandering around for a while- and I ran into Collin some time ago,” the Pearlcatcher explained, gesturing to the purple Mirror. “Then, we found Coldfang, alone and- well, cold. We’re taking him with us- trying to find a place to live.”

“Oh,” Riane squeaked, her green eyes widening at the little blue baby- who yawned, showing his tiny teeth before settling down besides his provisional mother, Collin. “Say, I’m a long way from home, too- and… I’m trying to make a kingdom, too!”

The two adults glanced at her- the baby chewed on his tail disinterestedly. “Have you got a place to stay?”

“How about here?” Riane grinned and spread her large brown wings, provoking the newcomers to look around. They were on a decently large platform of grass, surrounded on all sides by large gaps between higher and lower ledges of earth. Wind whistled between the canyons, perpetually tousling the grasses and the wings and manes of the dragons. Their strip of land was long, and relatively wide- it could easily suit the houses of twenty Imperials, if not more. A small group of bent trees rustled in the wind at the west side of the platform, bamboo shoots waving tauntingly from a higher steppe, begging to be chopped and used. If one looked off into the distance, they would see more and more steppes, separated by rushing wind and water and leading off into a faraway plateau. They were up high here- they had a wonderful view, ample resources, and lots of open land. Right then, Riane questioned to herself why there weren’t so many dragons here, up high- but she didn’t care to find out, spreading her talons with a smile.

“Well, what do you guys say?”

Bloodstone and Collin looked at each other, Coldfang looking up as well- then they nodded, turning to the brown Imperial. “We’ll stay a while, why not?”

okay. day one. let's see here.
I got a Sprangyroo. Thaaaaat's- oh! That's a new dragon! Got a 3- that's a baby Mirror! Little baby sibling for Collin already! This is actually a wonderful start, oh, golly.

I'm... getting ideas already. Curse you, friends!!

*this is from yesterday. i'm doing a new pinkerpull today!
Celeana.gif ___

any pronouns!
FR time +0
[center][font=lucida console][url=]top[/url] | [url=]clan members[/url] | [url=]jobs[/url] [size=7][b][color=#484854]S[/color][color=#475550]E[/color][color=#46624C]C[/color][color=#466F48]O[/color][color=#457C44]N[/color][color=#448940]D[/color] [color=#43A438]L[/color][color=#42B134]O[/color][color=#42BE30]R[/color][color=#41CB2C]E[/color] [color=#41CB2C]E[/color][color=#42BE30]N[/color][color=#42B134]T[/color][color=#43A438]R[/color][color=#44973C]Y[/color] [color=#457C44]E[/color][color=#466F48]V[/color][color=#46624C]E[/color][color=#475550]R[/color][/b][/center][/size][/font] ----- [font=lucida console][center][url=][img][/img][/url][url=][img][/img][/url][url=][img][/img][/url][url=][img][/img][/url][/center][font=lucida console] "Whew!" Riane leaned back and wiped her brow. The homes had been set up! Bamboo stalks had been coupled with spare cloth they'd scavenged around the area and thin planks of wood to make some simple tents. The soil was soft here, and easy to pack- and so three tents stood tall, colorful and patchy and bright. Their colors were accented by the evening sky, deep purple and orange hues vivid above the rustling bamboo. Collin came up on Riane's left, smiling up at the largest tent and holding baby Coldfang on her back. "Well, there's your palace, Your Highness!" "I like that," she grinned, looking down at the purple Mirror and the child she'd found on the way here. All three of the adults were tired and worn out- and the kid was aloof as ever, Arcane eyes searching the sky and the ground. "You don't have to call me Your Highness, though- just call me Riane." "Yes, Your Highness!" Bloodstone had come up on her other side, and bumped his head on her shoulder, coming into a sitting position with his pearl held in his curled tail. It had been about three days since the four dragons had come together on the steppe and agreed to forge a life for themselves. Since then, Bloodstone and Riane had realized a sudden liking for each other- whimsical romance, but a romance nonetheless. A breeze kicked up, prompting Riane to let her wings sling over all three of her allies, pulling them close. Coldfang squeaked gleefully. "I think this calls for a celebration, don't you guys think? I mean- we don't have much, but it'd be nice to commemorate our... actual houses!" Bloodstone beamed- and so did Collin. Coldfang smiled too, giggling at the faces of the dragons around him. "Let's do it!" And so the festivities began. They were small and quaint, compared to anything any of the four had experienced, but they were nice. Riane had procured a firefly-like glowing spell, and the golden pinpricks of light drifted around the tent as the dragons feasted, told stories, and laughed. They learned more about one another- Bloodstone had come from rather brutal conditions at the edge of Plague territory, which had given him an edge for battle and a strain of tenacity. Collin hailed from the Tangled Wood, where she had felt out of place due to her down-to-earth demeanor and minimalistic lifestyle. Riane had come from a long-standing kingdom of various dragons in the Gladebough Village that had claimed rulership for many years, and now sought to extend their rule to other territories- thus giving Riane a sense of responsibility for bringing a group of other dragons to power. And Coldfang- well, he was a baby, Arcane eyes shining very pinkly in the gold light as he gnawed on a bone under the gaze of the adults. Their merriness lasted several hours into the night- when they finally began to yawn, the sight of Coldfang now curled up cozily in his bed of hay and down making their eyelids heavy. "Well, it's about time we head to bed, huh?" Collin yawned, stretching and arching her back. Bloodstone assented with a murmur, laying besides Riane, who already seemed half-asleep. The Mirror surveyed them with a sleepy glance, then went and scooped up Coldfang, looking back at the brown dragons with a nod. "I'll head to my tent. Goodnight, you guys." "Goodnight!" "G'night..." And so the purple Mirror left the tent, Coldfang in-talon. Riane's sleep was restless- after an hour or two, she stirred, she and Bloodstone lifting their heads in unison. They had been sleeping side-by-side, but not cuddling just yet- and so they rose, walking to the flap of the tent and lifting it. Neither knew what to expect- but a feeling had shot down their backs, a distasteful one. The crescent moon shone overhead, doing little to illuminate the world- but Coldfang's tiny, splotchy form was visible a few dragon-lengths away. He had wandered out of his tent, which he shared with Collin- but the purple Mirror was silent and still outside of her tent, jaw hanging with dumbfounded stillness. Riane had to squint to make out what lay beyond the hatchling- but once her eyes focused, she wished that she hadn't looked. A great, dark figure stood over the hatchling- who was looking up at it with entranced wonder. It didn't look like a dragon, or anything that any of the dragons knew- but it was a thing with a soul, for it leaned down and held a limb out to the hatchling. Riane gasped- then leaped forth, spreading her wings. "Stop!" The thing's attention was on her now- and her eyes darted back and forth as she tried to glean some sense from it. Its form blended into the night, as an orchid mantis blended into a petal- and it lifted Coldfang with all the tenderness of a parent. But this was no dragon. Riane lifted a talon, preparing a bolt of leaves and branches to lob at this enemy. "Put him down!" And then she slung the bolt, and it passed through open air. What she thought had been an apparition had been nothing at all- but Coldfang was gone, and the cold wind tugging her whiskers and nipping her nose told her that this was no dream. She blinked a few times, frustration forcing her claws to dig into the loamy soil as she looked at Collin and Bloodstone. The three were speechless. "What... what was that?" Collin was the first to speak, her voice thin. "Where's Coldfang? Riane lifted her head, Nature eyes narrowed to the starry sky. She wanted to leap off of the steppe and start searching avidly for the hatchling- he had to be just a step away!- but the three dragons looked at Collin's open tent, seeing no hatchling, hearing and sensing no hatchling. Something clicked for the queen, right then. Why had no dragons settled here? She thought she had some idea, now. These steppes were overflowing with resources- but there was a risk far greater than mere starvation. Whatever it was, she wasn't able to make sense of it, nor were the other two dragons she was with- but Collin still clung to a semblance of hope, stepping forwards and narrowing her eyes at the larger dragons. "Come on," she whispered, her voice wavering. "We need to find him. He can't be far!" Riane conceded tiredly, beckoning to Bloodstone as she began to move in her own direction. The three of them knew that Coldfang was gone, abducted by a force they'd never be able to understand- but there was no use in not trying. Because, who knew? He might be out there somewhere. ----- [font=lucida console]ok. looking at dailies- no jobs right now. time to check pinkerton! coal. that's a material. time to roll for a challenge. oh Murvax, roll your d20 that you keep right in front of your computer for me, please~! that's a 20! let's see here. challenge: FESTIVAL? WHAT?? LOL OKAY I GUESS WE'RE OFF TO A WONDERFUL START!!!! rolled a 4, which means the royal gets another life. just wow. i wonder if this is going to bite me in the butt down the line. my luck is too substantial right now. of course. rolled for hatchling survival, got a 1. RIP COLDFANG, YOU WOULD HAVE BEEN SO PRETTY.
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Riane leaned back and wiped her brow. The homes had been set up! Bamboo stalks had been coupled with spare cloth they'd scavenged around the area and thin planks of wood to make some simple tents. The soil was soft here, and easy to pack- and so three tents stood tall, colorful and patchy and bright. Their colors were accented by the evening sky, deep purple and orange hues vivid above the rustling bamboo. Collin came up on Riane's left, smiling up at the largest tent and holding baby Coldfang on her back. "Well, there's your palace, Your Highness!"

