
Quests & Challenges

Quests, Challenges, and Festival games.
TOPIC | goblinlocke
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@petall @cnu @dreyrugr @bluedemon6g6 @jaspernoir [rule] [center][b]DAY 42[/b] [item=Spore Spreader Moth] decided i had the energy to coli today! barely tho lol qwq [rule] [url=][img][/img][/url] [url=][img][/img][/url] There was a moment of awkwardness as the skydancer that had barged in just stood in the doorway blankly staring. He glanced at Rex, and then the fae, assessing them both for a second, before quickly leaving back out the door, shutting it behind him. Rex watched him walk away back to the market before looking back at the strange little fae. “So… where were we?” “you were talking about a cult i believe…?” ?“oh! right, erm, yes. we want you to join our cult. in the tunnels. where we worship a slime monster. because we need something from it or something. i dont know. but your magic would be useful or whatever. so yeah they sent me to get you to join.” the banescale flapped his tail around as he spoke as if he was gesturing to how ridiculous the situation was. Boo took a few seconds to think about this. “um. okay.” “really? you are willing join- um. alright. great. ok thats good. the more of us there are the harder it is for the government to stop us i guess. if this crazy plan actually works.”?“theres a plan?”?“not exactly… right now we’re just a bunch of losers living in a cave occasionally sacrificing dragons to a slime monster to no avail, as you do.” [i]…I do need a place to practise magic without being hunted to death, and a dark cave with a bunch of weirdos and a slime monster sounds like a place no one would ever willingly go so…[/i] “alright. sounds….fun….?” the banescale laughed. “sure. cant beleive you agree to this” “i have no concern for my safety. also slime monsters are cool i guess” “well, we can go introduce you to the gang. i dont think i got your name?” “Boo. yours?”?“Synthwave, but you can call me Rex.” [rule] [url=][img][/img][/url] Lily wasn’t the best at writing, but she thought she summed up everything pretty well in her note. she placed it on Sands desk before creeping outside and beginning her journey. if she still had wings she would have leaped off the edge of the cliffs and soared away into the night, with nothing but the stars to guide her, but this would have to do. hopefully her departure won’t leave everyone feeling too confused or upset, but you can never know. she especially didnt like leaving Jek like this, but she has to. ever since the last few days she had felt a calling, an urge almost, to find her purpose. its not that she didn’t like living at Valinors Tree annoying Dusk all day while he was training his shapeshifting, or helping Valinor with the garden while he rambled on about times long gone and tales that were forgotten and had faded away becuase there was no one else left who remembered. she just felt that she wanted to be a part of one those stories, to have her own adventure, so why not start it today? [rule] i have no vocabulary and cannot write but i tried. also lily died in the coliseum so shes available until next rollover <3 love yall have a nice day
@petall @cnu @dreyrugr @bluedemon6g6 @jaspernoir
DAY 42
Spore Spreader Moth
decided i had the energy to coli today! barely tho lol qwq
There was a moment of awkwardness as the skydancer that had barged in just stood in the doorway blankly staring. He glanced at Rex, and then the fae, assessing them both for a second, before quickly leaving back out the door, shutting it behind him. Rex watched him walk away back to the market before looking back at the strange little fae. “So… where were we?”
“you were talking about a cult i believe…?” ?“oh! right, erm, yes. we want you to join our cult. in the tunnels. where we worship a slime monster. because we need something from it or something. i dont know. but your magic would be useful or whatever. so yeah they sent me to get you to join.” the banescale flapped his tail around as he spoke as if he was gesturing to how ridiculous the situation was. Boo took a few seconds to think about this. “um. okay.”
“really? you are willing join- um. alright. great. ok thats good. the more of us there are the harder it is for the government to stop us i guess. if this crazy plan actually works.”?“theres a plan?”?“not exactly… right now we’re just a bunch of losers living in a cave occasionally sacrificing dragons to a slime monster to no avail, as you do.” …I do need a place to practise magic without being hunted to death, and a dark cave with a bunch of weirdos and a slime monster sounds like a place no one would ever willingly go so…
“alright. sounds….fun….?”
the banescale laughed. “sure. cant beleive you agree to this”
“i have no concern for my safety. also slime monsters are cool i guess”
“well, we can go introduce you to the gang. i dont think i got your name?”
“Boo. yours?”?“Synthwave, but you can call me Rex.”
