

Tell stories and roleplay in the world of Flight Rising.
TOPIC | Dark Times Arising (Open!)
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((I'm also back!! the convention went okay, there was a bit of drama between my brother and i but other than that i made new friends and got some cute fluffy alpacas adn keychains and junk!!))

As the rumbling began to shake the ground below, Myca had just enough time to fly up to miss the elk stampede, taking a deep breath as he held his hand to his chest. Though he heard a loud screech recently he had to make sure that he himself was okay. Myca soon enough flew up to try to find the source of the terrible screech, crossing his fingers it wasn't a friend of his that was also out and about doing their scavenge for winter foods.

Pausing and slowly shrinking down when he realized that the two were both autonomous, he tried to lay low in the bare branches of large trees, pursing his lips as he steadied his breathing. He had bandages and herbs that help with open wounds. Maybe he could pull off autonomous? I mean, he WAS born there.

Clutching his bag, Myca flew dangerously close to them, bringing out a large bandage made of some type of familiar's fur, along with a few of the herbs that would help with the scratches and any open wounds that the other had gotten. "Is.... Is she alright?" He spoke up, not loud at all though. Even if he was sided with the autonomous he'd be the same shy dragon he is today.

((I'm also back!! the convention went okay, there was a bit of drama between my brother and i but other than that i made new friends and got some cute fluffy alpacas adn keychains and junk!!))

As the rumbling began to shake the ground below, Myca had just enough time to fly up to miss the elk stampede, taking a deep breath as he held his hand to his chest. Though he heard a loud screech recently he had to make sure that he himself was okay. Myca soon enough flew up to try to find the source of the terrible screech, crossing his fingers it wasn't a friend of his that was also out and about doing their scavenge for winter foods.

Pausing and slowly shrinking down when he realized that the two were both autonomous, he tried to lay low in the bare branches of large trees, pursing his lips as he steadied his breathing. He had bandages and herbs that help with open wounds. Maybe he could pull off autonomous? I mean, he WAS born there.

Clutching his bag, Myca flew dangerously close to them, bringing out a large bandage made of some type of familiar's fur, along with a few of the herbs that would help with the scratches and any open wounds that the other had gotten. "Is.... Is she alright?" He spoke up, not loud at all though. Even if he was sided with the autonomous he'd be the same shy dragon he is today.
One with the Arcanist
@Caelia((sorry, an error in my reading))
@Caelia((sorry, an error in my reading))
Online or I may be offline, I'm like schroedingers cat, I am both, until I make a post. But I am 0 hours ahead of server time, sooo, make an educated guess.
for you 2048 fans here is a FR 2048:
@thegodsnake ((That's alright :P happens.))

Lexie would jump upon hearing the voice of the male, pouncing up onto the low branch of the tree she was hiding behind, almost like a startled cat. She would look around for the source of the voice, laying her eyes on the pink-haired spiral, letting out a slight sigh as she realizes he's here to help.

She would jump down from the branch, sliding along the tree so she is hidden behind it from the both of them before replying. ''I don't...know. I'' She would mutter quietly, her eyes shifting between the guy and the girl constantly, watching their movements closely.
@thegodsnake ((That's alright :P happens.))

Lexie would jump upon hearing the voice of the male, pouncing up onto the low branch of the tree she was hiding behind, almost like a startled cat. She would look around for the source of the voice, laying her eyes on the pink-haired spiral, letting out a slight sigh as she realizes he's here to help.

She would jump down from the branch, sliding along the tree so she is hidden behind it from the both of them before replying. ''I don't...know. I'' She would mutter quietly, her eyes shifting between the guy and the girl constantly, watching their movements closely.
((what flight are we in? Also, I was thinking about intoducing Borelus at the Autonomous camp; say its in a string of abandoned caves? Also, do we have any leaders? Like an autonomous leader and a faith keeper leader? Should we have them as NPCs?

Also, @galaxyowl glad to have you back, and glad you had fun! Was the convention dragoncon, by any chance?))
((what flight are we in? Also, I was thinking about intoducing Borelus at the Autonomous camp; say its in a string of abandoned caves? Also, do we have any leaders? Like an autonomous leader and a faith keeper leader? Should we have them as NPCs?

Also, @galaxyowl glad to have you back, and glad you had fun! Was the convention dragoncon, by any chance?))
@GiftofArtemis ((It wasn't dragoncon, i wish though!!! It was Saboten con, here in AZ. As for leaders I would except them to be NPCs or very light side characters. I was actually going to ask if you wanted to make one of the leaders since I know you from other RPs and stuff and I can tell you can take responsibility with that stuff!! I'm sure Faith Keepers would have something like a high priest or something along the lines or something about 'the dragon whom has seen the all" etc etc. as for the flight at the moment I'm sure they're in a part of some nature flight or earth.))
@GiftofArtemis ((It wasn't dragoncon, i wish though!!! It was Saboten con, here in AZ. As for leaders I would except them to be NPCs or very light side characters. I was actually going to ask if you wanted to make one of the leaders since I know you from other RPs and stuff and I can tell you can take responsibility with that stuff!! I'm sure Faith Keepers would have something like a high priest or something along the lines or something about 'the dragon whom has seen the all" etc etc. as for the flight at the moment I'm sure they're in a part of some nature flight or earth.))
One with the Arcanist

