
Art Sales

For commissions and flat-sale of your creative efforts.
TOPIC | ***Rynn's Art Shop *** [OPEN]
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@triska Hey! so sorry for the long wait! I was super busy with school this semester so i haven't had time to draw as much as i would have liked! here is your commission and i hope you like it! [img][/img] I can always send a bigger version if u want :)

Hey! so sorry for the long wait! I was super busy with school this semester so i haven't had time to draw as much as i would have liked! here is your commission and i hope you like it! tumblr_nlp7l4UjhA1sn6tbpo1_500.jpg

I can always send a bigger version if u want :)
@rynn65 !!! She looks lovely, thank you! & this size is fine, perfect for putting into her profile c:

I'll send over payment right away
@rynn65 !!! She looks lovely, thank you! & this size is fine, perfect for putting into her profile c:

I'll send over payment right away
@rynn65 Your art look really good, I'd love a ping when you have more slots available! :o
@rynn65 Your art look really good, I'd love a ping when you have more slots available! :o
@bobbear Hey! sorry for the wait on the commission! here it is [img][/img] If you would like a bigger version I will be able to send it to you :)
Hey! sorry for the wait on the commission! here it is

If you would like a bigger version I will be able to send it to you :)
@rynn65 If you're still open, I'd love a colored portrait of this lady? :)
@rynn65 If you're still open, I'd love a colored portrait of this lady? :)
@cila hey! Sorry the wait! I've been busy with school but now I'm on break so Ive been trying to catch up with commissions! i hope you like nikita! [img][/img] if you need a bigger size just let me know :)
hey! Sorry the wait! I've been busy with school but now I'm on break so Ive been trying to catch up with commissions! i hope you like nikita! tumblr_nlqurlPYJ51sn6tbpo1_500.jpg

if you need a bigger size just let me know :)
hey! i was wondering if you were still interested in getting a commission? if so you can send reference pics
hey! i was wondering if you were still interested in getting a commission? if so you can send reference pics
was honestly confused for a second haha but yes!
Lemme fill out the form~
username: Princesomniac
payment type: Treasure
commission type: Colored Bust
reference picture:
was honestly confused for a second haha but yes!
Lemme fill out the form~
username: Princesomniac
payment type: Treasure
commission type: Colored Bust
reference picture:
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