"I like that," she grinned, looking down at the purple Mirror and the child she'd found on the way here. All three of the adults were tired and worn out- and the kid was aloof as ever, Arcane eyes searching the sky and the ground. "You don't have to call me Your Highness, though- just call me Riane."

"Yes, Your Highness!" Bloodstone had come up on her other side, and bumped his head on her shoulder, coming into a sitting position with his pearl held in his curled tail. It had been about three days since the four dragons had come together on the steppe and agreed to forge a life for themselves. Since then, Bloodstone and Riane had realized a sudden liking for each other- whimsical romance, but a romance nonetheless. A breeze kicked up, prompting Riane to let her wings sling over all three of her allies, pulling them close. Coldfang squeaked gleefully.

"I think this calls for a celebration, don't you guys think? I mean- we don't have much, but it'd be nice to commemorate our... actual houses!"

Bloodstone beamed- and so did Collin. Coldfang smiled too, giggling at the faces of the dragons around him. "Let's do it!"

And so the festivities began. They were small and quaint, compared to anything any of the four had experienced, but they were nice. Riane had procured a firefly-like glowing spell, and the golden pinpricks of light drifted around the tent as the dragons feasted, told stories, and laughed. They learned more about one another- Bloodstone had come from rather brutal conditions at the edge of Plague territory, which had given him an edge for battle and a strain of tenacity. Collin hailed from the Tangled Wood, where she had felt out of place due to her down-to-earth demeanor and minimalistic lifestyle. Riane had come from a long-standing kingdom of various dragons in the Gladebough Village that had claimed rulership for many years, and now sought to extend their rule to other territories- thus giving Riane a sense of responsibility for bringing a group of other dragons to power. And Coldfang- well, he was a baby, Arcane eyes shining very pinkly in the gold light as he gnawed on a bone under the gaze of the adults.

Their merriness lasted several hours into the night- when they finally began to yawn, the sight of Coldfang now curled up cozily in his bed of hay and down making their eyelids heavy.

"Well, it's about time we head to bed, huh?" Collin yawned, stretching and arching her back. Bloodstone assented with a murmur, laying besides Riane, who already seemed half-asleep. The Mirror surveyed them with a sleepy glance, then went and scooped up Coldfang, looking back at the brown dragons with a nod. "I'll head to my tent. Goodnight, you guys."


And so the purple Mirror left the tent, Coldfang in-talon.

Riane's sleep was restless- after an hour or two, she stirred, she and Bloodstone lifting their heads in unison. They had been sleeping side-by-side, but not cuddling just yet- and so they rose, walking to the flap of the tent and lifting it. Neither knew what to expect- but a feeling had shot down their backs, a distasteful one.

The crescent moon shone overhead, doing little to illuminate the world- but Coldfang's tiny, splotchy form was visible a few dragon-lengths away. He had wandered out of his tent, which he shared with Collin- but the purple Mirror was silent and still outside of her tent, jaw hanging with dumbfounded stillness. Riane had to squint to make out what lay beyond the hatchling- but once her eyes focused, she wished that she hadn't looked.

A great, dark figure stood over the hatchling- who was looking up at it with entranced wonder. It didn't look like a dragon, or anything that any of the dragons knew- but it was a thing with a soul, for it leaned down and held a limb out to the hatchling.

Riane gasped- then leaped forth, spreading her wings. "Stop!"

The thing's attention was on her now- and her eyes darted back and forth as she tried to glean some sense from it. Its form blended into the night, as an orchid mantis blended into a petal- and it lifted Coldfang with all the tenderness of a parent. But this was no dragon. Riane lifted a talon, preparing a bolt of leaves and branches to lob at this enemy. "Put him down!"

And then she slung the bolt, and it passed through open air. What she thought had been an apparition had been nothing at all- but Coldfang was gone, and the cold wind tugging her whiskers and nipping her nose told her that this was no dream.

She blinked a few times, frustration forcing her claws to dig into the loamy soil as she looked at Collin and Bloodstone. The three were speechless.

"What... what was that?" Collin was the first to speak, her voice thin. "Where's Coldfang?

Riane lifted her head, Nature eyes narrowed to the starry sky. She wanted to leap off of the steppe and start searching avidly for the hatchling- he had to be just a step away!- but the three dragons looked at Collin's open tent, seeing no hatchling, hearing and sensing no hatchling.

Something clicked for the queen, right then. Why had no dragons settled here? She thought she had some idea, now. These steppes were overflowing with resources- but there was a risk far greater than mere starvation. Whatever it was, she wasn't able to make sense of it, nor were the other two dragons she was with- but Collin still clung to a semblance of hope, stepping forwards and narrowing her eyes at the larger dragons.

"Come on," she whispered, her voice wavering. "We need to find him. He can't be far!"

Riane conceded tiredly, beckoning to Bloodstone as she began to move in her own direction. The three of them knew that Coldfang was gone, abducted by a force they'd never be able to understand- but there was no use in not trying.

