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TOPIC | Omg Ur Left-Handed?!
For some reason, right handed scissors never bothered me that much; I'm not sure why.
Also, my family has a number of lefties, and whenever we get together, we always have to put all of us down at the left end of the table.

Also those individual desk chairs they have in classrooms are SO annoying

They have those in probably a third of the classrooms in my school and not one of them is a lefty desk.
Not. One. Of. Them.
For some reason, right handed scissors never bothered me that much; I'm not sure why.
Also, my family has a number of lefties, and whenever we get together, we always have to put all of us down at the left end of the table.

Also those individual desk chairs they have in classrooms are SO annoying

They have those in probably a third of the classrooms in my school and not one of them is a lefty desk.
Not. One. Of. Them.
Totally left-handed here, and since like 25 years ago Western Australia was still in the dark ages, I was even 'forced' to write with my right hand for a while, because they thought that would make my handwriting better (it didn't, though it did make me faintly ambidextrous).

Woot lefties!
Totally left-handed here, and since like 25 years ago Western Australia was still in the dark ages, I was even 'forced' to write with my right hand for a while, because they thought that would make my handwriting better (it didn't, though it did make me faintly ambidextrous).

Woot lefties!

I hate those desks so much. Always ended up contorting myself like a pretzel.

But then the worst bit is how you get used to them, so it then feels just as weird and awkward when there actually is a lefty desk.

Why I can't use lefty scissors, actually, I got too used to righty scissors.

I hate those desks so much. Always ended up contorting myself like a pretzel.

But then the worst bit is how you get used to them, so it then feels just as weird and awkward when there actually is a lefty desk.

Why I can't use lefty scissors, actually, I got too used to righty scissors.
Another leftie here. Scissors and can openers hate me. My younger sister still laughs at me because the 23 year old can't open any cans no matter how hard she tries.

I can't write with my right hand either. I'm glad I'm not in high school anymore. With a lot of sports, they would always show the steps to the right handed people, like discus throwing, and then they'd turn to me and the only other leftie in our year "and you two do it mirrored." And then not giving us an example. Great times. :D
Another leftie here. Scissors and can openers hate me. My younger sister still laughs at me because the 23 year old can't open any cans no matter how hard she tries.

I can't write with my right hand either. I'm glad I'm not in high school anymore. With a lot of sports, they would always show the steps to the right handed people, like discus throwing, and then they'd turn to me and the only other leftie in our year "and you two do it mirrored." And then not giving us an example. Great times. :D
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me, both my parents, and my brother are all left-handed. no one in my extended family is--my dad has a twin brother who's right-handed (mirror twins!).

it's not too big a deal for me, except when trying to use normal binders. also drawing in easily smudged mediums can be a pain 'cause i tend to put at least part of my hand against the paper.

i can do some right-handed things though. as a gamer i've gotten used to using the mouse with my right hand due to the layout of default controls for most games, for example.
me, both my parents, and my brother are all left-handed. no one in my extended family is--my dad has a twin brother who's right-handed (mirror twins!).

it's not too big a deal for me, except when trying to use normal binders. also drawing in easily smudged mediums can be a pain 'cause i tend to put at least part of my hand against the paper.

i can do some right-handed things though. as a gamer i've gotten used to using the mouse with my right hand due to the layout of default controls for most games, for example.
Being left handed is pretty great, and hilarious when friends of 6+ years JUST find out about it too. It's amusing how surprised they get.
Being left handed is pretty great, and hilarious when friends of 6+ years JUST find out about it too. It's amusing how surprised they get.
I'm a lefty, and from the snooping I've done, left translates as evil/bad in several languages, and has had the traditional view of being the 'devil's side,' on top of it. Then there's the fact that that's usually the hand people use to clean up when in the bathroom, sooo.
I'm a lefty, and from the snooping I've done, left translates as evil/bad in several languages, and has had the traditional view of being the 'devil's side,' on top of it. Then there's the fact that that's usually the hand people use to clean up when in the bathroom, sooo.
*raises left hand covered in pencil smudges*

also COLLEGE DESKS. i actually got so used to right-handed ones that i can't use a left handed one anymore! what i do is i put my knee up and use that as a sort of "desk", resting my notebook there, and then i use the actual desk part to put my phone, water, pencil case, etc etc. so if i'm in a left handed desk, i can't put my leg up in the right way and i run out of room on the desk!!

on cultural differences: YUP. i've gotten in trouble so many times because i'll accidentally start eating with my left hand, and people get so shocked and offended because that's the "dirty" hand.
also there's the idea of the left being sort of sneaky and underhanded - like, "the right hand doesn't know what the left is doing" and even sometimes having a "Left-hand Man" do the dirty work for a politician (in contrast with the upstanding, trustworthy, "Right-hand Man" who helps in a more proper, official context).
*raises left hand covered in pencil smudges*

also COLLEGE DESKS. i actually got so used to right-handed ones that i can't use a left handed one anymore! what i do is i put my knee up and use that as a sort of "desk", resting my notebook there, and then i use the actual desk part to put my phone, water, pencil case, etc etc. so if i'm in a left handed desk, i can't put my leg up in the right way and i run out of room on the desk!!

on cultural differences: YUP. i've gotten in trouble so many times because i'll accidentally start eating with my left hand, and people get so shocked and offended because that's the "dirty" hand.
also there's the idea of the left being sort of sneaky and underhanded - like, "the right hand doesn't know what the left is doing" and even sometimes having a "Left-hand Man" do the dirty work for a politician (in contrast with the upstanding, trustworthy, "Right-hand Man" who helps in a more proper, official context).
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dont forget to eat sleep
stretch take meds and HYDRATE!! ^^
Jenna | 27 | FR+3
FR Tumblr
Nope, I'm right handed when it comes to that :P
Nope, I'm right handed when it comes to that :P
Left-hander here! :D My handwriting looks like chicken scrawl. Glad to see there's so many of us here. c:
Left-hander here! :D My handwriting looks like chicken scrawl. Glad to see there's so many of us here. c:
