
Quests & Challenges

Quests, Challenges, and Festival games.
TOPIC | Spore's Descendants [Lineage Project]
[center][b]Spore's Defenders[/b][/center] [img][/img] [center]Hello, and welcome to Spore's domain.[/center] Hidden deep inside the lands of the great ShadowBinder, lies the home of those that have come to call themselves [u]Spore's Defenders[/u]. [center][i]"Oh? What's that? You've never heard of them? Well, that simply wont due. Sit down and let me tell you about them, and him."[/i][/center] Spore's Defenders is an "un-official" lineage project. There will be not be any strict guidelines or requirements. This is more of a personal fun project (for myself). The goals: to provide an optional "starter" background for your dragons and the stories you make about them ( This of course, is optional. Feel free to make your own stories instead!). As well to train and donate (personal) unwanted dragons; instead of just exalting them all. Now, why was it described as "un-official"? I want to set this up so that, if I ever just suddenly stop playing, this forum and its comment section(s) will still be functional. I want most or all the generations / dragons recorded in the comment section. That way the forum will require minimal editing. [columns] [b]This is not to be used as an adoption forum.[/b] If you run or know of programs run by others that will accept trained dragons from any lineage. Please let me know and I will provide the links to them below. [nextcol] [Sometimes when I'm lazy or really need the lair space, I will donate untrained dragons to brand new players, to help give them a head start. For my own convenience, this is the message that comes attached to that donation] [quote]Hello! And welcome to flight rising! I'm sending you this dragon from a lineage project I'm working on. My goal is to return the kindness I was given when I first joined this website. So I ask nothing in return should you choose to keep this dragon. (If you do keep them, I just ask you use them a little before exalting them if that is your choice) Should you decide you don't want this dragon, just reject the trade and I will send them to someone else who is new![/quote] [/columns] ------- [center][i]"Now that I've told you about them, it's time I told you about him."[/i][/center] [center][b]Spore[/b][/center] [center][url=][/center][img][/img][/url] (This is optional, feel free to skip) Spore hatched deep in the marshes of the Tangled Woods. To a warped and twisted clan that only only felt personal worth when they dragged other beneath them. They took what they pleased from whoever they wanted. Forcing their youth into servitude. Warping their views of the outside world to keep them afraid and ignorant. Only relying on the knowledge they deemed worth of learning. They taught Spore and their other children to keep silent above all else. To ask for help was weakness. Worse than that, it made the leaders look weak, like they couldn't provide, it would bring unwanted attention to the clan. That was the ultimate crime that a dragon could commit. That would be severely punished. Spore tried so very hard to live up to their ever changeling expectations. To keep up with his clanmates. To never fall behind, to never slip up or make a mistake. But he was literally asked to do the impossible. He couldn't reach these goal. Because they where never obtainable in the first place. For many years he tried to earn their "love", to make them proud, but no no avail. It impossible to satisfy those that only wish to hold your face in the dirt. After a particularly nasty failure. Spore had had enough. His fear of his clanmates, his parents, his leaders; finally outgrew the fear of potential consequences. It was now or never. He had to leave. He planned and prepared as best as he could, and when the moment arrived. He fled. Ha ran and flew father than ever before. Fear and adrenalin propelling him beyond what he would normally be capable of. He only stopped when his body forced him to. He found a dark cave to crawl into, and hid. He stayed in that cave for days. Never venturing far, never letting himself be seen. He was on high alert. He would no be found. He would not be taken back. Little did he know, his struggles where about to end. A few days after his arrival Spore woke up, feeling the earth shake beneath his claws. The ground itself was shaking. something large was coming! Panicked he jumped and hit his head on the roof of the tiny cave. Making him yelp in pain. Dazed he crawled towards the cave's entrance, he became aware of a rather lot of noise. Confused he moved faster. Afraid his cave was collapsing around him. Finally seeing the light of day Spore dove out of the cave.... annnndddd crashed directly into another dragon. The two tumbled onto the ground landing in a dusty heap. Spore's first reaction was to go on the defensive, he leapt backwards, ready to strike. Only to realize that there was no threat. It was an obelisk dragon, and another dragon, a much smaller one peaking over a root he had jumped upon to get out of the way, a velispun dragon. the dragon looked down and smiled at him. "hey there.... what's got you bursting out of that cave like there's a viper on your tail?" Stunned Spore just stared for a moment. This is not was he was expecting. Looking beyond this obelisk dragon, he was the Trading post caravans. He had heard of them, but had never had the privilege of being able to go. lest he somehow dishonor his family and scuff their reputation. Turning his attention back to the obelisk, he realized the velispun had come forward, joining the conversation. "Do you need medical attention? I'm somewhat of a healer?" he asked. Now this is not what Spore expected. He wasn't expecting anyone to ask him something like that. He sat down. addressing both of them. His heart racing. "My name is Spore, and I need help." The two identified themselves as [url=]Xaviere[/url] and [url=]Avarice[/url] descendants of the great [url=]Vitali[/url]. They were actually looking for anyone that was just starting out and needed help. After hearing his story, the two decided to join him, and help him cut his own pace of the world. They introduced him to new dragons that also wished to join his clan. And together they built a great clan. One that taught the value of helping others when possible, but to also respect yourself and your values. Striving to teach his children about the important lessons he learned, and giving him the motivation to go forward without looking back. ------ [center][b]Spore's Alchemical Medaling[/b][/center] Alarmed by his sudden affliction, his curse. Spore went back to his first salvation. The trading post. Looking for someone, anyone who might have an idea as to remove his curse. The only problem, other than the curse giving him he Firebreather gene, was that he was now bound to a spell book, and the tangled woods himself. There was no physical barrier keeping him trapped inside. No, instead he found the further went from his homeland, the weaker he became. And the more ill. He tried to get as far as he could, hoping it might pass. That it couldn't continue endlessly? He only tried for as long as he dared. The feeling only got worse and worse. So he decided to not push his luck, and instead he patrolled the borders of the tangled wood. Waiting for any sign of the caravans. Oncer they had arrived into the lands of shadow, he went to work. Looming for anyone that might have some idea as to what had happened, and if there would be a cure. He was surprised how quickly he was able to find someone. Baldwin the alchemist. It became routine, that whenever the caravan came to the tangled woods, Spore would travel with them, and work with Baldwin. Looking for a cure. Spore was also taught the basics of alchemy, which he soon began to excel at. Though a few accidents have caused huis DNA to shift, as well as the genes of his future children, making the following genes more common amongst his kin. Skink Spinner Toxin Poison --------- [center][b]Bio [/b] [/center] [center][color=purple][size=5][url=]Spore's Defenders (Lineage Project)[/url][/size=5] [url=][img][/img][/url] Generation: To defend and hold.[/color=purple] [/center] [code][center][color=purple][size=5][url=]Spore's Defenders (Lineage Project)[/url][/size=5] [url=][img][/img][/url] Generation: To defend and hold. [/color=purple] [/center][/code]
Spore's Defenders
Hello, and welcome to Spore's domain.

