

Tell stories and roleplay in the world of Flight Rising.
TOPIC | Ice Cove Orphanage - closed
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@Banditgirl14 @Zerata

"Okie dokie." (22) stuck her tongue out in thought, imagining what it'd be like to be part of a Plague clan. It'd be so different! She smiled at Rath, Prongs, and the parasitic claw thingy, and again said,"Okie dokie." She then stood to face Oralee, who had moved out of her line of sight during the conversation,"So can they adopt me now? I like 'em."

"We'll have to do some paperwork first, and a background check, but if all that goes over well then yes." Oralee turned to Alphonse with a look of question; she trusted his judge of character and, though Rath and her companions seemed trustworthy to her, an extra opinion never hurt.
@Banditgirl14 @Zerata

"Okie dokie." (22) stuck her tongue out in thought, imagining what it'd be like to be part of a Plague clan. It'd be so different! She smiled at Rath, Prongs, and the parasitic claw thingy, and again said,"Okie dokie." She then stood to face Oralee, who had moved out of her line of sight during the conversation,"So can they adopt me now? I like 'em."

"We'll have to do some paperwork first, and a background check, but if all that goes over well then yes." Oralee turned to Alphonse with a look of question; she trusted his judge of character and, though Rath and her companions seemed trustworthy to her, an extra opinion never hurt.
Alphonse turned his gaze to meet Oralee's and stared at her for a few moments before dipping his head into a slight nod of agreement. He walked over to Oralee, Rath and (22), coming to a stop on the other side of Rath. He lowered his head so that Valda could jump down and see her sister.

Valda squeaked in excitement as her father lowered his head for her, finally letting her to go and play with her sister. She stood then leaped at her sister from on top of Alphonse's head, attempting to tackle her.

Edit: Forgot to ping, sorry! @Catfsh @Zerata
Alphonse turned his gaze to meet Oralee's and stared at her for a few moments before dipping his head into a slight nod of agreement. He walked over to Oralee, Rath and (22), coming to a stop on the other side of Rath. He lowered his head so that Valda could jump down and see her sister.

Valda squeaked in excitement as her father lowered his head for her, finally letting her to go and play with her sister. She stood then leaped at her sister from on top of Alphonse's head, attempting to tackle her.

Edit: Forgot to ping, sorry! @Catfsh @Zerata
@Banditgirl14 @Catfsh

Prongs squeaked in panic as the two tiny dragons proved to be on a collision course and he quickly fled off of the hatchling's back and back up Rath's leg who just snickered at him. " 'Fraid of children now Prongs?" The plague dragon stood back up and stretched out her hind legs for a moment, her tail stretching out to provide balance. A mirror at least had the fortune of being agile and somewhat graceful on their feet.

"Now this is turning out to be a much better day that expected. Lead the way if you wouldn't mind good sir." She tilted her head towards Alphonse as she said this, her voice laced with wit on that good sir comment, accompanied by a small grin.
@Banditgirl14 @Catfsh

Prongs squeaked in panic as the two tiny dragons proved to be on a collision course and he quickly fled off of the hatchling's back and back up Rath's leg who just snickered at him. " 'Fraid of children now Prongs?" The plague dragon stood back up and stretched out her hind legs for a moment, her tail stretching out to provide balance. A mirror at least had the fortune of being agile and somewhat graceful on their feet.

"Now this is turning out to be a much better day that expected. Lead the way if you wouldn't mind good sir." She tilted her head towards Alphonse as she said this, her voice laced with wit on that good sir comment, accompanied by a small grin.
@Zerata @Banditgirl14 (sorry i didn't reply earlier, i've been without my computer for a while)

(22) heard Valda's squeak and, knowing she was an excited sort, collapsed into the snow to avoid her sisters attack. She got clipped by one of Valda's back claws, but she didn't bleed so it would be fine. "No jumping," she said to her sibling, and after a little consideration,"maybe hugging but that's it k."

Oralee chuckled at the children, and then at Rath's humor. "Yes, Alphonse, take them to my office. I'll get (22)'s file and conduct the check. It's about time I visit the two." She smiled at the younger girls, waved to them all, and set off towards the mountains.
@Zerata @Banditgirl14 (sorry i didn't reply earlier, i've been without my computer for a while)

(22) heard Valda's squeak and, knowing she was an excited sort, collapsed into the snow to avoid her sisters attack. She got clipped by one of Valda's back claws, but she didn't bleed so it would be fine. "No jumping," she said to her sibling, and after a little consideration,"maybe hugging but that's it k."

