
Quests & Challenges

Quests, Challenges, and Festival games.
TOPIC | Trial: Manifestation [Pinkerlocke]
I see pinkerlocke, I click pinkerlocke. I click pinkerlocke, I read pinkerlocke. Time to catch up!
I see pinkerlocke, I click pinkerlocke. I click pinkerlocke, I read pinkerlocke. Time to catch up!
Pinkerlocke? Not now, but one day...
@MisterMylez Not too much to catch up on yet, at least! [right][size=1]@SymphonyofIce @ilimati[/size] [img][/img] [size=2][i]Day 14 - Smile![i][/size][/right] So I do have a trinket in my item pool, and I got pinged for a waitlist I'd been hoping for, so have an adopt I had done of Tirion! Clearly in a happier time than right now, but here's hoping moods pick up soon. Many thanks to @fatherfursuit for the adopt! [img][/img]

Not too much to catch up on yet, at least!
@SymphonyofIce @ilimati
Day 14 - Smile!

So I do have a trinket in my item pool, and I got pinged for a waitlist I'd been hoping for, so have an adopt I had done of Tirion! Clearly in a happier time than right now, but here's hoping moods pick up soon. Many thanks to @fatherfursuit for the adopt!


Manifestation: a Pinkerlocke
nnnnn iohA98P.png
fr__water_by_baelfin-d8uyn80.png leo
fr__water_by_baelfin-d8uyn80.png he/him
fr__water_by_baelfin-d8uyn80.png FR +3
nnnnnnnn xyUtvwe.png
omg a++++ adopt i love it
omg a++++ adopt i love it
i heard there was a place where the light
managed to cut through the dark
but that was just a story for children
and my chest is just a grave for my heart

jubi p. lizardperson
it/its or they/them
[size=1]@SymphonyofIce @ilimati @MisterMylez[/size] [img][/img] [right][i][size=2]Day 15 - A New Friend[/size][/i][/right] Finally got a new dragon friend! Pulled this little bugger [item=bluelight chipskink] and found myself this new friend: [center][url=] [img][/img] [/url][/center] We'll do a lore update tomorrow :D
@SymphonyofIce @ilimati @MisterMylez
Day 15 - A New Friend

Finally got a new dragon friend! Pulled this little bugger Bluelight Chipskink and found myself this new friend:

We'll do a lore update tomorrow :D

Manifestation: a Pinkerlocke
nnnnn iohA98P.png
fr__water_by_baelfin-d8uyn80.png leo
fr__water_by_baelfin-d8uyn80.png he/him
fr__water_by_baelfin-d8uyn80.png FR +3
nnnnnnnn xyUtvwe.png
i heard there was a place where the light
managed to cut through the dark
but that was just a story for children
and my chest is just a grave for my heart

