
Quests & Challenges

Quests, Challenges, and Festival games.
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a thread for our collaborative lockes !!


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started — [ 03 | 20 | 22 ]

mp3 — pinkerlocke
myceliium — fodderlocke
cardnassac — undecided

also can we keep a post order so it wont be out of order.. so like at the start of each day make a res in the order of mp3 / myc / card pls…
a thread for our collaborative lockes !!


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started — [ 03 | 20 | 22 ]

mp3 — pinkerlocke
myceliium — fodderlocke
cardnassac — undecided

also can we keep a post order so it wont be out of order.. so like at the start of each day make a res in the order of mp3 / myc / card pls…
[columns][img][/img][nextcol] [size=1][color=#BFB6AB] a pinkerlocke ## [indent][font=constania][size=5][color=#5E564C][i][ THERE IS SOMETHING WRONG . ][/i] [/columns] [indent][size=4][font=tahoma][color=#2F3127][b]>> [/b][/size][/font][font=constania][size=2][color=#746450][i]the dawn of spring . it ‘ s regarded as a joyous time for those under the [b]gladekeeper[/b] . large celebrations are often held to commemorate the event . the small clan under [b]forest ‘ s[/b] rule is no stranger to this . among the many traditions , eggs are specifically laid to hatch on this day , as it is seen as a good luck and blessing . but , things do not go as planned . others begin to notice the visible rot taking over the eggs . by the arrival of spring , the eggs are lost . decomposed . and when the two rulers wake up as children of the plague , the fear only grows stronger . those of the gladekeeper have all heard the horrific tales of the beasts that wander the [b]scarred wasteland[/b] , spreading disease and rot in their step . these were the believed culprits . silent invaders , who had brought pain to an undeserving clan . but , as soon as they realized , this was not the case . and the floodgates opened . the influence — whatever it was — made no more attempts to hide itself . the rot spread through their small clutch of land , the land that they had carefully tended to throughout the years . those of higher status fled upwards , attaching themselves to the dense trees , too high for the rot to reach . others were left on the ground , strangely spared by the decomposition . no matter if you were above or below , the effects were felt . many dragons escaped the cursed land , while others clung onto their memories of this soil . with the last remaining few in disarray , a desperate queen makes an offer . three dragons . they must forge their way far out of these lands , to seek help from another . [ psst psst this is where myc and card come in . ] the only issue , is getting there . the dragons may have been able to resist its call . but the beasts ? they welcomed it with open arms . [/i][b] after all , power is power , and autonomy seemed like a small price .[/b] [size=1][color=#BFB6AB][ # ] 2022 .
A01F8028-B307-40E2-910D-5489064279D8.png a pinkerlocke ##

>> the dawn of spring . it ‘ s regarded as a joyous time for those under the gladekeeper . large celebrations are often held to commemorate the event . the small clan under forest ‘ s rule is no stranger to this . among the many traditions , eggs are specifically laid to hatch on this day , as it is seen as a good luck and blessing .

but , things do not go as planned . others begin to notice the visible rot taking over the eggs . by the arrival of spring , the eggs are lost .

decomposed .

and when the two rulers wake up as children of the plague , the fear only grows stronger .

those of the gladekeeper have all heard the horrific tales of the beasts that wander the scarred wasteland , spreading disease and rot in their step . these were the believed culprits . silent invaders , who had brought pain to an undeserving clan .

but , as soon as they realized , this was not the case . and the floodgates opened .

the influence — whatever it was — made no more attempts to hide itself . the rot spread through their small clutch of land , the land that they had carefully tended to throughout the years . those of higher status fled upwards , attaching themselves to the dense trees , too high for the rot to reach . others were left on the ground , strangely spared by the decomposition .

no matter if you were above or below , the effects were felt . many dragons escaped the cursed land , while others clung onto their memories of this soil . with the last remaining few in disarray , a desperate queen makes an offer .

three dragons . they must forge their way far out of these lands , to seek help from another . [ psst psst this is where myc and card come in . ]

the only issue , is getting there .

the dragons may have been able to resist its call . but the beasts ?

they welcomed it with open arms .

after all , power is power , and autonomy seemed like a small price .