Lily wasn’t the best at writing, but she thought she summed up everything pretty well in her note. she placed it on Sands desk before creeping outside and beginning her journey. if she still had wings she would have leaped off the edge of the cliffs and soared away into the night, with nothing but the stars to guide her, but this would have to do. hopefully her departure won’t leave everyone feeling too confused or upset, but you can never know. she especially didnt like leaving Jek like this, but she has to. ever since the last few days she had felt a calling, an urge almost, to find her purpose. its not that she didn’t like living at Valinors Tree annoying Dusk all day while he was training his shapeshifting, or helping Valinor with the garden while he rambled on about times long gone and tales that were forgotten and had faded away becuase there was no one else left who remembered. she just felt that she wanted to be a part of one those stories, to have her own adventure, so why not start it today?
i have no vocabulary and cannot write but i tried. also lily died in the coliseum so shes available until next rollover <3 love yall have a nice day
Hmmmmm I am tempted to take in Lily to travel with Nyfin on the airship to fulfill her dreams of travel and seeing the world and also fulfilling Nyfin's desire to descover where she came from... Let me think on this a bit, I might start running out of lair space in the next few months, but this particular instance would work really well with the story
Hmmmmm I am tempted to take in Lily to travel with Nyfin on the airship to fulfill her dreams of travel and seeing the world and also fulfilling Nyfin's desire to descover where she came from... Let me think on this a bit, I might start running out of lair space in the next few months, but this particular instance would work really well with the story
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Actually, I've decided: I will take her! The opportunity is too good to pass up. Plus, I have a new dragon pull next and while I already have purchased a dragon for that, I can bring them both in together!
Actually, I've decided: I will take her! The opportunity is too good to pass up. Plus, I have a new dragon pull next and while I already have purchased a dragon for that, I can bring them both in together!
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@petall omg! yes thats such a great idea! yes ill semd her over this is very exciting
@petall omg! yes thats such a great idea! yes ill semd her over this is very exciting
I'm so excited too!!! This will help both Lily and Nyfin immensely!!! Omg it's almost like I planned having the pirate ship be in wind ahead of time, this could not be more perfect!
I'm so excited too!!! This will help both Lily and Nyfin immensely!!! Omg it's almost like I planned having the pirate ship be in wind ahead of time, this could not be more perfect!
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@petall ikr!! its like the stars have aligned for this moment aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
@petall ikr!! its like the stars have aligned for this moment aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
@petall @cnu @dreyrugr @bluedemon6g6 @jaspernoir [rule] [center][b]DAY 43[/b] [item=Chrysoberyl] heehee drama time [rule] [url=][img][/img][/url] the birds sang gently in the trees and the sun slowly creeped up the rosy pink and orange sky. time has passed since Valinor had first offered refuge to this strange group of dragons, and the more he has realised that he has sort of become…not their leader, Sands seems to have taken that role for himself, but almost like a guardian to look after them, now that they all call his tree home. while a few dragons had left it was still a small place, and they still had a lot of dragons had to share rooms. Sands had bought up this concern of a lack of space, and they had decided they will work on expanding their new little clan, perhaps my building on to the garden and adding a few more huts. perhaps one day this will grow from a small group of friends and family into a town bustling with life, but only time will tell. [rule] [url=][img][/img][/url] [size= 8][b] LOCH’S LOGS DAY 1[/b][/size] [i]i have found strange energy signatures the deeper i go into the tunnels, most common in places where time is…’thin’. i am not sure how to describe this phenomenon, but the closer i get to the source of this power, the more time and space are warped within these tunnels. i have theories on what the energy signatures could be, but its almost impossible.[/i] [size= 8][b] LOCH’S LOGS DAY 8[/b][/size] [i]the impossible seems to be true. i have found what was causing all of these disturbances. a portal, dead center of the tunnels, warping and twisting time and space the closer you get. the power radiating from this is immense. i will go back to the hideout and share this with the cult, and come back to investigate further. hopefully this hasnt done too much damage to my sonar map. nagivating this ever changing labyrinth with no guidance would most certainly lead to my demise.[/i] [size= 8][b] LOCH’S LOGS DAY 13[/b][/size] [i]i have gotten confirmation from redsky that i may lead a mission to investigate the portal. i will be bringing Synthwave with me as i will need assistance incase of the very likely scenario that what is on the other side is danger.[/i] [rule] [url=][img][/img][/url] “go into a portal with icewarden knows what in the other side for the sake of this clowns ‘science experiment’? are you insane?” Rex shouted, knocking over several crates of supplies in rage. [url=][img][/img][/url] “Loch will take responsibility for anything that happens on your journey.” Redsky assured him very unsuccesfully. “Won’t you Loch.” “Of course.” Loch confirmed, obviously lying. Rex looked at Redsky. “are you serious? are you serious right now? you want me to go through that portal so this pathetic excuse of a dragon can play around with some chemicals?” ?