Because, who knew? He might be out there somewhere.

ok. looking at dailies- no jobs right now. time to check pinkerton!
coal. that's a material. time to roll for a challenge. oh Murvax, roll your d20 that you keep right in front of your computer for me, please~!
that's a 20! let's see here. challenge: FESTIVAL? WHAT?? LOL OKAY I GUESS WE'RE OFF TO A WONDERFUL START!!!! rolled a 4, which means the royal gets another life. just wow. i wonder if this is going to bite me in the butt down the line. my luck is too substantial right now.
of course. rolled for hatchling survival, got a 1. RIP COLDFANG, YOU WOULD HAVE BEEN SO PRETTY.
Celeana.gif ___

any pronouns!
FR time +0
[center][font=lucida console][url=]top[/url] | [url=]clan members[/url] | [url=]jobs[/url] [size=7][b][color=#484854]T[/color][color=#47564F]H[/color][color=#46654B]I[/color][color=#457347]R[/color][color=#458242]D[/color] [color=#439F3A]L[/color][color=#43AD35]O[/color][color=#42BC31]R[/color][color=#41CA2D]E[/color] [color=#41CA2D]E[/color][color=#42BC31]N[/color][color=#43AD35]T[/color][color=#439F3A]R[/color][color=#44903E]Y[/color] [color=#457347]E[/color][color=#46654B]V[/color][color=#47564F]E[/color][color=#484854]R[/color][/b][/size][/center] -----[center] [url=][img][/img][/url][url=][img][/img][/url][url=][img][/img][/url][/center] [font=lucida console]"Collin... Collin. We need to stop." The purple Mirror pulled her tired and scratched talons out of a bramble, narrowing her four eyes bitterly at Riane. The three had been searching for any trace of Coldfang for the past night- and now, it was the middle of the day, evident by the sun leaking through the rustling emerald-green leaves overhead. The leaflitter was decorated with golden splotches of light, and the moss on the trees shone waxily and proudly. "We can't stop now, can we? We've come so far!" "We have," Bloodstone gruffed, backing up and almost running into Riane's broad side. "And now, we're surrounded." "What?" Collin glanced around- to be met face-to-face with a Woodland Owl. The camouflaged creature screeched, throwing its wings open and leaping forwards- and it landed a scratch across Collin's snout before she batted the thing out of the way and backed up to stand with her two allies. Wiping the blood with the back of her arm, she looked to Bloodstone, who had tossed his pearl to his tail and launched himself forwards. Prey-bird talons met dragon talons, and then the green owl was felled by the bronze Pearlcatcher, who looked around with a triumphant flick of his wings. Three more owls- pink, now- lurked in the trees, ready to strike. Oh, bother. Riane readied herself for combat, now all too aware that they would have to fight their way out of these thick woods to get back to their campgrounds. And so the gambit began. The three dragons fought heartily, Bloodstone wheezily thankful that he'd packed some healing potions. Occasionally grabbing a bird, deer, or other palatable monster as food, they rounded corners to be met with more enemies to be slain. Lost, but determined, they used their fury to charge their claws and their might. Riane was knocked unconscious a couple of times, and Collin was nearly killed by a slash to the neck- but Bloodstone's strangely accurate guesswork helped him weather a few near-death instances. And so, they were out. Bursting out of a final bush, panting and bleeding, the dragons looked at each other as their wings once again filled with wind. Bloodstone was holding his pearl in his tail, lugging a hog, a couple of deer, and a strange creature he'd called a Charger over his shoulders. Collin was stocked to the brim with owls and a couple of snakes, and Riane held as much as her large self could carry. Even for being a small Imperial, she hoisted chickens, huge bugs, snakes, and a few other critters they'd taken down on the way. "Well, we've done it," Bloodstone called as they took to the skies. "But- no Coldfang." Collin shook her head- tired as she was, she couldn't help but concede. "I wish we knew what had taken him. Did you guys see anything that could have hinted at it?" The brown dragons shook their heads. Riane drifted closer to Collin, casting a shadow over her as her broad wings blocked the sun. "We're going to find out, I know we are. We'll show that thing who's boss." "It's not only that," Collin replied, her voice thick with tears. Riane was surprised at this- Collin was the least inclined to cry of the three of them. "When I was smaller, I was my parents' eldest child- a single hatchling. Our clan had this kind of system, in which all the hatchlings would be in one big den- and one day, we were attacked by a Beastclan horde. Try as I might, all of the kids were taken- and I only escaped because I clawed a Talonok's eyes out. From then on, I swore to protect all hatchlings, then, now, and forevermore." "I'm sorry," Riane breathed. "But- we won't let it happen again, I know we won't. We'll be safe, and strong! Long live our clan!" "Long live our clan," the other dragons echoed. ----- [font=lucida console]a new day, a new pinkerpull! let's see what you have for me today... wait. i instinctively pulled on him earlier and didn't record it. ...CRIM, WHAT HAVE YA GOT FOR ME? a meat item, cool! that's 40-50 matches. i only have three dragons, so no need to pull out the dice today. (just kidding, i don't have any dice.) got to 40 rounds and quit. gosh, i've never liked the coliseum! but now all three of our beloveds are level 5, so IT'S JOB TIME! 19 on Bloodstone 7 on Collin Bloodstone is a... fortune teller. Hmm. Murvax's Kingdomlocke also has a fortune teller Pearlcatcher who joined his clan earlier on. I'm seeing parallels. That ability doesn't seem too useful, either, but geez louise. I'm regretting starting this now- everything is so [i]dangerous[/i]. I shoulda started a Fodderlocke For Babies- Nobody Dies and Everybody Wins and Is Happy. COLLIN IS A NESTING HELPER!!!! I WAS HOPING TO GET ONE OF THOSE EARLY ON!!! THE DICE DO FAVOR ME AFTER ALL!!! yaaaaay, hatchlings have a higher chance of survival! i need to remember that when i do daily rolls. woowoo!
top | clan members | jobs



"Collin... Collin. We need to stop."

The purple Mirror pulled her tired and scratched talons out of a bramble, narrowing her four eyes bitterly at Riane. The three had been searching for any trace of Coldfang for the past night- and now, it was the middle of the day, evident by the sun leaking through the rustling emerald-green leaves overhead. The leaflitter was decorated with golden splotches of light, and the moss on the trees shone waxily and proudly.

"We can't stop now, can we? We've come so far!"

"We have," Bloodstone gruffed, backing up and almost running into Riane's broad side. "And now, we're surrounded."

"What?" Collin glanced around- to be met face-to-face with a Woodland Owl. The camouflaged creature screeched, throwing its wings open and leaping forwards- and it landed a scratch across Collin's snout before she batted the thing out of the way and backed up to stand with her two allies. Wiping the blood with the back of her arm, she looked to Bloodstone, who had tossed his pearl to his tail and launched himself forwards. Prey-bird talons met dragon talons, and then the green owl was felled by the bronze Pearlcatcher, who looked around with a triumphant flick of his wings.

Three more owls- pink, now- lurked in the trees, ready to strike. Oh, bother. Riane readied herself for combat, now all too aware that they would have to fight their way out of these thick woods to get back to their campgrounds.

And so the gambit began. The three dragons fought heartily, Bloodstone wheezily thankful that he'd packed some healing potions. Occasionally grabbing a bird, deer, or other palatable monster as food, they rounded corners to be met with more enemies to be slain. Lost, but determined, they used their fury to charge their claws and their might. Riane was knocked unconscious a couple of times, and Collin was nearly killed by a slash to the neck- but Bloodstone's strangely accurate guesswork helped him weather a few near-death instances.

And so, they were out. Bursting out of a final bush, panting and bleeding, the dragons looked at each other as their wings once again filled with wind. Bloodstone was holding his pearl in his tail, lugging a hog, a couple of deer, and a strange creature he'd called a Charger over his shoulders. Collin was stocked to the brim with owls and a couple of snakes, and Riane held as much as her large self could carry. Even for being a small Imperial, she hoisted chickens, huge bugs, snakes, and a few other critters they'd taken down on the way.

"Well, we've done it," Bloodstone called as they took to the skies. "But- no Coldfang."

Collin shook her head- tired as she was, she couldn't help but concede. "I wish we knew what had taken him. Did you guys see anything that could have hinted at it?"

The brown dragons shook their heads. Riane drifted closer to Collin, casting a shadow over her as her broad wings blocked the sun. "We're going to find out, I know we are. We'll show that thing who's boss."

