
Raffles & Giveaways

Share your raffles and giveaways with the Flight Rising community.
[center][size=7]CLOSED[/size] [item=Eternal Snow][item=Eternal Snow] [size=5]I am giving away one full stack of Eternal Snows to [b]two people[/b]![/size] [/center] You can participate in the raffle by [b]commenting on this thread[/b]! Everyone will get just one ticket, no matter how many times you comment. You don't need to ping me at all, I am subscribed. I will pick two winners by using a random generator and they will be picked (and pinged here!) on [b]Saturday, a few minutes after 12 FRT[/b]. That way you still have plenty of time before the end of the festival! You have until Saturday February 1st, 11:59:59 to enter. I will edit this post with big "Closed" signs when the raffle has ended! Good luck everyone! [center][item=Eternal Snow][item=Eternal Snow] I try to do a raffle like this every fest and if you'd like to be pinged once a month for a free raffle just like this, subscribe to the pinglist below! I still use my OG mass-pinglist, but I'm not adding new people to it. [pinglist=14015][/center]

Eternal Snow Eternal Snow

I am giving away one full stack of Eternal Snows to two people!

You can participate in the raffle by commenting on this thread! Everyone will get just one ticket, no matter how many times you comment. You don't need to ping me at all, I am subscribed. I will pick two winners by using a random generator and they will be picked (and pinged here!) on Saturday, a few minutes after 12 FRT. That way you still have plenty of time before the end of the festival!

You have until Saturday February 1st, 11:59:59 to enter. I will edit this post with big "Closed" signs when the raffle has ended!

Good luck everyone!
Eternal Snow Eternal Snow

I try to do a raffle like this every fest and if you'd like to be pinged once a month for a free raffle just like this, subscribe to the pinglist below! I still use my OG mass-pinglist, but I'm not adding new people to it.

