
Quests & Challenges

Quests, Challenges, and Festival games.
TOPIC | 2024 Flameforger's Coli Challenge
[center][b]Training Fields[/b] | Woodland Path | Scorched Forest | Boneyard | Sandswept Delta | Silk-Stewn Wreckage | Blooming Grove | Forgotten Cave | Bamboo Falls | Thunderhead Savanna | Redrock Cove | Waterway | Arena | Volcanic Vents | Rainsong Jungle | Boreal Wood | Crystal Pools | Harpy's Roost | Ghostlight Ruins | Mire | Kelp Beds | Golem Workshop | Forbidden Portal [/center] [center][emoji=left wing size=1][emoji=right wing size=1][/center] [indent]- Time spent: 34 min - Chest Drop/Pass Item: [item=glowing ember]x50 - Notable loot: [item=mith bruiser][item=fiery might fragment][item=yellow-throated sparrowmouse][item=death's-head stag][item=shred][item=glowing pocket mouse][item=broken flower pot]x5[item=leafy pack]x4[item=minor health potion]x4[/indent]
Training Fields | Woodland Path | Scorched Forest | Boneyard | Sandswept Delta | Silk-Stewn Wreckage | Blooming Grove | Forgotten Cave | Bamboo Falls | Thunderhead Savanna | Redrock Cove | Waterway | Arena | Volcanic Vents | Rainsong Jungle | Boreal Wood | Crystal Pools | Harpy's Roost | Ghostlight Ruins | Mire | Kelp Beds | Golem Workshop | Forbidden Portal
- Time spent: 34 min
- Chest Drop/Pass Item:
Glowing Ember x50
- Notable loot:
Mith Bruiser Fiery Might Fragment Yellow-Throated Sparrowmouse Death's-Head Stag Shred Glowing Pocket Mouse Broken Flower Pot x5 Leafy Pack x4 Minor Health Potion x4
YMPbu9R.pngNonbinary (Trans flag)He/They (Nonbinary flag)Aroace (Aroace alt flag)Pan (Pan flag)G8AyR6r.png
[center]Training Fields | Woodland Path | Scorched Forest | Sandswept Delta | Silk-Strewn Wreckage | Blooming Grove | Forgotten Cave | Bamboo Falls | Thunderhead Savanna | Redrock Cove | Waterway | Arena | Volcanic Vents | Rainsong Jungle | Boreal Wood | Crystal Pools | Harpy's Roost | Ghostlight Ruins | [u][b]Mire[/b][/u] | Kelp Beds | Golem Workshop | Forbidden Portal [/center] [center][size=5][u][b]- Normal Mode -[/b][/u][/size][/center] [u][size=4][b]Mire[/b][/size][/u] - Time spent: 58 minutes - Pass Items: [columns] [nextcol] [item=Glowing Ember] x50 [/columns] - Notable Drops: [columns] [item=Ancient Gene Parchment: Sailfish] [nextcol] [item=Swamp Kelpie Mane] [nextcol] [item=Sickle Kamaitachi] [nextcol] [item=] [nextcol] [item=] [nextcol] [item=] [/columns]
Training Fields | Woodland Path | Scorched Forest | Sandswept Delta | Silk-Strewn Wreckage | Blooming Grove | Forgotten Cave | Bamboo Falls | Thunderhead Savanna | Redrock Cove | Waterway | Arena | Volcanic Vents | Rainsong Jungle | Boreal Wood | Crystal Pools | Harpy's Roost | Ghostlight Ruins | Mire | Kelp Beds | Golem Workshop | Forbidden Portal

- Normal Mode -

- Time spent: 58 minutes

- Pass Items:
Glowing Ember x50

- Notable Drops:
Ancient Gene Parchment: Sailfish Swamp Kelpie Mane Sickle Kamaitachi
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[rule] [center][b]normal mode[/b][/center] [rule] [b][size=5]bamboo falls[/size][/b] time spent: 14 minutes fest currency: [item=Glowing Ember] 18/50 chest drop: N/A [b]battle items[/b]: [item=Mist Slash][item=Flame Bolt][item=Jungle Slash] notable loot: [item=Baku][item=Raptorik Warrior Crate][item=Burlap Sack]x2 [rule] [b][size=5]thunderhead savanna[/size][/b] time spent: 10 minutes fest currency: [item=Glowing Ember] 14/50 [b]chest drop[/b]: [item=Conflagrant Sylvan Chest] battle items: N/A notable loot: [item=Plainstrider Bard][item=Ampelope] [rule]

