
Quests & Challenges

Quests, Challenges, and Festival games.
TOPIC | The Totally Legit Pharmacists CANCELLED
[center][b][u]Update 9[/u][/b][/center] Not much to say here, did some training, got a new recruit. [center][url=][img][/img][/url] Fierce joins the Pharmacy![/center] [center][u]The Rejected[/u][/center] [center][url=][img][/img][/url][url=][img][/img][/url][url=][img][/img][/url][/center] [center][b][u]Romance[/u][/b][/center] Camir hated her so much, how she made herself a nuisance in petty little ways. Every day there was another inconvenience they would have to deal with because of her. It was kind of frustrating for everyone. Everyone, that is, but Ramach. He couldn’t help it, her mischievousness, her stubbornness, her massiveness, all of it delighted him and he frequently found himself watching her go about her day-to-day task of making Camir suffer. She was just so big, she could crush him without even noticing that she had done so. And her scales were so vibrant, glittering silver flecks of stars on a background of twilight night. He was nothing compared to her, and yet it felt like she was everything to him. Ramach started to leave gifts out for her, little hampers of seafood, pretty trinkets he’d picked up on his missions. Little things like him, tokens of affection that reminded him of her. It was a cold day, one where your breath steamed with every exhale, when Ramach left his newest present. He shivered with the chill, vibrated his wings to try and keep his body temperature up, and silently slid the basket besides the sleeping Ridgeback. He tried to slip away like he’d done all the times before, as stealthily as he could manage, but this time a voice stopped him. “So you’re the one leaving me gifts.” Ramach sheepishly turned back to Loa, her head was resting on the ground and yet it was so big he would have to stretch up on his back legs to touch her eye ridges. “Uh… yes… I… uh.” Loa chuckled with a smile and glanced at the basket, “Azurites and Violets?” “They’re pretty... like you.” Loa was taken aback by that and she cocked her head, before her smile turned to a grin, “Didn’t think I’d find a gentledragon in this den of swindlers, and yet I’ve not only found one, but one who’s as beautiful as spring blossoms and autumn leaves. Thank you for the gifts, Ramach.” [center]Loa and Ramach have started a relationship! [url=][img][/img][/url][url=][img][/img][/url][/center] ((I have to admit, randomly rolling and getting the smallest and the largest dragons in the challenge for the romance drama made me very happy. All Ramach wants is a giant woman. Also, I am rapidly running out of space for more dragons, so I think I may fudge the rolls a little and reroll 1, 2, 4 and 8s, just so we have the chance of thinning out the staff, at least until I can buy more expansions. After all my breeding project comes first, this is just a fun way to grind the coliseum.))
Update 9

Not much to say here, did some training, got a new recruit.
Fierce joins the Pharmacy!
The Rejected

Camir hated her so much, how she made herself a nuisance in petty little ways. Every day there was another inconvenience they would have to deal with because of her. It was kind of frustrating for everyone. Everyone, that is, but Ramach. He couldn’t help it, her mischievousness, her stubbornness, her massiveness, all of it delighted him and he frequently found himself watching her go about her day-to-day task of making Camir suffer. She was just so big, she could crush him without even noticing that she had done so. And her scales were so vibrant, glittering silver flecks of stars on a background of twilight night. He was nothing compared to her, and yet it felt like she was everything to him.

Ramach started to leave gifts out for her, little hampers of seafood, pretty trinkets he’d picked up on his missions. Little things like him, tokens of affection that reminded him of her. It was a cold day, one where your breath steamed with every exhale, when Ramach left his newest present. He shivered with the chill, vibrated his wings to try and keep his body temperature up, and silently slid the basket besides the sleeping Ridgeback. He tried to slip away like he’d done all the times before, as stealthily as he could manage, but this time a voice stopped him. “So you’re the one leaving me gifts.”
Ramach sheepishly turned back to Loa, her head was resting on the ground and yet it was so big he would have to stretch up on his back legs to touch her eye ridges. “Uh… yes… I… uh.”
Loa chuckled with a smile and glanced at the basket, “Azurites and Violets?”
“They’re pretty... like you.”
Loa was taken aback by that and she cocked her head, before her smile turned to a grin, “Didn’t think I’d find a gentledragon in this den of swindlers, and yet I’ve not only found one, but one who’s as beautiful as spring blossoms and autumn leaves. Thank you for the gifts, Ramach.”
Loa and Ramach have started a relationship!