@Yews they/them
My favourite dragon
Arcane Battlestone Bank
Arcane Food Bank
01110111 01101000 01111001 00100000 01100001 01110010 01100101 00100000 01111001 01101111 01110101 00100000 01110100 01110010 01100001 01101110 01110011 01101100 01100001 01110100 01101001 01101110 01100111 00100000 01110100 01101000 01101001 01110011 00100000 01111001 01101111 01110101 00100000 01100100 01100001 01101101 01101110 00100000 01110111 01100001 01101100 01101110 01110101 01110100
ssecretssFRT +10
@cvthedral @BeckAlistiere @NostalgicBreeze @lapras131 @Nepkitty @VolcanicThunder @DogeDog101 @BJsBabes @prettykitty426 @Xoanon @Hellnokitty @TooMoistForYou @fredddio @LilliesAndRoses @BunnySox @Serenefire @Scholarr @BiscuitTheDog @aurallene @jia1303 @Cloneraid @Raxty @User9125 @Xolrit @DisasterGoober @LissaJo @Fean @Meowdle @Gaezri @COparade @CrystalChrissy @StoryBookWonder @CorvidKnight @SeaGodling @ZeLeGenD @jbapple @2ndstr @Duskphoenix @Sp8ce @ShadowHaven44 @Asteraxeae @twinanthidium @chasmcrawlers @madeleinee @Fennecfox21 @wetdog15 @Casilica @Altani20 @Starbunnies @momo1013 @kerealknockoff @SpiritX @arlyn @AwkwardTrash @CheshireGata @lionsaint @SnacMeister @Lycoriae @snax @Becky @BreezeFeather @doctorvar @Dinomatika @iconerfatty @nymphfae @TouchTone @ProvokeOutrage @MinnowFox @Stolen @Herodias @Dragonraven21 @Myndris @starrunner101 @Sequel @ShadowsInTheMist @Silvershadow666 @Aerii @MythDancer @glittercorns @Aviv @Vernor @SapphireFire @CosmicVengeance @ArtemisHalfMoon @PringleSnake @kakyolk @CattAttack @Karacal @Moonflower247 @deztora @craftbaobao2 @PocketPotato @Hiii @LynxSideris @Screenmaster @jellyfishpengu @JulyAphelion @BlackStarfire @Sairine @samc18 @MoonCookies @dappledfire @TheFatRabbit @AStrangeBeing @Cassofish @PlayourThree @Cactisays @Kiranagi @TaTsIna @aeons @FinalFlight @Lundlaeva @SpearTheDemon @BFD666 @nonlineardogtime @mix @Marcii08 @DamnStormCloaks @ThornsofaRose @Kristan @WickedPixie @AWB @dragonfrosts @DracoLunae @4nd1000p @Bashett @sprucetea @ElectroWings @honour @Killer333 @softimp @PurelyFloof @PurpleHusky @jaywalker @WolfTrickster @Lansly @SpiritFlower @xxDoxxie @imceorary @cyborg @Evelyan @Sofia007 @mrflimflam @AMothWithAnxiety @Empedocles @Rainbowlight @theobear @TinkaDreamChaser @CrystallizedMoon @ScripturamRuby @ShinigamiGrimm @Crystalitar @FaerieQueene @DietKeigo @Dwarfcichlidlvr @AttilaThePun @queenhelixxia @doremy @BapeTheFish @Aquellla @VovaTheBoss @SunstonePhoenix @TheULTIMATEfluff @NoctisNix @Zephire @kellers @Pertexus @8ooks @Ravera @KatXD @Akiron @BloodQueen @DewFeather @Unihalvaus @Wingzoffirefan @Gravitate @Gummyy @MoonDragon @Eondru @ApocalypseNyx @peachysk8ter @Meowruff @morrigne @Galactina @Apollis @snailwithatophat @SariStar @Minervals @furo @minervamaga @SamDeHam @WolfyKnutz @empanada @geographeuse @Zikitty @LeeLeeIsHere @Mythariah @Poki09 @Firedragona @Agreas @Ceresvoid @Candycat914 @St0rmbringer @EnigmaInSpace @Doozie @BardicAnor @WolfieSenpai @AlexRobins @LouckyKoneko @chuchus900 @Ithelweex @rattovo @Yinny @ScarceRefuge @Astareai @Viixxen @Ceylenium @xxHenry1025xx @Maltose @anitarose @Arkrider410 @Kothra @Kuroikumo @FireflyFields @Vivichopper11 @ArtisticDream @CoyoteGum @Camwyn @T0x1N @Twilightshine @Manika @vortexbreakdown @honeydragons @P03 @beBlueberry @Kaminome @Tealest @GentleGentoo @KymoLadyofStorms @sleepyrat @SaintAubbie @QuillAndInk @xMidnightMuse @frogfrog @Zebrask @Interstellar6 @SairentoTsuki @Magmish @telepathetical @Northforest5 @SixSkiesSick @lamsweete @NannaLi @Quixilver @moomoopatt @JustAnotherFan @Flyingbooks42 @Schellis @PixelSaiyuri @JellyNova @Megafauna @cloudyblossom @N3o3k20 @VermilionVasili @overtherebear @DragonInferno @ZoranaDragon @MizuchiWolf @KaseyStar @obcordata @ModusMortis @Yomiya @belated @Phoenyx42 @AncientPhoenix @Rarecreature @Newtinmpls @VonSeckendorff @Regxlia @SerendipityShine @corvuscall @QuartzRose @hibikiga @VoidDeluz @Noel1 @sootish @sadsapling22 @Sahariel @NyAara @tidefall @CrimsonVulture @cyx @rosescrowned @caelafireheart @thealmightyZIM @kasarian @RanchBerryCrunch @SilverM1dn1ght @Zosia @HuntressHun @AcceptableTarget @Jenshy @XxCalypsoxX @Mirna @ReptilianGold @aFrog @Falkenstern25 @Frostyberry9 @UnknownPhoen1x @Healoe @DrayMalfoy @Ghostpheonix5 @Marauder23 @coffeecat456 @moonzi @Self

@Yews' Free Festival Raffle

Happy new year everyone!! It’s fest time again! I hope the new year has started well for all of you, mine has been a bit of a rollercoaster, but at least January is almost over now lol. Good luck in the raffle!