normal mode

bamboo falls

time spent:
14 minutes

fest currency:
Glowing Ember 18/50

chest drop:

battle items:
Mist Slash Flame Bolt Jungle Slash

notable loot:
Baku Raptorik Warrior Crate Burlap Sack x2

thunderhead savanna

time spent:
10 minutes

fest currency:
Glowing Ember 14/50

chest drop:
Conflagrant Sylvan Chest

battle items:

notable loot:
Plainstrider Bard Ampelope

shine. fr+10.
» skin shop
» avatar dragon
@mediscoot Doing Blitz Mode and starting now! [center][img][/img][/center] [img][/img] [b]Training Fields[/b] | [s]Woodland Path[/s] | [s]Scorched Forest[/s] | [s]Boneyard[/s] | [s]Sandswept Delta[/s] | [s]Blooming Grove[/s] | [s]Silk-Strewn Wreckage[/s] | [s]Forgotten Cave[/s] | [s]Bamboo Falls[/s] | [s]Thunderhead Savanna[/s] | [s]Redrock Cove[/s] | [s]Waterway[/s] | [s]Arena[/s] | [s]Volcanic Vents[/s] | [s]Rainsong Jungle[/s] | [s]Boreal Wood[/s] | [s]Crystal Pools[/s] | [s]Harpy’s Roost[/s] | [s]Ghostlight Ruins[/s] | [s]Mire[/s] | [s]Golem Workshop[/s] | [s]Kelp Beds[/s] | [s]Forbidden Portal[/s] [img][/img] [b]Blitz Mode[/b] Time Spent: 25 minutes [img][/img] Win Condition: [b]Festival Chest[/b] | [item=]Unhatched Egg[item=] | [item=]x50 festival currency[item=] | [item=]x3 battle items[item=] | [item=]Time[item=] Chest Drop?: [item=volcanic maw chest] Currency: 29x[item=glowing ember] [img][/img] Other Notable Drops: [item=leafy pack]x2[item=broken flower pot]x6[item=minor health potion]x9[item=silky webwing][item=diseased might fragment][item=ruby webwing] [img][/img]

Doing Blitz Mode and starting now!


Training Fields | Woodland Path | Scorched Forest | Boneyard | Sandswept Delta | Blooming Grove | Silk-Strewn Wreckage | Forgotten Cave | Bamboo Falls | Thunderhead Savanna | Redrock Cove | Waterway | Arena | Volcanic Vents | Rainsong Jungle | Boreal Wood | Crystal Pools | Harpy’s Roost | Ghostlight Ruins | Mire | Golem Workshop | Kelp Beds | Forbidden Portal


Blitz Mode

Time Spent: 25 minutes


Win Condition:
Festival Chest | Unhatched Egg | x50 festival currency | x3 battle items | Time

Chest Drop?: Volcanic Maw Chest

Currency: 29x Glowing Ember


Other Notable Drops: Leafy Pack x2 Broken Flower Pot x6 Minor Health Potion x9 Silky Webwing Diseased Might Fragment Ruby Webwing

[center] [rule] [size=4]Woodland Path Hard Mode[/size] [rule] [b]Pass Conditions[/b] X75 fest currency and 2 fest chest, egg, or [b]x3 combat items[/b] (I refuse to count potions) [item=glowing ember] 88 /75 [item=volcanic maw chest] [rule] [size=4]Familiars[/size] [rule] [item=Cockatrice] [item=Blooming Strangler] [item=Clown Charger] [item=Greenroot Janustrap]x2 [item=Wildwood Owl] [item=Spring Glade Lord] [item=Spongy Spingy] [item=Aurelian Porcupine] [rule] [size=4]Apparel[/size] [rule] [item=Friend Hedgehog] [rule] [size=4]Battle Items[/size] [rule] [item=Minor Health Potion]x7 [item=Meditate] [item=Scratch] [item=Sap] [rule] [size=4]Other Notable Loot[/size] [rule] [item=Leafy Pack]x11 [item=Scene: Woodland Path][item=Ancient Gene Parchment: Marlin] [item=Ancient Gene Parchment: Phantom] [rule] [size=3] [url=]Training Fields[/url] | [url=]Woodland Path[/url] | [url=]Scorched Forest[/url] | [url=]Boneyard[/url] | [url=]Sandswept Delta[/url] | [url=]Silk-Strewn Wreckage[/url] | [url=]Blooming Grove[/url] | [url=]Forgotten Cave[/url] | [url=]Bamboo Falls[/url] | Thunderhead Savana | Red Rock Cove | Waterway | Arena | Volcanic Vents | Rainsong Jungle | Borel Woods | Crystal Pools | Harpy’s Roost | Ghostlight Ruins | Mire | Kelp Beds| Golem Workshop | Forbidden Portal | [/size] [/center]

