
Quests & Challenges

Quests, Challenges, and Festival games.
TOPIC | ['LOCKE] Sornieth Sucks and Here's Why
[center][size=6][font=Engravers MT][b][u]Sornieth Sucks and Here's Why[/u][/b][/font][/size][/center] [size=1][color=white].[/color][/size] [center][font=Engravers MT][i][size=4]A Pinkerlocke[/size][/i][/font][/center] [color=white].[/color] [center][url=][img][/img][/url][/center] [color=white].[/color] ----- [i][size=4]The land of Sornieth has become nearly inhabitable for dragons and BeastClans alike. Something has corrupted the gods above and caused them to become hostile and destructive on the land and the living among it. Pocket dimensions have begun to spring up all around Sornieth, releasing aggressive beasts onto the dragons, wreaking havoc on their homes. The heart of the Shifting Expanse, the now-abandoned Turrets of Goldensparc, seems to be the most active place where these pocket dimensions are appearing, though some have found a way to dismantle these realms and cause them to collapse indefinitely, sealing off the destruction. A group of dragons calling themselves "the divers" have taken to patrolling the abandoned cities of the Shifting Expanse with the goal of destroying all of the pocket dimensions and eventually challenging the gods.[/size][/i] [center][url=][img][/img][/url][/center] I've decided to start my own Pinkerlocke challenge for myself! My fiance was talking to me about it, and I've always enjoyed stuff like randomized nuzlockes on Pokemon (a SpIn since I was like, seven), so I think it'd be fun. I would like to note that this is so largely just for fun and lore purposes, I have a bunch of projects to work on, so I'm doing a Pinkerlocke! I've also modified from [url=]the official rules[/url] somewhat since I'm semi-new to the coliseum and the forums in general, and also added some lore-specific things to the rules! The setting, as stated above, is the Shifting Expanse, in a setting where it's full of abandoned cities, with "bubble-like" portals floating all over (think the [url=]weirdness bubbles[/url] from Gravity Falls, spoilers in link if you didn't watch it BTW). They're my way of fitting all of the different coli venues into the lore in a fun way! The group we'll be following, the Divers, are dragons recruiting others to go in and dismantle the pocket dimensions from the inside. There's a danger though, of entering the portals themselves. The energy contained in them is extremely powerful, and while dragon's bodies protect them, their eyes can be burned right out. Divers all wear protective goggles to prevent this, but this'll come up in the rule modifications. Also, the title comes from a short animated film I did in highschool about NYC being overrun by dragons and dinosaurs (called "New York Sucks and Here's Why"), so I thought titling this in a similar manner would be funny. [emoji=bogsneak happy size=1] [color=white].[/color]
Sornieth Sucks and Here's Why
A Pinkerlocke

The land of Sornieth has become nearly inhabitable for dragons and BeastClans alike. Something has corrupted the gods above and caused them to become hostile and destructive on the land and the living among it. Pocket dimensions have begun to spring up all around Sornieth, releasing aggressive beasts onto the dragons, wreaking havoc on their homes.

The heart of the Shifting Expanse, the now-abandoned Turrets of Goldensparc, seems to be the most active place where these pocket dimensions are appearing, though some have found a way to dismantle these realms and cause them to collapse indefinitely, sealing off the destruction. A group of dragons calling themselves "the divers" have taken to patrolling the abandoned cities of the Shifting Expanse with the goal of destroying all of the pocket dimensions and eventually challenging the gods.


I've decided to start my own Pinkerlocke challenge for myself! My fiance was talking to me about it, and I've always enjoyed stuff like randomized nuzlockes on Pokemon (a SpIn since I was like, seven), so I think it'd be fun.

I would like to note that this is so largely just for fun and lore purposes, I have a bunch of projects to work on, so I'm doing a Pinkerlocke! I've also modified from the official rules somewhat since I'm semi-new to the coliseum and the forums in general, and also added some lore-specific things to the rules!

The setting, as stated above, is the Shifting Expanse, in a setting where it's full of abandoned cities, with "bubble-like" portals floating all over (think the weirdness bubbles from Gravity Falls, spoilers in link if you didn't watch it BTW). They're my way of fitting all of the different coli venues into the lore in a fun way! The group we'll be following, the Divers, are dragons recruiting others to go in and dismantle the pocket dimensions from the inside.