((I have to admit, randomly rolling and getting the smallest and the largest dragons in the challenge for the romance drama made me very happy. All Ramach wants is a giant woman.

Also, I am rapidly running out of space for more dragons, so I think I may fudge the rolls a little and reroll 1, 2, 4 and 8s, just so we have the chance of thinning out the staff, at least until I can buy more expansions. After all my breeding project comes first, this is just a fun way to grind the coliseum.))
[center][b][u]Update 10[/u][/b][/center] I rolled a 6 on the first party, so not many rejects this time. [center][url=][img][/img][/url] Devious joins the Pharmacy![/center] [center][u]The Rejected[/u][/center] [center][url=][img][/img][/url][/center] [center][b][u]Crimes Time![/u][/b][/center] Just a basic training montage, and they didn't get lucky with the drops and so nothing interested happened. [center]Potluck and Ramach level up once. [url=][img][/img][/url][url=][img][/img][/url][/center] ((So, I haven't posted in a couple of days, partially because I ended up working on an outside of FR project another, and partially because I suck at levelling magic based dragons so took forever to do that.))
Update 10

I rolled a 6 on the first party, so not many rejects this time.
Devious joins the Pharmacy!
The Rejected
Crimes Time!

Just a basic training montage, and they didn't get lucky with the drops and so nothing interested happened.
Potluck and Ramach level up once.

((So, I haven't posted in a couple of days, partially because I ended up working on an outside of FR project another, and partially because I suck at levelling magic based dragons so took forever to do that.))
[center][b][u]Update 11[/u][/b][/center] Double 6s on the second batch of recruits. Seems these dragons I hatched are reluctant to leave the lair. [center][url=][img][/img][/url] Phinisk joins the Pharmacy![/center] [center][url=][img][/img][/url] Zidask joins the Pharmacy![/center] [center][u]The Rejected[/u][/center] [center][url=][img][/img][/url][url=][img][/img][/url][/center] [center][b][u]DisHonorable Duel[/u][/b][/center] Camir had had enough. The Ridgeback had to go. And so he ordered the only one of his employees who was closest to her size, Meirion, to chase her off, no matter what it took. Loa stubbornly held her ground, refusing to take one step from the Pharmacy without compensation, and it wasn’t long before Meirion lost his patience and initiated an all out brawl in the streets. Both titans clashed, biting and clawing, scarlet spilling and staining the ground. Loa may have had the size advantage but she did not have the same skill as Meirion. A lunge forward, fangs sinking deep into throat, and Loa fell never to rise again. Camir was quick to order everyone to clean up the mess and hide the evidence of what had just occurred. And as the clean up took place a discovery was made. Ramach. His broken body crushed beneath Loa’s bulk. Evidently he’d tried to do what he could to help his love and paid the price for it. Camir sighed, shook his head, and returned to his office, “Fools,” muttered under his breath. [center]Loa and Ramach fail to return home to the Pharmacy. [url=][img][/img][/url][url=][img][/img][/url] [/center] ((And so two join and two leave. I decided to do the duel instead of the backstab because it's just more fun, and it was very close, both died in back-to-back hits but Loa was first to fall. I'm probably going to level Loa up before exalting her, she's still at level 1 due to how she joined.))
Update 11

Double 6s on the second batch of recruits. Seems these dragons I hatched are reluctant to leave the lair.
Phinisk joins the Pharmacy!
Zidask joins the Pharmacy!
The Rejected
DisHonorable Duel

Camir had had enough. The Ridgeback had to go. And so he ordered the only one of his employees who was closest to her size, Meirion, to chase her off, no matter what it took. Loa stubbornly held her ground, refusing to take one step from the Pharmacy without compensation, and it wasn’t long before Meirion lost his patience and initiated an all out brawl in the streets. Both titans clashed, biting and clawing, scarlet spilling and staining the ground. Loa may have had the size advantage but she did not have the same skill as Meirion. A lunge forward, fangs sinking deep into throat, and Loa fell never to rise again.