[ # ] 2022 .
[columns][img][/img][nextcol] [size=1][color=#BFB6AB] i . ## [indent][font=constania][size=5][color=#5E564C][i][ RULES . ][/i] [/columns] [indent][size=4][font=tahoma][color=#2F3127][b]>> [/b][/size][/font][font=constania][size=2][color=#746450][i] depending on the venue , each dragon gets an amount of lives . [/i]this is to balance out the battlestones rule .[i] [b] these do stack . [/b] [indent] [size=2][font=constania][color=transparent][i]apparel — [b] 20 - 30 battles + art . [/b] [size=2][font=constania][color=#746450][i]venues leveled — [b] [ 1 - 5 ] [/b] 1 life . venues leveled — [b] [ 5 - 10 ] [/b] 2 lives . venues leveled — [b] [ 10 - 15 ] [/b] 3 lives . venues leveled — [b] [ 15 - 20 ] [/b] 4 lives . venues leveled — [b] [ 20 - 25 ] [/b] 5 lives . [/size][/indent] [size=4][font=tahoma][color=#2F3127][b]>> [/b][/size][/font][font=constania][size=2][color=#746450][i] price limit for new dragons is [b]20kt / g[/b] . [/size] [size=4][font=tahoma][color=#2F3127][b]>> [/b][/size][/font][font=constania][size=2][color=#746450][i] i am [b]not[/b] allowed to refresh mid-battle, but after it is finished i may go back to the menu to renew my dragons . [/size] [size=4][font=tahoma][color=#2F3127][b]>> [/b][/size][/font][size=2][font=constania][color=#746450][i]drop rules ::[/size] [indent] [color=transparent]xx[/color][size=2][font=constania][color=transparent][i]apparel — [b] 20 - 30 battles + art . [/b] [size=2][font=constania][color=#746450][i]food / materials / other — [b] 30 - 40 battles . [/b] [size=2][font=constania][color=#746450][i]apparel — [b] 40 - 50 battles + art . [/b] familiar — [b] 60 - 70 battles + bio + equip familiar .[/b] battle — [b] 70 - 80 battles + [ potential ] death [ rng , even = live , odd = death . ] [/b] [/size][/indent] [size=4][font=tahoma][color=#2F3127][b]>> [/b][/size][/font][font=constania][size=2][color=#746450][i] new dragons can be bought immediately after one dies. [/size] [size=4][font=tahoma][color=#2F3127][b]>> [/b][/size][/font][font=constania][size=2][color=#746450][i] battlestones can only come from pinkerton, or the coli itself . [b] no ah . [/b] marketplace is allowed , though . [/size] [size=4][font=tahoma][color=#2F3127][b]>> [/b][/size][/font][font=constania][size=2][color=#746450][i] extra lore is to be written for any close calls , or deaths . [/size] [size=4][font=tahoma][color=#2F3127][b]>> [/b][/size][/font][font=constania][size=2][color=#746450][i] the challenge is completed when the team can survive 5 battles in a row , in each venue . for the final completion , they must go from training fields to forbidden portal , with 5 battles won in each , and then back again . once this has been done , the challenge is over . [/size] [size=1][color=#BFB6AB][ # ] 2022 .
A01F8028-B307-40E2-910D-5489064279D8.png i . ##
[ RULES . ]

>> depending on the venue , each dragon gets an amount of lives . this is to balance out the battlestones rule . these do stack .
apparel — 20 - 30 battles + art .
venues leveled — [ 1 - 5 ] 1 life .

venues leveled — [ 5 - 10 ] 2 lives .

venues leveled — [ 10 - 15 ] 3 lives .

venues leveled — [ 15 - 20 ] 4 lives .

venues leveled — [ 20 - 25 ] 5 lives .