jubi p. lizardperson
it/its or they/them
Pinkerlocke? Not now, but one day...
ok, ok, I'm all caught up!
ok, ok, I'm all caught up!
Pinkerlocke? Not now, but one day...
[size=1]@SymphonyofIce @ilimati @MisterMylez[/size] [right][img][/img] [size=2][i]Day 16 - Foundling[/i][/size][/right] Tirion didn't know how long they'd been wandering. They'd been running from fights, keeping away from the rest of the world, hiding until they felt...something again. Losing Telyn had hurt more than he'd expected. They hadn't known each other well, and out of the three, he and Telyn had gotten along the least. But...well, they called it survivor's guilt for a reason. [i]Why had he taken that hit for me?[/i] It didn't make sense. It was never going to make sense. Telyn shouldn't have taken that hit. Telyn should still be here. He should have still been here. One night, as they were looking for somewhere to spend the night, Mayse froze. Tirion looked at her. "What?" She waved a hand for quiet. He waited another moment, but then whispered again, "What?" "Do you hear that?" The fae was barely audible. Tirion listened, trying to keep still and listen to the woods. And sure enough, in the distance he could hear the soft cries of a hatchling, crying out. "A hatchling?" Mayse nodded. "And a young one, at that. We need to find it." The two headed deeper into the woods, trying to follow the source of the cries--and Tirion's heart wrenched when they finally found the poor thing. A young male skydancer, body a deep blue and wings the color of tropical waters reflecting the stars against them. As Mayse crept toward him, his eyes opened and he tried to back away, the amethyst shade nearly black in the dusk light. "It's okay," she murmured. The skydancer whimpered, still trying to edge away. "He's so small," Tirion said, trying to flatten himself to the ground. The fae was almost the same size at the hatchling, but Tirion was almost twice his length. He didn't want to intimidate the poor thing. "It's okay, little friend. We're not going to hurt you." The hatchling wasn't convinced, but he stopped moving, and settled to just watch them, shivering. "Are you hungry?" Mayse asked. That caught the skydancer's attention, but still he stayed silent. "I'll find you something, okay? Some plants, if nothing else." She looked at Tirion. "Watch him?" The spiral nodded, and Mayse flitted off into the darkness. The hatchling watched her until she'd left, then turned his gaze to Tirion. "My name is Tirion," the spiral offered. "Her name is Mayse. We're on...a quest, I guess. We're trying to win a place at the lair they call Olympuswatch." Tirion had no idea why he was telling the hatchling all of this, but he felt the need to fill the silence with something. "Do you have a name?" The hatchling just watched him. "It's okay if you don't. Or if you don't want to share. I just don't want to call you 'hatchling' all the time. So if you had your own name, I'd use that instead." Still no response. "Do you want me to give you a name?" That got the hatchling's eyes to widen a little, and Tirion was willing to take that as a positive answer. "Hmm. We just lost a friend who was a skydancer like you. But he had his stars on his body, where yours are on your wings." He paused. "I'm surprised. I don't think I've ever seen a skydancer hatchling on its own." "It's highly uncommon," Mayse's voice commented, showing back up with an armful of flowers, that she deposited in front of the hatchling. "Skydancers value family over almost everything else. An abandoned's like a guardian without a Charge. It doesn't happen." The hatchling seemed to shrink away from her words, but his eyes were on the flowers. "It's okay, little one. It's all for you. You're the only one of us who will eat them." It took another moment before he seemed to believe her, but then set into the food with the fervor of the starved. Mayse backed up so that she could settle against Tirion. "Can we keep him?" the spiral asked, trying to sound lighthearted, but the weight of the hatchling's breed fell heavily between the two. "I think we have to." ----- [size=2][i]Mylez, I realized you didn't actually ask to be on the pinglist. Do you want to be added officially? [emoji=coatl laughing size=1][/i][/size]
@SymphonyofIce @ilimati @MisterMylez
Day 16 - Foundling

Tirion didn't know how long they'd been wandering. They'd been running from fights, keeping away from the rest of the world, hiding until they felt...something again. Losing Telyn had hurt more than he'd expected. They hadn't known each other well, and out of the three, he and Telyn had gotten along the least. But...well, they called it survivor's guilt for a reason.

Why had he taken that hit for me? It didn't make sense. It was never going to make sense. Telyn shouldn't have taken that hit. Telyn should still be here.

He should have still been here.

One night, as they were looking for somewhere to spend the night, Mayse froze. Tirion looked at her. "What?" She waved a hand for quiet. He waited another moment, but then whispered again, "What?"

"Do you hear that?" The fae was barely audible.

Tirion listened, trying to keep still and listen to the woods. And sure enough, in the distance he could hear the soft cries of a hatchling, crying out. "A hatchling?"

Mayse nodded. "And a young one, at that. We need to find it." The two headed deeper into the woods, trying to follow the source of the cries--and Tirion's heart wrenched when they finally found the poor thing. A young male skydancer, body a deep blue and wings the color of tropical waters reflecting the stars against them. As Mayse crept toward him, his eyes opened and he tried to back away, the amethyst shade nearly black in the dusk light. "It's okay," she murmured.

