

Introduce yourself and say hello to the rest of the community.
TOPIC | ~Say 'hello' to Darkness!~
Is this the end of the beginning?
Or the beginning of the end?

Hello dragonlovers! I'm Darkness and I'm here to say 'hi' to community. I was looking for such a game for a long time. Here my search ends. This one is absolutely awesome. I hope I'll find here great people to play together and trade stuff.

~About me~
*My main hobbies are drawing, writing stories, reading books (fantasy, crime stories, thrillers) and playnig RPG and CRPG.

*Love dragons! (obviousness) and also metal music ^^

*I am an aesthetic, want to make my dragons beautiful.

*Shadow is definitely my nature.

Is this the end of the beginning?
Or the beginning of the end?

Hello dragonlovers! I'm Darkness and I'm here to say 'hi' to community. I was looking for such a game for a long time. Here my search ends. This one is absolutely awesome. I hope I'll find here great people to play together and trade stuff.

~About me~
*My main hobbies are drawing, writing stories, reading books (fantasy, crime stories, thrillers) and playnig RPG and CRPG.

*Love dragons! (obviousness) and also metal music ^^

*I am an aesthetic, want to make my dragons beautiful.

*Shadow is definitely my nature.

Welcome to FR @WolfBloodSoul [emoji=gaoler tongue size=2] You'll love it here! You can write your very own lore and stories for your dragons, draw pictures of them and there is also a [url=]Roleplay Forum[/url] / [url=]Games Forum[/url] where you can sometimes find DnD type stuff if you like that. Though you also have normal games and of course normal rps! If you want any tips, just say! I can also give you a boost with some apparel, farmiliars and other stuff. However, I don't have any dragons to give but you can find plenty on the [url=]Raffles and Giveaways forum[/url]!
Welcome to FR @WolfBloodSoul
You'll love it here! You can write your very own lore and stories for your dragons, draw pictures of them and there is also a Roleplay Forum / Games Forum where you can sometimes find DnD type stuff if you like that. Though you also have normal games and of course normal rps!

If you want any tips, just say! I can also give you a boost with some apparel, farmiliars and other stuff. However, I don't have any dragons to give but you can find plenty on the Raffles and Giveaways forum!
- they/them
- +8 FR time
- Feel free to talk/ping!
- Old UN: LemonySnaket

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