>> price limit for new dragons is 20kt / g .

i am not allowed to refresh mid-battle, but after it is finished i may go back to the menu to renew my dragons .

drop rules ::
xxapparel — 20 - 30 battles + art .
food / materials / other — 30 - 40 battles .

apparel — 40 - 50 battles + art .

familiar — 60 - 70 battles + bio + equip familiar .

battle — 70 - 80 battles + [ potential ] death [ rng , even = live , odd = death . ]

>> new dragons can be bought immediately after one dies.

battlestones can only come from pinkerton, or the coli itself . no ah . marketplace is allowed , though .

extra lore is to be written for any close calls , or deaths .

the challenge is completed when the team can survive 5 battles in a row , in each venue . for the final completion , they must go from training fields to forbidden portal , with 5 battles won in each , and then back again . once this has been done , the challenge is over .

[ # ] 2022 .
[columns][img][/img][nextcol] [size=1][color=#BFB6AB] ii . ## [indent][font=constania][size=5][color=#5E564C][i][ DIRECTORY . ][/i] [/size] [nextcol] [size=4][font=constania][color=#5E564C] DAY 1 DAY 2 DAY 3 DAY 4 [nextcol] [nextcol] [size=4] [font=constania] [color=#5E564C] DAY 5 DAY 6 DAY 7 DAY 8 [nextcol] [nextcol] [size=4] [font=constania] [color=#5E564C] DAY 9 DAY 10 DAY 11 DAY 12 [nextcol] [nextcol] [size=4] [font=constania] [color=#5E564C] DAY 13 DAY 14 DAY 15 DAY 16 [/columns] [indent][size=4][font=tahoma][color=#2F3127][b]>> [/b][/size][/font][font=constania][size=2][color=#746450][i]pinglist ;; .[/i] @&&& // @&&& // @&&& // @&&& // @&&& // @&&& // @&&& // @&&& // @&&& // @&&& // @&&& // @&&& // @&&& // @&&& // @&&& // @&&& // @&&& // @&&& // @&&& // @&&& [ all placeholders .. i hope this doesn ‘ t count as spam .. ] [size=1][color=#BFB6AB][ # ] 2022 .[/color]
A01F8028-B307-40E2-910D-5489064279D8.png ii . ##



DAY 10
DAY 11
DAY 12

DAY 13
DAY 14
DAY 15
DAY 16

>> pinglist ;; . @&&& // @&&& // @&&& // @&&& // @&&& // @&&& // @&&& // @&&& // @&&& // @&&& // @&&& // @&&& // @&&& // @&&& // @&&& // @&&& // @&&& // @&&& // @&&& // @&&&

[ all placeholders .. i hope this doesn ‘ t count as spam .. ]