The skydancer whimpered, still trying to edge away. "He's so small," Tirion said, trying to flatten himself to the ground. The fae was almost the same size at the hatchling, but Tirion was almost twice his length. He didn't want to intimidate the poor thing. "It's okay, little friend. We're not going to hurt you."

The hatchling wasn't convinced, but he stopped moving, and settled to just watch them, shivering.

"Are you hungry?" Mayse asked. That caught the skydancer's attention, but still he stayed silent. "I'll find you something, okay? Some plants, if nothing else." She looked at Tirion. "Watch him?"

The spiral nodded, and Mayse flitted off into the darkness. The hatchling watched her until she'd left, then turned his gaze to Tirion. "My name is Tirion," the spiral offered. "Her name is Mayse. We're on...a quest, I guess. We're trying to win a place at the lair they call Olympuswatch." Tirion had no idea why he was telling the hatchling all of this, but he felt the need to fill the silence with something. "Do you have a name?"

The hatchling just watched him.

"It's okay if you don't. Or if you don't want to share. I just don't want to call you 'hatchling' all the time. So if you had your own name, I'd use that instead." Still no response. "Do you want me to give you a name?" That got the hatchling's eyes to widen a little, and Tirion was willing to take that as a positive answer. "Hmm. We just lost a friend who was a skydancer like you. But he had his stars on his body, where yours are on your wings." He paused. "I'm surprised. I don't think I've ever seen a skydancer hatchling on its own."

"It's highly uncommon," Mayse's voice commented, showing back up with an armful of flowers, that she deposited in front of the hatchling. "Skydancers value family over almost everything else. An abandoned's like a guardian without a Charge. It doesn't happen." The hatchling seemed to shrink away from her words, but his eyes were on the flowers. "It's okay, little one. It's all for you. You're the only one of us who will eat them."

It took another moment before he seemed to believe her, but then set into the food with the fervor of the starved.

Mayse backed up so that she could settle against Tirion. "Can we keep him?" the spiral asked, trying to sound lighthearted, but the weight of the hatchling's breed fell heavily between the two.

"I think we have to."

Mylez, I realized you didn't actually ask to be on the pinglist. Do you want to be added officially?

Manifestation: a Pinkerlocke
nnnnn iohA98P.png
fr__water_by_baelfin-d8uyn80.png leo
fr__water_by_baelfin-d8uyn80.png he/him
fr__water_by_baelfin-d8uyn80.png FR +3
nnnnnnnn xyUtvwe.png
[size=1]@SymphonyofIce @ilimati @MisterMylez[/size] [right][img][/img] [i][size=2]Day 17 - Family[/size][/i][/right] They stayed awake in phases, since the hatchling never seemed to sleep, trying to keep him fed. The poor thing drifted off as the sun started to rise, and Tirion bit back a yawn as Mayse blinked awake. "How is he?" she asked. "Asleep, finally." He sighed as Mayse flitted over to settle down next to him. "I can't even imagine how he ended up just left out here. I didn't think skydancers [i]did[/i] that." "It's happened occasionally, I guess, but...yes, I agree with you. It's odd." The two watched the slumbering hatchling, still tense even in sleep. "Poor thing. He's so thin. I mean, from skydancer standards he's probably a pretty normal size but he just...he's so small." "And that's coming from the fae," Tirion offered, the humor falling shy of where he was shooting. Mayse still managed a smile. "I'm used to it." She rested her head against Tirion's. "Not exactly how I imagined having hatchlings." Tirion chuckled. "I'd never really thought of it, honestly. But yeah, not how I'd expecting being a parent would go." He paused. "Have you always wanted your own?" "Sort of. I was pretty fond of a tundra back home, but it was pretty clear it wasn't going to work out. A guardian thought I might have been his Charge for a while, but he never convinced me. Just a ruse to get me to a nest." She laughed softly. "But I figured I was still young. Didn't need to rush anything." "Mmm." Tirion thought about that for a while. "Were both of your parents fae?" She shook her head. "No, Mum was a guardian. Dad was a pretty small fae too, and Mum was just so much bigger than he was. It got pretty funny." Mayse glanced at him. "What about you?" "Dad was a nocturne. He and Mom weren't very close though, not like lifemates. I think both of my nest-siblings went with a Plague clan to serve the gods. I never really knew any of them. That's part of why I decided to travel. To make my own family." Mayse nuzzled the side of his face. "Well, we're a pretty small little family, but you've got us now." Tirion managed a small smile. "Yeah. Our own little found family." A few beats passed, and then the possible implications set in and his head snapped over to look at her, eyes wide. Mayse giggled and put a wing over his face. "Let's see how we do with our skydancer friend before I let you convince me onto a nest, okay?" "I wasn't--!" "Mm-hmm." "You were the one who suggested it!" "Let the hatchling sleep, Tirion." Mayse tucked her wings in close and settled against Tirion, and as her breathing evened, it was too easy for him to fall asleep as well.
@SymphonyofIce @ilimati @MisterMylez
Day 17 - Family