Hidden deep inside the lands of the great ShadowBinder, lies the home of those that have come to call themselves Spore's Defenders.
"Oh? What's that? You've never heard of them? Well, that simply wont due. Sit down and let me tell you about them, and him."

Spore's Defenders is an "un-official" lineage project. There will be not be any strict guidelines or requirements. This is more of a personal fun project (for myself).
The goals: to provide an optional "starter" background for your dragons and the stories you make about them ( This of course, is optional. Feel free to make your own stories instead!). As well to train and donate (personal) unwanted dragons; instead of just exalting them all.

Now, why was it described as "un-official"? I want to set this up so that, if I ever just suddenly stop playing, this forum and its comment section(s) will still be functional. I want most or all the generations / dragons recorded in the comment section. That way the forum will require minimal editing.
This is not to be used as an adoption forum. If you run or know of programs run by others that will accept trained dragons from any lineage. Please let me know and I will provide the links to them below.

[Sometimes when I'm lazy or really need the lair space, I will donate untrained dragons to brand new players, to help give them a head start. For my own convenience, this is the message that comes attached to that donation]
Hello! And welcome to flight rising! I'm sending you this dragon from a lineage project I'm working on. My goal is to return the kindness I was given when I first joined this website. So I ask nothing in return should you choose to keep this dragon. (If you do keep them, I just ask you use them a little before exalting them if that is your choice) Should you decide you don't want this dragon, just reject the trade and I will send them to someone else who is new!

"Now that I've told you about them, it's time I told you about him."
(This is optional, feel free to skip)

Spore hatched deep in the marshes of the Tangled Woods. To a warped and twisted clan that only only felt personal worth when they dragged other beneath them. They took what they pleased from whoever they wanted. Forcing their youth into servitude. Warping their views of the outside world to keep them afraid and ignorant. Only relying on the knowledge they deemed worth of learning. They taught Spore and their other children to keep silent above all else. To ask for help was weakness. Worse than that, it made the leaders look weak, like they couldn't provide, it would bring unwanted attention to the clan. That was the ultimate crime that a dragon could commit. That would be severely punished.

Spore tried so very hard to live up to their ever changeling expectations. To keep up with his clanmates. To never fall behind, to never slip up or make a mistake. But he was literally asked to do the impossible. He couldn't reach these goal. Because they where never obtainable in the first place. For many years he tried to earn their "love", to make them proud, but no no avail. It impossible to satisfy those that only wish to hold your face in the dirt.

After a particularly nasty failure. Spore had had enough. His fear of his clanmates, his parents, his leaders; finally outgrew the fear of potential consequences. It was now or never. He had to leave. He planned and prepared as best as he could, and when the moment arrived. He fled. Ha ran and flew father than ever before. Fear and adrenalin propelling him beyond what he would normally be capable of.