[ # ] 2022 .
[columns][img][/img][nextcol] [size=1][color=#BFB6AB] iii . ## [indent][font=constania][size=5][color=#5E564C][i][ DRAGONS . ][/i] [/columns] [columns] [url=][img][/img][/url] [nextcol][indent][/size][color=#5E564C][font=constania][size=2][i] protostar — #### she // it[/i] a headstrong , yet soft and caring obelisk . she is rather large , and is by far the most kind of the three . protostar is an optimist— believing the mission will and can be done without incident. it makes friends with most other dragons it comes across. very charming dragon .. she is a plague elemental dragon , therefore the rot does not effect her as heavily . its hair hangs over her eyes to conceal them , in fear of her comrades discovering her roots . protostar dreads being left out , and hated. her bell often attracts more beasts , but she refuses to take it off , no matter who asks . [ 03 | 20 | 22 — present . ] cause of death ; n / a . [/indent][/columns][/size][color=#5E564C][font=constania][size=2][i]— aka “ starcow, proto, star “[/i] [columns] [url=][img][/img][/url] [nextcol][indent][/size][color=#5E564C][font=constania][size=2][i] caldera — #### he // him[/i] a sly and tricky coatl who is not afraid to do whatever he needs to achieve a goal . caldera is outwardly friendly , and quite talkative at that . the coatl is decorated with many gold piercings , and this is done in such a manner to attraction attention , back when he used to sell goods . now it only serves as attracting plague-ridden beasts . despite being born in light , caldea does not consider himself one of lightweaver ‘ s . he moved at a young age into flamecaller ‘ s domain , specifically near the volcanic vents venue . he has had experience with fighting beastclans ever since he was young , and is a very valuable asset . [ 03 | 20 | 22 — present . ] cause of death ; n / a . [/indent][/columns][/size][color=#5E564C][font=constania][size=2][i]— aka “ cal , callie , cals , deri “[/i] [columns] [url=][img][/img][/url] [nextcol][indent][/size][color=#5E564C][font=constania][size=2][i] beebe — #### she // they[/i] an elegant and intimidating skydancer , with many secrets . they do not speak much , and when they do , it is mostly a simple command . but as of recent , beebe has become much more outspoken . she is very loud when she talks , and is frightening to most other dragons . her cold demeanor and wispy movements give others the impression that she ‘ s not even alive . beebe ‘ s birth element is ice , and she has spent most of her life perfecting the magic that comes with it . her body temperature is very low , and so is her bpm . beebe ‘ s magic is very aggressive , with her knowledge extending beyond your simple coli spells . they pride themselves in their magic , and have no trouble using it to get what they want . [ 03 | 20 | 22 — present . ] cause of death ; n / a . [/indent][/columns][/size][color=#5E564C][font=constania][size=2][i]— aka “ bebs , bee “[/i] [size=1][color=#BFB6AB][ # ] 2022 .
A01F8028-B307-40E2-910D-5489064279D8.png iii . ##


protostar —
#### she // it

a headstrong , yet soft and caring obelisk . she is rather large , and is by far the most kind of the three . protostar is an optimist— believing the mission will and can be done without incident. it makes friends with most other dragons it comes across. very charming dragon ..

she is a plague elemental dragon , therefore the rot does not effect her as heavily . its hair hangs over her eyes to conceal them , in fear of her comrades discovering her roots . protostar dreads being left out , and hated. her bell often attracts more beasts , but she refuses to take it off , no matter who asks .

[ 03 | 20 | 22 — present . ]
cause of death ; n / a .
— aka “ starcow, proto, star “


caldera —
#### he // him

a sly and tricky coatl who is not afraid to do whatever he needs to achieve a goal . caldera is outwardly friendly , and quite talkative at that . the coatl is decorated with many gold piercings , and this is done in such a manner to attraction attention , back when he used to sell goods . now it only serves as attracting plague-ridden beasts .

despite being born in light , caldea does not consider himself one of lightweaver ‘ s . he moved at a young age into flamecaller ‘ s domain , specifically near the volcanic vents venue . he has had experience with fighting beastclans ever since he was young , and is a very valuable asset .

[ 03 | 20 | 22 — present . ]
cause of death ; n / a .
— aka “ cal , callie , cals , deri “


beebe —
#### she // they

an elegant and intimidating skydancer , with many secrets . they do not speak much , and when they do , it is mostly a simple command . but as of recent , beebe has become much more outspoken . she is very loud when she talks , and is frightening to most other dragons . her cold demeanor and wispy movements give others the impression that she ‘ s not even alive .

beebe ‘ s birth element is ice , and she has spent most of her life perfecting the magic that comes with it . her body temperature is very low , and so is her bpm . beebe ‘ s magic is very aggressive , with her knowledge extending beyond your simple coli spells . they pride themselves in their magic , and have no trouble using it to get what they want .