The rest of the herd vanish into the darkness, leaving Onyx with the slowly dying elk before her. She raises her claws to finish it, when the sudden murmur of voices reaches her ears. She glances to the right, her red eyes gleaming as she peers through the sparse trees. Onyx twitches, eager to see the commotion. Curiosity gets the better of her, and she slowly rises to flutter over, giving her meal a rueful look.
Arriving at the scene, Onyx curls silently around a tree and assesses the situation.
Hmm... three Autonomous, by the looks of it... I wonder what they're up to... She ponders, staring intently at the two figures loitering around another worriedly.
Isn't that the Mirror...? Her eyes flare with recognition, and an involuntary growl erupts from her throat, hopefully too low for the figures to hear. Her eyes narrow as she glares at the Mirror, unwilling to forgive them for startling the herd of elk. Hunkering against the dark bark, she watches one of the Autonomous pull out bandages and herbs.
Was one of them hurt? By what, the stampede? Onyx frowns, and leans slightly off of the tree to get a better look at the scene.

The rest of the herd vanish into the darkness, leaving Onyx with the slowly dying elk before her. She raises her claws to finish it, when the sudden murmur of voices reaches her ears. She glances to the right, her red eyes gleaming as she peers through the sparse trees. Onyx twitches, eager to see the commotion. Curiosity gets the better of her, and she slowly rises to flutter over, giving her meal a rueful look.
Arriving at the scene, Onyx curls silently around a tree and assesses the situation.
Hmm... three Autonomous, by the looks of it... I wonder what they're up to... She ponders, staring intently at the two figures loitering around another worriedly.
Isn't that the Mirror...? Her eyes flare with recognition, and an involuntary growl erupts from her throat, hopefully too low for the figures to hear. Her eyes narrow as she glares at the Mirror, unwilling to forgive them for startling the herd of elk. Hunkering against the dark bark, she watches one of the Autonomous pull out bandages and herbs.
Was one of them hurt? By what, the stampede? Onyx frowns, and leans slightly off of the tree to get a better look at the scene.
((Sorry guys I was sleeping haha. I think I got everything but if something needs changing let me know.))

Before Jas knew what was happening, she was being lifted off her feet and dragged through the air, out of the way of the stampeding elk. Having no idea what was going on, she let lose another inhuman screech, swinging her legs and arms wildly as she tried to free herself of her abductor. And as suddenly as she was picked up she was dropped; Jas only just had enough time to twist herself around so that she may tumble awkwardly when she hit the floor. Getting a face full of sand was never fun, and now Jas was really angry. Gathering herself, Jas stood up and glowered in the direction of her abductor, body poised to launch an attack.

Before she did however, she noticed that the stampede of elk had since passed by and were no longer chasing her. She stood there, somewhat dumbfounded for a moment, before realising that maybe she wasn't being abducted, but rather rescued...? She was panicked and not thinking straight. Soon logic took control and Jas stood straight, turning away from her rescuer with an 'hmph' before attempting to tame her now tangled hair. They might have saved her but Jas was still too irritable to thank them properly.

Once finished with her hair Jas inspected her body for any injuries. Luckily, nothing serious - a few scrapes and bruises, but nothing that wouldn't heal. She winced at a particularly nasty graze on her arm; it was bleeding a little, but shouldn't be too bad if she bandaged it up. That was when she noticed the pink haired spiral standing beside her, offering a scrap of familiar for a bandage. She jumped back, pointing and waving aggressively in his direction. 'Oh hell no. ' She growls. 'I'm not accepting your charity! No way!' As she spoke, her tail slashed back and forth, snapping down any small plants that got in its way.
((Sorry guys I was sleeping haha. I think I got everything but if something needs changing let me know.))

Before Jas knew what was happening, she was being lifted off her feet and dragged through the air, out of the way of the stampeding elk. Having no idea what was going on, she let lose another inhuman screech, swinging her legs and arms wildly as she tried to free herself of her abductor. And as suddenly as she was picked up she was dropped; Jas only just had enough time to twist herself around so that she may tumble awkwardly when she hit the floor. Getting a face full of sand was never fun, and now Jas was really angry. Gathering herself, Jas stood up and glowered in the direction of her abductor, body poised to launch an attack.

Before she did however, she noticed that the stampede of elk had since passed by and were no longer chasing her. She stood there, somewhat dumbfounded for a moment, before realising that maybe she wasn't being abducted, but rather rescued...? She was panicked and not thinking straight. Soon logic took control and Jas stood straight, turning away from her rescuer with an 'hmph' before attempting to tame her now tangled hair. They might have saved her but Jas was still too irritable to thank them properly.