“there is much more to science than playing around wit-“ Loch started to argue in his snobby know it all voice, but Redsky shot him a glare, before turning back to Rex. He guided Rex outside of the cave they had been laying low in, careful to check for any outsiders listening. “Rex, listen.” he started, but Rex cut him off. “no YOU listen. i cant do this. i cant. this is insane. we just discovered theres a mysterious portal in these cursed reality breaking tunnels with a slime monster that eats anything that gets in its path living in it, and you just want me to hop in it like its not going to split me in half or turn me into a lampshade or something? if you’re so sure its safe why dont you jump in yourself?” Redsky stared at him silently before looking at the ground. “thats what i thought.” Rex huffed. “Rex. you know this is important. this could change everything. we could finally go home…” Redsky pleaded. “YOU could go home. theres nothing in it for me.” Rex tried to keep his voice steady as his eyes started to tear up. “Send the newbie if you have to send someone. i dont want anything to do with this. i didnt think you would go this far.” before Redsky could respond Rex had gone, dissapearing into the trees like a shadow in the night. [url=][img][/img][/url] “well that didnt go well…” a voice piped up from the back. it was the newbie. what was his name again? “Boo. go get Loch. theres been a change of plans.” [rule] [url=][img][/img][/url] Izak carefully followed the Bubo as she slimed and sludged along the tunnel careful to stay out of her sight. she couldnt hurt him, as he had already died to her before, but he was still a bit scared of her. “SSsSSssstttarrving….” her many mouths hissed, as hundreds of eyes embedded in her slime scanned every place her future prey could be hiding. the was a sound of small footsteps nearby. Bubo violently jerked up, and immedietly made a beeline to where she heard the sound, before stopping at what seemed to be a invisible barrier for her, and taking a sharp left turn straight through the cave wall as if she had dissapeared into thin air. the first time Izak saw her behaving this way it shocked him, but after evesdropping on that strange aqua blue fae whenever he entered the tunnels he had heard things about how space and time were different and every changing here. or something like that. he didnt really understand, but he assumed it was that. he sighed and floated back down the tunnel where he came from when he heard a soft ‘psst!’ nearby and saw a banescale sticking his head out from behind a large stalagmite. “is she gone…?” the bane whispered. “pretty sure. she just went through that wall right there a few seconds ago.” Izak said casually. the banescale looked around nervously before crawling out of his hiding spot. “um… any chance you would be willing to help me get out of here?” he asked tentatively. Izak shrugged. “sure. just follow me.” he floated off in a randomly selected direction as the banescale got up and ran after him. “so,” Izak looked him up and down. “your a part of that cult huh? what on earth made you join them?” He asked. “its a long story…im not with them anymore…” The banescale mumbled. “well, its a long way to go before you get out of here, and I have a long time to hear what you have to say.” Izak nudged him but his ghostly arm went right through the banescale, making him jump in surprise. The banescale moved a bit away from him before he began to talk. “well, it started way back in my old clan, back when Redsky was a hatchling…” [rule] heehee the plot thickens
@petall @cnu @dreyrugr @bluedemon6g6 @jaspernoir
DAY 43
heehee drama time
the birds sang gently in the trees and the sun slowly creeped up the rosy pink and orange sky. time has passed since Valinor had first offered refuge to this strange group of dragons, and the more he has realised that he has sort of become…not their leader, Sands seems to have taken that role for himself, but almost like a guardian to look after them, now that they all call his tree home. while a few dragons had left it was still a small place, and they still had a lot of dragons had to share rooms. Sands had bought up this concern of a lack of space, and they had decided they will work on expanding their new little clan, perhaps my building on to the garden and adding a few more huts. perhaps one day this will grow from a small group of friends and family into a town bustling with life, but only time will tell.
i have found strange energy signatures the deeper i go into the tunnels, most common in places where time is…’thin’. i am not sure how to describe this phenomenon, but the closer i get to the source of this power, the more time and space are warped within these tunnels. i have theories on what the energy signatures could be, but its almost impossible.


the impossible seems to be true. i have found what was causing all of these disturbances. a portal, dead center of the tunnels, warping and twisting time and space the closer you get. the power radiating from this is immense. i will go back to the hideout and share this with the cult, and come back to investigate further. hopefully this hasnt done too much damage to my sonar map. nagivating this ever changing labyrinth with no guidance would most certainly lead to my demise.


i have gotten confirmation from redsky that i may lead a mission to investigate the portal. i will be bringing Synthwave with me as i will need assistance incase of the very likely scenario that what is on the other side is danger.

“go into a portal with icewarden knows what in the other side for the sake of this clowns ‘science experiment’? are you insane?” Rex shouted, knocking over several crates of supplies in rage.
“Loch will take responsibility for anything that happens on your journey.” Redsky assured him very unsuccesfully. “Won’t you Loch.”
“Of course.” Loch confirmed, obviously lying.
Rex looked at Redsky. “are you serious? are you serious right now? you want me to go through that portal so this pathetic excuse of a dragon can play around with some chemicals?” ?“there is much more to science than playing around wit-“ Loch started to argue in his snobby know it all voice, but Redsky shot him a glare, before turning back to Rex. He guided Rex outside of the cave they had been laying low in, careful to check for any outsiders listening. “Rex, listen.” he started, but Rex cut him off. “no YOU listen. i cant do this. i cant. this is insane. we just discovered theres a mysterious portal in these cursed reality breaking tunnels with a slime monster that eats anything that gets in its path living in it, and you just want me to hop in it like its not going to split me in half or turn me into a lampshade or something? if you’re so sure its safe why dont you jump in yourself?”