There's a danger though, of entering the portals themselves. The energy contained in them is extremely powerful, and while dragon's bodies protect them, their eyes can be burned right out. Divers all wear protective goggles to prevent this, but this'll come up in the rule modifications.

Also, the title comes from a short animated film I did in highschool about NYC being overrun by dragons and dinosaurs (called "New York Sucks and Here's Why"), so I thought titling this in a similar manner would be funny.
fr time +2
read my lore!
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1. Introduction
2. Items
3. Other Rules
4. Current Captain and Deputy
5. Current Cast
6. Graveyard
7. Retired
8. Pinglist/Claim List
9. First Post! (So you don't have to scroll)
10. All lore blurbs (Google Doc)

Thanks for reading! The Challenge will start once Trickmurk Circus is over and all three of my starters are adults.

This challenge was inspired by my fiance and the Pinkerlocke Night's Watch Trainee Camp, which I've steadily been trying to get through reading!

If you want to be added to the pinglist, feel free to reply and ask! I'll add you!

Additionally, click on images for links to the credit source :>

1. Introduction
2. Items
3. Other Rules
4. Current Captain and Deputy
5. Current Cast
6. Graveyard
7. Retired
8. Pinglist/Claim List
9. First Post! (So you don't have to scroll)
10. All lore blurbs (Google Doc)

Thanks for reading! The Challenge will start once Trickmurk Circus is over and all three of my starters are adults.

This challenge was inspired by my fiance and the Pinkerlocke Night's Watch Trainee Camp, which I've steadily been trying to get through reading!

If you want to be added to the pinglist, feel free to reply and ask! I'll add you!

Additionally, click on images for links to the credit source :>
fr time +2
read my lore!
buy my art!


I'm a bit Bad at the Coli, so to start I RNG'd for dragon breeds on the AH, the first one being a level 5, and the second being level 1, as standard. My third starter will be a Bog Egg. The first dragon is the only one I'm going to get at high level just to make the Coli easier to start, but otherwise I'll only be getting level 1 dragons.

The level 5 dragon will be the "Captain" of the divers, and be in every Coli team (with the other two randomly generated), with the goal of it reaching level 25 first. The next dragon to reach level 25 will be made the deputy of the divers, and once another dragon reaches level 25, the current deputy will be promoted to Captain, the current Captain will be retired, and the latest LV25 will be promoted to deputy, and so on. The deputy will also take over if the Captain is killed in a death streak.

I'll choose Coli venues one level lower than the highest-leveled of the two random-generated dragons.

AFOREMENTIONED LORE-RELATED RULE: Every time I enter the Coli (NOT at the beginning of every single encounter, but include if I have to flee and restart - this will be a "retreat and regroup" in lore), I'll roll a d20 for each of the three dragons on the team.

If any of them roll a 1, this will mean that they forgot, or for some other reason did not put on their protective goggles before going into the portal, and their eyes will be burned out. This is purely for lore-related things, and won't be a "debuff" or anything like that because it just doesn't sit well with me.


New dragon, usually putting the familiar with the new dragon as per usual. I'll decide the breed by a random number generator and buy the cheapest dragon of that breed on the AH that doesn't have a basic gene (I'm broke). I'll also go for the cheapest pre-named one, but if I just kind of hate the name I'll get the cheapest Unnamed one and randomize it.

Breed RNG: 1. Fae | 2. Guardian | 3. Mirror | 4. Pearlcatcher | 5. Ridgeback | 6. Tundra | 7. Spiral | 8. Imperial | 9. Snapper | 10. Wildclaw | 11. Nocturne | 12. Coatl | 13. Skydancer | 14. Bogsneak | 15. Gaoler | 16. Banescale | 17. Veilspun


I'll write a little lore blurb! I want to try to write it as one long, continuous thing including the days' events when I don't write. I'll link a Google Doc for those who want to just read the lore and don't want to scroll through a long thread.


I won't breed two dragons who aren't involved together in my lore. If I get an apparel item but don't have dragons who can breed, I'll just write a lore blurb instead.