Woodland Path Hard Mode

Pass Conditions
X75 fest currency and 2 fest chest, egg, or x3 combat items (I refuse to count potions)
Glowing Ember 88 /75
Volcanic Maw Chest


Cockatrice Blooming Strangler Clown Charger Greenroot Janustrap x2 Wildwood Owl Spring Glade Lord Spongy Spingy Aurelian Porcupine


Friend Hedgehog

Battle Items

Minor Health Potion x7 Meditate Scratch Sap

Other Notable Loot

Leafy Pack x11 Scene: Woodland Path Ancient Gene Parchment: Marlin Ancient Gene Parchment: Phantom

Training Fields | Woodland Path | Scorched Forest | Boneyard | Sandswept Delta | Silk-Strewn Wreckage | Blooming Grove | Forgotten Cave | Bamboo Falls | Thunderhead Savana | Red Rock Cove | Waterway | Arena | Volcanic Vents | Rainsong Jungle | Borel Woods | Crystal Pools | Harpy’s Roost | Ghostlight Ruins | Mire | Kelp Beds| Golem Workshop | Forbidden Portal |

[center][img][/img][/center] [img][/img] [url=]Training Fields[/url] | [b]Woodland Path[/b] | [s]Scorched Forest[/s] | [s]Boneyard[/s] | [s]Sandswept Delta[/s] | [s]Blooming Grove[/s] | [s]Silk-Strewn Wreckage[/s] | [s]Forgotten Cave[/s] | [s]Bamboo Falls[/s] | [s]Thunderhead Savanna[/s] | [s]Redrock Cove[/s] | [s]Waterway[/s] | [s]Arena[/s] | [s]Volcanic Vents[/s] | [s]Rainsong Jungle[/s] | [s]Boreal Wood[/s] | [s]Crystal Pools[/s] | [s]Harpy’s Roost[/s] | [s]Ghostlight Ruins[/s] | [s]Mire[/s] | [s]Golem Workshop[/s] | [s]Kelp Beds[/s] | [s]Forbidden Portal[/s] [img][/img] [b]Blitz Mode[/b] Time Spent: 3 minutes [img][/img] Win Condition: [b]Festival Chest[/b] | [item=]Unhatched Egg[item=] | [item=]x50 festival currency[item=] | [item=]x3 battle items[item=] | [item=]Time[item=] Chest Drop?: [item=fires of creation chest] Currency: 5x[item=glowing ember] [img][/img] Other Notable Drops: [item=minor health potion] [img][/img]


Training Fields | Woodland Path | Scorched Forest | Boneyard | Sandswept Delta | Blooming Grove | Silk-Strewn Wreckage | Forgotten Cave | Bamboo Falls | Thunderhead Savanna | Redrock Cove | Waterway | Arena | Volcanic Vents | Rainsong Jungle | Boreal Wood | Crystal Pools | Harpy’s Roost | Ghostlight Ruins | Mire | Golem Workshop | Kelp Beds | Forbidden Portal


Blitz Mode

Time Spent: 3 minutes


Win Condition:
Festival Chest | Unhatched Egg | x50 festival currency | x3 battle items | Time

Chest Drop?: Fires of Creation Chest

Currency: 5x Glowing Ember


Other Notable Drops: Minor Health Potion

[center][size=7][b]BONEYARD[/b][/size] [b][u]Time:[/b][/u] 9 minutes (lmao) [u][size=5][b]Festival[/b][/u][/size] [b][item=Glowing Ember]x42[/b] [size=5][u][b]Other Loot[/b][/u][/size] [b][item=Cranial Cache]x7 [item=Ossein Scavenger]x1 [item=Tarpit Cockatrice]x1 [item=Minor Health Potion]x3 [item=Might Fragment]x1 [item=Earthen Acuity Fragment]x1 [item=Secondary Gene: Morph]x1 [item=Unhatched Plague Egg]x1 [/b] egg in 9 minutes i'm crying
Time: 9 minutes (lmao)