Redsky stared at him silently before looking at the ground.
“thats what i thought.” Rex huffed.
“Rex. you know this is important. this could change everything. we could finally go home…” Redsky pleaded.
“YOU could go home. theres nothing in it for me.” Rex tried to keep his voice steady as his eyes started to tear up. “Send the newbie if you have to send someone. i dont want anything to do with this. i didnt think you would go this far.” before Redsky could respond Rex had gone, dissapearing into the trees like a shadow in the night.
“well that didnt go well…” a voice piped up from the back. it was the newbie. what was his name again? “Boo. go get Loch. theres been a change of plans.”
Izak carefully followed the Bubo as she slimed and sludged along the tunnel careful to stay out of her sight. she couldnt hurt him, as he had already died to her before, but he was still a bit scared of her. “SSsSSssstttarrving….” her many mouths hissed, as hundreds of eyes embedded in her slime scanned every place her future prey could be hiding. the was a sound of small footsteps nearby. Bubo violently jerked up, and immedietly made a beeline to where she heard the sound, before stopping at what seemed to be a invisible barrier for her, and taking a sharp left turn straight through the cave wall as if she had dissapeared into thin air. the first time Izak saw her behaving this way it shocked him, but after evesdropping on that strange aqua blue fae whenever he entered the tunnels he had heard things about how space and time were different and every changing here. or something like that. he didnt really understand, but he assumed it was that. he sighed and floated back down the tunnel where he came from when he heard a soft ‘psst!’ nearby and saw a banescale sticking his head out from behind a large stalagmite. “is she gone…?” the bane whispered. “pretty sure. she just went through that wall right there a few seconds ago.” Izak said casually. the banescale looked around nervously before crawling out of his hiding spot. “um… any chance you would be willing to help me get out of here?” he asked tentatively. Izak shrugged. “sure. just follow me.” he floated off in a randomly selected direction as the banescale got up and ran after him. “so,” Izak looked him up and down. “your a part of that cult huh? what on earth made you join them?” He asked. “its a long story…im not with them anymore…” The banescale mumbled. “well, its a long way to go before you get out of here, and I have a long time to hear what you have to say.” Izak nudged him but his ghostly arm went right through the banescale, making him jump in surprise. The banescale moved a bit away from him before he began to talk. “well, it started way back in my old clan, back when Redsky was a hatchling…”
heehee the plot thickens
Oooooo sounds like we are about to get a very interesting lore drop...
Oooooo sounds like we are about to get a very interesting lore drop...
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@petall >:3 hehehe it is about to get interesting........
@petall >:3 hehehe it is about to get interesting........
@petall @cnu @dreyrugr @bluedemon6g6 @jaspernoir [rule] [center][b]DAY 44[/b] [item=Forest Rogue Bracers] *evil laugh* [rule] [url=][img][/img][/url] [url=][img][/img][/url] “I left my old clan a while ago with Redsky. The leader of the clan, Frostbite, was his mother… though I’ve heard that a new dragon has taken over now. a kinder one, hopefully. Frostbite had three hatchlings, Redsky was the runt of the litter. It was shocking he even survived to adulthood. His mother thought he was too much of a burden as he wasn’t as good as his siblings, so she sent me to take him away and kill him, so she could tell the clan that he had just “mysteriously” died. I didn’t want to kill a hatchling, so i just took him and ran away. He’s become obsessed with his old clan now, to go back and get revenge, to prove that they made the wrong choice… I had so many chances to leave before but i didn't. i thought he was my friend but…”? “what happened?” Rex exhaled slowly and looked down at the ground as he walked.?“hello? cult guy?” Izak waved his talon in his face. “what happened next?” “well… they discovered something… they believe its a portal and they tried to send me and Loch through it to see whats on the other side. i didnt want to go. for obvious reasons. so i left.”?“oh! was it the glowing thing at the center?” Izak perked up. “well thats how Loch described it yes…” “Interesting… oh look! theres an exit” sure enough, there was sunlight peeking through the end of the tunnel. Rex could hear birds singing on the other side as trees swayed gently in the wind. Rex ran out of the cave and went to run away, but stopped. “don’t you want to leave?” he asked, noticing that Izak has just stopped in the cave. “I can’t. I’m trapped here.” Izak replied. “…why?” Rex asked. “I don’t know. but I cant leave. I died here.”?“I’m sorry.”?“It’s fine. you’ll come back to visit right? it gets lonely sometimes, stalking a slime monster, and my other friends are so busy they dont visit as much anymore…” Izak trailed off, nervously looking at the ground.?“Oh! Sure! i dont think ill have anything better to do haha.” ?Izak beamed. “really?”?