"It's not only that," Collin replied, her voice thick with tears. Riane was surprised at this- Collin was the least inclined to cry of the three of them. "When I was smaller, I was my parents' eldest child- a single hatchling. Our clan had this kind of system, in which all the hatchlings would be in one big den- and one day, we were attacked by a Beastclan horde. Try as I might, all of the kids were taken- and I only escaped because I clawed a Talonok's eyes out. From then on, I swore to protect all hatchlings, then, now, and forevermore."

"I'm sorry," Riane breathed. "But- we won't let it happen again, I know we won't. We'll be safe, and strong! Long live our clan!"

"Long live our clan," the other dragons echoed.

a new day, a new pinkerpull! let's see what you have for me today... wait. i instinctively pulled on him earlier and didn't record it.


a meat item, cool! that's 40-50 matches. i only have three dragons, so no need to pull out the dice today. (just kidding, i don't have any dice.)
got to 40 rounds and quit. gosh, i've never liked the coliseum! but now all three of our beloveds are level 5, so IT'S JOB TIME!

19 on Bloodstone
7 on Collin

Bloodstone is a... fortune teller. Hmm. Murvax's Kingdomlocke also has a fortune teller Pearlcatcher who joined his clan earlier on. I'm seeing parallels. That ability doesn't seem too useful, either, but geez louise. I'm regretting starting this now- everything is so dangerous. I shoulda started a Fodderlocke For Babies- Nobody Dies and Everybody Wins and Is Happy.

COLLIN IS A NESTING HELPER!!!! I WAS HOPING TO GET ONE OF THOSE EARLY ON!!! THE DICE DO FAVOR ME AFTER ALL!!! yaaaaay, hatchlings have a higher chance of survival! i need to remember that when i do daily rolls. woowoo!
Celeana.gif ___

any pronouns!
FR time +0
top | clan members | jobs


okie! hello, pinkerton, what do you have?

food, plant! 10-20 matches. don't think i'm going to write lore for this or do much else, since my nests are all full. nice to have an easy day, as well.

everybody is level 6 now. that's about all. might edit this with lore later, but nothing happened today, and thank goodness for that.
top | clan members | jobs


okie! hello, pinkerton, what do you have?

food, plant! 10-20 matches. don't think i'm going to write lore for this or do much else, since my nests are all full. nice to have an easy day, as well.

everybody is level 6 now. that's about all. might edit this with lore later, but nothing happened today, and thank goodness for that.
Celeana.gif ___

any pronouns!
FR time +0
[center][font=lucida console][url=]top[/url] | [url=]clan members[/url] | [url=]jobs[/url] [size=7][b][color=#484854]P[/color][color=#475A4E]A[/color][color=#466C49]R[/color][color=#457E43]T[/color] [color=#43A239]5[/color][color=#42B433].[/color][color=#41C62E].[/color][color=#41D929].[/color] [color=#42B433]G[/color][color=#43A239]U[/color][color=#44903E]H[/color][color=#457E43].[/color][color=#466C49].[/color][color=#475A4E].[/color][/b][/size][/center] -----[center] [url=][img][/img][/url][url=][img][/img][/url][url=][img][/img][/url][/center] [font=lucida console]It was late afternoon by the time the trio returned to their camp on the clifftop. Hauling what must have been hundreds of pounds of food, they all dropped in heap- then Riane retreated to her tent, stating that she was feeling ill and needed to sleep. Collin and Bloodstone did the same, to their own tents- and thus, they slept deep into the night. The next day, just as the sun began to touch the horizon, Bloodstone heard a rustle outside. Fearing that the carrion-birds had found their piles upon piles of prey, he emerged from his tent- but all he saw was Collin, sorting the prey out and beginning to make a tent to hold all of the extra food. In the early morning's darkness, she was a deep bluish, her Shadow eyes bright and purple and her talons shaky. The Pearlcatcher watched her for a little while- and then she noticed him, beckoning to him with a wing. He came forth, and spoke. "Collin. You're sorting everything out? May I help?" She nodded, letting a shaking sigh out and allowing him to survey what she had done so far. His attention was drawn back to her after a few moments, though, and he tilted his head with a twitch of his long whiskers and a flick of his tail-held pearl. "Collin, are you okay?" She shook her head, lifting her chin and allowing her eyes to regard the coming dawn. A fearful and serene look rested upon her face. "I saw it again, last night. It almost took me, too. It told me that we are unsafe here, that it can offer us shelter. One at a time, taking us across the sky." "Collin! You're not okay. You can't be telling the truth," Bloodstone asserted, but he saw in her stance and in the stars that defiantly shone overhead in the coming light- the apparition that had taken Coldfang had visited her. "It's okay not to believe me," she murmured, turning back to the piles of food. "It's crazy. All over a little hatchling... and I almost followed it, too. It promised that I would be able to protect Coldfang, and that he misses me." Bloodstone shook his head, nudging her shoulder with his brown wing. "It's okay. You're going to have more hatchlings to look after soon- and you will keep them safe. I know you will." This snapped Collin out of her trance- she regarded Bloodstone with a strange look, and he responded with a smile. Then she understood- he and Riane were to have children soon. "I suppose you're right," the Mirror sighed. "I need to live in the present." "Then- I'll help you put all of this food away! It'll attract many carrion-birds and other wanderers, unless we stock it away. Here, help me drive this into the ground." And so the pair of dragons worked well into the morning, sorting and cleaning food. ----- [font=lucida console]hello, pinkerboy, good afternoon. give me the dice. it's a trinket! a challenge! oh, Murvax, your d20? ...Murvax? Okay, he's not responding. Google, your d20? rolled a 3. which challenge is that? oh. hunting trip. ...oh god, hunting trip. oh, no. oh, no, oh, no, am i willing to risk this?... I THINK I AM. LET'S GO. I'll try to note down special drops. sheesh, this is a lot to keep track of! my only three dragons have a large chance of dying here! oh, no! GOT A SHOCK BOLT ON LITERALLY MY FIRST ROUND. That's an extra life to Riane, she has three now. GOT A LUNA MITH SKIN CRATE ON BATTLE 15!!! holy moly. three new lives, to... BLOODSTONE MY BOY, YOU HAVE FOUR LIVES NOW!!!! RAAAAAAAHHHH!!!!! Webwing Alpha on battle 26. Bloodstone has FIVE LIVES. fifty rounds. fifty rounds, and Collin has no extra lives. i can feel her death barreling towards me. i will atone for my sins. time to roll for survival. Riane: 3 Collin: 4 Bloodstone: 3 ...NEVERMIND! Collin is vulnerable, but everybody is generally THRIVING. holy MOLY, dude! might as well represent this in lore somehow.
top | clan members | jobs

PART 5... GUH...

It was late afternoon by the time the trio returned to their camp on the clifftop. Hauling what must have been hundreds of pounds of food, they all dropped in heap- then Riane retreated to her tent, stating that she was feeling ill and needed to sleep. Collin and Bloodstone did the same, to their own tents- and thus, they slept deep into the night.

The next day, just as the sun began to touch the horizon, Bloodstone heard a rustle outside. Fearing that the carrion-birds had found their piles upon piles of prey, he emerged from his tent- but all he saw was Collin, sorting the prey out and beginning to make a tent to hold all of the extra food. In the early morning's darkness, she was a deep bluish, her Shadow eyes bright and purple and her talons shaky.

The Pearlcatcher watched her for a little while- and then she noticed him, beckoning to him with a wing. He came forth, and spoke. "Collin. You're sorting everything out? May I help?"

She nodded, letting a shaking sigh out and allowing him to survey what she had done so far. His attention was drawn back to her after a few moments, though, and he tilted his head with a twitch of his long whiskers and a flick of his tail-held pearl. "Collin, are you okay?"