He only stopped when his body forced him to. He found a dark cave to crawl into, and hid. He stayed in that cave for days. Never venturing far, never letting himself be seen. He was on high alert. He would no be found. He would not be taken back.
Little did he know, his struggles where about to end. A few days after his arrival Spore woke up, feeling the earth shake beneath his claws. The ground itself was shaking. something large was coming! Panicked he jumped and hit his head on the roof of the tiny cave. Making him yelp in pain. Dazed he crawled towards the cave's entrance, he became aware of a rather lot of noise. Confused he moved faster. Afraid his cave was collapsing around him. Finally seeing the light of day Spore dove out of the cave.... annnndddd crashed directly into another dragon.

The two tumbled onto the ground landing in a dusty heap. Spore's first reaction was to go on the defensive, he leapt backwards, ready to strike. Only to realize that there was no threat. It was an obelisk dragon, and another dragon, a much smaller one peaking over a root he had jumped upon to get out of the way, a velispun dragon. the dragon looked down and smiled at him. "hey there.... what's got you bursting out of that cave like there's a viper on your tail?"

Stunned Spore just stared for a moment. This is not was he was expecting. Looking beyond this obelisk dragon, he was the Trading post caravans. He had heard of them, but had never had the privilege of being able to go. lest he somehow dishonor his family and scuff their reputation.

Turning his attention back to the obelisk, he realized the velispun had come forward, joining the conversation. "Do you need medical attention? I'm somewhat of a healer?" he asked. Now this is not what Spore expected. He wasn't expecting anyone to ask him something like that. He sat down. addressing both of them. His heart racing. "My name is Spore, and I need help."

The two identified themselves as Xaviere and Avarice descendants of the great Vitali. They were actually looking for anyone that was just starting out and needed help. After hearing his story, the two decided to join him, and help him cut his own pace of the world. They introduced him to new dragons that also wished to join his clan. And together they built a great clan. One that taught the value of helping others when possible, but to also respect yourself and your values. Striving to teach his children about the important lessons he learned, and giving him the motivation to go forward without looking back.

Spore's Alchemical Medaling

Alarmed by his sudden affliction, his curse. Spore went back to his first salvation. The trading post. Looking for someone, anyone who might have an idea as to remove his curse. The only problem, other than the curse giving him he Firebreather gene, was that he was now bound to a spell book, and the tangled woods himself. There was no physical barrier keeping him trapped inside. No, instead he found the further went from his homeland, the weaker he became. And the more ill. He tried to get as far as he could, hoping it might pass. That it couldn't continue endlessly? He only tried for as long as he dared. The feeling only got worse and worse. So he decided to not push his luck, and instead he patrolled the borders of the tangled wood. Waiting for any sign of the caravans.

Oncer they had arrived into the lands of shadow, he went to work. Looming for anyone that might have some idea as to what had happened, and if there would be a cure. He was surprised how quickly he was able to find someone. Baldwin the alchemist. It became routine, that whenever the caravan came to the tangled woods, Spore would travel with them, and work with Baldwin. Looking for a cure. Spore was also taught the basics of alchemy, which he soon began to excel at. Though a few accidents have caused huis DNA to shift, as well as the genes of his future children, making the following genes more common amongst his kin.


Spore's Defenders (Lineage Project)

To defend and hold.
[center][color=purple][size=5][url=]Spore's Defenders (Lineage Project)[/url][/size=5] [url=][img][/img][/url] Generation: To defend and hold. [/color=purple] [/center]
photo1715291410.jpgFR Dood Coms!
[center][b]Gen 1[/b][/center] All Gen 1 dragons are to be recorded under this comment [url=][img][/img][/url][url=][img][/img][/url][url=][img][/img][/url][url=][img][/img][/url][url=][img][/img][/url][url=][img][/img][/url][url=][img][/img][/url][url=][img][/img][/url]
Gen 1
All Gen 1 dragons are to be recorded under this comment

photo1715291410.jpgFR Dood Coms!
[center][b]Gen 2[/b][/center] All Gen 2 dragons are to be recorded under this comment [url=][img][/img][/url][url=][img][/img][/url][url=][img][/img][/url][url=][img][/img][/url][url=][img][/img][/url][url=][img][/img][/url]
Gen 2
All Gen 2 dragons are to be recorded under this comment

photo1715291410.jpgFR Dood Coms!
[quote name="ObsidianNiight" date="2024-01-29 16:27:43" ] [center][b]Gen 2[/b][/center] All Gen 2 dragons are to be recorded under this comment [/quote] [url=][img][/img][/url][url=][img][/img][/url][url=][img][/img][/url]
ObsidianNiight wrote on 2024-01-29 16:27:43:
Gen 2
All Gen 2 dragons are to be recorded under this comment
photo1715291410.jpgFR Dood Coms!