[ 03 | 20 | 22 — present . ]
cause of death ; n / a .
— aka “ bebs , bee “

[ # ] 2022 .
lore intro here actually
lore intro here actually


- silver / noctuid
- it/he/xe
- fr+3


avatar -
formerly myceliium -
always collecting mimic powder -

rules [color=purple] [b]Phase 1 > > >[/b] [LIST=1] [*]Buy yourself the two cheapest adult dragons off the auction house. These are your potential recruits. [*]Drag them through your two-fodder venue of choice together until they hit level 6. [*]Roll a 6-sided die for each. If you get a 6, congrats! That dragon has passed your test and has been hired into your band of criminals. [*]If a dragon fails, exalt it. It is not worthy of being among you. [*]Continue your recruitment efforts until you get a successful recruit (or two at once if you’re lucky)! You may now move on to the drama phase.[/LIST] [color=purple][b]Phase 2 > > >[/b][/color] There is much drama to be had in a band of criminals like the one you are running. Each day is full of terrible terrible happenings. Roll a 20-sided die. Your next challenge is as follows: [LIST=1] [*][b]Big mistake.[/b] Somebody misread the directions. Three random dragons attempted to break into the local law enforcement agency instead of the bank where the heist was supposed to take place. They’re instantly taken into custody. Exalt! [*]There’s a [b]scandal[/b] (or romance) afoot. Pick two of your ready to breed dragons at random if you have any. Put them on a nest. The babies will join your crime organization when they hatch. Level them to 5 when they come of age. If the parents would be exalted while they’re on the nest, wait until their nest hatches and Then exalt them. If nobody is ready to breed, grab a random hatchie off the AH. A secret forbidden child or sibling has been uncovered. [*]There’s [b]romance[/b] in the air. Pick two dragons at random. They are now in a relationship. If one gets exalted, so does the other. Their fates are bound together. [*][b]Hunting trip.[/b] Take any two of your dragons into a coli venue that is too low for them to gain experience. (Your choice). Go until you get a familiar drop. [*][b]Freeloader.[/b] Some random dragon has decided to hang at your place. Who is this guy???? Grab the cheapest adult off the AH. Leave them at level 1. For bonus points, try sniping an underpriced adult. [*][b]Crimes time![/b] Pick two dragons at random. They have to go on a quest now. Raise both of them a level. Roll a 6-sided die for each. If it’s a 1, exalt them as they were lost in the mission. [*][b]Crimes time![/b] Pick two dragons at random. They have to go on a quest now. Raise both of them a level. Roll a 6-sided die for each. If it’s a 1, exalt them as they were lost in the mission. [*][b]Crimes time![/b] Pick two dragons at random. They have to go on a quest now. Raise both of them a level. Roll a 6-sided die for each. If it’s a 1, exalt them as they were lost in the mission. [*][b]Kids can do crimes too.[/b] Grab the cheapest hatchie off the AH. Level it to 5 when it comes of age. [*][b]Backstabbing.[/b] Choose a dragon at random who is not the leader. Exalt them. Bye. [*][b]Test the Newbies.[/b] Roll a d10 for each of your lowest-level dragons. If it’s higher than their level, exalt them. They were not good enough. Raise the remaining low-level dragons by one level. [*][b]Major Heist!![/b] This is it! Your time to shine. Roll a d12 for Every dragon. If you get higher than their level, exalt. Raise all survivors by one level. [*][b]A coup![/b] Exalt your leader. They have been dramatically betrayed by the others a la the ides of march. Determine a new leader from the remaining dragons. The highest level dragon will be it. If there is a tie, the oldest tied dragon shall be the leader. Level the tied dragon one level to make it better than its peers. [*][b]Where’s the money at?