She shook her head, lifting her chin and allowing her eyes to regard the coming dawn. A fearful and serene look rested upon her face. "I saw it again, last night.

It almost took me, too.

It told me that we are unsafe here, that it can offer us shelter. One at a time, taking us across the sky."

"Collin! You're not okay. You can't be telling the truth," Bloodstone asserted, but he saw in her stance and in the stars that defiantly shone overhead in the coming light- the apparition that had taken Coldfang had visited her.

"It's okay not to believe me," she murmured, turning back to the piles of food. "It's crazy. All over a little hatchling... and I almost followed it, too. It promised that I would be able to protect Coldfang, and that he misses me."

Bloodstone shook his head, nudging her shoulder with his brown wing. "It's okay. You're going to have more hatchlings to look after soon- and you will keep them safe. I know you will."

This snapped Collin out of her trance- she regarded Bloodstone with a strange look, and he responded with a smile. Then she understood- he and Riane were to have children soon.

"I suppose you're right," the Mirror sighed. "I need to live in the present."

"Then- I'll help you put all of this food away! It'll attract many carrion-birds and other wanderers, unless we stock it away. Here, help me drive this into the ground."

And so the pair of dragons worked well into the morning, sorting and cleaning food.

hello, pinkerboy, good afternoon. give me the dice.

it's a trinket! a challenge! oh, Murvax, your d20?

...Murvax? Okay, he's not responding. Google, your d20?

rolled a 3. which challenge is that? oh. hunting trip. ...oh god, hunting trip. oh, no. oh, no, oh, no, am i willing to risk this?... I THINK I AM. LET'S GO. I'll try to note down special drops. sheesh, this is a lot to keep track of! my only three dragons have a large chance of dying here! oh, no!

GOT A SHOCK BOLT ON LITERALLY MY FIRST ROUND. That's an extra life to Riane, she has three now.


Webwing Alpha on battle 26. Bloodstone has FIVE LIVES.

fifty rounds. fifty rounds, and Collin has no extra lives. i can feel her death barreling towards me. i will atone for my sins. time to roll for survival.
Riane: 3
Collin: 4
Bloodstone: 3

...NEVERMIND! Collin is vulnerable, but everybody is generally THRIVING. holy MOLY, dude! might as well represent this in lore somehow.
Celeana.gif ___