You have been pinged for my monthly festival currency raffle! If you want to be removed from the old pinglist, just tell me in a comment here, comment on my clan profile or PM me ^^ I will be using them simultaneously.
@cvthedral @BeckAlistiere @NostalgicBreeze @lapras131 @Nepkitty @VolcanicThunder @DogeDog101 @BJsBabes @prettykitty426 @Xoanon @Hellnokitty @TooMoistForYou @fredddio @LilliesAndRoses @BunnySox @Serenefire @Scholarr @BiscuitTheDog @aurallene @jia1303 @Cloneraid @Raxty @User9125 @Xolrit @DisasterGoober @LissaJo @Fean @Meowdle @Gaezri @COparade @CrystalChrissy @StoryBookWonder @CorvidKnight @SeaGodling @ZeLeGenD @jbapple @2ndstr @Duskphoenix @Sp8ce @ShadowHaven44 @Asteraxeae @twinanthidium @chasmcrawlers @madeleinee @Fennecfox21 @wetdog15 @Casilica @Altani20 @Starbunnies @momo1013 @kerealknockoff @SpiritX @arlyn @AwkwardTrash @CheshireGata @lionsaint @SnacMeister @Lycoriae @snax @Becky @BreezeFeather @doctorvar @Dinomatika @iconerfatty @nymphfae @TouchTone @ProvokeOutrage @MinnowFox @Stolen @Herodias @Dragonraven21 @Myndris @starrunner101 @Sequel @ShadowsInTheMist @Silvershadow666 @Aerii @MythDancer @glittercorns @Aviv @Vernor @SapphireFire @CosmicVengeance @ArtemisHalfMoon @PringleSnake @kakyolk @CattAttack @Karacal @Moonflower247 @deztora @craftbaobao2 @PocketPotato @Hiii @LynxSideris @Screenmaster @jellyfishpengu @JulyAphelion @BlackStarfire @Sairine @samc18 @MoonCookies @dappledfire @TheFatRabbit @AStrangeBeing @Cassofish @PlayourThree @Cactisays @Kiranagi @TaTsIna @aeons @FinalFlight @Lundlaeva @SpearTheDemon @BFD666 @nonlineardogtime @mix @Marcii08 @DamnStormCloaks @ThornsofaRose @Kristan @WickedPixie @AWB @dragonfrosts @DracoLunae @4nd1000p @Bashett @sprucetea @ElectroWings @honour @Killer333 @softimp @PurelyFloof @PurpleHusky @jaywalker @WolfTrickster @Lansly @SpiritFlower @xxDoxxie @imceorary @cyborg @Evelyan @Sofia007 @mrflimflam @AMothWithAnxiety @Empedocles @Rainbowlight @theobear @TinkaDreamChaser @CrystallizedMoon @ScripturamRuby @ShinigamiGrimm @Crystalitar @FaerieQueene @DietKeigo @Dwarfcichlidlvr @AttilaThePun @queenhelixxia @doremy @BapeTheFish @Aquellla @VovaTheBoss @SunstonePhoenix @TheULTIMATEfluff @NoctisNix @Zephire @kellers @Pertexus @8ooks @Ravera @KatXD @Akiron @BloodQueen @DewFeather @Unihalvaus @Wingzoffirefan @Gravitate @Gummyy @MoonDragon @Eondru @ApocalypseNyx @peachysk8ter @Meowruff @morrigne @Galactina @Apollis @snailwithatophat @SariStar @Minervals @furo @minervamaga @SamDeHam @WolfyKnutz @empanada @geographeuse @Zikitty @LeeLeeIsHere @Mythariah @Poki09 @Firedragona @Agreas @Ceresvoid @Candycat914 @St0rmbringer @EnigmaInSpace @Doozie @BardicAnor @WolfieSenpai @AlexRobins @LouckyKoneko @chuchus900 @Ithelweex @rattovo @Yinny @ScarceRefuge @Astareai @Viixxen @Ceylenium @xxHenry1025xx @Maltose @anitarose @Arkrider410 @Kothra @Kuroikumo @FireflyFields @Vivichopper11 @ArtisticDream @CoyoteGum @Camwyn @T0x1N @Twilightshine @Manika @vortexbreakdown @honeydragons @P03 @beBlueberry @Kaminome @Tealest @GentleGentoo @KymoLadyofStorms @sleepyrat @SaintAubbie @QuillAndInk @xMidnightMuse @frogfrog @Zebrask @Interstellar6 @SairentoTsuki @Magmish @telepathetical @Northforest5 @SixSkiesSick @lamsweete @NannaLi @Quixilver @moomoopatt @JustAnotherFan @Flyingbooks42 @Schellis @PixelSaiyuri @JellyNova @Megafauna @cloudyblossom @N3o3k20 @VermilionVasili @overtherebear @DragonInferno @ZoranaDragon @MizuchiWolf @KaseyStar @obcordata @ModusMortis @Yomiya @belated @Phoenyx42 @AncientPhoenix @Rarecreature @Newtinmpls @VonSeckendorff @Regxlia @SerendipityShine @corvuscall @QuartzRose @hibikiga @VoidDeluz @Noel1 @sootish @sadsapling22 @Sahariel @NyAara @tidefall @CrimsonVulture @cyx @rosescrowned @caelafireheart @thealmightyZIM @kasarian @RanchBerryCrunch @SilverM1dn1ght @Zosia @HuntressHun @AcceptableTarget @Jenshy @XxCalypsoxX @Mirna @ReptilianGold @aFrog @Falkenstern25 @Frostyberry9 @UnknownPhoen1x @Healoe @DrayMalfoy @Ghostpheonix5 @Marauder23 @coffeecat456 @moonzi @Self