[/b] Some money went missing from the gang’s ill gotten gains. Take two dragons of your choice into any venue they would not gain XP from. They must fight until an openable item drops. Venue doesn’t have one? Too bad; now they have to find an item that can be hoardsold for more than 100 treasure instead. [*][b]Bad weather.[/b] It’s raining lightly outside, so, of course, crime cannot happen today. Nothing happens. [*][b]Take a gamble.[/b] The two highest-level dragons undergo a risky operation. Flip a coin. If heads, they both survive and gain a level from the daring endeavor. If tails, take both of them into a venue matching their level and exalt whichever one faints first. [*][b]Ambushed![/b] The law has somehow located the group’s hideout! Flip a coin. If heads, most of them manage to escape; exalt one random dragon. If tails, two random dragons fall during the escape and must be exalted. [*][b]Rich tastes.[/b] Even the rich aren’t immune to the allure of good ol’ fashioned organized crime. Buy the cheapest XXX dragon on the AH and level them to seven. If the leader ever dies while they’re around, they become the new leader instantly. [*][b]A mutiny![/b] One bonehead got it into their head they could lead the group way better. They actually managed to convince two others to help them off the current leader, too. Unfortunately the leader catches wind of this and... deals with them. Exalt all three. [*][b]Gettin’ down with the thievery.[/b] The squad’s gettin’ smart. Wicked smart. Three random dragons are now SO smart that they forgot how to die. If any of them would, for any reason, be exalted, they now simply...don’t do that. But only once. Treat this as an “extra life” of sorts. [/LIST] After you finish your dramatic challenge, go back to the recruit stage (either the next day or immediately) and go again. Keep whatever pace you want. [center][emoji=pirate ship size=1] [size=4][b]Bonus Rules[/b][/size] [emoji=pirate ship size=1][/center] [quote]Keep an eye on your drops while you’re in the coli. If you get any of the following while training, grant the following effects to your members who were in the coli with them at the time. [LIST] [*][b]Eliminate:[/b] Oh, bad luck. Exalt both of them. [*][b]Gene:[/b] Good luck! They’ve blessed you with excellent loot. Put an apparel item of choice on each to mark as given a second chance. If you would exalt them, instead remove the apparel. They have managed to scrape by. [*][b]Egg:[/b] Oh nice, think of how many hatchlings you can buy if you sell One egg. Pick up the three cheapest hatchies on the AH. Level them to 5 when they come of age. [*][b]Rally:[/b] The current party is motivated! If they would have to roll as to whether or not they'll get exalted at the end of this coli event, they automatically succeed and return safely to your lair. [*][b]Ambush:[/b] Randomly choose one of the dragons in the current coli party. They flee and get the heck out. Immediately refresh, remove them, and replace them with a random other dragon. [*][b]Boss Familiar:[/b] These two show promise to take that monster out. Level them up one more level and they automatically become crew members.[/LIST] [/quote]