Battle Items

I'm ignoring deaths in the Coli, but if Pinkerton gives me a battle item, I'll roll a d12 for all of my dragons, and any non-exempt dragons that roll a 1 will be moved to the Graveyard tab exalted and removed from the game.

Rule amendment (03.25.21): I've decided that "killed off" dragons will be exalted, not moved to the Graveyard tab, unless for some reason I want to keep them -- they'll still be removed from the game. Feel free to ask to claim a dragon for, in the event that they die, you would like the claim them and not have them exalted.


I'm a bit Bad at the Coli, so to start I RNG'd for dragon breeds on the AH, the first one being a level 5, and the second being level 1, as standard. My third starter will be a Bog Egg. The first dragon is the only one I'm going to get at high level just to make the Coli easier to start, but otherwise I'll only be getting level 1 dragons.

The level 5 dragon will be the "Captain" of the divers, and be in every Coli team (with the other two randomly generated), with the goal of it reaching level 25 first. The next dragon to reach level 25 will be made the deputy of the divers, and once another dragon reaches level 25, the current deputy will be promoted to Captain, the current Captain will be retired, and the latest LV25 will be promoted to deputy, and so on. The deputy will also take over if the Captain is killed in a death streak.

I'll choose Coli venues one level lower than the highest-leveled of the two random-generated dragons.

AFOREMENTIONED LORE-RELATED RULE: Every time I enter the Coli (NOT at the beginning of every single encounter, but include if I have to flee and restart - this will be a "retreat and regroup" in lore), I'll roll a d20 for each of the three dragons on the team.

If any of them roll a 1, this will mean that they forgot, or for some other reason did not put on their protective goggles before going into the portal, and their eyes will be burned out. This is purely for lore-related things, and won't be a "debuff" or anything like that because it just doesn't sit well with me.


New dragon, usually putting the familiar with the new dragon as per usual. I'll decide the breed by a random number generator and buy the cheapest dragon of that breed on the AH that doesn't have a basic gene (I'm broke). I'll also go for the cheapest pre-named one, but if I just kind of hate the name I'll get the cheapest Unnamed one and randomize it.

Breed RNG: 1. Fae | 2. Guardian | 3. Mirror | 4. Pearlcatcher | 5. Ridgeback | 6. Tundra | 7. Spiral | 8. Imperial | 9. Snapper | 10. Wildclaw | 11. Nocturne | 12. Coatl | 13. Skydancer | 14. Bogsneak | 15. Gaoler | 16. Banescale | 17. Veilspun


I'll write a little lore blurb! I want to try to write it as one long, continuous thing including the days' events when I don't write. I'll link a Google Doc for those who want to just read the lore and don't want to scroll through a long thread.


I won't breed two dragons who aren't involved together in my lore. If I get an apparel item but don't have dragons who can breed, I'll just write a lore blurb instead.

Battle Items

I'm ignoring deaths in the Coli, but if Pinkerton gives me a battle item, I'll roll a d12 for all of my dragons, and any non-exempt dragons that roll a 1 will be moved to the Graveyard tab exalted and removed from the game.

Rule amendment (03.25.21): I've decided that "killed off" dragons will be exalted, not moved to the Graveyard tab, unless for some reason I want to keep them -- they'll still be removed from the game. Feel free to ask to claim a dragon for, in the event that they die, you would like the claim them and not have them exalted.
fr time +2
read my lore!
buy my art!
  • I'll be following a "when in doubt, write lore" rule, where for whatever reason, if I can't do a thing, I'll just write lore instead.
  • Dragons will be retired and moved to a "retired" tab once they reach level 25.
  • Apparel is just for lore! I'm not following any rules when adding it to dragons, just whatever feels cool.
  • If I get an egg from the Coli, it'll be hatched and added to the game.
  • I'll also flip coins for hatchlings to decide if they live or get exalted, unless they have a special eye type, then they'll just be posted on the AH if they get tails.
  • I will NOT play during Elemental Holidays. Taking a break then.
  • EXEMPT DRAGONS: The Captain will only be exempt if there is no Deputy. If both roll bad in the Battle Items streak, I'll have them roll against each other and the highest will live.

The Challenge ends when either 12 dragons (not counting the Captain or first Deputy) reach level 25 (or 15 if I want to keep going, granted I get to that point), OR if only the Captain/Deputy remains.