They stayed awake in phases, since the hatchling never seemed to sleep, trying to keep him fed. The poor thing drifted off as the sun started to rise, and Tirion bit back a yawn as Mayse blinked awake.

"How is he?" she asked.

"Asleep, finally." He sighed as Mayse flitted over to settle down next to him. "I can't even imagine how he ended up just left out here. I didn't think skydancers did that."

"It's happened occasionally, I guess, but...yes, I agree with you. It's odd." The two watched the slumbering hatchling, still tense even in sleep. "Poor thing. He's so thin. I mean, from skydancer standards he's probably a pretty normal size but he just...he's so small."

"And that's coming from the fae," Tirion offered, the humor falling shy of where he was shooting.

Mayse still managed a smile. "I'm used to it." She rested her head against Tirion's. "Not exactly how I imagined having hatchlings."

Tirion chuckled. "I'd never really thought of it, honestly. But yeah, not how I'd expecting being a parent would go." He paused. "Have you always wanted your own?"

"Sort of. I was pretty fond of a tundra back home, but it was pretty clear it wasn't going to work out. A guardian thought I might have been his Charge for a while, but he never convinced me. Just a ruse to get me to a nest." She laughed softly. "But I figured I was still young. Didn't need to rush anything."

"Mmm." Tirion thought about that for a while. "Were both of your parents fae?"

She shook her head. "No, Mum was a guardian. Dad was a pretty small fae too, and Mum was just so much bigger than he was. It got pretty funny." Mayse glanced at him. "What about you?"

"Dad was a nocturne. He and Mom weren't very close though, not like lifemates. I think both of my nest-siblings went with a Plague clan to serve the gods. I never really knew any of them. That's part of why I decided to travel. To make my own family."

Mayse nuzzled the side of his face. "Well, we're a pretty small little family, but you've got us now."

Tirion managed a small smile. "Yeah. Our own little found family." A few beats passed, and then the possible implications set in and his head snapped over to look at her, eyes wide.

Mayse giggled and put a wing over his face. "Let's see how we do with our skydancer friend before I let you convince me onto a nest, okay?"

"I wasn't--!"


"You were the one who suggested it!"

"Let the hatchling sleep, Tirion." Mayse tucked her wings in close and settled against Tirion, and as her breathing evened, it was too easy for him to fall asleep as well.

Manifestation: a Pinkerlocke
nnnnn iohA98P.png
fr__water_by_baelfin-d8uyn80.png leo
fr__water_by_baelfin-d8uyn80.png he/him
fr__water_by_baelfin-d8uyn80.png FR +3
nnnnnnnn xyUtvwe.png
I'd be happy to be added!
I'd be happy to be added!
Pinkerlocke? Not now, but one day...