“yeah! besides, i could use a friend.” [rule] [url=][img][/img][/url] [url=][img][/img][/url] Boo followed carefully as Loch fluttered along the cave, leading the way to the portal. They were both carrying two small devices, with screens showing some sort of map of the tunnels, shifting and changing. The small red dot, boo assumed, was him. Suddenly, he came across a dead end. The map however showed the tunnel going straight down. Boo realised that some parts of the tunnels weren’t matching the map. Was it a glitch? Where was Loch? He was beginning to think that perhaps the cult wasn’t just a place to chill and practise magic away from everyone else. This was [i]not[/i] what he signed up for. “Loch?” Boo yelled, his trembling voice echoing back at him. A purple blob had appeared on the map now, slowly creeping closer. Loch seemed to right above him. “Just fly up!” A voice shouted back. “Follow the map!” The purple blob was getting closer and Boo could hear it hissing nearby. [i]fly up?[/i] Boo looked up and the cave roof. It was solid stone. How could he…? “Sttaaarrving….” He turned around as he heard a hoarse whispering nearby. There it was. A black mass covered eyes and mouths hissing and snarling as it crept along. “I ssseeeeee youuu…” Boo was panicking. Should he just go up? He was cornered. “What’s taking you so long? Just go up!” Loch shouted somewhere through the roof. Boo took a deep breath and flew up, and suddenly, he was going [i]through[/i] the rocks, before emerging again in a new tunnel, Loch staring at him impatiently. “Took you long enough.” He snapped. “S-sorry-“ “Bubo is crawling up that wall right now as we speak. We should try and put some distance between us and her. She’s slow but she’s sneaky. Let’s go.” Without another word he flew down the tunnel again, leaving Boo to desperately chase after him. Hours have passed as Boo and Loch navigated the twisting and turning labyrinth. “We’re getting close…” Loch whispered, looking at his map. Boo looked down at his own, and surely enough a glowing pink swirl had appeared in the center, just a few turns ahead. The two fae flew along the dark caves and soon enough, there was a faint pink glow at the end of the tunnel. As the two got closer they saw a swirling mass at the end with a bright white center. “There it is.” Loch whispered. “The portal.” Boo gazed at it in awe. “Where will it take us?” Boo asked. “Well, why don’t you go first and find out?” “Wh- what?” Boo stammered. “I mean your only other choice it to navigate these tunnels on your own…” Loch said, grinning smugly. “Oh, by the way, you can to me with that device if you make it to the other side.” Boo considered the two options, before nervously stepping closer to the portal. He nervously glanced back at Loch, who nodded at him. [ i] here I go…[/i] Boo stepped closer, but before he could step in the portal sucked him in. Suddenly he was in a giant pink swirling tunnel, a bright light at the other side. He flew towards it getting closer… and closer… there was a flash of light and he was through. There was the sound of shattering glass as he fell through. “…Boo? -hello?” Loch voice crackled through the device. “Y-yes? I’m here.” He got up and took in his surroundings. It appeared to be a broken down lab. The pink glow of the portal illuminated the shining metal desks and shelves, filled with strange substances and what appeared to be the remains of creatures, some of them look oddly similar to dragons. A sudden loud thud alerted Boo that Loch had also fallen through the portal. “Fascinating!” He cried, picking himself up. His eyes shone with excitement as he looked at the twisted and strange things that littered this abandoned lab. Loch looked at his screen and audibly gasped. “The portal… it took us to the carrion canyon…?” He ran out of the door, and Boo quickly followed him down the maze of tunnels and corridors, the sound of their footsteps on the shiny floor and the silence of the lab sent shivers down Boo’s spine. Finally they came to a large metal door with some sort of keypad. “Are we trapped in here…?” Boo whispered quietly. “I don’t believe so… but we will be staying here a while… there so much to discover… this place… who knows what kind of secrets it’s filled with…” Loch fiddled with the the keypad as he spoke, suddenly, it lit up green and the door slid open. Loch was right. There were in the carrion canyon. Boo only had seconds to take in the sight, the barren desert outside littered with bones and shrubs, lightning dancing in the sky, before a whirlwind of dust knocked them both back. Loch quickly pressed some more buttons on the keypad, sliding the door shut, before they both fell to the ground in a fit of coughing. “Wow….” Boo said finally. But Loch had already hurried off to explore. “I’ll go this way you explore the other!” Loch yelled over his shoulder as he fluttered down the hall. well, Boo didn’t really have anything better to do, so he might as well. [rule] its been a few hours and Boo was fairly certain he had covered the entire lab. from what the two had found, it belonged to a pearlcatcher named splotch, as his name was plastered in front of the entrance and in some of the rooms. Loch was currently calling Redsky, frantically describing everything they had found, which was nothing really, other than that splotch had a strange obsession with genetic mutation and aliens, judging by his failed experiments all over the place. Boo would probably react this way too if he wasn’t terrified. “How are we going to get food? do