Also these rules are subject to change if need be! I'll note on here if so!
  • I'll be following a "when in doubt, write lore" rule, where for whatever reason, if I can't do a thing, I'll just write lore instead.
  • Dragons will be retired and moved to a "retired" tab once they reach level 25.
  • Apparel is just for lore! I'm not following any rules when adding it to dragons, just whatever feels cool.
  • If I get an egg from the Coli, it'll be hatched and added to the game.
  • I'll also flip coins for hatchlings to decide if they live or get exalted, unless they have a special eye type, then they'll just be posted on the AH if they get tails.
  • I will NOT play during Elemental Holidays. Taking a break then.
  • EXEMPT DRAGONS: The Captain will only be exempt if there is no Deputy. If both roll bad in the Battle Items streak, I'll have them roll against each other and the highest will live.

The Challenge ends when either 12 dragons (not counting the Captain or first Deputy) reach level 25 (or 15 if I want to keep going, granted I get to that point), OR if only the Captain/Deputy remains.

Also these rules are subject to change if need be! I'll note on here if so!
fr time +2
read my lore!
buy my art!
[center][size=6][font=Engravers MT][u][b]LEADERS[/b][/u][/font][/size][/center] [color=white].[/color] [quote name=Leaders] [url=][img][/img][/url] [size=4][b]CAPTAIN CORAL[/b][/size] [/quote]
Leaders wrote:
fr time +2
read my lore!
buy my art!
[center][size=6][font=Engravers MT][u][b]DIVER RECRUITS[/b][/u][/font][/size][/center] [color=white].[/color] [quote name=Recruits] [url=][img][/img][/url] [b][size=4]BRYNN[/size][/b] [url=][img][/img][/url] [b][size=4]FALLAH[/size][/b] [url=][img][/img][/url] [b][size=4]ELEANORA[/size][/b] [url=][img][/img][/url] [b][size=4]APPLEBUTTER[/size][/b] [url=][img][/img][/url] [b][size=4]EMERE[/size][/b] [url=][img][/img][/url] [b][size=4]LANCIR[/size][/b] [url=][img][/img][/url] [b][size=4]LUKE[/size][/b] [url=][img][/img][/url] [b][size=4]SIERRA[/size][/b] [url=][img][/img][/url] [b][size=4]PITCH[/size][/b] [/quote]
Recruits wrote:
fr time +2
read my lore!
buy my art!
[center][size=6][font=Engravers MT][u][b]GRAVEYARD[/b][/u][/font][/size][/center] [color=white].[/color] [quote name=Graveyard] [url=][img][/img][/url] [b][size=4]SPELLWIND[/size][/b] [url=][img][/img][/url] [b][size=4]LAYET[/size][/b] [url=][img][/img][/url] [b][size=4]UNNAMED[/size][/b] [/quote]
Graveyard wrote:
fr time +2
read my lore!
buy my art!
[center][size=6][font=Engravers MT][u][b]RETIRED[/b][/u][/font][/size][/center] [color=white].[/color] [quote name=Retired] [size=4][b]TBA[/b][/size] [/quote]
Retired wrote:
fr time +2
read my lore!
buy my art!



Coral and Brynn - @.cartographic



Coral and Brynn - @.cartographic
fr time +2
read my lore!
buy my art!
[center][u][b]DAY 01[/b][/u][/center] [center][img][/img][/center] Day one and we have. 30-40 matches on the coli. Awesome! I WAS hoping for some opening lore but this is fine :) Went to the Training Grounds, Coral's almost to level six, and Fallah and Brynn got to level four! Coral and Fallah both rolled well above 1 on the "do their eyes get burned out" roll, and Brynn's already blinded for lore reasons. Incidentally her attacks missed a lot today, lol.
DAY 01

Day one and we have. 30-40 matches on the coli. Awesome! I WAS hoping for some opening lore but this is fine :)

Went to the Training Grounds, Coral's almost to level six, and Fallah and Brynn got to level four! Coral and Fallah both rolled well above 1 on the "do their eyes get burned out" roll, and Brynn's already blinded for lore reasons. Incidentally her attacks missed a lot today, lol.
fr time +2
read my lore!
buy my art!