Body: When i tried to brew a Pinecone for Trickmurk Circus, i was redirected to this error screen. When i returned to baldwins in another tab, the brew was in progress.
Error Text: Undefined variable: content (View: /home/flightri/laravel/app/views/layouts/onecol-default.blade.php) in /649e0b4178e5d7f3d3cbb728d3260441 Line 39
Browser: Chrome
Body: When i tried to brew a Pinecone for Trickmurk Circus, i was redirected to this error screen. When i returned to baldwins in another tab, the brew was in progress.
Error Text: Undefined variable: content (View: /home/flightri/laravel/app/views/layouts/onecol-default.blade.php) in /649e0b4178e5d7f3d3cbb728d3260441 Line 39
Browser: Chrome
Monstrai this error message just means that you double clicked the button. you can safely ignore it.
Monstrai this error message just means that you double clicked the button. you can safely ignore it.
Oddly, i didnt press the button twice. I think it was just bad internet. [emoji=mirror sad size=1]
Oddly, i didnt press the button twice. I think it was just bad internet.
Not a glitch, but I notice every time I go to make a new item on Bubbling Brew, the page runs very slow and tends to lock up, to where I have to close out the tab. It only does this on the create new items page.
Not a glitch, but I notice every time I go to make a new item on Bubbling Brew, the page runs very slow and tends to lock up, to where I have to close out the tab. It only does this on the create new items page.