we have to stay here?” he asked, Loch had brushed him off saying yes, they were staying here and following Redskys instructions, and that they could have supplies sent from the cult back in the tunnels. Boo looked around the room they were in, the portal room, he liked to call it, well, because the portal was in it. he tried to drown out Redsky and Lochs chattering as he observed what was around him. how the hell was he supposed to live here? he noticed something out of the corner of his eye, a lever. there were many levers and buttons in this lab but this one had a giant red handle with a sticky note above it in illegible writing. “hey lock… i found something…” as Boo got closer to it he noticed the wall next to it was different, made like the exit to the build. it appeared to be one of the doors to the more ‘important’ rooms. “Loch…” Boo turned around as Loch flew up next to him and pulled it down. the door slid open to reveal a room full of… giant glass chambers? they seemed to be the size of a large dragon, filled with unsettling green liquid. there were little screens with buttons on them on each chamber as well as a mess of tubes and wires all over the place. looking closer Boo noticed there were somethings floating in the goo, what appeared to be parts of draegons. there was a sick feeling in his stomach growing by the second. Who was Splotch? why was he doing this? what were these strange capsules filled with goo? “theyre stasis chambers.” Loch said, as if reading Boo’s mind. there seemed to be three near the end of the room, with things floating in them much larger than just arms or brains, or eyes. “hatchlings… he was… growing them in these?” Loch said, tracing the silhouette of one of them. “the dates on the screens say these are centuries old… theres no way theyre still alive.” Boo said, tapping on the screen. suddenly it lit up green and the slime in the chamber got sucked out from a tube coming out top of it. the glass slid open and a aberration hatchling fell out. [url=][img][/img][/url] “glurgble?” it chirped with one head, as it opened its eyes to take in the strange world it was hatched into. it didnt have much time to adjust however as Loch had immedietly open the other two as well, sending two more tumbling out [url=][img][/img][/url] [url=][img][/img][/url] “incredible… these were from before the aberrations crawled out of the wyrmwound… he must have grown them from it somehow…?” Loch poked the middle one on the head as it blinked its faceted eyes open. “this one didnt seem to fare well in the chamber…” he mubled. “its blind…” Boo stared at the scene unfolding in front of him in awe. hatchlings. grown in a lab. “how…?” “Boo. take these to the- the nursery- i must tell Redsky of these new developments. these experiments will certainly help in our endeavours…” “experiments? Loch, these are hatchlings…” Boo said, as the three of them flopped around the floor. Loch ignored him and rushed off to the portal room leaving Boo alone with the three wriggling hatchlings.?Boo stopped for a second to take all of this in. this was his life now. in a lab with three lab grown hatchlings and a psychopath. “There isn’t even a nursery in here!” he shouted down the hall as Loch raced away> “figure something out then!” the scientist yelled back before dissapearing around a corner. Boo sat down on the floor and sighed. this was too much. “ggrruurrg!” the first one cried jumping on him. the hatchlings were much bigger than the poor fae and sent him toppling over on the ground. “whoa! calm down!” Boo snapped, smacking it away with his tail. [i]maybe i should give them names, before Loch starts calling them things like EXPERIMENT #292838 or something…[/i] he thought. they were all quite energetic, and seemed to be healthy, at least to him. he looked at the first one wriggling in a fight with his blind brother, before untagnling the two. “you can be Aidan…” he told the first, before looking at the second one, who was looking in the entirely wrong direction with its sightless faceted eyes. “and you can be Janna…” finally he looked to the third. “and you… can be…. Hal.” Boo wasn’t the best at names but these would have to do. he had a feeling he might have to be the one to raise them… Loch… would only want them as experiments. who knows what he would do to them? Boo had to be there. Boo gently patted one of their heads as he thought. he had only known these hatchlings for a few minutes but he had made up his mind. he would look after them. no matter what. [rule] childrens.
@petall @cnu @dreyrugr @bluedemon6g6 @jaspernoir
DAY 44
Forest Rogue Bracers
*evil laugh*
“I left my old clan a while ago with Redsky. The leader of the clan, Frostbite, was his mother… though I’ve heard that a new dragon has taken over now. a kinder one, hopefully. Frostbite had three hatchlings, Redsky was the runt of the litter. It was shocking he even survived to adulthood. His mother thought he was too much of a burden as he wasn’t as good as his siblings, so she sent me to take him away and kill him, so she could tell the clan that he had just “mysteriously” died. I didn’t want to kill a hatchling, so i just took him and ran away. He’s become obsessed with his old clan now, to go back and get revenge, to prove that they made the wrong choice… I had so many chances to leave before but i didn't. i thought he was my friend but…”? “what happened?”
