XXX Skydancer Breeding Project

Banditgirl14's Clan
I am currently collecting familiars and XXX Dragons
Clan Info

"There must be something in the water..."
FR time: 1 hour behind

We started this clan in April of 2014 with the blessings of the Tidelord and we couldn't be happier in our little dwelling in the Sea of a Thousand Currents. Some activities we enjoy on flightrising include Role playing, collecting triple dragons and familiars. Sorry, we don't accept random friend requests but if you want to role play then feel free to message me!

- XXX dragons
- Any Familiars I don't already have
- Accent: Snoopy Sweet GM, Accent: Cursed, or Accent: Ramskull M for my progen, Altair!

clan info formatted by dystopisaurus
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