Camir was quick to order everyone to clean up the mess and hide the evidence of what had just occurred. And as the clean up took place a discovery was made. Ramach. His broken body crushed beneath Loa’s bulk. Evidently he’d tried to do what he could to help his love and paid the price for it. Camir sighed, shook his head, and returned to his office, “Fools,” muttered under his breath.
Loa and Ramach fail to return home to the Pharmacy.

((And so two join and two leave. I decided to do the duel instead of the backstab because it's just more fun, and it was very close, both died in back-to-back hits but Loa was first to fall. I'm probably going to level Loa up before exalting her, she's still at level 1 due to how she joined.))
[center][b][u]Update 12[/u][/b][/center] Went through quite a few recruits before one proved themselves. [center][url=][img][/img][/url] Bassoon joins the Pharmacy![/center] [center][u]The Rejected[/u][/center] [center][url=][img][/img][/url][url=][img][/img][/url][url=][img][/img][/url][url=][img][/img][/url][url=][img][/img][/url][url=][img][/img][/url][url=][img][/img][/url] [/center] [center][b][u]Major Heist[/u][/b][/center] The four newest members of the Pharmacy had been sent out to sell some elixirs in a newly scouted market in Murkbarrow Close. A simple task, one that was completed with ease. The four were making their way back, heavy treasure bags tied to their sides, idly chatting to one another, when Devious spread a wing to stop the younger three. He nodded his head in the direction of the Pharmacy and the others followed his gaze. The door was hanging off its hinges, the front window smashed in, and tape criss crossed over both. Tape marked with the symbols of the local authorities. “Seems our employers couldn’t hide that murder for very long.” Devious growled lowly, before turning back the way they came, “It would be unwise to stay here, lest the authorities sniff us out too.” “Do we start again? Or…?” Phinisk asked, glancing between Devious and the raided building. “I will. Follow me if you want, or don’t, that’s your decision.” Devious muttered back, continuing on a path away from the Blight Sanctum. The trio of youngsters looked at each other, before trailing behind their new leader. [center]Camir, Potluck, Dread, Meirion, Rockfursk and Fierce fail to return home to the Pharmacy. [url=][img][/img][/url][url=][img][/img][/url][url=][img][/img][/url][url=][img][/img][/url][url=][img][/img][/url][url=][img][/img][/url] [/center] [center]Devious, Phinisk, Zidask and Bassoon level up once. [url=][img][/img][/url][url=][img][/img][/url][url=][img][/img][/url][url=][img][/img][/url][/center] The remaining four were all the same level, but Devious is the oldest and so gets raised a level higher and becomes leader. ((Well, I was hoping to lose a few dragons since I am rapidly running out of space, but I was not expecting this massacre… godspeed Camir, you survived a remarkably long time, but you evidently shouldn't have lost your patience and ordered someone to be killed. I’m going to keep my little rule adjustment for the future, and will add it to the first post, if I ever get 10 dragons in the Pharmacy I will do rerolls for any rolls that would give me extra dragons.))
Update 12

Went through quite a few recruits before one proved themselves.

Bassoon joins the Pharmacy!
The Rejected
Major Heist

The four newest members of the Pharmacy had been sent out to sell some elixirs in a newly scouted market in Murkbarrow Close. A simple task, one that was completed with ease. The four were making their way back, heavy treasure bags tied to their sides, idly chatting to one another, when Devious spread a wing to stop the younger three. He nodded his head in the direction of the Pharmacy and the others followed his gaze. The door was hanging off its hinges, the front window smashed in, and tape criss crossed over both. Tape marked with the symbols of the local authorities. “Seems our employers couldn’t hide that murder for very long.” Devious growled lowly, before turning back the way they came, “It would be unwise to stay here, lest the authorities sniff us out too.”
“Do we start again? Or…?” Phinisk asked, glancing between Devious and the raided building.
“I will. Follow me if you want, or don’t, that’s your decision.” Devious muttered back, continuing on a path away from the Blight Sanctum. The trio of youngsters looked at each other, before trailing behind their new leader.

Camir, Potluck, Dread, Meirion, Rockfursk and Fierce fail to return home to the Pharmacy.
Devious, Phinisk, Zidask and Bassoon level up once.

