
Raffles & Giveaways

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TOPIC | Dragons Free to Newbies!!! : ))
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Hi! And a warm welcome to flight rising!! :)) I am giving away dragons, on a first come first serve basis. I must ask that you do not exalt them, at least not soon, because I'm giving them to you as gifts and preferably want them to have permanent homes! Now, to get a dragon, and to get first come first serve treatment, you [b]must[/b] follow [b]all [/b] the [b]instructions![/b] (Unless English isn't your first language! Let me know if that's the case!) [b] Instructions:[/b] 1. Ping me. You can do that by adding an @ sign to the front of a username. Like this: @Eyelet Yeah, it really is that easy, so please do it! Otherwise I won't see that you've replied. 2. Only one dragon per new user. And say exactly which one you want! I really don't like hearing 'any dragon will do,' because it feels like you don't really like them but just want a dragon anyways. Pick one at random if you like them all and can't decide! 3. Refer to a dragon by their name, or if not their name, their breed/colors/gender/genes, to the point where I can know beyond a shadow of a doubt which one you want!! That's very important! Saying the third dragon isn't helpful to me, and neither is saying 'the blueish skydancer' when there are three of them. 4. Lastly, although not required, hearing please and thank you is always nice. ;) Also: These dragons are already named, personally I think their names fit them really well, but if you genuinely like one and want to rename it I can always try to help you get a hold of a renaming scroll. Anyways, on the to the babies! :)) [url=] [img][/img] [/url] [s]"Brighton" Female 8378376! Storm/sky/lemon iridescent/shimmer/circuit (haha stormy sky that lined up nicely)[/s] [b]ADOPTED![/b] [url=] [img][/img] [/url] [s]"Reed" Male 8378377 Storm/Blue/Spring iridescent/shimmer/circuit[/s] [b]ADOPTED![/b] [url=] [img][/img] [/url] [s]"Aurora" Female 8378378 Storm/Blue/Green Iridescent/shimmer/circuit (She looks like an Aurora and her ID is a perfect repeat.)[/s] [b]ADOPTED![/b] [url=] [img][/img] [/url] [s]"Ember" Female sunshine/orange/sunshine iridescent/shimmer/crackle (She's a rarer breed, XYX and seriously what a babe.)[/s] [b]ADOPTED![/b]
Hi! And a warm welcome to flight rising!! :))
I am giving away dragons, on a first come first serve basis. I must ask that you do not exalt them, at least not soon, because I'm giving them to you as gifts and preferably want them to have permanent homes!

Now, to get a dragon, and to get first come first serve treatment, you must follow all the instructions!
(Unless English isn't your first language! Let me know if that's the case!)


1. Ping me. You can do that by adding an @ sign to the front of a username. Like this: @Eyelet
Yeah, it really is that easy, so please do it! Otherwise I won't see that you've replied.

2. Only one dragon per new user. And say exactly which one you want! I really don't like hearing 'any dragon will do,' because it feels like you don't really like them but just want a dragon anyways. Pick one at random if you like them all and can't decide!

3. Refer to a dragon by their name, or if not their name, their breed/colors/gender/genes, to the point where I can know beyond a shadow of a doubt which one you want!! That's very important!
Saying the third dragon isn't helpful to me, and neither is saying 'the blueish skydancer' when there are three of them.

4. Lastly, although not required, hearing please and thank you is always nice. ;)

Also: These dragons are already named, personally I think their names fit them really well, but if you genuinely like one and want to rename it I can always try to help you get a hold of a renaming scroll.

Anyways, on the to the babies! :))


(haha stormy sky that lined up nicely)






(She looks like an Aurora and her ID is a perfect repeat.)



(She's a rarer breed, XYX and seriously what a babe.)

@Eyelet Could I please have Ember? She's incredibly pretty c:
@Eyelet Could I please have Ember? She's incredibly pretty c:
@Eyelet Can I get the Read? his name is cool. Thanks for giving
@Eyelet Can I get the Read? his name is cool. Thanks for giving

May I have Aurora please? She's quite stunning, and her ID makes me giggle.

May I have Aurora please? She's quite stunning, and her ID makes me giggle.

Could I please get Brighton? Such an awesome dragon :)

Could I please get Brighton? Such an awesome dragon :)
Of course! She is quite the pretty baby. :) I'll set up the CR!

His name is Reed, not Read, but if you still want him let me know and I'll absolutely give him to you.

Of course!! :) Yeah, all of the sky dancers came out with really cool ID numbers, it made me pretty happy haha. I'll go set up the CR.

Absolutely! :) I'll set up a CR. I'm glad you like her!
Of course! She is quite the pretty baby. :) I'll set up the CR!

His name is Reed, not Read, but if you still want him let me know and I'll absolutely give him to you.

Of course!! :) Yeah, all of the sky dancers came out with really cool ID numbers, it made me pretty happy haha. I'll go set up the CR.

Absolutely! :) I'll set up a CR. I'm glad you like her!

Thank you so much!

Thank you so much!
@Eyelet Oh, I'm sorry! I wrong read his name. Of course I still want him!
@Eyelet Oh, I'm sorry! I wrong read his name. Of course I still want him!
Thank you!
Thank you!
No problem! You guys are really sweet. People did this for me when I first joined too. :) All I can ask is that you spread on the love to new members in the future, and that you please enjoy your new dragons! xx

No problem! Just thought I'd double check. :)
I'll send you the crossroads asap! xx
No problem! You guys are really sweet. People did this for me when I first joined too. :) All I can ask is that you spread on the love to new members in the future, and that you please enjoy your new dragons! xx

No problem! Just thought I'd double check. :)
I'll send you the crossroads asap! xx
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