
Bug Report Forums

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TOPIC | Online status login bug
I navigate the site, and it says I am no logged in, but then other parts of the site say that I am. I try to log in, and it gives me the "wrong username/password error. I tried other passwords I use to see if I had used the wrong password, but now it says I am "Locked out for two hours". I navigate away to another section of the site and it says I am logged in. Help?
I navigate the site, and it says I am no logged in, but then other parts of the site say that I am. I try to log in, and it gives me the "wrong username/password error. I tried other passwords I use to see if I had used the wrong password, but now it says I am "Locked out for two hours". I navigate away to another section of the site and it says I am logged in. Help?
@DeliriantSeraph Since the site is hosted on two domains (www and www1) you need to be logged in on both parts of the site simultaneously. Log out and then log back in from both your lair page and the main page. Clear your browser's cache as well.
@DeliriantSeraph Since the site is hosted on two domains (www and www1) you need to be logged in on both parts of the site simultaneously. Log out and then log back in from both your lair page and the main page. Clear your browser's cache as well.