The remaining four were all the same level, but Devious is the oldest and so gets raised a level higher and becomes leader.

((Well, I was hoping to lose a few dragons since I am rapidly running out of space, but I was not expecting this massacre… godspeed Camir, you survived a remarkably long time, but you evidently shouldn't have lost your patience and ordered someone to be killed.

I’m going to keep my little rule adjustment for the future, and will add it to the first post, if I ever get 10 dragons in the Pharmacy I will do rerolls for any rolls that would give me extra dragons.))
[center][b][u]Update 13[/u][/b][/center] I had a few adults in my to exalt HibDen that I of course only grabbed from there, instead of spending treasure on dragons for this challenge. [s](And instead buying dragons for my breeding project... oops)[/s] [center][url=][img][/img][/url] Mask joins the Pharmacy![/center] [center][u]The Rejected[/u][/center] [center][url=][img][/img][/url][url=][img][/img][/url][url=][img][/img][/url][/center] [center][b][u]Freeloader[/u][/b][/center] And then I still had qualifying adults in the HibDen, here's another one that's going to stay a little while longer. [center][url=][img][/img][/url] Enyaliusk joins the Pharmacy![/center] ((I did randomly roll for which dragons I picked from the HibDen, it makes it more interesting who stays and who goes.))
Update 13

I had a few adults in my to exalt HibDen that I of course only grabbed from there, instead of spending treasure on dragons for this challenge. (And instead buying dragons for my breeding project... oops)
Mask joins the Pharmacy!
The Rejected

And then I still had qualifying adults in the HibDen, here's another one that's going to stay a little while longer.
Enyaliusk joins the Pharmacy!

((I did randomly roll for which dragons I picked from the HibDen, it makes it more interesting who stays and who goes.))
[center][b][u]Update 14[/u][/b][/center] Well, double 6s on the first batch. RNG, you're just trying to refill my lair and make me lose treasure aren't you? [center][url=][img][/img][/url] Volarisk joins the Pharmacy![/center] [center][url=][img][/img][/url] Leonora joins the Pharmacy![/center] [center][u]The Rejected[/u][/center] [center]None[/center] [center][b][u]Romance[/u][/b][/center] Aww, I think these two are very cute together, and it continues a trend of Veilspuns liking big women. [center]Mask and Leonora have started a relationship [url=][img][/img][/url][url=][img][/img][/url] [/center]
Update 14

Well, double 6s on the first batch. RNG, you're just trying to refill my lair and make me lose treasure aren't you?
Volarisk joins the Pharmacy!
Leonora joins the Pharmacy!
The Rejected

Aww, I think these two are very cute together, and it continues a trend of Veilspuns liking big women.
Mask and Leonora have started a relationship
[center][b][u]Update 15[/u][/b][/center] Another double 6's, so another pair joins. I'm at 10 dragons in the Pharmacy so the fudged rolls are back on. [center][url=][img][/img][/url] Vargask joins the Pharmacy![/center] [center][url=][img][/img][/url] Awask joins the Pharmacy![/center] [center][u]The Rejected[/u][/center] [center][url=][img][/img][/url][url=][img][/img][/url][url=][img][/img][/url][url=][img][/img][/url][url=][img][/img][/url][url=][img][/img][/url] [/center] [center][b][u]Crimes Time![/u][/b][/center] Had to do a reroll since the first wanted me to get a new dragon, instead I got to level some dragons up and both survived the roll so... [center]Awask and Bassoon level up once. [url=][img][/img][/url][url=][img][/img][/url][/center] ((Been busy doing other things so haven't messed with this challenge or Coli grinding at all the past couple of days.))
Update 15

Another double 6's, so another pair joins. I'm at 10 dragons in the Pharmacy so the fudged rolls are back on.
Vargask joins the Pharmacy!
Awask joins the Pharmacy!
The Rejected
Crimes Time!

Had to do a reroll since the first wanted me to get a new dragon, instead I got to level some dragons up and both survived the roll so...
Awask and Bassoon level up once.

