Right now I onlt have ambassadors for two flights, light and nightning.
Meir is Jaxom's former clan leader, who drove him out of the clan in the lightweaver's name before later opting to takas a much more extreme view of the lightweaver's will. In the process he posessed his closest follower, Asataine and angered several clans.
This is Asataine. She is from Meirs coan and was posessed (and had her magic stripped) by him after beginning to seperate her beliefs from the clan they lived in. Like Meir though, she still believes in the lightweavers will, and largely ignores Jaxom's reasons and arguments when trying to convinve him to come back to the sunbeam ruins.
This is Aleph. Shes a skilled lawyer and works to negotiate disputes on behalf of the party parlor, its staff, and its guests. She also operates an asylum program for former light flight drafons (and doesnt believe in the lightweaver), leading to her and Jaxom getting along quite well and frequenyly helping each other out.
Lastly for light reps, you have tone. As mentioned before, Meir saw it as his duty to carry out the lightweavers will, leading to him angering too many clans. These clans came together to seek safety in numbers, and created Tone. Tone's key purpose is to stop Meir from continuing on his rather violent crusade. Over time, he has switched from peacable interactions to more agressive ones. Outside of this conflict though he is very peaceable and friendly, often haning out with Jaxom and moss.
Now for lightning reps:
Axis and wolfram dont have lore yet, so theyll be skipped for now
Blitz is an android and the head of lightning's flight reps. She is a logistician (i thino thats the right term, not 100% sure) who was transferred out of lightning flight when the party parlor sought to gain some representataves and technicians in variosus skills in preperation for the thundercrack carnival.
You also have Counter. Counter is a union organizer who is old and tired and grew fatigued fighting the stormcatchers overseers, so he moved to the party parlor for his retirement. In lore he is the pldest dragon in the clan and has grown idyl, nonstalgic, and crabby in his aging years. Despite this he still helps younger dragons to make their own way in lightning clans when they come looking for help.
Ysaly and Axius also lack lore at this time besides being drafon bots of pure lightning magic, so ill skip them u til i have more lore.
Hello.. I'm Sab, an RPer and worldbuilder. Just came back from a hiatus and would love to know whats new. Please DM me on discord since I'm more active there. Also, rp request from anyone under 18 will not abe accepted. Thank you.
Sab | any pronouns | 21 | unsure what to put here. Sorry.
Big WIP. Sorry