

Make Flight Rising better by sharing your ideas!
TOPIC | Battle Classes/Abilities
I love the Coliseum and the fact that you can battle with your dragons but I would really like to a wider variety of abilities. Maybe even introduce a couple of different classes for the different breeds? Like warrior, rogue, mage but made to accommodate dragons. Does anyone else feel this way?
I love the Coliseum and the fact that you can battle with your dragons but I would really like to a wider variety of abilities. Maybe even introduce a couple of different classes for the different breeds? Like warrior, rogue, mage but made to accommodate dragons. Does anyone else feel this way?
I agree, but I don't really know if they could implement that easily...
Support, but tentative.
I agree, but I don't really know if they could implement that easily...
Support, but tentative.
FR 0+ Hours (exact with site/server time)
Pardon the typos! I'm on mobile ALOT.
(Probably why a lot of my forum posts are edited.)
You already can have warriors and mages, and truthfully, with how the coli is set up, I can't see any other classes but those, there is no reason to have a thief class (what are they stealing/opening? except for something like backstab, don't see much difference between a warrior dragon and a thief dragon) You can already have more ranged dragons and close dragons (ie some of the moves the dragon doesn't leave its place, other it jumps close to the enemy and strikes) so no need to really differentiate between those.

However, I WOULD like their to be more options in how to build a battle dragon. To my understanding, there are only 2 or 3 ways to create one that actually works, so Iwould like more variety, just don't see the need for classes, especially ones that would 'lock' you into only using certain stones etc...

The wider range of abilities would be nice. I support that.
You already can have warriors and mages, and truthfully, with how the coli is set up, I can't see any other classes but those, there is no reason to have a thief class (what are they stealing/opening? except for something like backstab, don't see much difference between a warrior dragon and a thief dragon) You can already have more ranged dragons and close dragons (ie some of the moves the dragon doesn't leave its place, other it jumps close to the enemy and strikes) so no need to really differentiate between those.

However, I WOULD like their to be more options in how to build a battle dragon. To my understanding, there are only 2 or 3 ways to create one that actually works, so Iwould like more variety, just don't see the need for classes, especially ones that would 'lock' you into only using certain stones etc...

The wider range of abilities would be nice. I support that.

Let them Fight
Let them Serve the Deities
Let them Exist in peace!
Dragons needed --->
Breed Characteristic Apparel!

Cuckoo Breed and Mutations!

Change Unnamed in YOUR dragon's profile!
I think we should have rewards for pvp because the current system only supports one kind of build and making a team with actual strategies would be cool. But nobody joins pvp because there's no goodies. T-T That would encourage the growth of "classes" that are already there but never used.
I think we should have rewards for pvp because the current system only supports one kind of build and making a team with actual strategies would be cool. But nobody joins pvp because there's no goodies. T-T That would encourage the growth of "classes" that are already there but never used.
Breed already dictates starting stones, but I do not think that builds should be restricted by breed. I would like to see more build variety. Its possible the admins may be planning for more variety in build for the adventure mode that is planned and keeping the the coliseum fairly straightforward and more well suited for offesnive based builds. For those curious about adventure mode here's the info from launch plans [quote]Due to the immense size and scale of this feature, it will not be available for launch (or even several months after launch), but we have already begun content creation and have many backend systems in place for our adventure/questing mode. In a content update some time after launch, players will be able to take a party of dragons into a few subregions of the world map, select quests to embark on, and earn treasure/loot for completing them. The player will be able to move their party of dragons around a visual environment, explore, and battle their way through random and scripted encounters. This feature will expand over time, encompassing more and more areas of the Flight Rising realm for players to explore.[/quote]
Breed already dictates starting stones, but I do not think that builds should be restricted by breed. I would like to see more build variety. Its possible the admins may be planning for more variety in build for the adventure mode that is planned and keeping the the coliseum fairly straightforward and more well suited for offesnive based builds.

For those curious about adventure mode here's the info from launch plans
Due to the immense size and scale of this feature, it will not be available for launch (or even several months after launch), but we have already begun content creation and have many backend systems in place for our adventure/questing mode. In a content update some time after launch, players will be able to take a party of dragons into a few subregions of the world map, select quests to embark on, and earn treasure/loot for completing them. The player will be able to move their party of dragons around a visual environment, explore, and battle their way through random and scripted encounters. This feature will expand over time, encompassing more and more areas of the Flight Rising realm for players to explore.
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#UnnamedIsValid .:. Nature Sales Thread .:. Strider Subspecies