((Been busy doing other things so haven't messed with this challenge or Coli grinding at all the past couple of days.))
[center][b][u]Update 16[/u][/b][/center] Nothing much to say here. [center][url=][img][/img][/url] Quisosk joins the Pharmacy![/center] [center][u]The Rejected[/u][/center] [center][url=][img][/img][/url][/center] [center][b][u]Honourable Duel[/u][/b][/center] Enyaliusk versus Awask. Once again the level 1 Freeloader was forced to fight alongside a levelled dragon, and once again they failed. [center]Enyaliusk fails to return home to the Pharmacy. [url=][img][/img][/url][/center] ((Once again I shall be levelling the level 1 up before exalting her, because she needs to earn her keep somehow.))
Update 16

Nothing much to say here.
Quisosk joins the Pharmacy!
The Rejected
Honourable Duel

Enyaliusk versus Awask. Once again the level 1 Freeloader was forced to fight alongside a levelled dragon, and once again they failed.
Enyaliusk fails to return home to the Pharmacy.

((Once again I shall be levelling the level 1 up before exalting her, because she needs to earn her keep somehow.))
[center][b][u]Update 17[/u][/b][/center] Took quite a few batches to get a survivor this time. [center][url=][img][/img][/url] Fireshadow joins the Pharmacy![/center] [center][u]The Rejected[/u][/center] [center][url=][img][/img][/url][url=][img][/img][/url][url=][img][/img][/url][url=][img][/img][/url][url=][img][/img][/url][url=][img][/img][/url][url=][img][/img][/url][url=][img][/img][/url][url=][img][/img][/url][url=][img][/img][/url][url=][img][/img][/url][/center] [center][b][u]Test the Newbies[/u][/b][/center] Had more survivors than failures this time, though poor Fireshadow had barely spent time in the Pharmacy before leaving. [center]Volarisk and Fireshadow fail to return home to the Pharmacy. [url=][img][/img][/url][url=][img][/img][/url][/center] [center]Mask, Leonora, Vargask and Quisosk level up once. [url=][img][/img][/url][url=][img][/img][/url][url=][img][/img][/url][url=][img][/img][/url][/center]
Update 17

Took quite a few batches to get a survivor this time.
Fireshadow joins the Pharmacy!
The Rejected
Test the Newbies

Had more survivors than failures this time, though poor Fireshadow had barely spent time in the Pharmacy before leaving.
Volarisk and Fireshadow fail to return home to the Pharmacy.
Mask, Leonora, Vargask and Quisosk level up once.
[center][b][u]Update 18[/u][/b][/center] [center][url=][img][/img][/url] Jackson joins the Pharmacy![/center] [center][u]The Rejected[/u][/center] [center][url=][img][/img][/url][/center] [center][b][u]Major Heist[/u][/b][/center] [center]Leonora, Vargask, Kiosk and Jackson fail to return home to the Pharmacy. [url=][img][/img][/url][url=][img][/img][/url][url=][img][/img][/url][url=][img][/img][/url][/center] [center]Devious, Bassoon, Phinisk, Zidask and Awask level up once. [url=][img][/img][/url][url=][img][/img][/url][url=][img][/img][/url][url=][img][/img][/url][url=][img][/img][/url][/center] [center]Mask failed to return home to the Pharmacy. [url=][img][/img][/url][/center] ((Poor Jackson, we barely knew ya. And poor Mask, she survived the roll but Leonora didn't, so she got exalted too. Probably going to be doing quite a few updates this week since I’ll be grinding for Rockbreaker’s anyway. Also, apologies for no lore posts for a while, my creativity is kinda dead in the water atm, maybe I'll go back and think up stuff for past days, who knows *shrugs*))
Update 18
Jackson joins the Pharmacy!
The Rejected
Major Heist
Leonora, Vargask, Kiosk and Jackson fail to return home to the Pharmacy.
Devious, Bassoon, Phinisk, Zidask and Awask level up once.
Mask failed to return home to the Pharmacy.

((Poor Jackson, we barely knew ya. And poor Mask, she survived the roll but Leonora didn't, so she got exalted too. Probably going to be doing quite a few updates this week since I’ll be grinding for Rockbreaker’s anyway. Also, apologies for no lore posts for a while, my creativity is kinda dead in the water atm, maybe I'll go back and think up stuff for past days, who knows *shrugs*))