Rex exhaled slowly and looked down at the ground as he walked.?“hello? cult guy?” Izak waved his talon in his face. “what happened next?”
“well… they discovered something… they believe its a portal and they tried to send me and Loch through it to see whats on the other side. i didnt want to go. for obvious reasons. so i left.”?“oh! was it the glowing thing at the center?” Izak perked up.
“well thats how Loch described it yes…”
“Interesting… oh look! theres an exit” sure enough, there was sunlight peeking through the end of the tunnel. Rex could hear birds singing on the other side as trees swayed gently in the wind. Rex ran out of the cave and went to run away, but stopped. “don’t you want to leave?” he asked, noticing that Izak has just stopped in the cave. “I can’t. I’m trapped here.” Izak replied. “…why?” Rex asked. “I don’t know. but I cant leave. I died here.”?“I’m sorry.”?“It’s fine. you’ll come back to visit right? it gets lonely sometimes, stalking a slime monster, and my other friends are so busy they dont visit as much anymore…” Izak trailed off, nervously looking at the ground.?“Oh! Sure! i dont think ill have anything better to do haha.” ?Izak beamed. “really?”?“yeah! besides, i could use a friend.”
Boo followed carefully as Loch fluttered along the cave, leading the way to the portal. They were both carrying two small devices, with screens showing some sort of map of the tunnels, shifting and changing. The small red dot, boo assumed, was him. Suddenly, he came across a dead end. The map however showed the tunnel going straight down. Boo realised that some parts of the tunnels weren’t matching the map. Was it a glitch? Where was Loch? He was beginning to think that perhaps the cult wasn’t just a place to chill and practise magic away from everyone else. This was not what he signed up for. “Loch?” Boo yelled, his trembling voice echoing back at him. A purple blob had appeared on the map now, slowly creeping closer. Loch seemed to right above him. “Just fly up!” A voice shouted back. “Follow the map!” The purple blob was getting closer and Boo could hear it hissing nearby. fly up? Boo looked up and the cave roof. It was solid stone. How could he…? “Sttaaarrving….” He turned around as he heard a hoarse whispering nearby. There it was. A black mass covered eyes and mouths hissing and snarling as it crept along. “I ssseeeeee youuu…” Boo was panicking. Should he just go up? He was cornered. “What’s taking you so long? Just go up!” Loch shouted somewhere through the roof. Boo took a deep breath and flew up, and suddenly, he was going through the rocks, before emerging again in a new tunnel, Loch staring at him impatiently. “Took you long enough.” He snapped. “S-sorry-“ “Bubo is crawling up that wall right now as we speak. We should try and put some distance between us and her. She’s slow but she’s sneaky. Let’s go.” Without another word he flew down the tunnel again, leaving Boo to desperately chase after him.
Hours have passed as Boo and Loch navigated the twisting and turning labyrinth. “We’re getting close…” Loch whispered, looking at his map. Boo looked down at his own, and surely enough a glowing pink swirl had appeared in the center, just a few turns ahead. The two fae flew along the dark caves and soon enough, there was a faint pink glow at the end of the tunnel. As the two got closer they saw a swirling mass at the end with a bright white center. “There it is.” Loch whispered. “The portal.” Boo gazed at it in awe. “Where will it take us?” Boo asked. “Well, why don’t you go first and find out?”
“Wh- what?” Boo stammered. “I mean your only other choice it to navigate these tunnels on your own…” Loch said, grinning smugly. “Oh, by the way, you can to me with that device if you make it to the other side.” Boo considered the two options, before nervously stepping closer to the portal. He nervously glanced back at Loch, who nodded at him. [ i] here I go…[/i] Boo stepped closer, but before he could step in the portal sucked him in. Suddenly he was in a giant pink swirling tunnel, a bright light at the other side. He flew towards it getting closer… and closer… there was a flash of light and he was through. There was the sound of shattering glass as he fell through. “…Boo? -hello?” Loch voice crackled through the device. “Y-yes? I’m here.” He got up and took in his surroundings. It appeared to be a broken down lab. The pink glow of the portal illuminated the shining metal desks and shelves, filled with strange substances and what appeared to be the remains of creatures, some of them look oddly similar to dragons. A sudden loud thud alerted Boo that Loch had also fallen through the portal. “Fascinating!” He cried, picking himself up. His eyes shone with excitement as he looked at the twisted and strange things that littered this abandoned lab. Loch looked at his screen and audibly gasped. “The portal… it took us to the carrion canyon…?” He ran out of the door, and Boo quickly followed him down the maze of tunnels and corridors, the sound of their footsteps on the shiny floor and the silence of the lab sent shivers down Boo’s spine. Finally they came to a large metal door with some sort of keypad. “Are we trapped in here…?” Boo whispered quietly. “I don’t believe so… but we will be staying here a while… there so much to discover… this place… who knows what kind of secrets it’s filled with…” Loch fiddled with the the keypad as he spoke, suddenly, it lit up green and the door slid open. Loch was right. There were in the carrion canyon. Boo only had seconds to take in the sight, the barren desert outside littered with bones and shrubs, lightning dancing in the sky, before a whirlwind of dust knocked them both back. Loch quickly pressed some more buttons on the keypad, sliding the door shut, before they both fell to the ground in a fit of coughing. “Wow….” Boo said finally. But Loch had already hurried off to explore. “I’ll go this way you explore the other!” Loch yelled over his shoulder as he fluttered down the hall. well, Boo didn’t really have anything better to do, so he might as well.
