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TOPIC | Make Chests Work Like Festival Currency
Gathering strikes again! My friend with level 15 Digging grabbed 46 chests yesterday, while I spent all my turns in Digging today (with level 25) and pulled exactly zero.

Now, this isn't quite a suggestion to fix Gathering. Yes, it's broken right now and I'd love to see it revamped (if you would, too, give some love to this thread!). However, this is a rather simpler solution to the problem described above, in which someone with a lower level can wind up with more chances at a egg/scroll than someone with a higher level.

Put Strange Chests in the same Gathering category as festival currency.

Think about it. Chests aren't guaranteed to have anything good in them - they're not like the skin-and-treasure chests of the festivals. In fact, most of them have food in them, and not a lot of it at that. Festival currency is calculated separately from other Gathering items, so we don't run into the backwards-leveling problem - and like festival currency, you need to get a lot of them in one place to do you any good.

This also helps the people that don't play the Coliseum but spend their turns in Digging and Scavenging: they won't have to choose between possibly wasting their treasure on worthless lottery tickets, or [insert reason that they don't play Coli, which could be one of many].

It works thematically, too - NoN is the "December holiday," after all. The admins could even pretend it was their own idea! A little "it has been brought to our attention that Chests, which were supposed to work like X, weren't, and that has been fixed now" never hurt anyone.

If this has been suggested before, forgive me. I didn't see any older thread in the mad flood of "fix this about NoN!" threads, but would gladly support one.

ETA: To clarify, I'm not suggesting (and don't think) that we should be able to turn in Strange Chests to Joxar for items, or anything like that. This is a unique event and the lottery-style play is interesting and fun. This suggestion is just a way to make sure that the event doesn't stay at "Gather fun chests!" for the new players and "Grind endlessly in the Coli for fun chests!" for older ones.
Gathering strikes again! My friend with level 15 Digging grabbed 46 chests yesterday, while I spent all my turns in Digging today (with level 25) and pulled exactly zero.

Now, this isn't quite a suggestion to fix Gathering. Yes, it's broken right now and I'd love to see it revamped (if you would, too, give some love to this thread!). However, this is a rather simpler solution to the problem described above, in which someone with a lower level can wind up with more chances at a egg/scroll than someone with a higher level.

Put Strange Chests in the same Gathering category as festival currency.

Think about it. Chests aren't guaranteed to have anything good in them - they're not like the skin-and-treasure chests of the festivals. In fact, most of them have food in them, and not a lot of it at that. Festival currency is calculated separately from other Gathering items, so we don't run into the backwards-leveling problem - and like festival currency, you need to get a lot of them in one place to do you any good.

This also helps the people that don't play the Coliseum but spend their turns in Digging and Scavenging: they won't have to choose between possibly wasting their treasure on worthless lottery tickets, or [insert reason that they don't play Coli, which could be one of many].

It works thematically, too - NoN is the "December holiday," after all. The admins could even pretend it was their own idea! A little "it has been brought to our attention that Chests, which were supposed to work like X, weren't, and that has been fixed now" never hurt anyone.

If this has been suggested before, forgive me. I didn't see any older thread in the mad flood of "fix this about NoN!" threads, but would gladly support one.

ETA: To clarify, I'm not suggesting (and don't think) that we should be able to turn in Strange Chests to Joxar for items, or anything like that. This is a unique event and the lottery-style play is interesting and fun. This suggestion is just a way to make sure that the event doesn't stay at "Gather fun chests!" for the new players and "Grind endlessly in the Coli for fun chests!" for older ones.

I saw people saying they'd gained millions of chests from digging, so I went ahead. Ten yesterday. Six today. All turns digging -.- I'm level 25.

Others are arguing that it's a way of balancing it out for the newbies, as we oldies can coli. Yeah. Sure we can. IF IT WORKS! Plus newbies can coli too. It's easy to create a team that can at least grind the woodland path.

Gathering is broken. I wouldn't admit it before now, but it's really clear with so many discrepencies between lower and higher levels.

I saw people saying they'd gained millions of chests from digging, so I went ahead. Ten yesterday. Six today. All turns digging -.- I'm level 25.

Others are arguing that it's a way of balancing it out for the newbies, as we oldies can coli. Yeah. Sure we can. IF IT WORKS! Plus newbies can coli too. It's easy to create a team that can at least grind the woodland path.

Gathering is broken. I wouldn't admit it before now, but it's really clear with so many discrepencies between lower and higher levels.
I agree as well, it has been proven by numerous players how broken gathering is. The higher level you are past a certain point, the less chests you get.
I think this would be a funner way to experience the event.
I agree as well, it has been proven by numerous players how broken gathering is. The higher level you are past a certain point, the less chests you get.
I think this would be a funner way to experience the event.
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No support.

We finally got something new and different and I'd much prefer not turning it into the same old thing again. The whole point was to make it more difficult, as the staff said from the beginning. Making it work like festival currency would make it way too easy and every item would quickly become worthless.
No support.

We finally got something new and different and I'd much prefer not turning it into the same old thing again. The whole point was to make it more difficult, as the staff said from the beginning. Making it work like festival currency would make it way too easy and every item would quickly become worthless.
A few MMORPGS have gradually adopted this on player complains against RNG, i.e. World of Warcraft, and it does seem to work well.

Not only does it curb the "either open 1 chest to get what you want or 500 with nothing" but you can aim for certain prizes too. This way you are at least guaranteed some sort of prize if you work for it.
A few MMORPGS have gradually adopted this on player complains against RNG, i.e. World of Warcraft, and it does seem to work well.

Not only does it curb the "either open 1 chest to get what you want or 500 with nothing" but you can aim for certain prizes too. This way you are at least guaranteed some sort of prize if you work for it.