Glowing Ember x42

Other Loot

Cranial Cache x7
Ossein Scavenger x1 Tarpit Cockatrice x1
Minor Health Potion x3 Might Fragment x1 Earthen Acuity Fragment x1
Secondary Gene: Morph x1
Unhatched Plague Egg x1

egg in 9 minutes i'm crying
[center] [rule] [size=4]Scorched Forest Hard Mode[/size] [rule] [b]Pass Conditions[/b] [b]X75 fest currency and 2 fest chests[/b], egg, or x3 combat items] (I refuse to count potions) [item=glowing ember] 75 /75 [item=bog-a-lamp chest] [item=Furnace core chest] [rule] [size=4]Familiars[/size] [rule] [item=Wintermane Bowman] [item=Painted Centaur] [item=Zeeba] [rule] [size=4]Apparel[/size] [rule] [rule] [size=4]Battle Items[/size] [rule] [item=Minor Health Potion]x5 [item=Anticipate] [item=Contuse] [rule] [size=4]Other Notable Loot[/size] [rule] [item=Secondary Gene: Morph] [rule] [size=3] [url=]Training Fields[/url] | [url=]Woodland Path[/url] | [url=]Scorched Forest[/url] | [url=]Boneyard[/url] | [url=]Sandswept Delta[/url] | [url=]Silk-Strewn Wreckage[/url] | [url=]Blooming Grove[/url] | [url=]Forgotten Cave[/url] | [url=]Bamboo Falls[/url] | Thunderhead Savana | Red Rock Cove | Waterway | Arena | Volcanic Vents | Rainsong Jungle | Borel Woods | Crystal Pools | Harpy’s Roost | Ghostlight Ruins | Mire | Kelp Beds| Golem Workshop | Forbidden Portal | [/size] [/center]

Scorched Forest Hard Mode

Pass Conditions
X75 fest currency and 2 fest chests, egg, or x3 combat items] (I refuse to count potions)
Glowing Ember 75 /75
Bog-A-Lamp Chest Furnace Core Chest


Wintermane Bowman Painted Centaur Zeeba


Battle Items

Minor Health Potion x5 Anticipate Contuse

Other Notable Loot

Secondary Gene: Morph

Training Fields | Woodland Path | Scorched Forest | Boneyard | Sandswept Delta | Silk-Strewn Wreckage | Blooming Grove | Forgotten Cave | Bamboo Falls | Thunderhead Savana | Red Rock Cove | Waterway | Arena | Volcanic Vents | Rainsong Jungle | Borel Woods | Crystal Pools | Harpy’s Roost | Ghostlight Ruins | Mire | Kelp Beds| Golem Workshop | Forbidden Portal |

[rule] [center][b]normal mode[/b][/center] [rule] [b][size=5]redrock cove[/size][/b] time spent: 27 minutes [b]fest currency[/b]: [item=Glowing Ember] 50/50 chest drop: N/A battle items: [item=Might Fragment][item=Reflect] notable loot: [item=Mirage Puffer][item=Barnacle-Encrusted Bottle]x2[item=Leopard Coralclimber] [rule] [b][size=5]waterway[/size][/b] time spent: 18 minutes fest currency: [item=Glowing Ember] 16/50 chest drop: N/A battle items: [item=Aquatic Might Fragment][item=Bolster] [b]notable loot[/b]: [item=Vermilion Harvest Robe][item=Waterway Pipe]x3[item=Unhatched Earth Egg] [rule]

normal mode

redrock cove

time spent:
27 minutes

fest currency:
Glowing Ember 50/50

chest drop:

battle items:
Might Fragment Reflect

notable loot:
Mirage Puffer Barnacle-Encrusted Bottle x2 Leopard Coralclimber


time spent:
18 minutes

fest currency:
Glowing Ember 16/50

chest drop:

battle items:
Aquatic Might Fragment Bolster

notable loot:
Vermilion Harvest Robe Waterway Pipe x3 Unhatched Earth Egg

shine. fr+10.
» skin shop
» avatar dragon
Scorched Forest
Blitz Mode
• Time Spent: 10m 45s
• Chest drop:

• Currency:
Glowing Ember x39

• Egg

• Pass Item
Shred Flame Bolt Fiery Might Fragment

• Notable loot:
Minor Health Potion x2 Searing Jackalope Crate Primary Gene: Python Smoke Gyre Brown Birdskull Headdress Dented Iron Boots Tigerlily Flower Crown
Scorched Forest
Blitz Mode
• Time Spent: 10m 45s
• Chest drop:

• Currency:
Glowing Ember x39

• Egg

• Pass Item
Shred Flame Bolt Fiery Might Fragment

• Notable loot:
Minor Health Potion x2 Searing Jackalope Crate Primary Gene: Python Smoke Gyre Brown Birdskull Headdress Dented Iron Boots Tigerlily Flower Crown
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