its been a few hours and Boo was fairly certain he had covered the entire lab. from what the two had found, it belonged to a pearlcatcher named splotch, as his name was plastered in front of the entrance and in some of the rooms. Loch was currently calling Redsky, frantically describing everything they had found, which was nothing really, other than that splotch had a strange obsession with genetic mutation and aliens, judging by his failed experiments all over the place. Boo would probably react this way too if he wasn’t terrified. “How are we going to get food? do we have to stay here?” he asked, Loch had brushed him off saying yes, they were staying here and following Redskys instructions, and that they could have supplies sent from the cult back in the tunnels. Boo looked around the room they were in, the portal room, he liked to call it, well, because the portal was in it. he tried to drown out Redsky and Lochs chattering as he observed what was around him. how the hell was he supposed to live here? he noticed something out of the corner of his eye, a lever. there were many levers and buttons in this lab but this one had a giant red handle with a sticky note above it in illegible writing. “hey lock… i found something…” as Boo got closer to it he noticed the wall next to it was different, made like the exit to the build. it appeared to be one of the doors to the more ‘important’ rooms. “Loch…” Boo turned around as Loch flew up next to him and pulled it down. the door slid open to reveal a room full of… giant glass chambers? they seemed to be the size of a large dragon, filled with unsettling green liquid. there were little screens with buttons on them on each chamber as well as a mess of tubes and wires all over the place. looking closer Boo noticed there were somethings floating in the goo, what appeared to be parts of draegons. there was a sick feeling in his stomach growing by the second. Who was Splotch? why was he doing this? what were these strange capsules filled with goo? “theyre stasis chambers.” Loch said, as if reading Boo’s mind. there seemed to be three near the end of the room, with things floating in them much larger than just arms or brains, or eyes. “hatchlings… he was… growing them in these?” Loch said, tracing the silhouette of one of them. “the dates on the screens say these are centuries old… theres no way theyre still alive.” Boo said, tapping on the screen. suddenly it lit up green and the slime in the chamber got sucked out from a tube coming out top of it. the glass slid open and a aberration hatchling fell out.
“glurgble?” it chirped with one head, as it opened its eyes to take in the strange world it was hatched into. it didnt have much time to adjust however as Loch had immedietly open the other two as well, sending two more tumbling out
“incredible… these were from before the aberrations crawled out of the wyrmwound… he must have grown them from it somehow…?” Loch poked the middle one on the head as it blinked its faceted eyes open. “this one didnt seem to fare well in the chamber…” he mubled. “its blind…” Boo stared at the scene unfolding in front of him in awe. hatchlings. grown in a lab. “how…?”
“Boo. take these to the- the nursery- i must tell Redsky of these new developments. these experiments will certainly help in our endeavours…”
“experiments? Loch, these are hatchlings…” Boo said, as the three of them flopped around the floor.
Loch ignored him and rushed off to the portal room leaving Boo alone with the three wriggling hatchlings.?Boo stopped for a second to take all of this in. this was his life now. in a lab with three lab grown hatchlings and a psychopath. “There isn’t even a nursery in here!” he shouted down the hall as Loch raced away> “figure something out then!” the scientist yelled back before dissapearing around a corner. Boo sat down on the floor and sighed. this was too much. “ggrruurrg!” the first one cried jumping on him. the hatchlings were much bigger than the poor fae and sent him toppling over on the ground. “whoa! calm down!” Boo snapped, smacking it away with his tail. maybe i should give them names, before Loch starts calling them things like EXPERIMENT #292838 or something… he thought. they were all quite energetic, and seemed to be healthy, at least to him. he looked at the first one wriggling in a fight with his blind brother, before untagnling the two. “you can be Aidan…” he told the first, before looking at the second one, who was looking in the entirely wrong direction with its sightless faceted eyes. “and you can be Janna…” finally he looked to the third. “and you… can be…. Hal.” Boo wasn’t the best at names but these would have to do. he had a feeling he might have to be the one to raise them… Loch… would only want them as experiments. who knows what he would do to them? Boo had to be there. Boo gently patted one of their heads as he thought. he had only known these hatchlings for a few minutes but he had made up his mind. he would look after them. no matter what.
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