Phase 1 > > >
  1. Buy yourself the two cheapest adult dragons off the auction house. These are your potential recruits.
  2. Drag them through your two-fodder venue of choice together until they hit level 6.
  3. Roll a 6-sided die for each. If you get a 6, congrats! That dragon has passed your test and has been hired into your band of criminals.
  4. If a dragon fails, exalt it. It is not worthy of being among you.
  5. Continue your recruitment efforts until you get a successful recruit (or two at once if you’re lucky)! You may now move on to the drama phase.

Phase 2 > > >

There is much drama to be had in a band of criminals like the one you are running. Each day is full of terrible terrible happenings.

Roll a 20-sided die. Your next challenge is as follows:
  1. Big mistake. Somebody misread the directions. Three random dragons attempted to break into the local law enforcement agency instead of the bank where the heist was supposed to take place. They’re instantly taken into custody. Exalt!
  2. There’s a scandal (or romance) afoot. Pick two of your ready to breed dragons at random if you have any. Put them on a nest. The babies will join your crime organization when they hatch. Level them to 5 when they come of age. If the parents would be exalted while they’re on the nest, wait until their nest hatches and Then exalt them. If nobody is ready to breed, grab a random hatchie off the AH. A secret forbidden child or sibling has been uncovered.
  3. There’s romance in the air. Pick two dragons at random. They are now in a relationship. If one gets exalted, so does the other. Their fates are bound together.
  4. Hunting trip. Take any two of your dragons into a coli venue that is too low for them to gain experience. (Your choice). Go until you get a familiar drop.
  5. Freeloader. Some random dragon has decided to hang at your place. Who is this guy???? Grab the cheapest adult off the AH. Leave them at level 1. For bonus points, try sniping an underpriced adult.
  6. Crimes time! Pick two dragons at random. They have to go on a quest now. Raise both of them a level. Roll a 6-sided die for each. If it’s a 1, exalt them as they were lost in the mission.
  7. Crimes time! Pick two dragons at random. They have to go on a quest now. Raise both of them a level. Roll a 6-sided die for each. If it’s a 1, exalt them as they were lost in the mission.
  8. Crimes time! Pick two dragons at random. They have to go on a quest now. Raise both of them a level. Roll a 6-sided die for each. If it’s a 1, exalt them as they were lost in the mission.
  9. Kids can do crimes too. Grab the cheapest hatchie off the AH. Level it to 5 when it comes of age.
  10. Backstabbing. Choose a dragon at random who is not the leader. Exalt them. Bye.
  11. Test the Newbies. Roll a d10 for each of your lowest-level dragons. If it’s higher than their level, exalt them. They were not good enough. Raise the remaining low-level dragons by one level.
  12. Major Heist!! This is it! Your time to shine. Roll a d12 for Every dragon. If you get higher than their level, exalt. Raise all survivors by one level.
  13. A coup! Exalt your leader. They have been dramatically betrayed by the others a la the ides of march. Determine a new leader from the remaining dragons. The highest level dragon will be it. If there is a tie, the oldest tied dragon shall be the leader. Level the tied dragon one level to make it better than its peers.
  14. Where’s the money at? Some money went missing from the gang’s ill gotten gains. Take two dragons of your choice into any venue they would not gain XP from. They must fight until an openable item drops. Venue doesn’t have one? Too bad; now they have to find an item that can be hoardsold for more than 100 treasure instead.
  15. Bad weather. It’s raining lightly outside, so, of course, crime cannot happen today. Nothing happens.
  16. Take a gamble. The two highest-level dragons undergo a risky operation. Flip a coin. If heads, they both survive and gain a level from the daring endeavor. If tails, take both of them into a venue matching their level and exalt whichever one faints first.
  17. Ambushed! The law has somehow located the group’s hideout! Flip a coin. If heads, most of them manage to escape; exalt one random dragon. If tails, two random dragons fall during the escape and must be exalted.
  18. Rich tastes. Even the rich aren’t immune to the allure of good ol’ fashioned organized crime. Buy the cheapest XXX dragon on the AH and level them to seven. If the leader ever dies while they’re around, they become the new leader instantly.
  19. A mutiny! One bonehead got it into their head they could lead the group way better. They actually managed to convince two others to help them off the current leader, too. Unfortunately the leader catches wind of this and... deals with them. Exalt all three.
  20. Gettin’ down with the thievery. The squad’s gettin’ smart. Wicked smart. Three random dragons are now SO smart that they forgot how to die. If any of them would, for any reason, be exalted, they now simply...don’t do that. But only once. Treat this as an “extra life” of sorts.

After you finish your dramatic challenge, go back to the recruit stage (either the next day or immediately) and go again. Keep whatever pace you want.

Bonus Rules
Keep an eye on your drops while you’re in the coli. If you get any of the following while training, grant the following effects to your members who were in the coli with them at the time.
  • Eliminate: Oh, bad luck. Exalt both of them.
  • Gene: Good luck! They’ve blessed you with excellent loot. Put an apparel item of choice on each to mark as given a second chance. If you would exalt them, instead remove the apparel. They have managed to scrape by.
  • Egg: Oh nice, think of how many hatchlings you can buy if you sell One egg. Pick up the three cheapest hatchies on the AH. Level them to 5 when they come of age.
  • Rally: The current party is motivated! If they would have to roll as to whether or not they'll get exalted at the end of this coli event, they automatically succeed and return safely to your lair.
  • Ambush: Randomly choose one of the dragons in the current coli party. They flee and get the heck out. Immediately refresh, remove them, and replace them with a random other dragon.
  • Boss Familiar: These two show promise to take that monster out. Level them up one more level and they automatically become crew members.