any pronouns!
FR time +0
[center][font=lucida console][url=]top[/url] | [url=]clan members[/url] | [url=]jobs[/url] [size=5][b][color=#484854]E[/color][color=#474E52]N[/color][color=#475550]T[/color][color=#475B4E]R[/color][color=#46624C]Y[/color] [color=#466F48]6[/color] [color=#457C44]A[/color][color=#458342]K[/color][color=#448940]A[/color] [color=#44973C]I[/color] [color=#43A438]U[/color][color=#43AA36]S[/color][color=#42B134]E[/color] [color=#42BE30]M[/color][color=#41C52E]Y[/color] [color=#41D22A]F[/color][color=#41D929]R[/color][color=#41D22A]I[/color][color=#41CB2C]E[/color][color=#41C52E]N[/color][color=#42BE30]D[/color] [color=#42B134]A[/color][color=#43AA36]S[/color] [color=#439D3A]M[/color][color=#44973C]Y[/color] [color=#448940]D[/color][color=#458342]I[/color][color=#457C44]C[/color][color=#457646]E[/color] [color=#46684A]R[/color][color=#46624C]O[/color][color=#475B4E]L[/color][color=#475550]L[/color][color=#474E52]E[/color][color=#484854]R[/color][/b][/size][/center] -----[center] [url=][img][/img][/url][url=][img][/img][/url][url=][img][/img][/url][/center] [font=lucida console]About a week had passed since Coldfang was lost to the apparition. A day after the incident, Riane had invited Collin and Bloodstone into her grand tent- to reveal a soft nest of bamboo leaves, bird down, and strips of satin. Within which there laid three jade-green eggs, seeming as if the slightest puff of wind would send them tumbling through the sky, up and up into the faraway typhoon that never seemed to cease. Collin had immediately proclaimed herself the guardian of the eggs, tearfully and shakily. "I won't let anything happen to the babies," she promised, tucked into the crook of Riane's wing as the three dragons looked down upon the eggs. "I'll keep them safe." Riane had assured her that it would be fine- but the Mirror insisted, and the royal conceded. Having a dragon so dedicated to protecting she and Bloodstone's children was a blessing. Now, a week after the reveal, Riane was out and about to take a much-needed breath of fresh air. She soared high in the sky, the unrelenting wind bolstering her and urging her to go higher, higher, to touch the sun in the sky and collect the clouds for down. Bloodstone was on her back, wings spread and pearl held tightly between his two front talons. "Bloodstone," she called. "Can you see?" "I see everything," he laughed. "The Scarred Wasteland to the north, the towns and cities to the south, and beneath us- our home, the Reedcleft Ascent!" Riane nodded, and looked down- she just thought she could see their tents, a small, bright speck nestled in the series of cliffs. "Can you believe it? Our own kingdom in the making." "Ah- Riane?" the Pearlcatcher's voice was thin and nervous now. "I think we might need to go back down. I see something happening down there." Riane squinted- and then dove, folding her wings in. He was right- something was happening, visible by a couple of blotches of color approaching their little kingdom. ... "Wait- stop!" Collin snarled in the mouth of the tent, her blue wings spread to conceal the interior. Outside, three Mirrors sat, bright red Plague eyes bright and taunting. "Or what, sissy? Eh? Give us your stuff!" "The food's in the other tent! Leave us alone!" Collin's voice was firm. The Mirror in front of her leaped forwards, to smack her in the head with the butt of his spear- but she ducked out of the way, lashing at him and making him stagger back. Behind him, a figure came into view- a huge Aberration, blue and black, rivaling Riane in size and outmatching her in savagery. Two heads grinned, ruby eyes shining down at the purple Mirror. Long white fangs protruded from the Aberration's necks, each one sharpened to a point and decorated with some sort of rings. Collin couldn't help but shrink under this huge dragon's glare. She couldn't fight that! The Aberration leaned down, five eyes burning into the Mirror's soul. "Now, dearie, you seem to have common sense about you. Move out of the way, or I will turn you into [i]carrion[/i]." Collin shook her head- and the Aberration's sickly smiles became snarls. The ghastly monster reeled back, long, augmented claws ready to slice Collin in half- but a shriek interrupted her. "BOSS!" The Aberration turned- to be met with a grand brown figure dropping out of the sky. Riane had come- and Bloodstone leaped off of her back, head lowered and claws at the ready. Riane, being of Nature flight, had a natural aversion to this gaggle of Plague bandits- and fought with no mercy, lobbing bolt after bolt of magic. The Aberration stepped back immediately, startled by this new opponent- leaving Collin safe and unharmed. She breathed a sigh of relief, then readied herself to leap back into the fray- but a figure shoved her aside roughly, causing her to stumble as it darted into the tent. She turned- and was cracked over the head with a thick club, causing her vision to go white- and then she collapsed. ... "Take that!" Bloodstone howled, snapping at his fellow Plague dragons to defend his camp. A ratty Mirror scowled at him, hissing the word 'traitor' in response- but then both of the dragons had to leap out of the way to avoid the head of a huge Aberration hitting the ground between them. Said Aberration screamed with rage as Riane pinned her down, wings spread and teeth bared. "You will never set foot in these lands again," she growled. "Take your bandit work elsewhere." In response, the Aberration snapped at her snout- causing her to flinch back and let the amalgamation back up. Stumbling back to her feet, the leader of the bandits hissed at Riane- then stepped back, throwing herself off of the steppe. Riane jumped forwards to see where she was going- she was following the last standing vagrant of hers, a gold Mirror... who was holding three jade-colored eggs! "NO!!!" Bloostone's shout split the air as he dove after them- and Riane followed suit, a new flame of rage bursting to life in her soul. They were kidnapping her children!! The Pearlcatcher and Imperial flew on, chasing the Mirror and the Aberration as they retreated back to the Scarred Wastes, climbing higher and higher in the air. They were clearly being gained on, but had the advantage of height- the Aberration now had the confidence to concoct spells, and conjured a swollen pustule of muck to chuck down at Riane. It splattered, and she hissed, the element apparently painful to her. Bloodstone flew on- but they were getting away-!! He opened his mouth to scream, but the Aberration did first, for a form had suddenly materialized out of a nearby tree and struck her in the head with a blade of green air. The Mirror holding the eggs was also struck, by a huge pink and white form- and then the eggs came tumbling down. Down, down, down, as the Mirror fell out of the sky and the Aberration flailed in a barrage of Wind magic. Bloodstone dove, falling faster than he'd ever fallen, diving between a couple of cliffs to follow the jade eggs. Down, past branches and reeds, spiraling, spinning- and Bloodstone just managed to grab them in his wings before he hit the water. The cold water enveloped him, rushing into his nose, mouth, ears, and eyes. He held the eggs and his pearl tight, coughing and spluttering as he was tossed along in the water. A stiff punch of the current drove him down into the depths- but he held on tight. Here and there, he was tossed- until he went over a waterfall, careening through the air. Air filled his lungs once again as his tail flailed in the air, but he held the four round objects to his chest for dear life- and then something hit him with a grunt. He hung upside down in the air, chancing to open his bleary eyes- and saw that he was still falling, but much slower, and someone was hoisting him by his tail. A glance upwards showed a purple and blue form- Collin had come to his rescue, and was carrying him to a nearby shore! Laboriously so, but she was- but she was falling short, for Bloodstone plus the eggs was too heavy for her. He coughed a bit more water up- then choked up to Collin. "Take the eggs!" he cried, holding them in his talons and spreading his wings. "I'll be fine!" She gasped- then understood, diving down and grabbing the three unhatched children as he beat his wings to keep himself in the air for just a moment longer. His breath cut short, and he plummeted again, his pearl clutched in his talons- but Collin had the eggs, and had taken them to safety, setting them down gently in the grass. Bloodstone was in the water once again, shoved further on by the stream, tall cliffs passing him on either side. Gasping, he tried to find a foothold- but failed. Something knocked against him, making his pearl slip out of his talons- and he flailed for it, finding nothing. More water filled his lungs- he couldn't tell which way was up, his wings and talons scraped against the riverbed. No- he couldn't die like this!! He couldn't!! With the last dregs of his strength, the Pearlcatcher lashed out with his back legs- and propelled himself out of the water. He couldn't take any air in, his throat waterlogged- but he was caught again by a wing, then blasted into the air with a puff of Wind magic. Someone caught him, then began to fly, a rabble of voices around him. "He looks fine! Here, set him down!" "Fine?!" Bloodstone was laid down on soft grass- then something punched his chest, [i]hard[/i]. He coughed a very sizable amount of river water up, then opened his eyes, blinking to get the water out. Riane was standing over him, her green eyes wide and worried. A couple of strangers were there, too- a dark green Skydancer, who had Wind magic dancing around a held-up talon, and a huge white and pink Obelisk who looked indifferent to just about everything happening. He turned his head, panting heavily- and saw Collin approaching, balancing the eggs in her talons. "My pearl," he choked. The Skydancer pricked, looked at the river- then dove away, like an arrow shot into the sky. Riane reached out, gathering Bloodstone in her talons- then kissed him on the nose. He, aching, panting, and lost, could hardly muster a smile- but her warmth comforted his panicking mind, and he was assured now. Their kids were safe. "Bloodstone- that Skydancer is named Leafwing, and the Obelisk... Leafwing calls him Peep." The Pearlcatcher looked at the Obelisk- who looked back. He seemed stern- but then a smile showed in his eyes as a chirp came from his chest. "He's cursed to only speak in bird language." "Hey, don't judge him!" A shrill voice shouted from overhead. Bloodstone, Riane, and Collin looked up- and the green Skydancer hoisted a pearl high, the round soul-object gleaming in the daytime sun. He landed, and Bloodstone almost broke down into tears as the pearl was put back in hsis talons. "All yours, buddy!" Now, he could rest. These two strangers had helped reobtain his kids- and his pearl. New allies, and safety. Shutting his red eyes, his head lolled against Riane's arm- and he was asleep, succumbing to his fatigue. [center][url=][img][/img][/url][url=][img][/img][/url][/center] ----- [font=lucida console]hurgh. pinkababy, gimme yo item. a trinket. oh, Murvaaaaaaax~! Will you respond today? (he rolled a 19. thank you goober!) ...Nature's Gambit. more dragons, or a loss of a life? i suppose we'll see. the rules don't specify who to use, so i'm bringing Riane and Bloodstone, leveling them up once, then flipping a coin. they're both level 7. murvax has a new half dollar coin he's crazy about- he's going to send us a video of him flipping it. LOL. let's see if these bozos lose a life, or if they get two new buddies! [b]HEADS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! IT'S HEADS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!![/b] WELCOME TO THE CLAN, um... it doesn't specify what dragons to purchase. i can buy whoever i want. a level 25 g1 imperial if i so please and have the funds. [b]....WELCOME, LEAFWING AND PEEP!!!!!!!! [/b]
top | clan members | jobs


About a week had passed since Coldfang was lost to the apparition.

A day after the incident, Riane had invited Collin and Bloodstone into her grand tent- to reveal a soft nest of bamboo leaves, bird down, and strips of satin. Within which there laid three jade-green eggs, seeming as if the slightest puff of wind would send them tumbling through the sky, up and up into the faraway typhoon that never seemed to cease.

Collin had immediately proclaimed herself the guardian of the eggs, tearfully and shakily. "I won't let anything happen to the babies," she promised, tucked into the crook of Riane's wing as the three dragons looked down upon the eggs. "I'll keep them safe." Riane had assured her that it would be fine- but the Mirror insisted, and the royal conceded. Having a dragon so dedicated to protecting she and Bloodstone's children was a blessing.

Now, a week after the reveal, Riane was out and about to take a much-needed breath of fresh air. She soared high in the sky, the unrelenting wind bolstering her and urging her to go higher, higher, to touch the sun in the sky and collect the clouds for down. Bloodstone was on her back, wings spread and pearl held tightly between his two front talons.

"Bloodstone," she called. "Can you see?"

"I see everything," he laughed. "The Scarred Wasteland to the north, the towns and cities to the south, and beneath us- our home, the Reedcleft Ascent!"

Riane nodded, and looked down- she just thought she could see their tents, a small, bright speck nestled in the series of cliffs. "Can you believe it? Our own kingdom in the making."

"Ah- Riane?" the Pearlcatcher's voice was thin and nervous now. "I think we might need to go back down. I see something happening down there."

Riane squinted- and then dove, folding her wings in. He was right- something was happening, visible by a couple of blotches of color approaching their little kingdom.


"Wait- stop!"

Collin snarled in the mouth of the tent, her blue wings spread to conceal the interior. Outside, three Mirrors sat, bright red Plague eyes bright and taunting.

"Or what, sissy? Eh? Give us your stuff!"

