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TOPIC | [W] Okapi [H] Noc egg
Hey guys! I'm craving the new gene but I can't seem to snipe it!

So I'm offering up my unhatched nocturne egg for 2 Okapi Genes! 1 gene!

The eggs are selling for about 280k and the genes are being sold for 190k, so it's a 80k tip if you get me this baby!
Hey guys! I'm craving the new gene but I can't seem to snipe it!

So I'm offering up my unhatched nocturne egg for 2 Okapi Genes! 1 gene!

The eggs are selling for about 280k and the genes are being sold for 190k, so it's a 80k tip if you get me this baby!
@PinkPocky Eggs are going for around 280K right now, so might I suggest asking for one and 80K?
@PinkPocky Eggs are going for around 280K right now, so might I suggest asking for one and 80K?
Oh geez, they are, I must of remembered their prices wrong. My bad!

Thank you though, I'll change my post too!
Oh geez, they are, I must of remembered their prices wrong. My bad!

Thank you though, I'll change my post too!
@PinkPocky I'll take you up on that if you're still offering.
@PinkPocky I'll take you up on that if you're still offering.

I am! still in need of the new gene!

I am! still in need of the new gene!
@PinkPocky If for whatever reason your trade with Valkaryss falls through, I would be glad to trade you :)
@PinkPocky If for whatever reason your trade with Valkaryss falls through, I would be glad to trade you :)
Aged Tome Battered Book of Fables Owlcat Journal Forest Field Guide
Intact Parchment Empty Inkwell
@PinkPocky I have one gene if you are still in need. I'd love to give the egg to my sister who missed out on all the fun.
@PinkPocky I have one gene if you are still in need. I'd love to give the egg to my sister who missed out on all the fun.
singerrunesig.png wowbox.png