Oralee chuckled at the children, and then at Rath's humor. "Yes, Alphonse, take them to my office. I'll get (22)'s file and conduct the check. It's about time I visit the two." She smiled at the younger girls, waved to them all, and set off towards the mountains.
Valda, not expecting her sister to duck down like that, plunged into the snow in a summersault and ended up stopping on her back, "Your no fun..." She huffed, struggling to right herself and get back onto her feet. She shook the snow off of herself then stuck her tongue out at her sister.

Alphonse narrowed his eyes at Rath, hearing the tone in her voice, "Don't push your luck." He growled then glanced over at Valda and (22), shaking his head as Valda ended up tumbling in the snow. Turning his attention back to Rath he flicked his tail to motion for her to follow and led the way to Oralee's office.

@Catfsh @Zerata
Valda, not expecting her sister to duck down like that, plunged into the snow in a summersault and ended up stopping on her back, "Your no fun..." She huffed, struggling to right herself and get back onto her feet. She shook the snow off of herself then stuck her tongue out at her sister.

Alphonse narrowed his eyes at Rath, hearing the tone in her voice, "Don't push your luck." He growled then glanced over at Valda and (22), shaking his head as Valda ended up tumbling in the snow. Turning his attention back to Rath he flicked his tail to motion for her to follow and led the way to Oralee's office.

@Catfsh @Zerata
@Banditgirl14 @Catfsh

Rath simply slunk along behind Alphonse and Oralee as Prongs settled down on her back again between her wings where he normally would. She shuffled her wings against her sides, mindful of her wrappings, slightly stained from the rotclaw. "Keep in mind, it is a plague clan. People tend not to like that just for the fact that it is."
@Banditgirl14 @Catfsh

Rath simply slunk along behind Alphonse and Oralee as Prongs settled down on her back again between her wings where he normally would. She shuffled her wings against her sides, mindful of her wrappings, slightly stained from the rotclaw. "Keep in mind, it is a plague clan. People tend not to like that just for the fact that it is."
@Zerata @Banditgirl14

Oralee flew to a low peak, one just low enough to get a gentle breeze, yet tall and steep enough to dissuade most from braving the wild winds that race above it. She landed near the top and began her descent on foot for sometime before coming to a cliff and gliding down to a small valley. This is where many volunteers kept themselves when they were not occupied by the children; it had many huts, caves, and burrows that they lived in.

The two dragons she was visiting lived in a cave to the back that they'd done a pretty good job at disguising. With only one good eye (the other was scarred and all seemed blurry through it), it was often a challenge for her to find the exact place, but frequent visits had given her a general feeling of the location.

Once she stumbled upon the entrance, she called out into the large opening and, after a few moments, a large hooded Imperial appeared before her.

"Hello again! We have another check to do, is your sister here?" Her companion nodded. "Okie doke, to the cards then, and the runes if she joins us." The Imperial nodded again, this time with a small smile, and lead the way deeper into the caves.

Oralee had a contented smile on her face as she joined the others in her office, which was only a small cave with ice built around the entrance like an igloo (courtesy of Lis). She set (22)'s file on the table and relayed to Rath and Alphonse that the check had gone smoothly and that she only had a few things to explain and some questions.

"Miss Rath, and Mister Prongs, and... friendly-seeming parasitic creature of unknown pronouns," she smiled at each of them in turn,"do you plan on leaving the Icefield any time soon?"
@Zerata @Banditgirl14

Oralee flew to a low peak, one just low enough to get a gentle breeze, yet tall and steep enough to dissuade most from braving the wild winds that race above it. She landed near the top and began her descent on foot for sometime before coming to a cliff and gliding down to a small valley. This is where many volunteers kept themselves when they were not occupied by the children; it had many huts, caves, and burrows that they lived in.

The two dragons she was visiting lived in a cave to the back that they'd done a pretty good job at disguising. With only one good eye (the other was scarred and all seemed blurry through it), it was often a challenge for her to find the exact place, but frequent visits had given her a general feeling of the location.

Once she stumbled upon the entrance, she called out into the large opening and, after a few moments, a large hooded Imperial appeared before her.

"Hello again! We have another check to do, is your sister here?" Her companion nodded. "Okie doke, to the cards then, and the runes if she joins us." The Imperial nodded again, this time with a small smile, and lead the way deeper into the caves.

Oralee had a contented smile on her face as she joined the others in her office, which was only a small cave with ice built around the entrance like an igloo (courtesy of Lis). She set (22)'s file on the table and relayed to Rath and Alphonse that the check had gone smoothly and that she only had a few things to explain and some questions.

