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TOPIC | A few breeding suggestions!
Hey everyone! I'm sure these have been posted tons of times but I figured I'd throw them in just in case :)
A separate bracket under the auction tab where it shows dragons for stud, because that makes it a lot easier imo than trading dragons for stud purposes.

Another thing I wanted to suggest was the ability to breed in slight battle stats as well, as this is something thats common in a lot of breeding games that I find to be really fun and encourages people to level and train their dragons :)
Hey everyone! I'm sure these have been posted tons of times but I figured I'd throw them in just in case :)
A separate bracket under the auction tab where it shows dragons for stud, because that makes it a lot easier imo than trading dragons for stud purposes.

Another thing I wanted to suggest was the ability to breed in slight battle stats as well, as this is something thats common in a lot of breeding games that I find to be really fun and encourages people to level and train their dragons :)
A studding system would need some kind of way to discard the nest after a set time or auto incubate and hatch to avoid a dragon becoming stuck (unable to be changed or exalted) because it’s on a nest and the studee left the site

If breeding for stats became a thing it would have to be very limited otherwise new players would be extremely handicapped or would have to pay excessively to be competitive. As such the only way I could see this working is something along the line of:
-Stone Inheritance - A chance of the parent's basic stones being inherited (IE the energy stones Anticipate, Scratch, Meditate and the Ability stones Shred, Contuse and Guard).

-Stat Distribution - A hatchling's stat distribution could occasionally influenced by parent's stat distribution but the but the overall stats of the offspring should remain normal. So glass canon faes could occasionally have glass canon offspring (essentially allowing players to avoid buying a tincture)

Potentially, although I am less keen on this one, leveled parents have slightly higher statted offspring than offspring from non levelled. The stat bonus shouldn't be outrageous (perhaps 5 to 10 stats total so for most breeds two level 25s would produce a hatchling with a total of 50-55 stats). This can’t stack generation after generation, so if two higher statted offspring were bred their offspring would have normals stats unless the higher statted offspring were also levelled. IE it doesn't matter if the offspring was the result of a single generation of 25s or the result of 10 generations of level 25s, it would still have the same stat total. The reason for this is to prevent super-dragons and make it so that generation doesn't matter, so that new players aren't constantly playing 'catch up' because established players are popping out hatchlings with a thousand starting stats.
A studding system would need some kind of way to discard the nest after a set time or auto incubate and hatch to avoid a dragon becoming stuck (unable to be changed or exalted) because it’s on a nest and the studee left the site

If breeding for stats became a thing it would have to be very limited otherwise new players would be extremely handicapped or would have to pay excessively to be competitive. As such the only way I could see this working is something along the line of:
-Stone Inheritance - A chance of the parent's basic stones being inherited (IE the energy stones Anticipate, Scratch, Meditate and the Ability stones Shred, Contuse and Guard).

-Stat Distribution - A hatchling's stat distribution could occasionally influenced by parent's stat distribution but the but the overall stats of the offspring should remain normal. So glass canon faes could occasionally have glass canon offspring (essentially allowing players to avoid buying a tincture)

Potentially, although I am less keen on this one, leveled parents have slightly higher statted offspring than offspring from non levelled. The stat bonus shouldn't be outrageous (perhaps 5 to 10 stats total so for most breeds two level 25s would produce a hatchling with a total of 50-55 stats). This can’t stack generation after generation, so if two higher statted offspring were bred their offspring would have normals stats unless the higher statted offspring were also levelled. IE it doesn't matter if the offspring was the result of a single generation of 25s or the result of 10 generations of level 25s, it would still have the same stat total. The reason for this is to prevent super-dragons and make it so that generation doesn't matter, so that new players aren't constantly playing 'catch up' because established players are popping out hatchlings with a thousand starting stats.
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DragonSage touched on my thoughts on the first. As for the second, I don't like things like that not only for reasons already stated, but also because I like to collect oldies, G1s, and G2 Imps. Should this be added, I would be forced to grab a randomgen team or breed my own for better coli dragons. I don't like constantly stacking stats from other sites and really don't feel it fits FR's more casual style. If I don't want to breed, I don't have to. If I want to make a G2 an effective battler, I can. I'm not forced to have random dragons just to get better battle stats.

DragonSage's suggestion doesn't sound too bad, though, because they'd be about as effective as any base coliseum dragon.
DragonSage touched on my thoughts on the first. As for the second, I don't like things like that not only for reasons already stated, but also because I like to collect oldies, G1s, and G2 Imps. Should this be added, I would be forced to grab a randomgen team or breed my own for better coli dragons. I don't like constantly stacking stats from other sites and really don't feel it fits FR's more casual style. If I don't want to breed, I don't have to. If I want to make a G2 an effective battler, I can. I'm not forced to have random dragons just to get better battle stats.

DragonSage's suggestion doesn't sound too bad, though, because they'd be about as effective as any base coliseum dragon.
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