Once finished with her hair Jas inspected her body for any injuries. Luckily, nothing serious - a few scrapes and bruises, but nothing that wouldn't heal. She winced at a particularly nasty graze on her arm; it was bleeding a little, but shouldn't be too bad if she bandaged it up. That was when she noticed the pink haired spiral standing beside her, offering a scrap of familiar for a bandage. She jumped back, pointing and waving aggressively in his direction. 'Oh hell no. ' She growls. 'I'm not accepting your charity! No way!' As she spoke, her tail slashed back and forth, snapping down any small plants that got in its way.

Well this is getting fun. Khlar thought as the spiral jumped up and started freaking out. Surprised none of them had seen him yet, he felt content to watch until someone was actually going to get hurt. After all, none of them seemed violent, yet. Allowing small arcs of electricity to jump around in his hands, Khlar hoped none of the dragons below had good enough hearing to hear the small sounds that his magic was making. Suddenly, he saw movement out of the corner of his eye. Looks like another one has joined the fray. upon closer inspevtion, he saw red crystals on one of the more charred trees. Apparently, im not the only one content with watching the show. why dont we have some fun. Quietly flying up, he landed lightly behind the black spiral watching the group. "Having fun?" he whispered

Well this is getting fun. Khlar thought as the spiral jumped up and started freaking out. Surprised none of them had seen him yet, he felt content to watch until someone was actually going to get hurt. After all, none of them seemed violent, yet. Allowing small arcs of electricity to jump around in his hands, Khlar hoped none of the dragons below had good enough hearing to hear the small sounds that his magic was making. Suddenly, he saw movement out of the corner of his eye. Looks like another one has joined the fray. upon closer inspevtion, he saw red crystals on one of the more charred trees. Apparently, im not the only one content with watching the show. why dont we have some fun. Quietly flying up, he landed lightly behind the black spiral watching the group. "Having fun?" he whispered
Online or I may be offline, I'm like schroedingers cat, I am both, until I make a post. But I am 0 hours ahead of server time, sooo, make an educated guess.
for you 2048 fans here is a FR 2048:

Onyx snickers at the scene, as the Spiral who was saved leaps up at barks at her 'saviours'. She doesn't appear to be severely wounded, and certainly doesn't seem to appreciate the help being offered to her.
"Silly girl," Onyx mutters, shaking her head slightly. "Take advantage of their supposed good natures... Although, what Autonomous has a good nature..." Onyx tails off, scrutinizing the three figures more closely.
A slight breeze washes over her, stirring the bare spindly branches of the surrounding trees, and the red and black feathers hanging off Onyx's headdress. She gives shoulders a small shrug, as the soft feathers tickle her neck. She pays the sudden gust no attention, until a hush voice sounds in her ear.
Onyx flinches, startled at the sudden appearance of another Autonomous. She quickly shakes off her surprise, and attempts to hide her uncertainty.
"I am, actually," She replies, her voice just barely audible as she turns slightly to face the Spiral behind her. "I'm hoping the girl will attempt to cause a fight... otherwise I just wasted a good meal for nothing." She adds this with a slight annoyed tone, then turns her red eyed gaze back onto the three figures.

Onyx snickers at the scene, as the Spiral who was saved leaps up at barks at her 'saviours'. She doesn't appear to be severely wounded, and certainly doesn't seem to appreciate the help being offered to her.
"Silly girl," Onyx mutters, shaking her head slightly. "Take advantage of their supposed good natures... Although, what Autonomous has a good nature..." Onyx tails off, scrutinizing the three figures more closely.
A slight breeze washes over her, stirring the bare spindly branches of the surrounding trees, and the red and black feathers hanging off Onyx's headdress. She gives shoulders a small shrug, as the soft feathers tickle her neck. She pays the sudden gust no attention, until a hush voice sounds in her ear.
Onyx flinches, startled at the sudden appearance of another Autonomous. She quickly shakes off her surprise, and attempts to hide her uncertainty.
"I am, actually," She replies, her voice just barely audible as she turns slightly to face the Spiral behind her. "I'm hoping the girl will attempt to cause a fight... otherwise I just wasted a good meal for nothing." She adds this with a slight annoyed tone, then turns her red eyed gaze back onto the three figures.

Lexie would stand there frozen as the girl shouted at the pink-haired boy. Unsure of what to do in this situation she would stay behind the tree, in her safe spot. Her shoulders would be hunched as she leans her stomach against the bark, peering out from behind the thick tree trunk. Her wings would be mostly wrapped around her as she watches the other two, wondering if she could possibly sneak away without being noticed to avoid any trouble. However not wanting to risk it she would stay put, just watching the two in silence, unaware of the other dragons watching the scene.

Lexie would stand there frozen as the girl shouted at the pink-haired boy. Unsure of what to do in this situation she would stay behind the tree, in her safe spot. Her shoulders would be hunched as she leans her stomach against the bark, peering out from behind the thick tree trunk. Her wings would be mostly wrapped around her as she watches the other two, wondering if she could possibly sneak away without being noticed to avoid any trouble. However not wanting to risk it she would stay put, just watching the two in silence, unaware of the other dragons watching the scene.
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