@Yews' Free Festival Raffle

Happy new year everyone!! It’s fest time again! I hope the new year has started well for all of you, mine has been a bit of a rollercoaster, but at least January is almost over now lol. Good luck in the raffle!


You have been pinged for my monthly festival currency raffle! If you want to be removed from the old pinglist, just tell me in a comment here, comment on my clan profile or PM me ^^ I will be using them simultaneously.
@Yews they/them
My favourite dragon
Arcane Battlestone Bank
Arcane Food Bank
01110111 01101000 01111001 00100000 01100001 01110010 01100101 00100000 01111001 01101111 01110101 00100000 01110100 01110010 01100001 01101110 01110011 01101100 01100001 01110100 01101001 01101110 01100111 00100000 01110100 01101000 01101001 01110011 00100000 01111001 01101111 01110101 00100000 01100100 01100001 01101101 01101110 00100000 01110111 01100001 01101100 01101110 01110101 01110100
ssecretssFRT +10
Happy new year to you too! I would love to join ^^
Happy new year to you too! I would love to join ^^
I'd love to join!
I'd love to join!
*The Book Nook Hatchery
*JustBlackTea's Rescues
*JustBlackTea's Project Tracker

I'd like to enter please
I'd like to enter please
Happy New Year, happy Lunar New Year, and happy Gala! I'd like to enter please!
Happy New Year, happy Lunar New Year, and happy Gala! I'd like to enter please!
happy new years!!! id love to enter
happy new years!!! id love to enter
I’d love to join! :D
I’d love to join! :D
Happy new year, joining!
Happy new year, joining!
Dainty Wavehopper Furry Fiddle LW1L2V3.png Muckbottom Catfish Vivid Wavehopper
Happy New Year! I would like to enter!
Happy New Year! I would like to enter!