"The food's in the other tent! Leave us alone!" Collin's voice was firm. The Mirror in front of her leaped forwards, to smack her in the head with the butt of his spear- but she ducked out of the way, lashing at him and making him stagger back. Behind him, a figure came into view- a huge Aberration, blue and black, rivaling Riane in size and outmatching her in savagery. Two heads grinned, ruby eyes shining down at the purple Mirror. Long white fangs protruded from the Aberration's necks, each one sharpened to a point and decorated with some sort of rings.

Collin couldn't help but shrink under this huge dragon's glare. She couldn't fight that! The Aberration leaned down, five eyes burning into the Mirror's soul. "Now, dearie, you seem to have common sense about you. Move out of the way, or I will turn you into carrion."

Collin shook her head- and the Aberration's sickly smiles became snarls. The ghastly monster reeled back, long, augmented claws ready to slice Collin in half- but a shriek interrupted her.


The Aberration turned- to be met with a grand brown figure dropping out of the sky. Riane had come- and Bloodstone leaped off of her back, head lowered and claws at the ready. Riane, being of Nature flight, had a natural aversion to this gaggle of Plague bandits- and fought with no mercy, lobbing bolt after bolt of magic. The Aberration stepped back immediately, startled by this new opponent- leaving Collin safe and unharmed. She breathed a sigh of relief, then readied herself to leap back into the fray- but a figure shoved her aside roughly, causing her to stumble as it darted into the tent.

She turned- and was cracked over the head with a thick club, causing her vision to go white- and then she collapsed.


"Take that!" Bloodstone howled, snapping at his fellow Plague dragons to defend his camp. A ratty Mirror scowled at him, hissing the word 'traitor' in response- but then both of the dragons had to leap out of the way to avoid the head of a huge Aberration hitting the ground between them. Said Aberration screamed with rage as Riane pinned her down, wings spread and teeth bared.

"You will never set foot in these lands again," she growled. "Take your bandit work elsewhere."

In response, the Aberration snapped at her snout- causing her to flinch back and let the amalgamation back up. Stumbling back to her feet, the leader of the bandits hissed at Riane- then stepped back, throwing herself off of the steppe.

Riane jumped forwards to see where she was going- she was following the last standing vagrant of hers, a gold Mirror... who was holding three jade-colored eggs!


Bloostone's shout split the air as he dove after them- and Riane followed suit, a new flame of rage bursting to life in her soul. They were kidnapping her children!!

The Pearlcatcher and Imperial flew on, chasing the Mirror and the Aberration as they retreated back to the Scarred Wastes, climbing higher and higher in the air. They were clearly being gained on, but had the advantage of height- the Aberration now had the confidence to concoct spells, and conjured a swollen pustule of muck to chuck down at Riane. It splattered, and she hissed, the element apparently painful to her. Bloodstone flew on- but they were getting away-!!

He opened his mouth to scream, but the Aberration did first, for a form had suddenly materialized out of a nearby tree and struck her in the head with a blade of green air. The Mirror holding the eggs was also struck, by a huge pink and white form- and then the eggs came tumbling down. Down, down, down, as the Mirror fell out of the sky and the Aberration flailed in a barrage of Wind magic.

Bloodstone dove, falling faster than he'd ever fallen, diving between a couple of cliffs to follow the jade eggs. Down, past branches and reeds, spiraling, spinning- and Bloodstone just managed to grab them in his wings before he hit the water.

The cold water enveloped him, rushing into his nose, mouth, ears, and eyes. He held the eggs and his pearl tight, coughing and spluttering as he was tossed along in the water. A stiff punch of the current drove him down into the depths- but he held on tight. Here and there, he was tossed- until he went over a waterfall, careening through the air. Air filled his lungs once again as his tail flailed in the air, but he held the four round objects to his chest for dear life- and then something hit him with a grunt.

He hung upside down in the air, chancing to open his bleary eyes- and saw that he was still falling, but much slower, and someone was hoisting him by his tail. A glance upwards showed a purple and blue form- Collin had come to his rescue, and was carrying him to a nearby shore! Laboriously so, but she was- but she was falling short, for Bloodstone plus the eggs was too heavy for her. He coughed a bit more water up- then choked up to Collin.

"Take the eggs!" he cried, holding them in his talons and spreading his wings. "I'll be fine!"

She gasped- then understood, diving down and grabbing the three unhatched children as he beat his wings to keep himself in the air for just a moment longer. His breath cut short, and he plummeted again, his pearl clutched in his talons- but Collin had the eggs, and had taken them to safety, setting them down gently in the grass.

Bloodstone was in the water once again, shoved further on by the stream, tall cliffs passing him on either side. Gasping, he tried to find a foothold- but failed. Something knocked against him, making his pearl slip out of his talons- and he flailed for it, finding nothing. More water filled his lungs- he couldn't tell which way was up, his wings and talons scraped against the riverbed.

No- he couldn't die like this!! He couldn't!!

With the last dregs of his strength, the Pearlcatcher lashed out with his back legs- and propelled himself out of the water. He couldn't take any air in, his throat waterlogged- but he was caught again by a wing, then blasted into the air with a puff of Wind magic.

Someone caught him, then began to fly, a rabble of voices around him. "He looks fine! Here, set him down!"


Bloodstone was laid down on soft grass- then something punched his chest, hard. He coughed a very sizable amount of river water up, then opened his eyes, blinking to get the water out.

Riane was standing over him, her green eyes wide and worried. A couple of strangers were there, too- a dark green Skydancer, who had Wind magic dancing around a held-up talon, and a huge white and pink Obelisk who looked indifferent to just about everything happening. He turned his head, panting heavily- and saw Collin approaching, balancing the eggs in her talons.

"My pearl," he choked. The Skydancer pricked, looked at the river- then dove away, like an arrow shot into the sky.

Riane reached out, gathering Bloodstone in her talons- then kissed him on the nose. He, aching, panting, and lost, could hardly muster a smile- but her warmth comforted his panicking mind, and he was assured now.

Their kids were safe.

"Bloodstone- that Skydancer is named Leafwing, and the Obelisk... Leafwing calls him Peep."

The Pearlcatcher looked at the Obelisk- who looked back. He seemed stern- but then a smile showed in his eyes as a chirp came from his chest.

"He's cursed to only speak in bird language."

"Hey, don't judge him!" A shrill voice shouted from overhead. Bloodstone, Riane, and Collin looked up- and the green Skydancer hoisted a pearl high, the round soul-object gleaming in the daytime sun. He landed, and Bloodstone almost broke down into tears as the pearl was put back in hsis talons. "All yours, buddy!"

Now, he could rest. These two strangers had helped reobtain his kids- and his pearl.

New allies, and safety.

Shutting his red eyes, his head lolled against Riane's arm- and he was asleep, succumbing to his fatigue.


hurgh. pinkababy, gimme yo item.

a trinket. oh, Murvaaaaaaax~! Will you respond today? (he rolled a 19. thank you goober!)

...Nature's Gambit. more dragons, or a loss of a life? i suppose we'll see. the rules don't specify who to use, so i'm bringing Riane and Bloodstone, leveling them up once, then flipping a coin.

they're both level 7. murvax has a new half dollar coin he's crazy about- he's going to send us a video of him flipping it. LOL. let's see if these bozos lose a life, or if they get two new buddies!

HEADS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! IT'S HEADS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

WELCOME TO THE CLAN, um... it doesn't specify what dragons to purchase. i can buy whoever i want. a level 25 g1 imperial if i so please and have the funds.