"Miss Rath, and Mister Prongs, and... friendly-seeming parasitic creature of unknown pronouns," she smiled at each of them in turn,"do you plan on leaving the Icefield any time soon?"
@Banditgirl14 @Catfsh

Rath moved slowly about the small cave, brushing her tail and wing up against things as she looked around the office, listening to Oralee. When questioned she tucked her wings down at her sides again and walked back over towards the Ice dragon, Prings currently napping between her shoulder blades. "I should think not, barring the cold, I quite enjoy this place, the scenery is a pleasant change from the usual craters of muck. Though it could be a bit warmer, but that's just my opinion.
@Banditgirl14 @Catfsh

Rath moved slowly about the small cave, brushing her tail and wing up against things as she looked around the office, listening to Oralee. When questioned she tucked her wings down at her sides again and walked back over towards the Ice dragon, Prings currently napping between her shoulder blades. "I should think not, barring the cold, I quite enjoy this place, the scenery is a pleasant change from the usual craters of muck. Though it could be a bit warmer, but that's just my opinion.
@Zerata @Banditgirl14

"Alrighty then!" Oralee jotted some notes onto the papers she had before her and nodded with finality. She looked back to Rath with a smile on her face,"It's official, you and (22) are now a documented family." Careful of the newly dried ink, Oralee put the papers back into their file and set it aside to be replaced later. She caught (22)'s eye and nodded; the little one seemed to exude excitement. As she straightened she redirected her attention to Rath again, and said,"If you haven't yet gotten a place to stay here in the Icefield you're welcome to spend some time at the orphanage. You could even become a volunteer and stay longer if you think you have some talent to teach!"

[I'll send your dragon over now.]
@Zerata @Banditgirl14

"Alrighty then!" Oralee jotted some notes onto the papers she had before her and nodded with finality. She looked back to Rath with a smile on her face,"It's official, you and (22) are now a documented family." Careful of the newly dried ink, Oralee put the papers back into their file and set it aside to be replaced later. She caught (22)'s eye and nodded; the little one seemed to exude excitement. As she straightened she redirected her attention to Rath again, and said,"If you haven't yet gotten a place to stay here in the Icefield you're welcome to spend some time at the orphanage. You could even become a volunteer and stay longer if you think you have some talent to teach!"

[I'll send your dragon over now.]
Saphira winced, her eyes squinted to keep out the winds and the snow. The flight from the Sea of a Thousand Currents to the Southern Icefield was particularly tough; the Windswept Plateau had twisters and gales of wind that made flying hard, the Southern Icefield had falling snow and blizzards that made navigation difficult.
Doing her best to hang on was her familiar, Sno. Hooves were not designed for gripping things, and she kept sliding around on Saphira's back while bleating in fear of falling off.
Out of the corner of her eye, she spotted what could only be the orphanage. The wind kept catching her wings and buffeting her back, not to mention her feathers were stiff from the cold, and her landing was more of a crash.
Son leaped off,grumbling something about the cold and Saphira's landing skills. "Oh, shut up." Saphira snapped, in a bad mood from the weather and the trip. "I wish I'd left you at home."
She shook the snow of her feathers and bemoaned her carefully arranged feathers, now ruffled and sticking up all over her body. She did her best to get them back into order, before entering the orphanage with Sno right beside her.
"Hello? Is anyone here?" She called out.

@Catfsh @Banditgirl14 @Zerata
(Anyone can answer. Also, hi!)
Saphira winced, her eyes squinted to keep out the winds and the snow. The flight from the Sea of a Thousand Currents to the Southern Icefield was particularly tough; the Windswept Plateau had twisters and gales of wind that made flying hard, the Southern Icefield had falling snow and blizzards that made navigation difficult.
Doing her best to hang on was her familiar, Sno. Hooves were not designed for gripping things, and she kept sliding around on Saphira's back while bleating in fear of falling off.
Out of the corner of her eye, she spotted what could only be the orphanage. The wind kept catching her wings and buffeting her back, not to mention her feathers were stiff from the cold, and her landing was more of a crash.
Son leaped off,grumbling something about the cold and Saphira's landing skills. "Oh, shut up." Saphira snapped, in a bad mood from the weather and the trip. "I wish I'd left you at home."
She shook the snow of her feathers and bemoaned her carefully arranged feathers, now ruffled and sticking up all over her body. She did her best to get them back into order, before entering the orphanage with Sno right beside her.
"Hello? Is anyone here?" She called out.

@Catfsh @Banditgirl14 @Zerata
(Anyone can answer. Also, hi!)
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