
Raffles & Giveaways

Share your raffles and giveaways with the Flight Rising community.
TOPIC | [PLAGUE] - OOF Boarding

I sent your dragons back via PA just now (I completely spaced it after rollover because brain dead lol)

I sent your dragons back via PA just now (I completely spaced it after rollover because brain dead lol)
she/her | FR + 3

Ice Flight

Sending your boarded dragons back via PA :)
Sending your boarded dragons back via PA :)
85942727.pngbvQdpRl.pngSnowsquall Coli Services - training & farming services
@Jadeemperor - Thank you kindly! x3 I appreciate you boarding them for me at all!
@Jadeemperor - Thank you kindly! x3 I appreciate you boarding them for me at all!
@WolfTrickster Finally woke up haha, sending your way! Slowly releasing all boarded fodder back to levelers (had familiars on them for extra yummy pinecones last week lol), good luck pushing cousins! [emoji=nature rune size=1] [emoji=plague rune size=1]

Finally woke up haha, sending your way!

Slowly releasing all boarded fodder back to levelers (had familiars on them for extra yummy pinecones last week lol), good luck pushing cousins!

Missed the pick up window since I've been occupied all day but you can take your time picking them up.
I've boarded 40 for you and will be returning 13 at a time since that's all the lair space I have. I hope that's ok.

Missed the pick up window since I've been occupied all day but you can take your time picking them up.
I've boarded 40 for you and will be returning 13 at a time since that's all the lair space I have. I hope that's ok.
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Gem Exchange
nlo04k0.png LF We're in Love
@AnalogClocks @turquai
Your dragons will be sent after 0200 FR if the other boarders grab theirs before then. Sorry about the late hour! (Night shift vibes)
@AnalogClocks @turquai
Your dragons will be sent after 0200 FR if the other boarders grab theirs before then. Sorry about the late hour! (Night shift vibes)
It/Its (Astralgender flag)
Gc8XK3m.png Greyhound in Water snorkeling gear

I almost forgot >< but just sent the rest of the fodders! It should be the rest of the 20 out of the 39 you sent, to which I sent 19 earlier today!

I almost forgot >< but just sent the rest of the fodders! It should be the rest of the 20 out of the 39 you sent, to which I sent 19 earlier today!
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UaR00vq.png Z9Akfys.png
[center]@Asterodea that's all of them! thank you again for boarding! [emoji=heart size=1][/center]
that's all of them! thank you again for boarding!
88b34834ce044292bf26d2621f3b36732deb16f9.pngplague_banner.pngA drawing of the Hellwell Undercroft captioned with 'Lvl 25 Raffle'.plague_banner.pnga26de48a2b4e6f0b0e548728d630754f4665de51.png
@felinekind sending your boarders back to you now! they'll be arriving in batches of 10 due to lair space struggles :')
@felinekind sending your boarders back to you now! they'll be arriving in batches of 10 due to lair space struggles :')
An adorable doodle of a Slowpoke (the Pokemon).
@Crowparts @Noonalt @Violentviolet77

Thank you for picking up all of your dragons and I hope you have a good push week! If you wouldn't mind making the dragons as returned, it would be most appreciated!

Thank you!
@Crowparts @Noonalt @Violentviolet77

Thank you for picking up all of your dragons and I hope you have a good push week! If you wouldn't mind making the dragons as returned, it would be most appreciated!

Thank you!