- silver / noctuid
- it/he/xe
- fr+3


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formerly myceliium -
always collecting mimic powder -

dragon intro res
dragon intro res


- silver / noctuid
- it/he/xe
- fr+3


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formerly myceliium -
always collecting mimic powder -

another res bc i have ideas
another res bc i have ideas


- silver / noctuid
- it/he/xe
- fr+3


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formerly myceliium -
always collecting mimic powder -

[columns][img][/img][nextcol] [size=1][color=#BFB6AB] ## [indent][font=constania][size=5][color=#5E564C][i][ DAY 0 . ][/i] [/columns] [indent][size=4][font=tahoma][color=#2F3127][b]>> [/b][/size][/font][font=constania][size=2][color=#746450][i]“ please… “ a soft-spoken voice begged, her features lowered down in submission. a deep sadness radiated off of her form. queen forest. the former fae-now-turned-aberration bowed both of her heads downwards, looking up pitifully at a small party of dragons. a volcanic looking coatl, with a wide face and snappy demeanor. a soft and round obelisk, forgiving and kind as a dragon could ever be. and an ice-y skydancer with slitted eyes and an unreadable expression. the coatl spoke first, his voice erupting with a strong anger. “ are you SERIOUS !? “ he demands, causing forest to pull back from him, “ why would we risk our lives for your pathetic clan !? “ forest snarls and straightens up her form, stuffing both of her heads in the coatl’s face. “ how DARE you come into our land and talk to me in that way— “ the obelisk stuffs herself in between the two, her bell ringing as she moves to break up the fight. “ i’m so, so, sorry about caldera. of course we’ll help you — we wouldn’t have come here in the first place if we were going to leave you to die. “ caldera’s breath hitches in his throat, feathers flaring up in rage. he backs up, behind protostar. “ oh, thank you, thank you ! “ forest cries with joy, “ you have no idea how much this means to me ! i — “ she swallows, inhaling again, and calming herself. “ in order to save our clan, you need to make your way to the [b]waterway[/b], as there’s a clan who lives there. they possess strong artifacts, touched by the greenskeeper herself, which will drive away the rot. “ " and why should we help you ? why should we go to such great lengths ? " caldera hisses, tail lashing. " 1 million treasure ? " " nevermind guys, this is a great idea." [size=1][color=#BFB6AB][ # ] 2022 .
A01F8028-B307-40E2-910D-5489064279D8.png ##
[ DAY 0 . ]

>> “ please… “ a soft-spoken voice begged, her features lowered down in submission. a deep sadness radiated off of her form. queen forest.

the former fae-now-turned-aberration bowed both of her heads downwards, looking up pitifully at a small party of dragons.

a volcanic looking coatl, with a wide face and snappy demeanor.

a soft and round obelisk, forgiving and kind as a dragon could ever be.

and an ice-y skydancer with slitted eyes and an unreadable expression.

the coatl spoke first, his voice erupting with a strong anger.

“ are you SERIOUS !? “ he demands, causing forest to pull back from him, “ why would we risk our lives for your pathetic clan !? “

forest snarls and straightens up her form, stuffing both of her heads in the coatl’s face.

“ how DARE you come into our land and talk to me in that way— “

the obelisk stuffs herself in between the two, her bell ringing as she moves to break up the fight.

“ i’m so, so, sorry about caldera. of course we’ll help you — we wouldn’t have come here in the first place if we were going to leave you to die. “

caldera’s breath hitches in his throat, feathers flaring up in rage. he backs up, behind protostar.

“ oh, thank you, thank you ! “ forest cries with joy, “ you have no idea how much this means to me ! i — “

she swallows, inhaling again, and calming herself.

“ in order to save our clan, you need to make your way to the waterway, as there’s a clan who lives there. they possess strong artifacts, touched by the greenskeeper herself, which will drive away the rot. “

" and why should we help you ? why should we go to such great lengths ? " caldera hisses, tail lashing.

" 1 million treasure ? "

" nevermind guys, this is a great idea."

[ # ] 2022 .
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