Celeana.gif ___

any pronouns!
FR time +0
[center][font=lucida console][url=]top[/url] | [url=]clan members[/url] | [url=]jobs[/url] [size=6][b][color=#484854]A[/color][color=#475250]N[/color][color=#475C4D]O[/color][color=#46674A]T[/color][color=#467147]H[/color][color=#457B44]E[/color][color=#458641]R[/color] [color=#449A3B]D[/color][color=#43A538]A[/color][color=#43AF35]Y[/color][color=#42B932],[/color] [color=#41CE2C]A[/color][color=#41D929]N[/color][color=#41CE2C]O[/color][color=#42C42F]T[/color][color=#42B932]H[/color][color=#43AF35]E[/color][color=#43A538]R[/color] [color=#44903E]E[/color][color=#458641]N[/color][color=#457B44]T[/color][color=#467147]R[/color][color=#46674A]Y[/color][color=#475C4D].[/color][color=#475250].[/color][color=#484854].[/color][/b][/size][/center] ----- [center] [url=][img][/img][/url][url=][img][/img][/url][url=][img][/img][/url][url=][img][/img][/url][url=][img][/img][/url][/center] [font=lucida console]"Riane." The brooding Imperial looked up- Leafwing's gentle voice had summoned her. She seemed tired and upset, her three unborn children wrapped in her curled tail. "Bloodstone wants to see you. He... he thinks his time is..." The Skydancer's voice cracked, and he seemed to recoil as a shock of dread hit the Imperial. Her mouth hung open. "He's not getting better?" "I'm... not a medic, Riane. None of us are. I've been trying my best, but... just come, come," he beckoned with a flick of his plumed tail out of the tent. Regretfully, tearfully, Riane rose, her bones popping and cracking as she willed herself into motion. Every step felt like a monstrous effort- the past three or four days had been a slow, cold agony. She slipped out, the night cold, and walked over to Bloodstone's tent- fearful of what she'd see inside. Leafwing held the door open for her- and she ducked her head in, the stench of sickness hitting her. A crumpled bronze form lay curled up in the tent, his breathing hoarse, too weak to cough. Ever since he'd almost drowned to save their eggs, he'd become gravely sick- each day becoming worse. Multiple expeditions to try to find herbs or medics that could help had failed, and he'd taken a slow decline. As the Imperial made her presence clear, Bloodstone looked up at her, red eyes drooping and tired- but the faintest smile was visible there. She teared up- then touched her nose to his horn, afraid she'd catch his sickness if she kissed him. He shared this sentiment, too fatigued to lift his head. As she did so, a tear dropping onto his head, he spoke, his voice the hoarsest, most feeble whisper either of them had heard. "Riane. Our children. They're safe?" "All thanks to you," she whispered, her voice cracking. "They're healthy, happy... they already carry your spirit." That seemed to settle the Pearlcatcher's soul. He chanced the faintest smile, a wavering sigh escaping him. "Riane... while I can still speak. My pearl." Her green eyes opened, glistening with new tears. Pearlcatchers cherished their pearls above all else- Collin had described the scene she'd witnessed, with Bloodstone tumbling over the waterfalls with the eggs and his pearl in the same hold. He'd almost lost it in the same incident. "Take it. Keep it... for... for you." "Bloodstone- don't give up on me," she sobbed, ignoring Leafwing's warnings that the sickness may be contagious and gathering his head in her talons. "Please don't say that." Bloodstone had closed his eyes- and his final words were a whisper, only heard by she. "I will live on, with you. The strong survive, Riane. You... are strong." Riane closed her mouth at that, stifling her would-be words. Bloodstone hadn't taken another breath in. She held his head in her trembling talons- and, slowly, his head lolled in her talons once again, but at peace. He was no longer tormented with trying to take each rasping breath in. He was free. He had done what he had to. Slowly, Riane laid his head to rest- and found that his pearl was at his side, held by a sleeping talon. She reached out, took it in both of her talons- and held it tight to her chest, her throat constricted with bitter sobs. Plague dragons had always believed in survival of the fittest, and strength through hardship- but why had he been lost to sickness? Why did the world tease her so? ----- [font=lucida console]hoki. hi, pinky! what have you got? seeker brooch. dragonmade. that's a material. uhh.. challenge time. i'll spare my boy murvax today. got a 9. that's- NO. BACKSTABBING. [b]NO.[/b] WHAT THE HECK. i... what. just what. okay. disposing of the straight guy with the useless job, i guess... only because his job is useless and i'd rather lose him than the newcomers. this is probably not the worst decision i'll ever have to make this run, and that pains me. why did i agree to doing this challenge?
top | clan members | jobs



The brooding Imperial looked up- Leafwing's gentle voice had summoned her. She seemed tired and upset, her three unborn children wrapped in her curled tail.

"Bloodstone wants to see you. He... he thinks his time is..."

The Skydancer's voice cracked, and he seemed to recoil as a shock of dread hit the Imperial. Her mouth hung open.

"He's not getting better?"

"I'm... not a medic, Riane. None of us are. I've been trying my best, but... just come, come," he beckoned with a flick of his plumed tail out of the tent.

Regretfully, tearfully, Riane rose, her bones popping and cracking as she willed herself into motion. Every step felt like a monstrous effort- the past three or four days had been a slow, cold agony. She slipped out, the night cold, and walked over to Bloodstone's tent- fearful of what she'd see inside.

Leafwing held the door open for her- and she ducked her head in, the stench of sickness hitting her. A crumpled bronze form lay curled up in the tent, his breathing hoarse, too weak to cough. Ever since he'd almost drowned to save their eggs, he'd become gravely sick- each day becoming worse. Multiple expeditions to try to find herbs or medics that could help had failed, and he'd taken a slow decline. As the Imperial made her presence clear, Bloodstone looked up at her, red eyes drooping and tired- but the faintest smile was visible there.

She teared up- then touched her nose to his horn, afraid she'd catch his sickness if she kissed him. He shared this sentiment, too fatigued to lift his head. As she did so, a tear dropping onto his head, he spoke, his voice the hoarsest, most feeble whisper either of them had heard.

"Riane. Our children. They're safe?"

"All thanks to you," she whispered, her voice cracking. "They're healthy, happy... they already carry your spirit."

That seemed to settle the Pearlcatcher's soul. He chanced the faintest smile, a wavering sigh escaping him.

"Riane... while I can still speak. My pearl."

Her green eyes opened, glistening with new tears. Pearlcatchers cherished their pearls above all else- Collin had described the scene she'd witnessed, with Bloodstone tumbling over the waterfalls with the eggs and his pearl in the same hold. He'd almost lost it in the same incident.

"Take it. Keep it... for... for you."

"Bloodstone- don't give up on me," she sobbed, ignoring Leafwing's warnings that the sickness may be contagious and gathering his head in her talons. "Please don't say that."

Bloodstone had closed his eyes- and his final words were a whisper, only heard by she.

"I will live on, with you. The strong survive, Riane. You... are strong."

Riane closed her mouth at that, stifling her would-be words. Bloodstone hadn't taken another breath in. She held his head in her trembling talons- and, slowly, his head lolled in her talons once again, but at peace. He was no longer tormented with trying to take each rasping breath in.

He was free. He had done what he had to.

Slowly, Riane laid his head to rest- and found that his pearl was at his side, held by a sleeping talon. She reached out, took it in both of her talons- and held it tight to her chest, her throat constricted with bitter sobs.

Plague dragons had always believed in survival of the fittest, and strength through hardship- but why had he been lost to sickness?

Why did the world tease her so?

hoki. hi, pinky! what have you got?

seeker brooch. dragonmade. that's a material. uhh.. challenge time. i'll spare my boy murvax today.


i... what.

just what.

okay. disposing of the straight guy with the useless job, i guess... only because his job is useless and i'd rather lose him than the newcomers. this is probably not the worst decision i'll ever have to make this run, and that pains me.

why did i agree to doing this challenge?
Celeana.gif ___

any pronouns!
FR time +0
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